i p vl O P O S A t S A D V E R T I S EM E NTS. ! Fbr printing By Subscription 1 Is the P R E $ S, ArJ next Week will be PUBLISHED, U N cxaa ABRIDGMENT of, all tACTSof k'nr.T-iinr v f li!c -Sfatft. m horde and Uie. a nh The ACTS of the laft Se held at TSev)bem m (lion -4 Mr. Pin'KNEY, who was appointed State in April laft, being dead, and State s beins-aDie to gee mcu ;nrnrmc tlm Public, that he has Work, anil will difpatch them to -thfc foon as poll i ble. of Affejnbly, r7 laft. Printer to this no Profpea of the (printed, Mr. Davis undertaken this neceflary feveral Counties as bciicill digefted, ; down to the Time jof pubhftiing th, 1500K. .... Wogewer -wiio l exaa Table, Marginal Notes and Refoerices, hewin he Time of paffingWrparticular Lavfaj aid-the Chap, LIST cf LETTERS remaining in the POST-OFFICE, -I APT. Stephen SiirnpfLa, I fetter, re ceived 6th Ap"I "ft. m " - - i - - - 1 Mr. James Ferebee, Mr. John Ethrrrge, Col. William Davis, Mr. John Houfe, Mr. Lemuel Cavath, Hannah. Bran, to .care of Mr. John Bryan Cape. Cornelius AnniOJe, Capt. Thomas Kill, . CDt. Francti Hodef -n, Capt. Wpliam Bigtlcw, - Mr. John Harris, Swift's Mrs. Eighth Dawfon, William CWaaay', Efq; Mr. Jofeph Hauy, Th? tzt( r.j to wh m tb'fr letters arc pafen cn their behalf) a:e defued to pay Creels, i do. " nth May., l do." j . 9th June 1 do. x6th June. 1 do. 7th July. 3 do. 4, 11, 18 Aug. 1 da. . 23d Auguft. 1 do. I 23d do. 1 do. 1 it Sept. 1 do. ' do. 1 do. ' 8th do. 1 do. 15th da. 1 do. 1 22d do. 1 do. do. 1 do. do. I do. ; 29th do. I do.: do. . directed (or any ether the poltage; and take . r 1 i" 1. . j n 1 ' ' rJ r'rJ. c7n rhcm Uofactr and reqai.e wl ich every Article pt Lite jis now rilen lis cpniiaered, ne iV'V .A.-.:. - n., 11 nnrthaUv frnt to iLc i-h- Punlic will not' thirikf three JJoUars !.- A vw 1 1 i 1 to Le anferi by roil again, :vhich ttull be punctually fent to . - ; 1 ii 1 any roli-cfiice in the unirca uaics, oy R. COqDELL, PoftmaUer. : ' BEAUFORT County, ""T"AIEN tip by the Subftribcr, the 1 - I NVoro Fallow ivho calls hirafdf S high, ahcut 45 Y.ci of Age, his upper has fsveral Guimj Ma.ks about his Body. rits l'rorertr, auu p-yxnu ,u-&-, In' Congress, Auguft 6,f 1777. HE COMMITTEE of ersj as printed at toge.in tie reviiedj Bpdy a . i this jijtate. - '. ; .. ! j CON D I T I O N S. ill he printed in1 lars:e O&avo on Pood American Paper, and a beautiful new Type.; j , ! Sd That it will contain about 50 Pages,' Jneatly bound, arid delivered to the Subfcribers. at three jDpllars each, one of Which Dollars to be paid at the Time pf fubfcnbing. -! U That the Work will be xnjt to Prefs as loon as 303 CiiMnhcr'c nnnmrr 'V I i - . . I'.. UULlWi&uwa TV , I To the PUBLIC. nn HE Uftfulheli of a! Work of this Sort muftlftrsibly I ftrike every rerlon the ieait convenani wnn iiunneis, asUm - alphabetical Digeft muit. fave the Trouble of ! turning bvfr a voluminous Folio, and prefent theKeader pith what helwants- to know at one View ; bends its ; being mors portable, and convenient fbrjUie. The Subfcinber there-. fore hopes tor tne isncouragement 01 inc 1 tma wu-denakino-, and affures them of iiis. beft Endeavours to make thri Performance uielui. When tne enormoust r:nce to Odder I, 1777. th o September laft, a rafdf SAM. 4 Feet 10 Inch s Teeth filed (harp, and . The Owner proving ave him again. CHARLES LEATU. TREASURY t ' v .. f J ...I.!, .L. R A TVT A fl CDC reD-Tt. 4 nac trev nave tcuicf .cu wii.11 u,c mnawijixn of the STATES LOTTERY, and find tfchr a cnfiderablc num. ber of tickets, remain unfId in the hands cf ihe managers, as well as of tneir sj-rnts in flatcof the lotterv, and the uncertainty cf the enemy' intentions, ' .1 '! n ' .1 .Ml .1 the ccmr.ift'e recommend tns drawing to dc poi:poneu mi tne Cih day cf Xti-cnler next ; and th3t a further quantity. of ticlcets be tranfiuev! to ihe feveral Aates, and thjat it be recommended to their rcfj ecli.e- executive poi.ers t j givt all the afliftance they can to c.xpjdirc th? files thereof. Rsilk'cd. That Cmnrefs concur with this report, and direct the Boaxd oi I ;cjfjry to c.it4-: t.ie ia;ne to ds carnea .into eircc. ' . 1 C-v '"i-3'.i the "Icurn.zis. . . WILLIAM C. HOtfS TQN, Dep. Sec. too high, not the Payment bf one of: them at the' Time of Sublcrip- tidn, unreafonable. :y.. . lj ! '"! ' - "'!' ; ;i-jc begs" Leave, as lie is bpw iollicitirg the FavQur- of the Public on another Publication, to return theni his moft nrirere Thanks for their great" icouragenjient 'to Ip formei" Labours, his Revifal of the! Laws, and Ojffic of a Juf tici, likving had a rapid Saley.;there beihut few bf them now left on Hand. As he isiiow detached from the Ser virp nf 'the Public as Printer to the State, in which honours able Service! he has laboured fPwenty Eight feafs, lie is quit? ,1 .. - ' , ,- .Jiitnl 1; : j .if ; -lii:i:fu .u- at tenure, ana lr propeny encuumcu,: Book with ill imaginable Lxpedition. . Subscriptions are taken in at the Printing Office Jn iWrvand Subfcription Papers will be lent to the feve-' rar Counties of the State, of which Public iNotice will be given in this Paper. . - - j i will publifh the 1ES I'D A VIS- io, 'Ill NEVt'BERN r. OMMlTTFD tn the r i-tlic gaci, thd 4:hof this mltant, a J r.c; n titn i.a:ua Wli.L, sbout 22 vea;s oi ae, about 5 fret 7 orXiLchcs hiyh,;L--ki card Emlijb, and his on a blue cloth jacket, jcrttifc-f breorht?, .i.d o.'r.aJiigs- trcafrrs. Hi fays he bon s i ysbu ii'ci.4'.'.:' v t r.rar (leorgetc ivit S'ub Carolina, , h j bcusht hia. about lufi Tchrtiftry irnnx y.bn Rice, on Roanoke. l.L CWT is ddircJ tu aiK f.-r hi.-, ar.d pa' chroes. Vi JOHN KliNNfiDY, Gac! ' 1 i . NEWBERN, 27,'i777. EUN away from Civw Spring, jiear N,iv&ern9 a Negro Fcl- loA- named SMART, very black, about 5 Feet 8 Inches high, well made, and very likely, fpeaks broken Engliih, but' very artful and infmuatirp. Ke is fuppofird to he lurking about SfecomFs Creek, with a Fellow belonging to Mr. 'Almond, and C n 1. t : . .1,,. ill.- Rff. C c TlAnfn Whoever brings the faid Slave to Green Spring aforefaid, ftall .r" . . r 1 i 1 inn TV t 1 f 1 n ' have -vr ?rjr Reward. jmco v 10. Lately piiblijhed, and to be old at thBrintingXOjjice in Newbern, , '-fihH E Office and Authority of a J U js 'lj I C E of th itafc !cs, 1 Churchwardens, Overfeers of Roasi land other :Oi5-.., ctr: . Together with Precedents cf Warrant? j Judgments, Ex- ' ecu 'lions', and other legal Procefc , iiTuable by Magiftatcs with- in .tneir leveral luntaictionsi in aies civil; ana 1 criminal. witn the Method of Judicial) Proceedings before Jul! ices of rli .Peace out -of Se'(5ons. I Alfo fonie Dir'l:onsfor their Con di; if within th?ir County Coasts. To whicli is addedah Ap-, peniix,;- containing many uieful Precedents, f -and Directions for the Execution of them. Coiiecled from the Ccrnmcn and Statute Laws of Enpland, and the Afts of AfiJemMy oir this Pro-: viride, and adapted to ourlConilitutxon and Braclice. ' r-t Air. . J r. tj j rj.L ' ' S11J3 IV UK JUIU til IIJC JUiU JJjitSt J j MANUAL EXERCISE,:as ord;ered by' the Britij Kin?in the Year 176I.' With the Manner of Priminsr nd Lrlsling, and thePoiition of each Rank in Firings. And. the TV4'rnnd of Derformincr .the Firinj-sl Evolutinrts. tsfr. a Re- views and Field Day?. To which is added, the Article, of Wa of the Continental Army. j , " , j r A HE A Where alfo may be had, i if r complete RE VISAL of the LAWS of this State, with t ht... r r. J fr.'i :" 1- Marihal Notes, References, and a copious Index. NEWBERN; Printed by JAMSS DAVIS.

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