- - . i ! - ' 1 October io, 1777. T H E r : -"- -:: .; Number $97 t - 4 : 1 0L7 GAZETTE. ... ... ... J . f ,; I - MOR TH-CAR j: , , j f ':- SIR, From the St. Jamb' . Chronicle! of April 17. To t H s P R I JN T K. With the lateft: ADVICES, .Foreign and Domestic; f r SEMPER PRO LIBERT ATE, ET BONO PUBLICO. . -i . . i- . - fA Into hir diftirift' States noW at i Wan and hit Maiefty has rivi cn your Lordjhip Power to . treat with us of fuch a Peace, j I may r.rTf-r fa I thftnoh without Authority, that I think al Trea ts, jaw j, "f " i , : 7" ti' , c . .;-, -Mn.iikn i fffprsl the tv for5 that Pumofe is not ouite impracticable, before we enter A" ' Tine when they were written, and the Rank and into foreign Alliance But I am' perfuaded, yoa have no fuch. U Reputation of the Writers, render them of much . Power; Your Nation thought, by punching thofe American Go-; ' W Importance to the Public, I defire you wUl give' verhoH who have . rokenced' the lrd, rebldi our binrnt X lhcm a Place in your next Paper, a id oblige,' Sir, Towns, ahd reparring,- as far as poiStfle,' the Mifchief done us, ' Your moft humble Servant, ! A. B.; fhe might : Trin - Edglet "Jute zo, l76 Share of our browing Commerce,, with all the advantages 1 T CANNOT, my wormy .rnena, .. perra wc imo ; f --V i tj "j ' " n j ; j j i Vir rj P-rcehwhilh I have fent you, in the Srarc I rcciivc4' them, to yetil khoW too weU hei1. abounding Pride, and deficient Wifdom TCtl . l, - , -1 . q.i .fthr in.' to helievet (he will ever take iAich ialuiarv Mealures. Her fbnd- be landed, vnitnout aaaing; a v uw kUj. ttpvw. . .Cv;nm ! in ivfticn our unnaDDV inautPi nave cn ! ij ... .. .!; - - f5 : ' IOU Will tarui'it 4i'v j r . j ..... ,... .. - it L u-j. kow Tfa. VJf koV f, Tk tiriuaHy goad her on in thefe ruinous, dhlant rruftive bbth' of Lives and of Treafure.' that- llh h -7- . - - '- . .i-h the DiYdofition in the Colonies which I was once taugnt ta cney rouu prove .P""? l" 1 ..1u'-,r. fcue r - 4 preten keep deip rooted Prejudices of Amerira, and the Neceiiity or in ungiana p ntinc her Trade from paCing into foreign Channels, muft believed, .till us fttll a divided People, I lhall, from every (private asrwell Long did I . m a i l..n-i,,r K-, : tnt li Mr, to Drelerve fr( -L Morii-. moll heartrlT Iamer.t that it is not tne-ivio- xnent wherein thofe great Objeds of my Ambition are to De at- tained ; and that I ajn to be longer deprived of an Opportunity to alTure you perfonally or tjie Kegard witn wniciu am, i our the Event fhall verifv it. endeavour with' unfeigned arid; unwearied 'eai, tn nrdprup front hreAkmor. that fine ana noDie vnin& vaie. tne Uritiihilimpire lor i Know, tnat oeing once oroKenr j enc lepa fate Parts t could : . not retain even their Shares' of Strength' arid r,nrr faithful Humble Servant, P. S. - I'w'as difappointed of the Oppcrt .finding this Letter at the Time it va dated, HOWE. crtunity I expccteU lor 7 . . - and haie been ever Strenethaiid' Vnlw rhut eniHed in th whole.: and that a oerfecYRe-union of Ihefe Parti could' fca rce ever be hoped fbr. J r Your Lbrdmip may poffibly remember the 'Tears, of Jpy that wet my Cheek, whiV af vftiir crrd Sifter.- in London von'once rave me ExpecTati- fending this LiCtter ar ine-J imc liva uaicu, uuu yw-M ; r 'tV- t V 4 u ni it i u: . fnce prevented by Calms and -contrary Winds from getting here on?, that a Reconciliation might ,oon take PJace. ad the o inforn Gen. Ho.ve of the Comn.iUion with which. I have the Mufortune tofind thofe fW d.fappoxoted ami. to be Sa'isfaaioa to be charred, -and of his being jemea in it. iMitu il"tr"-,4")7 -r .7 v'"" i - J - "" I i " - My ConlLladon under that groundleft andimalevdent Treaty SMn-rfcrib-d To BsNJAMlK FR'ANSL, Lord iriowe.' ed Elteem,' and permit" me to' fay- AfIelionr . My Confolation under that groundlefs and malevolent Treaty gi( X ppilddztpbia. meny waj; ih'at 1 retained the' Fiendfrrip M.of'i'niany. wife andr Vbia 'l Jf 6t .776. good Men in that, Country, and'amdnjg the reH;r fome Share in.' . . .( . i ' -. "...t'i t. l . i'l hp wAl . found warded to roe, ana oeg yoa io-atccp wy im. , : , nl T'Cf.r,.-- nifr.-r-K tnhi.h!vca refer me. contain nothing v.hich J ihalli al a iiu - - j Ke Aft of Parliament, viz. 7ZWrJo7t teVwhich r was forA- to find, as it of which, ja, ribin your Letter, is V the Necelluy of pre-; V 't rive your Luid&ip i'aiu to be but io.&r ok lb hopelels a ven.tmg the mencan Trade from paffing into.ra Channels : P r gf 7 A ! To me it feems, that neither the obtaining,: nor retaining any D-rlclin -Pardons to'be ored to the CdlonieL,- who are the Trade, how aluble ibever, islamObjea . for;which ;n" may very pSinjurcd, expreffo indeed that Opin Ln of ourlgnb- jultly fpi f eao;h ircod; thatf the true and fure ;Means of waVs have for your Lbrdmip, make it painful to OT' me.tb- kcy6'4 enraged in cohduaingva War, the great-CrroundT ... f l.i.- i. . . j: .' Li."" PATrrtoi-r' ire the nrrviririr anH cnMrw SS li Ion? been plcafed to entertain rf o ; but it nefi .of the dtrinmoduie. i' and that thePrcrorn.Trade can Lve nTo-her uficiY, than that of Jhcteaf.ng oar Relent- ever be equal to the tocpenceof cornpening ,;and Riding U rent- -It I LpoCble we IhoV.d think of SuB.niuioa to aGo- by Fleets jan) Art,... I conMer th War agaHft;herefbfe, vern men. tl.a ha. with the moil wanton bb-Jity! and. Cruel- " both d and; I am'perfuaded that cool and ' y Trn ou defenceleft ToWo.'. in the Midft oAvlnter. excit- difpafiionace J?oerit, w.!l .cpndrW to Infamy tho who adytf- Idtl'e Sa va2ef to-raaffa,re our peaceful Carers, a.-.d our slaves . ed it. and tht even buccef3 w.l -not fa from fom.Degree of '23,M.dr and;Uveno.v4.io3i,gfor-tn r- piftbnou ; . hoft, who h.vc fSW. . engaged condaft 4c-nartesL to"de!aoe our Settlements with B&od.. 1 hefe atioci- it. . ,; . . r i . t.- h'.'ttJ r duslia i'extinSuilhedcverySpark;ofArbaionfbr tHat . f fcnow'yojir reat Motive in cording hither was the Hope of cu$ inj jrus nave cxcinguuMc t j J c-.y f0T ttin i2ffirUnken:al in a Retonci Uaon and believe, , when yoa rets ana pjurmmc. cnesm J- lllTn'J -J iod " molf obedienk humble Servant, B. FRANKLIN, know', tou have riven fuch juft Caufes of lifting Enmity, ana ..took uucu k F-Tftrr. Lr ' vT" T - ; " Direcled Government, to fj w. c:,. k tko rrft Tvrannv. ana I cbftruainr, by every Means in your Power, our grbwing Strength rj W ithe Coloaxesf". If b W is here meant, a Peice to be enter, and 3 pieces of aiuUcry, sgainft our hght advanced corps, ana T T;A D E L P H'I;A: Sept. 6, ! frr. from General" Washington to Concuss, s o ctoejtf fr. m. 'A t-; i- -11 -:! r ' f I , - , i m !