fcc defired might ' Could bur whole army have cpine up to the attack at one timey e the printed co- the? confeauences Bad .probably; been' otherwife; but burhaving le members. The different; Darts of the BrandyWine creek to euard, and'the un- A -Jf) rfi-. i.me of public diftrefs, full of difficulty and danger, There is a myftery in the countenance of fome caufes, which Cents' labouring rlin2ef burthens almoft-' top heavy to ; we have not always prefent judgment enough to explain. It is ,yotir faitfifuiComtrions; poftponed all : other bufineft.H diftr effing p' fee'; an enemy advancing into a country, but it i siik'ii much 'difpatcKaV-the nature of 'their proceedings the only place in which we can rjeat them, and in which we witeltf hare not 'tlj granted to your Majefty a large "pre-'v. have always beaten themV whenever they made the attempt. Jet ftfWiy;bnt atfo a vtrf great. additional revenue ; great be- . The nearer Any 'difeafe approaches to a crifiSj the nearer it is tb fend example.; great-heyorsi jopr M&y9 hjgfieft expence,',; .'' a cure : Danger and deliverance make their advances together, f ftnt all this. Sir.' they have done in a Well grounded confi-; and it is only at the laft pufli, that one or the' other takes the i iT.iii anrtiir wiieiv wnii iqcv nave rranicu uuc icn. ! -i-- i t ;- 1lTrr4rnV:nVf fnFltKe Rrandvwirif ctpc tn oTr?rrl :" fln? !fh lin- UVlWlV41k ... . K w y . . " t certainty; which road torhiladelphja the enemy would attempt Commons on Wed- to'take. naturally: afforded them ah opportunity of pafiing with dl&afefty The bill iheif mainpbdy: at a place where only a part of ours could be Tofcthe honour andYpdiled ; fbr'it'mufl flrike every thinking man. with conviction j lichthea paffed-lhe, j that it requires a ; muck greater force, to oppofe an enemy in fe-l- ; veral places,, than isjfufficient tb defeat them in any one place; "Men who are lincere in defendinc their freedom, i will always linrv irTnrefent favour Maieftv feel concernf at everv circumftaricei1 which feems to make airainft " ytier, fupporr of !tis.MajeityA'6ujK-i them; it isjthe natural and honeft confequence of all affection-v rd'iJmty' oi thVcVfiwri of Grekt Bri- ate attachm.ents arid the want of it is a vice, i But the dejefti- :mdns numDiy oee'yoarroyai' anent, - on laits oniy ror. anomenr; tney loon rue ouc oi it witn aaai- and the rcfpedlful circumftances which tidnaf vigour; ! the glow of .hopej courage arid fortitude, will, t, ,your Commons have given the in a little tilriej "fupply the place of everyf inferior paffion eir zial and afection'fon your Ma- kindle the whole heart into heroifm. and' filly; and feelingr.hat every good fubjeel muft feel with the feretteft fatisfaaiorithat- irtder the diredion of your Mapft's 6 ? it. .!...'; 4n'l i a ot of the ibvcrtivn will reflfl' diBltyUcd horiour upon Dispeople. , r v : , I'll ; . - - . .- '. I , . - 4 . - . I There artf man'v men who will do their dutv when it-is not i . Wanted '; but a genuine Public Spirit always appears moil when F there ismbffl occafion for i t. i Than k "Goi ! our army, though r fatigued; jis yet entire. The attack made by us yefterday was i under manv difadvaritaes riaturallv arifin? from the uncertain- i ttcntfly Svarm ia defe(Jing. the Speaker, candrfaid the. fpeech was , ty.. of knowing which route the; enemy wpuld take; and from f rit9 P-tnuis.. The Attcmev General, en- thof rirrit'mfiarir 'fhf whole of oar forcecould not'be broapht I deiToared, to heal ;be bech, .Am with . great . fenfe and candour ;. Up together time enough to engage all ar once. Our ttrength is offered'teicijiol accWraodation f hut' the 'Speaker inAfting upJri; yet refervedi arid it is evident thaf Howe does not think him- iriioq"of. the Houie taken, a very pia peDSie felf a gaineil by' the affair, otfcerwilei ne would tnis morning have moved 'down and attacked Gen. Walhington. j an ah war- Gentlemen1 of the city and country, it is in your power, by the fenfe of fmM'Smnmvpmpntof the nrefent'circuinftance. to! turn it to a real advantage : Howe is now weaker than before and every (hot will contribute to reduce him. You are mbre, immediately ' interefted! than any other part of the Continent ; Jour All is at ' Hake; it is fet fo with the general caufe you aredevoted by j the enemy tp plunder and deftriidion : It is the encouragement f nlnnderers- has oroillifed his S'lilVi Thus cirnjmiianced, you may faye yourfelves by a manly. refift- yet knewjour brave General; or1 any part of the army, officers Ar mn . ruiflnf heart, and I have! feen them in circumftances a thouiand times more trying" than the prefent. It is only thole the Houfe,- without-knowing : their feritiments at all upan the xna(ter he thought it 'affeaed the henour: and dignity of.the u .r- SZa th. nnirinn of the Houfe ought to be now col lefted before they fufTr: the fpeech to go forth, under the flamp of their authority and, approOatK n. . j .... j,:,. The Speaker jutUfiid hinfeif, as thiokmg he had delivered the fcnfeof the Huofe to his iVfajefly ; he fupported himfelf on prece dfint of his predrceitors ; declared that he muA and would acl the part cf an honed man ; that he was the keeper of his own honour as well 'aVthat of the Houfe, which he would maintain to his dy ing day. 1 In the ccurfe of this debate fomething fell from the feme member, which the Speaker conllrued as a perfonal attack, and declared, that till he received reparation from'the Houfe, he could not fit in that chair.again. - cl-.: tHe above extaordinary debate or cenverfa- tian was amicably terminated, Mr. Rigby made fome conceffion, and .the Houfe voted. the Speaker their thanks without a divificn. in adlion , that fee! langour and heavinefs, ard the rub it off is to turn; out, and make -fure work of muft undoubtedly feel fatigue and want a reinforce : thouch" not of valour. Our own intere&and hap- and : that are not bell way to Our armv m pnf rtf rf tf J Tylnvfc rail nUnn n tn trive them i-ev'erv fuonort in our power, make the bufden of the day, on which the fafety of this city de pends, as litht as poffible. Remember, Gentlem, that we u.,- rnrr.. fkntk m rhf nnrthward an'd fouthward pf Philadel i imic iuiwj w ; .. , , . . v who expeft to reap the bleffings ot. freedom, and if the enemy be but Uopt till thoie can arrive, tnis j .k- C .imia rnn?-rirtInor irL ?n i " -r 1 J rU a m,r An all w rnntr?. Yfiil have tOO iuc iniuv rr t , , city will oe iiavcu, uu ws himujiiiuu much at ltake to heutate.r i ou ougnt not iu uhuk i yu uyi the matter, but to fpring to ait:on at once. Other States have been invaded, and have Ukewife driven ofT the invaders. Now OUR time and turn is come, and perhaps the hmtrnng ltroKe is The American CRISIS-: Number IV. Uy the Autnor or i Cc.nnon Sene, fxr i O S E I i:t.A mmn Mnf?rffl The event of vefterdaV is one of thofe kind of alarms which is iuft fuficient to roufc us to duty, without hcingjOr conlequence enough to depref our fortitude, it i? now c.u w.- of ground, but a caaie tnat wciicui..6) r defeat the enemy in one battle, or by degrees, the confequence will be the fame. . , , r ' ,1 t f. u-.t, u --nt nflafl winter and the prefent year, there you will find that the enemy's faccciTsi have always con- referved forjus. been faved from. f;d with, it I clofe this the end amounted to defeats. We have always been m auers the lad pu.h, and always (hall while, we do our duty. Howe I . ii .i, k'l,. the De aware, and from thence nas ueen once u , - - . driven back with loll and difgrace K and w hy not be aga p an your en from the Schuylkill ? H.s condition ana our,-.. ?;r thou en. He has evefy body to fight, we have only h. , army . . . i tvTi enaement: we cone with, and wnicn waucj ' . can rot only reinforce, but can redouble our numocn , B . Sf off from all fupplies. and muft fboner or later inevitably ail into our hands. i ,t,nnfanf! robbers. Who are this Shall a Dana oi ira w wwsw : --- - u kM dariSien fc-ndred or two thoufand th were veaerday, conquer America, or fubdue even a ungie l rTheinrcinnot ft. unlefs we fit down and fuffer them. lUtef l nciniat, - " w. .ta.h-around. would, Afeother fuch a bruin, noiwuciuu5 -r e - - . iyOin reducing the enemy, put them in a condition to be af icxwaxds totall defeated,. v . . : : When we look back on the dangers we have nd refleft on the fucceffes we have beep blef- would be fmful either to be idle Or defpair. .1 'i . JJ..A .-ii U.w. Vt Daoer witn a more aaareis iu gcu. iiufc ' N 1 ! S. I I 1 vw i Lit . . V w . - . - - : w . ! - i i 1 . 1 Hi 11 t . frihat rn reduce them. What they have gained in gruunu, fi are only lingering oat tne penoa uik uimi unf,s :j r-'ji'v. in' niitnhers. that their victories nave in nnr defpat. .w6 r . , ., . r t a j . nivnt tno tt9 r a n n rnp your defeat. xou navcyci ua; A.gu the falter will vour troubles thicken. What you now enjov is only a refpite from ruin ; fan invitation to de llruaion ; ja lomething that will lead on to our deliverance at expense.: We know tne cauie we arc engage w, .. igh a pafiionate fondnels tor it may, rnasc us grieve a? every Inlnrv which threatens it, yet, when the moment of jconcern, i$ J ' . f. r J , vat'iivna AX. nrf h hir-"; over, the determination iuum tita. ( ..v. . ..w. ...w r-" Una Haves' of a beggarly tyrant, nor the chringmg flatterers of an infamous court. We are not moved by the gloomy; fmjle of a worthlefs kifag, but by the ardent glow of generous patnotjfm We ficht not to enflave, but to fet a country free, and to make room upon the earth for honeft men to live in. In fuch a caufe V.,;. w. ar. riVht : and we leave to you the defpainng reflection of being the tool of a miferable tyrant. j - II COMMON SENSE. Philadelphia, Sept. 12, at Noon. ( 11

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