m... i " m, I "j ' ; -- : !- -v."i- - ,v. 11111 belter wcrHn pofleffion of their camp, tent, artillery, &cij contented Oiemfclvti wkh tfceirjaft l&Btft. Ufad .. r . . . . M ; : " ' ' ' . 'm i.?v ,ki:i nnirtPn at Germaiitown. Thev mutt-have iad , ous progrefs, were coming dp to the enemy 'ey; andinftant.y began to re.r-wi.h- W ffiS 1 out a lowing a poffib ltyof being flopped. 1 His was ocwuuu- .wu iwo k.ii ft w.mVjTF . l cd bathiclfog.-andfach a itat!ofai?as kept down the fmokeXJJy wounded with cas non ba oIV of cannon, &c. foas to pievent the diftinguifhing of objease ovv the left eye but r13: bove co yards. Thus the enemy, though beaten, kept the held, clt ifm, that ,be was hadmiratin of th fielJ. Lieut. Col . accident derived ns of a brilliant fitlory that wa, abfolate-:t Pke,; of.thlecordiVjrnia: W" lv in our ffefln. Our troops however retired in order, tho' winded in the leg, and .tit faid the bone is bro.ee Co . Maj jr ' . . T iith:" rw- rmnrfi rVrr? ni ranon. and brought 0 IF their a .u. Uir- ifc ;n th; affair-i about' praoe (hot. 700 killed, woynded, and mimng ; that of the enemy very con siderable no doubr, as they were pulhed before our army 2 piles; '.but .th$ J$ rendered more certain by an account bought from Fhil delDhia bv a cerfen who can be relied on, that lett the ci ty fince the battle, He fays .that the enemy loll Gen. Agnew, ": Colonels t D: Heirter and thit-between 2 and too waeons load of wounded were brought into the city before he left'it; this is confirmed by ma-; ny Qakcr who" were zz the early meeting and who add, that Howe had actually fen: 2000 HcfGans over Schuylkill, proba i blyr to lecu rc a retrear. I He refuted to let any of the inhabitants of Philadelphia fee the field of battle. On our parr, .General Na(h;is dead of hi wounds, . Ool. Hendricks and Lieut. Col. Parker frorh Virginia.: wounded, but no: mortally : two cf Gen. Su!i;an Aids mortailv wounded. Colonel Sttwie of Maryland J Pa r lift of his country, and the lulled and wour.ded from the General. Lait evening came an account to nw.i that Cipt. Barry had attacked the iVigats 7-Belaware (lately .taken from us at Philadelphia) with the brig -Andrew Doria nf gins and 2 gallies, and had re-taken the frirrari Ir it fin nrv if it nroves trtie. Our armv is in ex- cellenr. lp rit:, fatisBcd they, can" bc.it the enemy, andkeen for i phia will be again-fo ia a fw weeks, -another oppoituuity of; trying ; thiy will probably be indulged' j ; j . T- j ! 'inatcw davs." as i our Virginia reintorccments , of 17 cr i8co ! ! Mr. Purdis, i' 1 have got up fince the engagement.' ' - M ' ArS; many of your readers mu(l"be rrtach at -a ofshqiy .tQ.fe. ?ExtraX. cfa Uittr fnn Toik tow PtnefilvantM, datid OSlober 3,, j XX concile the accounts j in the jJaft week 's jaiefs, ofQ; fieri! . t ) ; j ' I j, i - 1777.. . : . I Wuninton's iiuationj vvi;h the accounts received and il acjieve. Our lofs is rretty well fixed to 700 killed, wounded, and ij utiiilhtd, a week cr two bfuie, I think it nat aiiiifs td a te npt nrfijrg; that the enemy n.' t certainly known, but fo ely very- j to Explain this dinicalty.i; General Wafhtngtpn, after the battle treat, as ru ma lade by the follwir.g mielligtnce, brought ot iiranay wir.e, ccnlicleriup, that IhouIU he tixk ario her battle lb this evening by G acai Grit't aid da camp, and wr.ich hd favs jnearjPfiiladelphja, and be dIaud, the enemy nligbf: not only may be relied. 11 o v: General Agntw,. Colonels walcot, A!cr- ipoitds tbemlejves til the sity, bur ol the- tn'valiiabie iniiitir flori crrmbir- and Thomas Brd, horn Virginia, wirh General De Heirtn's f -n, ki led ; General Kr.ipnaufen wounded in the hand ; and between 2 rau 3CQ myz 11?, loaded wfth wcunded,' fent in to P'liladrlphia. I "1 har .Geiical Hawe had feet ab-iu: 2000 H f fi ir.s over Schuuk'li (dm, tin. j a retrear) and that he had relufed to iet any of the inhabitutits u Philadslpnia go to fee the field of Imies wt-r on the very point of engaging, by an excellive heavy Cornet Baylor, ofithe jteht horle, -fhad otic haifl hi J foot fhot away. Major Janisloa had his hore killed undJ him, but ne nimieir was unnurt.i vapc. licx'niyu was u gtJ WtiacdediJn the knee, h Capt. Thomas Edmonds was ffo badi wdunded that . he 'diedi n ! a few hours; CaprLEullace.fdthe && Virginia regimen V was killed dead on the (otiv Two Mary lanJ hrnm!,;,.: VVicott. Bvrd of Virginia, and Gen. L Cc lonels, of the name ol brore, iwere wounoeor ana mny cyl ter's ion killed, Gen. Kniphaufen wounded in the: hand, ; officers, that I cannorrecllea at.preleni. : I fheroifinj and gj mentioning jhcy would do honour to any country in Ihc, world It is umveialiy believed they b.-ftavetl tne Dell l any troocs itf the field. Indeed the -'whole continental army is ccmpofed of f tof brae meri ; and if the d fferent ftates would exert tnernielve, to raife their d ffrent quotas, General Wafhington would putar end to the contei irt-m -iaiei) . The artillery I cannot oven , k . it Iwas ferved,! in . every in Itance1, toadmiratiou. Col, i. d ker behaved like a hero. . Brigade My r Scott dx es honoar tij rounttyy ana :n tre action inewea ni-m teir t j oe qne-j thi firiti military characters in our atmv., . Capt Mul-. of tiic ft.". Tl " I ' 1 1 -'i ' 1- .'' Vifcini reglmenr, I mutt net forget; he i truly a b.avt; man The Carolina trf'os fought Mice heroes. I he D laware irigar f-Il iotn the tn' my's hands; it i faid by the t.-f-icho of hi crew;' but ths rier is ftiil ou'S, and I am cavinud" PiiiladeH and provifions lodged Itkre, retired wirli ' his armyjiilLhe had fs. cu.4d his fiores. and received ibbe rein rorcements. He then, without" iofscf t::n, returned, a&d m arched ot)t j to the enemy, determined to yive.uu uvbaule, I making an adiriirable)tlilpofition f r the attack, whicji however was prevented,,! when the two ar- battle. General Schuyler writes us, the 29'h'Of September, that if fupcrior numbers, htahh, and fpirits, can give fuccefs, our ar Inv in the northern department will hve it this campaign. For my part I do not dcfpVir cf iuccefs in this quarter alfo. Another fuch battle as the laU will 'totally unfi Gvnt;;.iJ for pu'fuinr -"art her hUti!hiv$ thi campaign, aud sgia jx-llcls ns cf Philadelphia.' This m?n:er.t ao cxpicfs .arrived, with a letter from Cap rain William Pierce, dated bkipjsatk carr.p, 12 o'cUt P. M. the day on which the abvc bl: dy battle was fcught. It' contains fundry particulv, but the Piirter hs cnly titn? to reiaie the rain, iv inch poured a;own mctliinilv for twelve hsurs. Oar ar- jRV wa$ f much wckencilj and their, ani muni tiiin"andarms foi dartnged by being cxpofed to fuch a rain, in the Tp?n fields, bci; g without teuif, which had b-en-f?m ivcdiprevious tQ theia-tln-t-d atttck, that ir w.is U lote!y DtcriTiry to retire oiice more for ref clhmcrir. and indtd DfiLcioalk a x.tlh Supply of car ridges. In this 1 it-rval General Howe, lc men vvye better fuppii.-d vi:h the convenieiicies for f cur thc.r iamrnunitin than bur army, advanced towards ;Schayi?' I Geaeraf Wafhinron then cr.flVd it putting hlmfclf in a er :p; li;iun to ejfpute thet paflaW with! tlie iBritifh army xn came up epp- IJ:s to car army, and rmairied nearly io fe get "1 t :wa kill pre- whi Joiloing, viz. ; Ooj gl rieus General, after an animating fpeech, ver.il days, except thst it that time they praclllVd many maDcea to his army, diieclsd them- to"hvld themklvts in readinefs to vres to procure a pa'ugej At lentri, filing tfF to our right;! a march at 6 o'tkek, with .1 wo days prnifi;n, ordered la ge firts if i'lten'onig to pzii abyej as, !oi to'pulh afcerir ft.ires to Read- to be tmde in t'.? ramp, and the .tents to iUnd t:15 93c n.'ght, iaf at' mnih: by' a cbuntsrmarch: ithev fill down below. us. -hen tney were to en tt ucjc, -anj.put into trie DaggiJe wag-ias. and cricd on cur !eJt,--arid! had,- befire the were difcovered, fo The army march -.1 all nigi.t, arrived &t Chtnut Jn.il about day far gotten the -ftartcf .us Ithaf it wis Tnot p-ffible to "overtake -1 the.l followed thfm towards th' they, couiu not' k ne city r break, ?nd immediately Jell upen the enemies picket g-iaid, iwiih 1 the.-b; if th-y mean: to take poiTtflioa locn tuy ard ftrmneis, tr.it tncy wcie luitaauy rouua, witn g-fit fl:j:Nicr. The whole atmy'then pulhed towards German t wn, but ue;e met by the main bedy vi the British army, ccn firting of about 10.000 ni n, vhen t hot and dreadful e.-! gage-n-nt cr-furd. At rr an inccfTnt fife of cannon and musketry fcr tards tf an h.u:, tlf et.ny ;nve .va,y ic! zll quarters, and our un drove thtni, w;:h fixed b-yt'ret;,' for i. ear iwo miies, "-.a-hen they farmed again. Our mn, with reaiincls and in;rt' idity, b'tkc thtm a fecnd t:mc, at.d the rctreatedin i;reat dif;,ider tv of the qry. j Our General . which however he knevr pep, as it vv-is almo't- :rnpoihble they fhculd re- j-viy. i.j aiiinance irem tne n?et, whfch was oppclut by ;ae in zes, forts, iba ing. batteries, gallies, and fire ihips; ncr cou'd ratnatn:was ready f oppofe any fu,ch with yorj 8cqo mcnL Oar immortal General law that the lljuatn of theiehemy waj now work than ever. If dtfeajed, ihey could have no retreat ; they weri now below the fordabfe parts'bf the Schuylkill, i and might wcimsniuwD, win. mi wiiuic u.my iu .c FunuU ui mem, uii oe cncctt f-cm the fupplies of pmvifioas. On the other hand, thtygctab ot half wy ihe wwir, when tney trok to the houfes, the' whole country was open to him for fupplies on a retreat. la a . a opened open our meo two or three firld pices, with giae this' fituatirn were thin xrh w ;,PnU fn!!nain (h't,. which p.'aytd wi:h fuch violence that G'r.eral Sullivan's Oi- Viii n eae wa:, and we., in turn, were beat back berter thaa -1 tnmss wnen ne was reo the jBritilh army towards Philadelphia. Ic mnft-belconfcfie'd tha oeneral Mo.ve ihewed great general lhip in the feint1 he made, by 1 to

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