i T "H "E - 1 won t OLIN GAZ E r. . ' T ... 1 1 I With the lateft ADVICES, Foreign and Domestic: i ... i 1 -v't r L- -. ; -. -j PUBLICO. SEMPER PRO LIBERT ATE, ET BONO I! ' . . . i i x A A A" A. A. AA.A ATjrV? . " .. L JL' - J.,1!Hrh-0f'Ler2 Mm. relative td the ultimate object or American inoepenuraw. 1 w . - c - J M r r-srtsrr- turn u-ut vm . r -y - 1 -t . 4. 1 ' : HE Lotd Ffidnt;fpok , opponuon to too .- -'7 X;. iimed iao5ideliee.'-Hrf A on, obferving it leaded, to ttrow a mgma , aTj o?ay what might be the particular fentWents nIy rlTofmW t cr ray(h IndiyidUi .Wt jepot it . the fa!r ' years, but (at the mealurei ot adminiitration aur . nublieirbfeffionl: upon the declaration con- I i thif neriod Had Been counicnanccu anu ir - r- - of thi. kingdom-a: large H. Lorffcip dcJ ' y, ctl;on j Uid it before that hUe r which, though full Sa4 bn one B.n.M.Al molt wirm and loyal fen tirnen t$ 0r duty. and refpefl,- both adopted j that Amer.ca had WOjnA d for bit' MajeUy tad Patliament , though containing the fenfe of UI.J that.the ab nmp?!.:,, Srteen eriatnd flouriihine coloriie,, whofe rtti.iot. deftrved S Sfd tad KuredTafaSf fo,e attention. rejected with marks'of indignity and con- the King from hi,,pa.liao,cnt. andj.o .. teg aler jPoWo-.'iifilted that the' petition contained no fpecific ' toally independent uf, and fupenor to. that of the u.o o.&er a : . T fcrther th an wh$ t h e h adjftatedi a promift te. or 4 fealm. The clear .a.nref wlbirffo'p ration of aflS for reftraining their commerce, dTncy, and it was obvious that had been her a:ro from the be- wta- hlj eil fcheme cf theJ aft of navigation. J, . nnTng ofthedifputes. His.Lordlhip; m reply toLord Ckat- .l.m-hii:aAit-I, as entered wmrked, that the togoage of oppofiao 5. O0e ' joWBat, on the j 6th of November,' i77S. when Mr. Wmes, and took it, coo from k g? PennwaV: called ,0 the barWiotienttcat. it. ,;rhe petition", - probability of prance, interfering, had bnWro been "nltailt was read. His Grace tSeq proceeded. , heme with the Lords on the other ude of the houfe , fomc.I.ad. r bs -dl ia. i' thing were wanting to corroborate the (aid that fee was aUally Faring two. .d "fec paper, ifwas the aaSudon of Mr.Tena kad-oroobeiied that ihe wouid Cr.ke- the firS ft.-u.e a. .fuch -a con. jnic. ta j r r- i3urnat,.- That Gen- partienlaV period,, a.picd, long ; fie pat; whsrea. nor ror EngHflloia bncneiled with party. Go- I S... 41 . ,K. nr.hIiF.arl had told their licrolhips that tiein-3, yy jjij . s : : V,l.i,,j. . Jrance would have acted foolilhly to have , brgun I be ere; and rm S; fcfidf, ithi very dty where the Cpn- . that the ti.n was not yet come. :b tte e, d "i, ofthis ,!itipn; tfe dually deliberated anU .then fhe would certainly overwhelm u. with her power. AI.er ,; 'm; a ud-perfonally wish almolt every ;fingle laughing at. this change WWMb w eve r ! V thCongrcf well "afqUted with the fta.e and j .more.feriocs arguments ; , altered the uo-tfe tha there was every , , his G()v t an,j wen ln profpeaV ffr' campaign that could be cS.ed j tha. ad-, di P" .A 9a:e and ,difpofition of every Other go- iioiWo. hoped the cqofc-q-e.ee of the campaigo. w-V; "& ,hU Gt&deiwni 1 iproper and happy accommodanon , d;,hat, altbongb ... i orJb:afs pa his mind.but what might ;iot poffible to ..Tert what.lleps France:,ou!d take toifd'toppirate a?3ihtt America, not'in it. favour: Thi. iwas notlikely that ihe bo.ld hoftiiely interfere at p cicru and thei? Lordihips bkrand corroborated, nay, .- that, upon ery application to 'the.Court. f verlaito, Jf"".;, intirpretwionotheJnoWdESrl ho;fpok. laft, ' iglift ambaffado, had received the aoofc fatutatuon. I . A'-'JiHW and ccntradiSed. upon hi.Toath, the molt V, tb.refcK.twere.ia fo gccd.a. trair.. o. Lorain,? fetocd ij! notion, 0fr'indpendence whatever the . -,h.' could not accord with a motion, "bJ. . 1 oor. hr v f Qr itl.e cot.traryhe affirmed, from bis own know- -.overtuia evei-y ineafure lately adopted ar.o mfrqniir .... de- We U thought of or framed within hi. itat the happy profped b;i'ore n,.' than to ie euhcr Ort , nor"by What he could learn by any other, ' :Briuin or Amenta. - : '.j . f. A. c-i-h- :r. Condreis or ' elfcwbere,- with thi general exception or , ...TheDukeof Gr.rton.rofeinrep-y. He congratB!.t cd the 'io!ot -ft, of ambitious individoal., the well . ;loufe, .and the nation at large on .ot the noble Carl of 2li eivil oimmiticn.. His Grace obfery- -lyHomade the.motion. .0 his duty; in Pirlramtr.t. a'.'f jkewiieirJ: ?.! psf t of that Gentleman's evidence, which uft- ilby brokeja on Ms mind, in findia3 tha? .t?8ifj.t..wbica.w... - A .wy wa. equall) difcredited, and equalljr . Lfoiberlx w.-)Bt tor peirad every part pf.tM. r-.m. .aaj-Md -"ufeliW'cd. bitbofc wbo oi-ght to have taken care tQ-be:better tja.gltept.oied...d flawed t ""Sto inoVdi tnkfwa. the genial Wpimuy of ,tfie peojJe,- and .. lie oeaw that. love of that adov. ihad been-its-vvarmeftadvotate; a who hca .tho power, f; iiignity.-end fpleodor of the naucj. a '-"e evideticewas djfregatd.d, is the epoch of our prefent impend.ng trfataefsnakaewn to any other -to as; qart-.r . t te tio-e. , Ildpendnce only extfted la the bra.ri. and ... He contemplated, with heart-felt p?fuw4 -.he revival ct. that , "" ( w ;lvit!uiu fere, who had the influence and . tfpirit, which ccmM coSeft-fo very; rcfpea.W f j appeariitloe, .P. ihtmfelve. believed anct obeyedi : When therefore ifelowta. bar, of ge'ntm.n of all pitt.ei, v.htch cou.d c.od '.-.U pfbo!e America found theftfelve. negleSed . :the avenues leadtog'tb the houfe, To as not ro leave luoj ; I J, d.fpifcd.Vmaligned, and trampled o by '-. room for their Lordlhips to come to jh?1r feats, nlef. w. t" ; ' - ii unconditional fubmiffion or independence made .. BtmofldiSculty. -Heas doubly happy in bc.ng er3ative "rthaV fays; his Grace.l bas been the date -what had appeared, that the people ft.ll retained a EWttfJ . J now f-em. rea'dy to buril ba a. I laboured . ef the high obligation, the nation owed tie great ma, and he e ,foftin figburof dminiftrat.on ; I wa, arured that nothing could tveth.s ration from c r tain de- at c fpIicltcd j flowed even tSit refufal with ano .t.n;.. r.lll.t the noble. Earl into a public Ctu"(onv "r. t L-BOw the force we had to contend with ; -which might give hi. Lordlbip an opportumtyof aa;a once . force wc were ourfeive. able to fend, or had . .noretheartof the faviour f K,:ffibete Vwt'.g the colonies. .Failing in both, fuppl.capon.. and ' c? ry arjument-.made olc of by the aoa fi-r. ! , . v , -r ' . ;-'v ' i ; " - J ' ." ' "'.'I. ' i .. - 1 h.i ;.-'ir" h V .