J authority trifcinals in the country itfclf fully competent to id minifter jufticeon all offenders. But if thcro are not, and that we muft fuppofe a thing Co humiliating to oar government, ai that all this raft continent (hould unanimoufly concur in think- lag mat no in ronune can convert remtance to tne royai autao- liiore tncn. His Excellency General Cliaton narrowly mtdeli eicape, as did tne Ajeacrai ms oroiucr, j wnp is wounded.. Colo nels Dubois and Lamb, and feveral other officers got fafe off.-. The enemy knowing but too well our weaknefs, and the tardy march1 of bur militia, availed themfelves'of taefe advantages K nty into a criminal act, we may call the effect of our victory molt iudden attach ; for naa tne iorts oeea aoie to hold out but" peace or obedience, or what we will, but the war is not ended : two or three hours: longer, they had been1 luppliediwith a rein, the holtile mind continues in full vigour, and it continues under forcement fully' fufficient toj defend, them. ; rTheir jlofs at thefe a worfeform. Ifyourpcace be no more than a fullen paufe from forts was very confiderable; the Britifh General Campbell wai arms,, if their .quiet be nothing but the meditation, of revenge, killed in the aiTault, and we Were Under the diftgreeable necelfity where fmitten pride, fmarting from its wounds, fellers into new of defrroying fort Conititution, after removing part of the ftores, rancour, neither the acVof Henry the Sth, nor its handmaid of and ofjburning the frigates Congfefs and Montgomery; to prevent cms reign,- win aniwer any wiie ena or policy, or juuice. ror if the bloody fields, which they faw and felt, are not fufBcient ro fubdue the reafon of Americans (toufe the expreHive phrafe of a great Lord in ornce) it is not the judicial (laughter which is made in another hemisphere againll their univerfal fenfe of ju ftice, that 'will ever reconcile them to the Britilh government. I take it for granted, '. gCBtlcmenV that we fympathi?e in- a their falling into the enemy s hands, the wind and tide bein unfavourable to their moving farther; (up the river. 'i'hli enemy fent in a flag to demand the fort, which the Go vernor re fu fed in the mcft peremtory terms ; at the fame time they : were rnoft dilhonoufably furrounding it ; - ; . . : Mr.Loudof,, ; -j!'- "f- '": jL : ' :, I In Mr.' Gained paper of the 22 inflant I obferved a fable comi, proper horror ot all punifftraent further that as it ferves for an paring the Americans to ftiecp; the Britons to dogs ; the French example. 10 wnom men does tne example 01 an execution in England for this American rebsllioa apply? Remember! we are told every day that the prefent is a con tell between the two countries; and that we in England are at war for Our ownNJjg nity againil our rebellious children. Is this true ? If it be, it is finely among fuch rebellious children that examples for difobe dience Ihould be made. For whoever thought of inftrudline pa rencs in incir auiy oy an example irom tne puniinment 01 a on to foxes; the Spaniards to wolves ; ; and the Dutch to boars. The iimplicity and innocence of lheep are emblematical of the Americans, and the Britons, for ferocity, are rightly compared to the canine tribe, though not like the generous maftiflv whofr di(poition and duty is to guard and proteel the innocent ; bat like bipod thirfty hounds, calling ; their muiderous neighbours, the gokts f HefTe with their, high horns and long (linking beards) ' theboars of Waldcck and Hanover, the bears and bad pen nf ich Hanau, and all carniveroUs beafts, whom1 mercenary . 1 v B;'0 T O N; - September 26. C iNCE our lati four or five prizes are anived faie in different i -ports, two of which are laden wi:h beef,: butter, flour, and prafe, being provinon" veiTeU ; the jprmer We hear bound for New-ork and the ether for Halifax! 1 , ! ."I Extrati of a letter, dated Boardeaux, Juy 12, i777!. he Aniiricans -have all the indulgtnce "they can txpeel, is igrtroi appearance 01 a rrencn war. . 1 ne iing oj uu:uicm iuu: i wen mignr me execution 01 a TUgitive iiegro rxvipdn nsmu, anu carnvrerous oearts, wnom mercenary in the plantations be coiilidered as a Iclfon to. teach matters hu- and cruel motives could influnce, ! are hired by the hounds of manuy 10 meir naves. ouca executions, may inaea latiate our xmiain to aevcur tne noes arapartaice in tne carnage Bat 10! revenge, "they may harden pur hearts, and puft us with pride a worder under the fun, thofe ficc hounds of Britain,) and fierce and arrogance. Alas tnis is not mitruction. : Deans or vjermany, arc:taicen captive, by the lambs of the fi3clc it any thing can be drawn from luch examples by a parity of ana a large drove of them brought to ; Albany laft. Sunday, by a ins caie, it is tp inew now deep tn-ir crime, and now neavy iman party 01 tne meep. their punilhmcnt will be, who ihali at any time dare to refill a dillant power "(actually difpoling of their, property) without 1 their voice or confent to the dlfpofition ; and overturning their franchifes, without charge or hearing. God forbid that Eng land lhonld ever read this "lefibn written in the blood of any of her offspring! 1 ' , War is at prefent carried on between the King's natural and foreign troops on one fide, and the 'Engliih in America on the other, upon the ufual footin? of other wars : and accordingly and ithere analuai exchange of prilqners has been regularly made from the beginning. If, notwithltanding this hitherto equal proce dure, upon fome profpecl of ending the war with fuccefs (which however may be dcluiive) adminiRration prepares to adl againil. thofe traitors who remain in their hands at the end of the pre-r lent troubles, in my opinion, we (hall exhibit to the. world as indecent a piece of injuitice as ever civil fury has prefented. If. the prifoners who have been exchanged have not by the exchange been virtually pardoned, the" cartel (whether avowed or under-, lloodi .is a Cruel fraud for von have received the life nf a man and you ought to return a , life for it, or there is no parity or York!, and , fairnefs in the traafatlion. I J fch oreat c If, on the other hand, we admit that they who are a&ualv" ficd if a exchanged are pardoned, but contend that we may juftly referve for vengeance thofe who remain unexchanged, then this im pleafant con feqience will follow : That you j'jdge cf the deltn qeeacy of men merely by the time ef' their guilt, and not by the heinoufnefj of it; and you make fortune smd accidents, and nor the moral qualities of human, action, the rule of ) our juftice. prance leaded French make a has jiTued a proclamation, thatfali the! veTdsiwhich are With American'eoods. and nronerlv -cleared" nut from ike Weft Indies, and" bourid iiir France if takep,lhe will demand for them ; 'and if i thev will not &ivie them uo he mail declare war againft them, which!feems very plealing to all the merchants. ' ' V- . .: . j -a f.- -.t.-: j'. - &xtra3xof a letterfrern a cttfiomhonfe. officer at BriorKam,1 7 England,, tO hit jin in New-Yoik ' tahr-n in a ttriv- liitl irrin,A JiJ F I ,S H-KIL L, JuguJ 14. L AST Friday a few of.the enea;ys veflch appeared (landing up the North River t .aod .the next morning about 30 fail, great and fmall. with a number of flat bottomed boars came up as far as Tarry .Town, where they landed fome of their men, with a view, no d jubr, to draw our forces from Fecks Kill that way ; . the next mcrning they rc fliipped them, and, with a frcfli fouth erly breeze, proceeded up the river, , till nearly oppofite Perks Kill, where they again landed a few of their; troops, but titcir main body thev landed on the opj.cfi:e fhorc ; and on Monday thofe at Pecks-Kill crofll'd likewife. Theincmy then, to the a-, moant cf about 4000 menf marched towards forts Montgomery and Clinton, " which vere grrifoned by abou; 600 'men, and be tween the Jhours cf one and two, P. M. attacked them. Our fire, .which was very hot, put them into conrufion fcveral times ; bt about the dufk. of the evening, through the, fa reriority of their aumhers, they got our breallwoiksi and polTcfied themfelves of the forts. Many of the garrifon, taking" the advantage of the night, made their efcape, even after the'eneray had been fome time mailer of the pods. It is faid the enemy refufed to give quarter, and continued firing on our people aftet they had fcaled tfe ramparts, but being favoured by the night, our men received little d.inuge from their fire, j Our men fought with furprifing bravery, made a gallant defence, and nothing was wanting but. June 15, x777. I was pjd to hear of vour health and fafe arrival at 7w. D j , . ; , .1 -" - t . A n 1 J . ! .1 .1. tf 't -.i f vcr giaa iq near tnat ine cngmn army nave maae onqueits in the Eaft river, but inouldrbe betfar fatis- fpeedy reconciliation between England and Amlnca took kce,; and put an end to the rebellion, that trade may flourifli ere as It did before it beoan. I wifh! cn in Enjjland'before thje is an end put to it.. Tiiere is a great many A merican'r privateers ; in: the EngliQi channel and on the coalt t.f Ireland ; they take a great many ojf our coaftersknd mer chant; yi-flels that go up and dowa the cparf, .and fend them a?l to France. I fupp. fe it will at laft end in aFrench war,j and be- ' lieve.u tvill. be (con. The. prefs keeps! W as w hen you went a way, al th.-uph -the grand fl tret of obfervation at S pithead is fuliy manned; I iuppoie it is to masn other ihips, that are daily put- ting in commiffion, -Every thing in trade goes on very dull in England ; never was there fuch times as now ; the very filhermen here at iirixham are ftarving for want of employment however, fmugglitig keeps on here pretty well yet ; but iff there, comes a Fench war,1 I fuDocfc there will be an end to that too. ! Thanle God, I away ; bay, of ; -: ' The fol have made trllcrable good hand of it finer you went made a middling good ieizure yefterday in Tinpmouth a Hoop and cargo."' ;: owing is an extracY from Xixz Lmhon Gazette,' Monday, Copy fk letter frtm M. De Sartine, to-all the Chambers of Com merce fas tb$y are called in France t& be forwarded to their go -tmtntents abroad. This letter), which came by Friday's French ; TTiaili needs neither comment nor paraphrafe the text fpedks plain cnougv so evety capacity. - i ?- : ,.." VXKSAXLL'S,' Juljt lTJf. . I HA VE juft been informed, by'letters from Martinico, that it wis given out there that the governor of that colony had declared to the merchants and owners of fliins. that it waa apre-