i 1 1 f -' " " '."..'"' .....'...".'", - ; w.wn the courts of France tad London; that the Englifh . . ! :? r.l .1, XT-.., PnJin and vef- ilarms 1:K mav be fpread in people's minds by this groundlcfs afler Licu r r i -? r u r i " nA n hoard fuch (hips, and that" the goods be lawful prize. I am folicitous to prevent the i i DcirGeaenT, - tTrr NetrWindfor OA N confeqk'ence of a fever tartar emetic, which I ordered be given the fp 1 have in my poflefllon afmall filver bullet, from which I have taken a letter from Clintoa to Burgoyne,- of which the enclofed is an exaft copy. With cfteem, I am dear If the eovcrner of Martinico has fpoken of the feizures . General, your obedient fervant, 4 i I '.".' Fort Montgomery, OfiL 8, I777f NOUS y Void and nothing now between us but Gates.' I fincercly hope this little fuccefs of ours may facilitate your operations". .In anfwer to your letter of the 28th Sept. by C.-.C.-I iliall only fay, I cannct prefume to order, or even advile, for Gw. Bcrcotne., H. CLINTON. T ri. r.tK he can onlv have mentioned a nretenli. the part of the E.ngmn, wnicn pernaps nas Decn interpre- 4 as the eflfett of an agreement between the courts of France 4 London ; -but tne fving enarges mc to acquaint yon, laui r.rH agreement exifts between the two courts, and that his iaiefty is determined to reclaim every French veflel which might fcizci under that pretext, and to protect the trade.' s Ui oartini. - A common term in France for the Britifli colonies. - C H A R L E S-T OWN, October 7. V t t k are told, tnat tnree wccks ago, mere were nor lets Ay than between 6 and 700 Americans (taken in veTeh) ''ofely confined in trie gaols of Antigua, and that they were rtirel with fo little humanity, that collections were making in 11 'the French, Dutch and Danun luanas, in order to enaDie U-m fft nrncurc the neceflaties of life. W I L I A M S B U R G, Nov. 7 ExtraS of a Utter dattd Head Quarters i German tow n, 0. 2 H IWA6 a 5peclator to a moft gloriousfight yellcday. J Placed on the top ofa high houfe in Germantown, I beheld the de .Itrudion of two of the Britim mips attempting to bombard Fort Mifflin, on th Jerfey ,(hore, in order to facilitate their fiege a gainft Mud Fart ; "the. mofl violent and awful canponade enfued that perhaps ever happened in this quarter of the world.' The I LiHThorfday arrived here a (hip from France, laden wiih gondolas diftinguiOied thcmfelves ; and fo well concerted was the ... i-r" L! Al.. . J J 1 fair, in which came panengcr nigniy rccommenaca Dy me iHon. Dr. Franklin, Mr. Deane, and others) Monf. de Bretig- ney, a Ffench ohicer ot diltmction, wno, animatea .wita tne fame zeal to ferve in the glorious caufe of America as has dif tinguifhed the Marquis de la Fayette, has brought over, at his ownexptnee, achofen corps of experienced officers, to form a regiment of ChafTeurs, together, with 130 rtand of choice arms, acd as many genteel complete uniforms,! to be prefented to the regiment. Monf. de Bretigne'y isiled Colonel ; his Lieute nant Colonel is, I the Chevalier de Kerangues (who has been in moil of the aflions of note in Germany fince the year 1742) and ' hi Maj.-.r, Monf. Milly. Letters from France ot the zilt ot Aagait, aavue, tnat a ion of Lord North had been in Uourdeaux a whole montfi, at the houfe of a Mr. Barton, and had iuddenly departed on the 18th ; that i z-mios of the line a: Bread, and three more, at Rotchfort, had been fitted out with the utmcft expedition to take in 12,000 troops at the latter port : That 12,000 more troops were to be embarked at Rotchfort on the 26th, for which purpofe a num- - ber of Weft-India (hips of 500 tons had. been taken into the Kind's fervice : That the clamour for war was fo great in En .". eland, that the Kin? feldom went abroad, without being infult-; ed ; and tne r rencn imoanaaor in luuuuu auu rctcivcu fome grofs infults; and that a war between Trance acd Great Britain feemed then inevitab'e. Yet another letter, dated Au gu!l 23 fays, that the preceding day, in confequence of orders from court, by an extra courier in 46 hoars, all the American veffels at Bourdeaux had been fearched, and every kind of war like (lores found on board, taken out and ftored: But the writer concludes, the Americans are not to be alarmed at this." - . f -. ' '. ' , B A JL T I M O R' E, ORobtr 28. BY a gentleman j.uft arrived in this town from camp yefterday, which he left lall Friday, at 4 o'clock in the afternocn w are favcured with the following, via. . , . . .Thurfday laft, about 1 o'clock, the" Augufla man of war, of 64 guns, was fet on fire by one cf cur fire-rafts acd blown up; about 3 o'clcck the fme day the Aurora frigate fhaml the fame fate. Three boats load of the crews were faved, and made 'pri- r foaers.1 A number of the enemy having croffed the river oh We 1- nefday night, ,to attack our people ftaiioned at BUlingfport Fort; ! were repalfed with ccnhdcrable lcls. - ) Extras s letter from Major Clarke, Aid De Camp to General ' oppofition , to jhe attack, in the .midft of confulioh of fmoke and fire two fhipsr were fent downnd fet fire to a 64 gun fliip, faid to fce the Eagle, and a 32vgun fiigate, by fome laid to be the A pollo; in an inftant they were in flames, even up to the top gal lant yards. They muft hae bad a valuable ftore of ammunition cin board, forjwhen their magazines1 were blown up, thev furpaf fed the moft horrid conception of noife. If hll nature had been, crulhing to atoms theF feu nd could not have b?cn more tremendous. During the time of this gret cannonade the Heflians, in nunibef about 3000, (made an 3tuck upop Fvrt M fflin, and in ajlittle time :were" defeated with the lqfs of 500 killed, wounded, and pfifoneri; among the prifeners we hare Count Donop and his Aid Ds Camp, boch weunded. . The deftrudioa of the two fhipjs, and defeat offthe Hfffians, is looked upon as one of the mcft ca- .L' pital ftrokes jthat ha happened during the war. de main will be Mr." Howes fate before long, neace. freeddmi .and haopiKes.,, ' r ! 9 w I hope a' co up And then lor G nefs, N E W BERN, ! November 21, 1777. i N Saturday laft,- a fumcient number of the Members of Af- fembly appearing, they immediately proceeded on isuli. and are now fitting on the important Matters of the State. Om Toefday1 the Houfe of Commons relolved ltielf into a tom mitte of the whole Houfe, to conlider the Expediency of open ing the Land. Office, and granting' the; vacant Lands in this J State ; when they came to a Refolution for opening- the faid Of fice and granting as well the Lands in Lord Grahville's.Diftridr, as thofe lately in the King's Part, and appointed a Committee . to prepare and bring in a Bill for-that Purpofe; j j i VVe hear (from the Bar, that two Veflels are arrived with Salt, and dry Goods, from Old France, on Account of the Ccngrefs. ; STATE of NORTH-CAROL NA. Efq; Governor 1 Citfn JrJ Haihen -Gfiobtr 2AJb. O clock, A.M. A perfon employed by me to bring intelligence from the Delaware' Ihore, returned laft night with the following intelli gence: On th2sd, at '4 o'clock, P. M. the enemy made feve ral attacks npon Fort Mifflin, but was as often repalfed. The cannonade was very fevere, and continued till 8 o'clock in the e veaing. Yefterday morning it was renewed with redoubled vi-, gour, two large (hips endeavoured to pafs the chevaux de frife, while a brifk fire was kept up from Province Ifland. A party of 3060, at the fame timcattacked Red Bank, fo that aontinued fiie was kept up on all fides, which lalled from 6 ia the morning tili'4 10 tnc afternoon, without the leaft intermiflion ; at which the enemy quitted their fiiips, having fiift fet them on fire, and they foon bUw up. The explofion exceeds every defcrip;ion. Thus ended the day: Every thing quiet ,this snoraing. I am a!fo infer Died a number of boats were manned, and made an at tempt to laad at Fort Mifflin, but were defeated with great Jofs. Tf r.;4 tr.4n. .u rlmiunrrt in the attemot. One of the dips blown op is the Abcuaa, of 64 guns; the athcr is not By his Excellency s Command. known." . . ' ' Bv his Excellency RICHARD CASWELL, . Canrain-Ganeral, and Commahderin Chief of the State. A. PROCLAMATION. WHEREAS I have received autnenticatea intelligence tnat General Burgoyne, and the whole Army under his Cpm j mand,, after repeated Lofies, furrendered thcmfelves Prilpnera ; of War to General Gates on the Fourteenth Day of Q&cber laft : To the End therefore that we may not prefumptuoufly at tribute the late fignal Succefles, gained over pur Enemies tcj our own Strength, and thereby forget the Interpofitioa. of Divine Providence in our Behalf, whofe Affiftance we have experienced and more efpecially in this Particular, wherein the Goodn'efs o GOD has (been fo vifibly demonftrated; I have thought proper, with the Advice of the Caaijcii of State, to ifTue this Proclama tion, appointing Friday the Twenty Eighth Day of this Inftant to be oblerved in all ' Churches and Congregations in this State as d Day of GENERAL and SOLEMN THANKSGIVING, and I 'do lUi&ly enj in the feveral Minifters and Preachers of th Gofnel to1 emVrace this Opportunity of teftifying, in the; molt fblemn Manner, thole Sentiment ot urautuas wnicn tne nap py Evcntlfo juftly demandsr- under-my Hand, and As Seal of the States at Nlw z ear GIVEN hi bern Ithe Eighth Day of November, in the Second nf rhe Iridenendence of the faid State. 1 - 1 :J ' -nrTlinr PA orxtX T J.! GLASGOW, Secretary of the State. " 7.-. t: H 1 1. 1 1 .