,4 E f't RTH-CJ4R0L GAZETTE. i 1 J -- 1) v . r ( 1 I. f : With the lateft ADVICES, FoUeign and Domestic. . SEMPER PRO LIBERT ATE, ET BONO PUBLICO. O N D O N, June 9. HIS day his Majefty gave his allent to all the bills which had palled both Houfes, after which his Mai city made the following molt gracious ipeech from the throne: . ' . Mt Lords and Gentlemen. A V. THE conclufion of the public bufiriefs, and pofe on board a frigate which is- . to fail for New-York the middle of next month. 1, ' . i- -i ;;'! ' '.J ' ''--J-J His Excellency the Dutch ambafiadour has given notice fo 1 the fubje&s of the ftates who belong to their army and navy, at j this time refident in this kingdom, to return home , with all ; ipeed. r - - 'j . -. "U -V " Yefterday fome irefli, defpatches were fent from Lord Ger-'j the confideration of the inconveniences which maine's office to Falmouth, to be put on board a packet for Gen.vf nowcj ' wmcn 13 cp lau lmmcaiatciy ior iew-xoriCj witn ltriCt orders not to (lop at any port, if they can poffibly avoid it. i 1 General Wilfon Voes to Gen. Howe's army in the Expert I raenc man 01 war, i;apt. oir james wauace. Jane 13 the armies By the returns in the office of the Secretary of war' under Generals Howe and Carleton, on the lit of lad - Mj herds end Gentlemen1 their merchants. It is alfo giving them. an opportunity to learn I truft in the Divine Providence that by a well concerted tne nature ana extern 01 our commerce ; ana wnat is as aange- and vigorou exertion of the great force you have now put into rous as any cning ejie, it anoras me mou rayourapie occanon t& t. . j! . i ; c .uj. U.. ro inA. ' mate themfelves.nilots in the rrtoftdifficult' narts nf nur tiavicra. mv nanus inc opciiiivjna ui nns tdiuwit;u uu, , 1 : T v T -- r . " - , will be bfeffed with fuch faccefs as may moft' effeaflally tend to tion; This one.ol the bleffcd effetts of prcliing; the fuppreffion of the rebellion in Americaj and to the re-c.si ' ; i ;' 1 1 j j - - ! blifhmeat of that conllitutional obedience which all the fubjedts ExtrtUi of a letter fram Portfmouth, June 27. j - of a free ftzte owe to the authority of lav." I " On Saturday) the Biiitol received failing orders, aad ba Then the Chancellor, by his Majeft's command, faid : Sunday, me fell down to St. Helen'si with-the HelDan troopt : Mj Lords end Gentlemen, I I ' 'j and'fevefal.ftorcftiips under convoy." f-; j. ; 1 ' , r . ITi his Majefty's royal will and pleafure that this Parli- j Augufl 2. ;- A few days fince Charles Jenkinfon Efq ; let araent be prorog-ied to Monday the 2 ill day of July next, to 1 out for the cburt of Verfailles, with orders to demand apofitivc. be then Ure holdan ; and thi Parliament is accordingly pro- j anfwer refpeding the part that court intends taking refpeaing rogued to Monday the 2 1 ft day of July next." I ' ! the American difputes. If it turns on meafures difagreeable When the Speaker of th; Houfe of. Commons came to the bar - our court, Lord .Stormont will be ordered to leave the court of of the Hoafe of Peers, lift Friday, he delivered hinifclf to the Verfaille without taking leave. y j j j i f 1 followine etFecl : i" The grat fcarcity of cafh might in fome meafure be account i YOUR Majefty's loyal Commons have pafied five money! ed for, whea we are well informed that in one man of war, late- bHs lor the iervicc ot tne current year, tne uric a oin ior ena-; ly icni iu nuwu., v i a jum uu wy suuvj wa I ftar yoa muft have fufFered by fo long an attendance !call up oa me to put an end to this feffion of Parliament ; but I -cannot (let you go into your feveral counties without exprehlng my en tire approbation vf your condudl, and without thanking you for the onqueftionable proofs you have given iac, and to all the orld. 6FtEe continuance of vcur attachment to my perfbn and .nwrnmrnr. of vour clear difcernment of the true interefts of month, conuiled of fifty thoufand efteaiye men, befides Cana- your country, and of your fteady perfeverance in maintaining dians, Indians, and loyal provincials, who are farpofed, on the rights of ihe leiHaturc. I the lowell computation, to amount to full 10,000 men. What Gentlemen ef the Houfe tf Commons i , 'r -.j.-. ' ' " : i j ) . m ,' " I cannot fiifficiently thank. you for the zeal and public fpi- The Mirquis of Lindfey, Lord Cathcart; and feveral other rit with which you have granted the large and extraordinary ofneers, will embark with the'laft divifion of Helfian troops for (applies which I have found my felf under the neceflicy of alking-New-York .'M , ' , ; ; of my faithful Commons, for the fervice of the current year ; July f A correfpondent fays, it is imppffible to catprefs hi' and I muft at the fame time acknowledge the particular marks confternation dpon hearing that there are now 38 French fhipa, of your alFc'aiohto me, as well in enabling me to difcharge the loading Of Britiflj cargoes irj the river .Thames., Surely all, v duties contracted on account of my civil government, as in mak- foundpol cy is fled, both frcm the miniiftry and people ; for it; icg fo confidcrable an augmenution to the civil La revenue dur- " m inorj nnaing an employ wnicn will mate a molt vaiuawe icg my life f ! I nurfry- tor .feamen ;to pur natural enemies, befides enriching bling your Majefty to defray the extra expences of the American Ihipcd tor tne uie or tne rung s lerces mere , , war,' and to make good the deficiency of the goldcoin ; the fc- , The ftate of anxiety ad apparent undecifionjn whichour. Hlmnt hv annuities, and f. r ellabliminp troops remain on their conquered fpot, New-York, too plainly aw. . - j O , . ' . ' . . . r, , - -irtttri. fln?hr for laving a tt unon ftrvants :' another, for fDe'aks the dirHcult talk they, iavinp a tax upon anftionsi and upon Tales of eftates, leafer, and dicates jbat the, prefent ..wl . k' 4An . "mnA ann(hr fnr orantintr vO'Jr M.ieiiv 2 uart. v " i " ; ! - ! VWVXVU. kJ T SUIMUU , 01m imv - ""--fci J J J are engaged in, and too plairrfy;in- campaign will be ai inefFeclual aa the - ' - - .. . . l ' '.:'. ' f 1 : ' certain fum "out of the finking fund, and for appropriating the It is rior openly aihrmed, by the iutterers in tne preient war, feveral lums granted in tniS leiuon to aiea incrcin pruviucu, iu manure -.,. ; r;" w ,-r- which vour faithful Commons, Sir, humbly deiire your aiicnt; Your Commons Sir,, in the courfe of the prefent. feffion, have applied themlelves with all polubie aingence to puoiic ounneis,. r. . . r r that mercy could; never inipice withjgratitudej i nor pCnimment cring to rcpcniaijcc, luitvuxciu .ui uui iuug lUAiukwukUH. nortty oyer them. : ave done all in their powef to procure the cafe, happinefs, It is' (aid,, that fuch is the difad vantage under , which we, are rofceritJ of vour fufciecls; and have granted .the more am- fighting our rolonifts that all the American mips ate (upphed and h ole foDnlies : thev have ltrenrthencd the hands of governments with Ecglnh pilots, whili the Englifh have only their. own A . : ih;..nn;irtn nrnrnrii a fnpdv and effsflsal re- DeoD.'eitO run! them into the harbours of thi mu uuui. citt ij. w v - - f j ,j i 1 J. . .-. - . . ' ' j- ' i 1 .eir enemies.. ! " conciliation with America. They are fully confeious how ne- It is ionfidently fpoken of at the weft end of the town, IIS IltiVW ilitUtUi UUktUUU U- UHIHIi..(, - r j ened your hinds in the fulleft raanrier, and have every reafon The hltoaiflimeat andandigoation or a great penonagcatiue to expeft that jour Majefty's fubjeas in America will return to condnclof a neighbouring potentate, refpeaing: ourxclonilts a proper fenfe of their duty; and that diforder and rebellion will is faid to be extreme, as he had not the leaft conception that a i ! u.kAf nnC(T,nn n lthf A men ran cnntinent are caDltal uiiuvti nuuib v - ' ' June lj. It is faid that Earl Percy will return to America would have dared to hazard fo dangerous an event as teaching ( with acorn million of importance, and will embark for thatpur- hisiobjeas an evineflon againftpmfelf - - j Li-

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