S'l' J IN UARY 2, I77S. ; ' T H fi !, ' NlJMBER 407, .. . , 1 I . .it . ,- , NOR O IL I NM GA ZETTE V TH- CAR With the lateft ADVICES, Foreign and Domestic SEMPER PRO. LIBERT ATE, ET BONO PUBLICO. ' N E W B E R N. Tfan. a. - ' np H E following Bills were pafled at the ' J General Aflcmbly lately held at the Pa-, An aa for the better I lace in Newbern . the name pf Cafwell An a6l ta ratify an acV intituled.! regulation of th town of Newbern, 2nd for fecuring the 1 titles of perfons who hold lots in the laid town ; alfo to ra- ; tify an act, intituled, An ad: for the better regulation of the i An Acl for cftabiimin Offices for receiving Entries of town of Newbern, and for fecuring the; titles of perfons Claims for Lands in the feveral Counties within this State, who hold lots in the laid townisalfo to nktify an:aa, inti-j for afceitaining the Method of obtaining Titles to the fame, tuled, An aft for amending an act, intituled An. aft for the, and for 1 other Purpofes therein mentioned. . better regulation of the town cf aVf ? feeui"inS I An A& for eftablilhiny Courts of Law and. for regulating the titles of perlqris who hold lots in the laid town. p: -V;; 'the Proceedings therein.0 M An a6t to regulate and afcertain the tees of. clerks in the I An A for afcertaining the Oath of Allegiance and Ab- Superior and county courts, juft Ices of tlje peace, and at- juration. ' tornies, in this ftate, - and directing the method of paying I An Aa for levying a Tax for defraying the Contingencies the fame. '. I r I j J l V ": t ! ef the feveral Counties in this State, and other Purpofes. An at to impower the courts for the bounties of Tryon I An Aft for eltablilhing a Loan Office in this State. and Guilford to lay a tax by affeiTment for finiming the court ' An Aa to prevent burning the Woods. houfes, prifons, and flocks, in the faid counties ; and alfo f An Aa for laying a Tax to defray the Expence of the to impovver the feveral counties m thediftn& of Wilmington 1 Public Buildings in the County of Eurke, and other Purpo- to levy taxes for building a diltria gaol and gaoler's, houfe in An aa for direaing the method of electing members of the General AiTembly, and other purpofes. j : ; j J An aa for appointing naval officers in trier different pdrri i of this ftate, and direaing their duty in office. M' - j - An aa for the regulation of the town of Edentbn. ! n aa for jadding part of Briinfwick coqnty to Bladen, . . ana tor otner An aa for er of the diflrict Surry and part: te ana diitinct. fes therein mentioned. ; An Aa for dividing Edgcomb County, and other Pur pofes therein men! ioncd. j An Aa for direaing the Method of appointing Jurors in I all CauTes civil and criminal. I An Aa for amending an Aa, intituled, An Aa for le vying a Tax bv AfTeffmentj and other Purpofes, palled the An At to regulate the Pilotage of Cape Fear and Ccca- An aa for. making provifion for the poor cock Bars, and the Rivers leading from the fame to Brunf- purpofes. wick, Wilmington, Newbern, Bath; and Edenton. I An Aa for the better Regulation and Eafe of the Militia in the lower End of Hyde County. An Aa to encourage the defti oying Vermin in the feveral Counties of this State. 1 ? ' An Aa to encourage the building of public Mills, and di reaing the Duty of Millers. . AnVaUo amend the itaplc of tobacco, and prevent frauds. . J An o.ci irrtrtit Cmrt.nf Ailmiraltv of this ftate .fton. t-.J L ; ' ' t ' ' 4 kti awb iiiiuu v j 'i - :k i- ii. . ...... . i. to have jurifiliction hi all cafes of capture of the Ihipsnd I An act to; ratify and conhrm an att, intituled, An act tor . other -vefleli of the inhabitants and iubieas of Great Bri- the regulation of the town of Wilmington ; alfo to revive art 1 tain, tocftablilh a trial by jury in the Taid -court in cafes of act, intituled, An act tor the regulation ot the town of ,Wil- capjup. ' , mington. -- . . "j ; .t rj .:.);.; . . : 1 ;-. j i . ! An rz& for appointing fhcriffs, and aircSm their duty in An act for appointing cdmrhiffioners to ay X5ffand : mark ' office, and for obliging the late flieriffs and colleaors of a road from the court houfe in the county of Washington, : 1, ,nnnt fnr nnrl rwv the through the mountains, into the county of Burke. lame, and other t,UrDoflS. I An act for impowenng cdmm,ffionerS , to tmiU a pnfon An eaing part of the county of of Waihington ;into a fepara county, by the name of Wilkes. I An act for altering. the name of John Gllliard to the name cf Jchn liler. j . 1 " ! f ; J: ' , 4!.; V- ;..!- An act to preVent abufes in taking up ftray horfes, cattle and flieep, and other things therein mentioned, j J j An act to facilitate the navigation of port durrituclo An act for adding part of the county of Duplin to Johri- aato amendn a'a, for dechririg what crimes ami and ftocks in the county of Duplin, and other purpofes r Uf Aon h tresfonj and what lhall be therein mentioned.; I t ' nr? A-r, ' mifpriilon i;f trtfafon, and providing punilhments. adequate to crimes of both c-aHls, and for preventing the dangers An act for levying a tax for the year 1778. An act for building a court houfe in the towri bf Salifburyy :r-t r ,Torri tnth (tat. tor the dittnct or oainuury. . An a-Vfor confifcatin- the property cf all fuch perfons as ' An act for erectmg apnfonm the town cf Edenton,) lor, areinimical to the united ibtes, and of fuch perfons as ihall; the ufe of thedifjnct of Ldenton. ;r ; net within a ceruin time therein mention appear and fub- An act declaring what fences are fufficient, and providing ; mit to this ftate whether they mail be received as citizens a remedy for abufes. - , Wm thcrccif, and of fuch perfons as fhall fo appear and fhall not An act for eflabldhing fairs in the town of Wilmington, : be admitted as citizens, andYor other purpofes therein men- m New Hanover county.. . -'-rm "4f"1 , r r. An act to enforce luch parts pf the ftatute and common? hv law as nave been neretorore in uie nere, ana rnc acts or tioned. An act tor erecting wammgioncuinciimu- wwv ..... ; - . t ,i:r-i., .,' ..uju. t " ,,, 4m f Walhirtrm coiintv. aHembly made and pafled when th.s tert tory was underrtfc ' . . - - - - - - j 1 COUnty ,.f !.' l.W'nrnnritnta: 4nt til M-nan 'nf rTMK' a M .A-M Am,t A nnf? th Hft ieliion Or tniS ai- covcnmicm w ujc w... - wwm w .v fcr ?4"v"r . :;:?:V" ; Hna;n W for reviving the feveral ac tlierdn mmtionV twccn Hillfborouch and the Vimna line, by erecting mc cu. northern part of Orange county into a. diftina county, by . '-'51 I'M lr::; f.: h " . -- '& v . y 4 - . - r: r. I - : -. r IF IF: 'at. ! i A ' la J 4 f 4 - sis III ' I 15 1

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