February 6, 1778. THE ?4 NORTH-CAROLINA GAZETTE. With the lateft ADVICES, Foreign and Domestic. SEMPER PRO LIBERT ATE, ET BONO PUBLICO. WORCESTER, December 19. WE learn t! at Lieut. Gen. Burgoyne was fo confi dent of having liberty to embark with hia troop at Newport, Rhode Ifland, that the tranfports for the reception of hin and his army had actu ally arrived there; but we are told it is no ways likely that he wi!! be permitted to take his departure from that port, nottvirhftandiag it might be " m conformity to" his 44 or ders to proceed by the mnft vigourtus exertions.'' LL LANCASTER, December 31. s-k M Phr-nas dav a brigade of militia marched down v ith J in maikct ihot of the enemy's lines near Philadelphia, a-.d t. King pott between Third and Fourth Arrets, alarmed them b feadang c: rht twelve pound bails among them. The enemy bca: to anas and hred ti.cir artillery, bat happily did no da niue, although the (hot raked both on the right and left of our people. The nuiitia brought of! one priibner and feveral hor ks. By a letter from Naiitz, of the 10th of Oaober, we learn that the brig Lexington ci 16 guns, commanded by Captain Johnlion. w . t.iken alter a very fevcre engagement, in which the Car ia and all the other officers were killed, except one, who toll his leg. By General Howe's proclamation, of the 10th of December, we hn J that he has appointed Jofeph Galloway to be iuperin-tenu-.u General j his authority to extend through the country lying between the rivers Delaware and Schuylkiil, as far as the tha n of redoubts which begin at or near Kenfington, and reach acre! the outkirts of the city to the upper ferry. Jaw. 7. We can allure the public, fr m the heft authority, that by the aHiduity and ir.djiiry of M-iT. Otis and Andrew, of Button, agents for the porchafe of docking for the continent al troops, upwards of five thouiand fuits, with Owe , flocking?, ihirts, 6cc. have been procured, and are no v on their way to camp. This, with the lupplies waich nre expected from V lr ginia and other quarters, gives u the pleading proiped o: fee ing cur whole army completely clothed very loon. A very ncn prize was lately taken by a continental brig, and carried in o Bolton. She is a large Ihip from GlaiVovv, loaded with dry goods, (hoes, docking, ticks, and a -r-a: variety of other ne ceffary and uleful article. A brig nas alio arrived there from Holland, rLhly loaded with medicines, tea, lir.neas, &c. Sec. The Bo.lon papers ailb mention the faie arrival of feveial ether prizes of lel value ; but, as th- eld laying is, every little helps. O ihc other 318 of December latt a molt valuable prize f-H in:o tnc nandi of a body of continental troops Itationcd at Wilmington, or. the river Delaware, conm-anded by Gene al Smailwood. A large brig frcm New-Yv k, beund to Philadel phia, Wi.s blown alhore about feven miles below Wilmington, when a d M meat, with two fie.'d pieces, were fent down K) fire on her, and after a few Ihot lhe liruck. Her cargo is chief ly xs iciiows; 350 chefts of arms, with 2. lhnd inea.h, clothing tor four regiments, the baggage belonging to the offi cers or tour regiments, a quantity of wine and Ipinu , one 04 -tain, three fuaaltern,, and fort) privates, alfo about 40 officer Itdies, .See. &c. Three other vefieis a-e laid to be drove aihore on the Jerfey fide, and that the inhabitants are taking proper care or their cargces. YQ R K - T O W N, Jar. J. Exfacl of a later from Holland, Augujl 2. THE Prince oi V. a'deck has two fine regiments in the ier viceofthisrepublick, whofe contract is near expiring. The court of London knowing this,, pre fled ftror.gly have them. He anfwered. that he had proofed a to their High Mightiness, and demanded mote favour! ble to nimfelf than thofe of the firft contracl that if their High Mightineffes did not confent to them, yield thofe regiment, to the King upon jWfJ that he could not icfufe them to the republick, if he chole to keeD them. Upon this Sir lofeph York took much pains with the fecretary of their High Mightinefles,1 and with others, to lead them to be willing to part with thofe troops ; but, thanks to the city of Amfterdam, he has failed, and a refolution has juft been taken by the principal of our provinces, viz. Holland, to renew the contract upon the propofed terms, and to keep thofe regiments. - " This conduft (hews a difpofition in the minds of people here to be no longer-fo fubmiflive to the will of your haughty c nemies, as they have formerly been." Extraftof a letter from an officer at camp, Valley Forge, Dec. 27. There have been brought into camp, within thefe three days, 60 Britilhfoot, dragoons, and 30 waggons. Oor mi litia now lies at Germantown. General Howe and his army are Jving between Darby and Cheller, and Col. Morgan with 700 infantry lies on their lines. The greatell part of our army are detached in parties down the river." . In CONGRESS, O&ober 14, 1777. WHEREAS the Britifh nation have received i. to their ports, and condemned in their courts of admiralty, as lawful prize, feveral veflela and their cargoes belonging to thefe ftates, which the matters and mariners, in breach of the truit and confidence repofed in them, have betrayed and delivered to the officers of the Britilh crown : Refolded thereore, that every veffel or cargo the property of a nV Britilh fubject, not an inhabitant of Bermuda or any of the Bahama iilands, brought into any of the ports or harbours of a ny of thefe United States, by the mailer or mariners, fhall be adjudged lawful prize, and divided amon the captors, in the fame proportion as if taken by a continental veffel of war. Extract from the minutes, CHARLES THOMSON, Sec'ry. B U R L 1 N G T O N, December 24. WE hear that on Fridy lad Lord Cornwallis, Gen. Clever land, Sir George Olborne, and the Rev. Jacob Duche, failed from Philade'phia for England. The legifliture of New-Jerfey, at their laft fifting at Prince town, appointed the Hon. John Witherfpoon, Abraham Clark, Jonathan Elmer, Nathaniel Scudder, and Elias Boudinot, Ef quires, delegates to reprefent this ftate in Congrefs. A correfpondent U forms us, that Congrefs have recommend ed a convention of commiffioners of all the ftates to forma plan of general regulation respecting limiting the prices of fundry ar ticles ol produce, manufaaures and trade. BA L T 1 M ORE, Dec. 30, 1777. Extracl cfa letter from an oficer in the army, dated Wilmington, Dec. 25. ON the 1 "7th ulr. we left the main army, under the com mand or General Smallwood, in order to take up our win ter qu Lrtew here. I expect Howe means to pay us a vifit a he has removed out as far as Cheiier, and there has extended his lines. , ... . General Walh:ngton has moved down the Schuylkill, in or der, lhuu'd Howe advance farther, he maybe in his rear. We took feven of their light horfe the day before yefterday. C01O nei Morgan is on rhe enemy's fiank, and has lately taken a great ny of their light horfe and io'diers. A large number their lhioping have taWen down ;heriver this day, with what view is not known, but generally thought they intend for New- On our march to this place our regiment was in the front, all clothed in red. As we advanced near the town, we met a num ber of tories, who, taking us for Englifti troops immediately came up and enquired for General Howe, when they were im mediately condufted to General Smallwood, and they, taking him for Howe, faid, now wc are fafe. We took the hint, and afked them if they faw any of the rebels about or near that p ace. Ay, ay, we have feen too many of them, for they have not left