April 3, 1778. J THE tfOR THCJiR OL iNf GAZETTE With the lateft ADVICES, Foreign and Domestic. SEMPER PRO LIBERT ATE, ET BONO PUBLICO. Rtmarmatr s tbt atbatts It the beafe of Lords, AVu. 20- ; The Dale efGrmftim followed the duke of Richmond upon th THh Dktef Ribaiomd eatered into 3a ab1cged v!et fame futj-ret, and particularly addrelH-d hirafeif to the lord pre l1 tbt waofr eourfe of the American war, from Ge- fid en?, but the lord president made no reply. rreraJ Gage's fcrftarrtvrl at Bo!on, c'owo :o the pre- The qaefiion bcinjg then called for, the lord Chance! lot pot it, f:at times, which he did with g'i preciii ;o, and at abcuc half pafl sen o'clock, ' Whether tpe amendment ihouM tl.-ong points cf view. He :hen ofcferrd upou itand part of the addrefs or not, when there appeared, non-con - p, fart fruat: n rf our two armies there; the one (Ge- ttmts 97 ; csneents .38 ; majority againfl theiamendment, 69- n-jral H rmn. ) weakened by fi:knefs, defeat, :e. and the other The main tjjeiHcn on the addrefs was ihen pat, when it was car- ffij'ot itV) ti-ieg t''cn-J ao.ut rMice t!n-avh the woods Tied without a divificn. rSre he loft above two thoufacd men, to reach a place, which be reach more eaiily could hare gone to by fta. His grace then admitted, for argument f-icc, that General H e w jt pre fect in p'ffcffiV.n ot Phil -.d-Jch: and Burgoyne was at Albany ; aat wcujd arait bcih of thefe fixations ? 'I hcv crno', fays he, an any fa- he rthey have not teen s ye: able to march o e hun 2nd n-.ilrs np the cr-uniry, fo as to make the effects cf that march tfniilr. Hi grace then entered into a particular ftatjc of .coir d r. lie . luicks, nd con traded thedmeren: fituanors of l-rarce 1 I . . r fiouje of Cox rums, Nov. ZOe WfclF.N the members had returned from the nppfcrnooje. and nine gentlemen who were riected during the proro gate n of parliament had tak. n the oaths and their feats, the fpeaker rrad from the chiir a copy of his enajeity's fpeeeb, dei vered from the throne. Ao addrefs was then moved for, and fir con dec by two young facimbeis, UrdHrae and Sir Gittvrt Elliott. 1 he fiHt prefaced h's m tion by a panfgyrick on the prudence th great iof"rrra i; h and polidrai kro.vd.e. cf gove: nment, the neCeflity of the w.-.r, and the good conduce irh an apr-eal to the bench of bifhops, fir rhe of our co:iToartders, who, notwithtlanding f me infinuatiooa an i Engiard He cncludeJBPirh an api-eal to tne remh ot tUUops, f t m ur co-or.ntJen, who, notwiifti'anoine inte ference of their wanted humrr ity, in preventing favages to th-own cut lately in the public prints, deferred our utmoft enn- Cr)n and rrrnahawfevthe defcenvWrnti of 8nt-ns and chrilttans. LrJ Jnflv made many pertinent nbfrrvati 5 on the fta'e of Am ica, and the danger thee was, irdecd the almi it cr:a:n ty of their being afifted by the -ourc of F.-ace. AttOflkft fer trjrom nt. in corrobora-ion cf this, he inSancrd the cct: duel of - tm niiin mil ip- to H"nr IV. of F-4nce. u-Hm. ihouen an 1 I U I'm U 1 i Ul V lllll ! w - -W i ! ninifttr. found it policy to afuil the irhgbirants of tha the dicnjty, cf the inteicU of the nation would admit of fuch inai muntriM nrivi'fh . then Mi war with Philm II, cf irvn, Oeh ahje e"rtvrt. fongh the Cwurt of France did not think it proper openly to de c a e it. ? ttemrteJ to defend he ma ere nf idence, and ampy juftihVd that hope which his majffefty as w 11 a? hts miniflers placeu in their future exertions. He faid, that the ene Tfjvkndm was not adopted until rhe views and a&iona of the Americans called loudly for the meaftre, and that he doubt ed not but the prudence of government would fciae every oppor t-umty to rut a ttop to the erruiion ot blo d, when the honour. Sir Cilbtrt EUlfftt, tn fecon'ding the motion, obferved, that Lrg SiffoJi rrfe r. empl6ir incisna in mc Arrvic..n wa-. He (aid; that i was right to t mrloy any force tbt G d and nature ha i put into cur haod. Thee -o ds d ew or Ler4 Chrith he, in 1! the rr-w of ratriotirm ard human: , rcproba'ed foch a d clf.rr. He ianl, he wai lh eked to hear fuch language any where, much lrf ffora one fi ne-.r the throne ; that fee aj rk d at it, nt only as a mrmhr of that hooff. but as a mm of tpitnai itv ; and thai fi.it ever his lorcfh:p ment . f ih' lerrr G d and mature, he n: p ed no other noble lord iad tb lfoe ideahe hoptd uch idea woold be equally reproa rd r .he liwn fleevrf and theermind gown men of that h-n ;ibb h-ui. Wnat, fay his lrclhip (aii-nj his vcicr) ta'k A the 'h s which C o 3nd nature had put into yru- hpds, by lt.ing a paicd oi nri: h uads lo fe op en Engliftinvn ; in the litersl letefa of the w rd, to ear them un. ft is a h rnu and im; i vs evpr 'I n. T his much, my lods c-oc!oeVi the noble er) 1 lfeavtu u recefT'aiy to tmrk. aj I tO'Hi'l m fclf fo afFccl, iht I ih u!d not have fle,it this ni-ht ii I rad n t d-.nc it. Lies' S.'Jkt ard the LtrJ PrtfiJe, hot itWKipteil ;n Cm:e this ui-ai'on-, by arTert"? . n . e r.iri htioi'eif em'p1yed Watrages whin in ifSce, en:i railed pen lord Amhenf a? d T. wn Ihend to knew whether fuch hd n: t r.cen employed i .ft wr. Hrk ther nnhle lords faiJ h 'V wen rmnl )ed. Bj; Lnrd Cbal kr in rrr Iv. inf)(l d. rhe min.Urr krev rnvhine 61 ; that - ' a w w ----- w . though he hid not tn horKur of a kat m the honfe whtn the grand objects of the prefect unhappy war were under the difcuifi. on of parl'amenr, yet he was well aware that they had been al-T-ady vi?.ved n bi:ftfcdis of the hcufe In every Iihr wherein tht.7 were -capable of oeing feen. And, indeed, if they had not, it u as perhaps now unrreeefTary to difcufs" them. The question was n t now a he herTlmerjca was onginatiy right or wrong? bu: whether Jhe Oiould or mould not femain independent? And t k ng 'hecsfe of the colonies as it now (lands, he was aftoruft eo that any ma"; bcrn and educated in Britain, could land up in -hat hnfe to estprtfs a f;ntiment contrary xo the fpirit of the meafu'es ad'rod by goveramenr, arrd conveyed to us in the lan eua?e of hi" mi-jefty's moft gracious fpeech. He tock occafion to intrude an obfervation o the prefent ftate of our trade and commerce ; aterring, thar To far from being diminifhed by the prefent coureff, as might reafonably be feared, they were rather increafed within tb Jail twelve months. He heard nothing of our artifans o- in; unempl oyed in any branch of trade in the kingdom ; and t'l'ing a little incrafe of luxury which, upon in wh le, was ratht r a thriving fymptoro, he beleived the nati f o was in as flurifhin a condition as at any period in his me rtiorye H , in explicit terms, ftigmatiied ihofe $ho were of an opp: fi e oj.ir ion, as a let cf peddle pervaded with the fpirit of fatmn. The Marquis cf Granby, in terms which evinced the philan throrick dilpofitlud ol his f ul, lath -ntcd the confequences which mu;t flow frcm this nation, as well as upon the Americana, from n. r.rn tsU mioht have occafiona 1'. taken t; ch rnto rhe rear - f 10 unnatural a war. He feemed to take an equal intereft in the their armies, but :but they wco rl ffiCialtY rmpl fd, nor no calamities it mult brir upon both, and expouTed rhe molt ar dfcnp:ioo of fuch allies in rhe r e r is of his adinmilf ra'ion.- dent wifh of employing the preA nt moment to lay at leaft the 1 h:s tht minifrr-i-i - rd ccaM ' t contradict. proand wo k of an acc mmodatn n. The powers of Grea(-Brf- The Diit cf R cltvmi rob in rrrlv 'O lord SufFnlk, who, f. tain hd been exerted during three foccefltve campaigns, to ob- ter lord Chatnam fat dawn, agsin rifprre l, that wha cvrr pcWef tain peace with that continent by the point of the f word 5 and Gd and nhrore had put into their hands, they hid a ripht to hfe flattering himfrlf that the prefent m.mer t of ancertaimy with re- aaiaft avowed enemies) by eft ng his lordfhip, whe-her he won d ipe- to the fncceft of our arm , was a moft proper time for at- vfndicate th noifoning rivers upon the famr principle it w?s tempting to fffed it by a aeafore of cordiality, he begged leaee iud at humane, at letting lorfe favagts, and juft as equally de- t ie?d an amendment which he fhould move to be rniened in the tt hhe bt the riclitf of hman nature, and Uic Ias oi nati ns. addn fs then pending before the houle. The fnbftance of thtaa- t w tk-rr 'mm mo re-lv mendmenj was, to advifc his majefty to adopt fome meafnres