THE Number 423 J tf0RTH-C4R0LINu4 GAZETTE. April io, 1778. With the lateft ADVICES, Foreign and Domestic. SE:vi?ER PRO LIBERT ATE, ET BONO PUBLICO. m LONDON. November 20. Remainder of tbe debate ; the bouje if commons M fhouid he lent in for the fubfiftence of the American prifoners ia his pt tTitTi n, and for the purchafe of fuch necetiaries, as they 1n.1v It.-. .J in need of, and has prohibited the circulation of th4 R. LURKE replied to liia Louifirp. and cx- money ltruck by the authority of thefe. Scales, within fuch parti prrlied Rrt (HKffBi tnar the matters ured of the country, as are, at prefent, fubje&ed to his power, where-J by i'o many re'peciaoic members as had i'poke by great difficulties have occurred in relieving the diitrefTes of the befrre im, ihoufd oe tn-attd i'o Iigiuly, an i American prifjners: And whereas large furni of continental bills of credit have been or -onterfeited and inued by the agents, eoxlCr faffes and abettors of Sir William Howe, 4 Refoh tdj That the accounts of all proviu ns and ether necef fari'.i, which already ha e be-n, or which hereafter may be fup phed Iv (be public to prisoners in the power of thefe Stares, (half WuiMui-:, eitoer oy receiving irom me onum commmary lock a very proper opportunity 01 compli menting the fcfttyU h ncurable peVfoM we fva.e s'ttaiiv ii:arti ned. aoj ic:vuJed tne l- .-k, ;".. ftf he mitnrer in trrm ol tne mult p-nnted !a;irc pprawyv w -- - - If ihe ihortnefs of UtmjS did not prevent us, we flsoeld be nappy the detail of a fbercii. which, m the c ftsfe of two nouis, l C T . . . - I' . 1.- y - . - -. . - 1 - nii.mar.dvd the atU-min, cxc.teu ihe ia, and lometimcs ol priiiiKfs or any 01 ni-s agents, provmons or omer Decenaries drew crr 'f m the fy Afataiitig . ere net hardjtued oy equal :n quality and kind to what have been fupplicd, or the a C -i jdice in fhr f-n;imcr' - 1 auy party. Wc ih 4l omit ail tools in. u-x tikerenfj in gold and filver at the rate of four (hillings and L f ridufmle were ru: by his $tjr$Hiit c, on tne fix pence Uiriir.g t,r every dollar cf the currency of thefe States s nil one ail thefe accounts be liquidated and difchsrged, previous to ihe releafc cf any prifoners. to whom provisions or other cc- whkJi L-.r l N rch n.a..e ia anfwer 10 uc cArg gacn l. urrA Hi-vnc's or .e niition. We arc Obliged to pals over aii naaWWerabU Drowls vf ii!C 'utility, not 10 lay tne i; j-ry. of ceffaries Jhaii have been fupplied. . . . . .... 'i-L. i an-.! touch or.iy on iriat painctiCK. eur cono.ettk in ihe c ; inies, fcpplicauon which he made :o the nt-u r, 10 itisci the preJcm ha; py moment to atcnpi an acccn.m.. cation, hen ncitoer eiatcd th iniclcnt viacry. nbr deba'c ith zlyci crfeat, we could uiih hen iur Co turlel make fue'n ptojblall to r cUou;;;s s tnev cou'd. uithour cii . nour, ace ;. He jotrt ail u witr a drjjreeof honcli entUuli;a, upn tee robL- fpirit Of men, who, 1: they hd not bee-., reeds, he CCttlJ have oeen l.'.vjih m prat fin; of women who. seduced by life ruin of civil oifcord to (he eictf horrible fituaric n o.4 diilrefs and poverty, kau couHancy, jeicrofity, and public TfUnt, to rfrip the blankets, in a freezing ledloB, from themfelves and their infant, to icod to tae camp, and preferve that armv wiiicii they had l nt out to nbht tor tneir lin-rties. And (hall Unnns, fa;d he, overlook lh viAmei and will they pe;f:rt in Opprefljj it; lh til we give them no aiterna Qf but unc ndiiional fcbmiiiicn ? A rhr. ears war has not ter Hned then., diftrcfild - tfcee arc. Crew reat purp.te. Let s try the power oflestty over theft generous bofcon. To fol lw him all .hr .agh, wc uiLii have cmittec the rell of the debate, ami to tn h-m 'U'.hce wou d DC imp, llioie. January 21. The board of war reported, that, having confer red with Mr. Elias B udinot commiiTary of prifoners on the 21ft of D 'c -mber, and carefully examined the evidence produced by him. th; y cltcem it their duty to ftate to Congrefs the following fatU .eating to the Aciiican prifoners, in the power cf the ene- That z.i far as can be collecled from the tedimony cf prifoners and innabitan's. who have left the enemy, there are about 900 privates and Soo crncers in the city, of New-York, and about 500 privates and 50 officers, in the city of Philadelphia, Thac lit- privates in New-York have been croudrd all fnmrner in fttfar-hofes, and the officers boarded on Long-IIand, except about 30, who have been confined in the provolt guard and ia the m Ai loathlotr.e goais. . That, fince the beginning of O&ober, all thefe prifonere both officers anJ privates, have been confined iu prifon-fhips, oir the provoiL . L That the privates in the city of Philadelphia have been kept ir the two pubiic goals and the officers in the State -hcufe. That from the beii evidence, which the nature of the fubjeft en! we n:iilt le f-Kn aolc aawouocc ' 4 Cvaiuuinuauu iouc voaMy to be v;fhra as their c-'aiitiou. Mr. CAssaVi Fx remarkably fevere on Lord George Ger maine. li reminded h:m of certain circumilonocs, which we da ot chuJe to, r.nd attribaied to hii adminiliration, the moH capital miif-ke! of ervernroent, for the lntt two years. t-. c 1 .est. A.fnn&.i concord r would to Hea- w ill admit of. ic appears, that the general allowance of pro vifi- 1 tit i.uu.k u. i7 r - J ir i- - , ons, at the molt, ooes. nor, exceec ivj.ur ounces 01 rneac ana -tne iom;- quantity of bread ( f;imes fo damaged as not fo'be eatable) per mao per day, and' often much lefa, although the profetfed al lowance is from eight to ten ounces ; and that the prifoners have treated in general (officers not excepted) with a cruelty. fcarce to be poraiieled, and with the rncfl Hudied and illiberal LordCyr-e Urfmii d tended himlclf with temper and inge- icfult. . -v. - . ; . . laiche bad been ir.vtud into office, and hinted to Mr. That it has bees a common price with the enemy, on a pjrU F x that his fortune a fuch, that ihe profcu of a pUce could lontr oemg nrn cpturoa, vV .uWr auu eveu act ot br any rrat object la h m. dayi without a morte! of provifions of any kind, and then to, Coiceet' mr,c inched iho heceiSty of fending out full powers to tcm.t turn to eci:ii wnh the new levxea m &der to fave kia the commidiuners, ot pref-ming ?h- Olive branch to the Ami'd . . , rjJ, canr before it ev be caste utterly irrccontiieable to Great Brit:: ir. ; That there are numerous jnllances of prinen of war Jr&- ln ' tn 2.11 tne agontes 01 nungcr, rrom tucir icycrc treatment. l'har being generally ftripped of what clothes they have wbeu taken, they haver fuiFered greatly for wane thereof during their cut-ritiemeniV-, W ihat, in toe beginning ot lalt luc5m bills of exchange to the antoum of f. 600 lie-iing. purchared of David! Franks, Bri- he cotnplained that his letters were pe ed Oy the orders pi the miniiieis, and that 00 .mcer Irom America datd to fpe-k to him. as he was locked os a a poftribfd peH n. Mr. TcmfU Lmttrel faid a g ( d deal about an address to the Kir!, ihat he would be gracr uilv pleafed to empower his com- : r. , i- .irk rk nr iir.r i ( t uiit a rh ho jf: made a good deal of noife, it was impoihbie CO c J l,cl the particulars tifh cummojary of prifoners , "fiding wnhm tbe i.nfdidwn of c B c k wefe itRt lxwo New-York for the relief of the prifo- Lord ioi Amzde a ffiort reply to Cc!. Ba-r-, and then tSe q ie ft ion being p', there appeared, f r the addres-, 243; AaMiit it, ; Maj nity, 355. The houfe Jroiu: up at naii iwtl.e, and adjourned rill to morrow. o-rfc inat every obifacle was thrown in the way to prevent the fltstf ciation ot toelc Oil:a, ana ancr a ueisy o wo uqioiiia,, tney w?re returned to Mr. Bcudiiiot, the Amerieaa cemmiuary of orifooers. ' 1 That the American coramiffary of prifoners had permiffion to' fend ia provisions from Hudfon's and Raritou rier into New- it f n r I 1 . . I . .V. i a rn. r fnm ahruif tuA mtnfkt Mail Wiivd . AS Sir William Mow", commaraT in mm t . . IN CONGRESS, Dctiier 19. 1777.