Iav i, X77S. T H E jvtfi? TH-CAROLINA With the ktefi ADVICES, Foreign and Domestic SEMPER PRO tlBERTATE, ET BONO PUBLICO. ExtraS from GENERAL ORDERS. ' ' Notwithftandiag fcveral of cor men of wartare out on the fame Cam, VafW'F.rgr, -AfrfA 27, 1778.' nations, they have not beta fortunate enough to mee: wtisa ' t them. THE nomerru jocoJfnirr of 1 Urge tram of bag- A cdrreffondent favs, that i? continues to be mof! confident!? " n.uft be a-parent to eery (fficer of ihe Wall rfTertcd that a treaty of commerce and alliance is figncd becween ofcf rvaci n. An a my, by meant of if, is render- France ar.d America; but whether the report is funded opoa edunueildy, and incap-bie cf acting with that eafe at, 01 her fads, or up.n a real kncvrledf e of Jucb a iatV, i not nd ccfci.ty. which arc tflcntiatei her to its v.wu fe- yet clearly atcertained.:- The two other fafts are thfe, viz. On ,uricv arc defence, or to -1 r a. j er.ierp.ize in i- i tfeflfiie o- the 27th of December, Mr. Carmichal, eificial fccretary to the iaiiors 1 ne f.T.ci.ude hicfc th, fc who have a la., e Uc.nti- American acput.es at raris, ier ici xrem menw pi ... flak- will feel f r Mi fafety even in the m it c-iical cir- n'ca. The treaty is did to hae beer Cgned on the 55th; i fee Sances'. i, fcn.e :i, e. Ku6d u ith xery -Lmur g o n;.qum- ether fa is th.u L rJ S.ormont has f.nt to ' Oilr toun tbe an- 3. j : v: .. : . !y ar.d uoividafy luUa.u noire n- fuer given by the Fxench mm;iler to his memorial, wnicfc,5, i ole I if s fr m tnein en drce cA Ucuji oc nv tnejdilelvef that t e King of Fiance will prcteft h-s H !g, in all cafes and pla- fu c qu u.h . , r. Dh ic i bur r.c-eu wi:h a f-uit- ces he thinks ft, and particularly in the commerce of his lubjuds riheliei oftne u r is r ' 1, d by the ext. oj ci. ary A great number cf recruiting parties have been very bn fy at rhtie difadvan X L... f . . ...Ic rrn1 ffr fltfi Ii i Ct I . T . I U 41 Vt I i-v.j .i - - -. r tciLi niaodftoc lite . ai. u.fcen to rt mbdy ihmi hmit M btrt. tob e fovey-!-, f by t . my. Ibfahi i. c.s irbcrccol kJ. j ; -n- atfleoJ the rkft camakv, arjJ aihoog . ;e.s, the :. .1 artetd h. feo.:ing tn iuc iui ui wc uu- - St. J O H N's, (Antigua) March 18. T Ya .vtfT l arrived at St. Cn :x, which. paiTed thrca'eh.the du- Dwns ih- 1 5. h cf February Lll, we are informed that 30, ire 11.ee BCX.ve . r. ui u, w - ,; coriander in cbiel hoei hcf. c C3erat h$ will I'.nuence tery Amhe.ft, who is1 to rw General 11 we, tu cegin the cn- 41 hiTaiiig tampa, 10 prUide iheinfclwi wfl h ie fu.ng campai- n. J . , i . i i . ' 9.u.i.r..,. ,.,i .,i, -nJ .i'.ih the 1c rh a, h; -he arScre alteratirn mi probably rccaOoti the v cf cr.rrvin2 th.m in the molt eand conveM.nr manner, reat,a;irn of Lord Hoe, as head ol the naval aepartm.nt; and V.dcrtnuh: h. heftro-vrcc -,nd, the ciuf. oCch lis and if it in u J f.. tu.n net, th-re tt-rna:! ::. tad- tbt U Bar- H-s a'd tl -Mrimantoau5T or valiU-s m.tae 01 tic-v, n.ay uc rn.gi.i; s iuVt.c.Ug m-..w. B- ; . This will be the moreen ifi:e as it rrigns thu uncuc Great li.Kain and Ireland thar ever was read 3 ke lteo?pck-i rfca, ,s far a, mav ., pramcabc. Ici.ex- of govcrnnKnt. 1 he I Vd -he General an- M offitf ri will let the example, and fe the firu cf Ue pec pie to the higheft p.uh. - . , r l ' . i i - r.1 ire mi The . . .- i .1 r. .. j, ik. ir r-fii-ile din.. pat it is UfiC ;: :l wr J oy a i luoic wwwi R A MM I'LL, AJj. Gen. B A L T I M O R E,' Jpnlj. A DOLT fen days lince hve hundred bea4 or cattle, and rxVentv four wa?pon loads of clochine,. arrived ai General PARIS i ere 22 i;;7e ..(h gtcn's camp i.om !New England. , r , i HP rllCloa.. fa reo-e I ; 1 iv people c-en think .It is confidcrtly faid, tht there are now no left tban ten ta5B- a w.ir in i'aMe, ard ''k ' i j Octj aiaa cc ai;u g!a- lano neau ui i4iuc, v. ..w.-. i J ait iet v u: for mediate draught frern the militia, beliucs which, torevent the rge4 with repcfi.s militia bel.g called out upon any fudden alarm, they have adopt- . ed fhe fnibwing plan, viz. one regiment to be rajfed by vohji- be w 11 inf rmed, tarv enliltment cut of each brigade in the nVe, who are to have I A a w.ir in- l'aoie, aa ' - -v " er tT r t i a Zcl ? Z cenct lt mlnhly. ftrprel a m,:te Tr.e Irpu.tor. of the It ate cf Cconeaicot have determined to o.dV-Vc, .n Ameican, oha tiyedjn complete hew quota d troops for the conunental army by an ina- 1, ;Kk houfe. thi t elVemooth pa, is JatfiVt fcr mediate oraught trom tne mi;itia, ot;;ucB wnico, W prevent A: e.ic2. and i: i eot donUed that h; is ciiargei cf the ieft impt zc. Utc.zi. - pe. , ' K- 14 41 .... - . - ' . . . -. t l.k w th s M -f Frankli . !- D ae ha-e been at Verifies, Rve rords octinty, to ne uncer nan py, u wnen o -uaa w'ut th yneWh r WesrS ...h tu- Cumdc MaurVpas nor the fetvice to be unuer whole pay, atfo to receive the fame rations and GoniTd V reanes baf.tly with Mr. Gerari, g ft c nam -ffi- order the fame reflations as the contiaejital troops, onrr o - c n nt c f foreign rs. fa ge meantime, it is ' . Majdr General Greja ; hear, aomted quarter-mafter i!l mcv .ceo ca- ao cxprtf ,.iil be lent l.crn hcr.ee to Amcri- general in the room ox MSdf General M.-ffim, who is now one C3 i i. aker- i: lf to he O.r.Mdi; aw! , fir cr- of the H n. B ard of war. , .i... V.-V. Az?j n deCtutcked a u-rjon witb Extracl of a Utter from the American campt at the Valley Fore, trcfr acctu:ton. j, Thc Amcrican ft,tts apptar to me extremely tardy ii . 1 -r : 1.:.. JLautti D mrjtar to me extremeiv tardv in their operation?, particolaily in reinforceing his excellency Gentiral tTf . A. 11 rK rrf l 1 K (1 i re?l n f H nllrnrWl rsl .it" being early anJ itrongly ive men. fa is the h&iphts rf" re Hu conyiccru ini v " . . , . ' ful adverfary to cope with, and therefore ought ro be better iup- 5S2X4iWf5MW U0. he poned by th'eir coun.r, The .rocps ,hat are o their raa,eh i. it is now -Jpisu-uv. Mi ins. ni;n. is Mneeted will increale our army to twelve thouJand. Tnas, '' r ' B, St toot'hf enough, I., I, hulnb,e opunoo, ,Me Ae iue- wd Gswnii Mercir ) cruifiog oa the coaE of wdobWi c6 efUte wflo.Id have u, tamp. ftj!3PfcSt Xh hare taken a nuinb of .nc eJTCU. fitffoi Way, at leatt thlny ttffiind men.