1 I ca. he he ie. he Id m ic if m a at Igmntsrim ami woe, tkrghmt Jmtriem, btcgmft her nmoat In parfuance of a refoive of the geaera! AlTembly, to itfbe this l ftneo be the JUvts of Britain, f not only fee the jufftce of proclamation hereby prohibiting the exportation of com, peafr im thus infatuating Bntatn, but I fee alfo its mercy and good- flour, pork, bacon and beef, out of, this $tateby land or b L.-J . mm f mmmm . . . -- --- ' - - t L t ..mI - J . .. . - ... r. -L. 1 J . - - - ". L V II I . - 1 I manmimm 9 - vw p.w, '- -! wici iicr uiiJ.,U4ic, cv.cut lata i man oc icni iiktcoui ful utt-on, ef tbt ability tt tyrannize erjer other nations, and for the ufe of the continental armv, or any tr -ops feat our or 4 leading America through tbt wilderuefs from the btmji of tnis State, . and fuch quantify as may be reallv neceflary for the jsjt, tfiablifh it tm tbt land that fhwttb with milk and honey , crew of any vcfTei going out on a voyage or cruize, and fuch as in a Rate of indeptndtnct, Ibtrtt and pemct. Tbcfe bltjfings, may be purchafed by the agents of the United States, S fea (b Great Britain (at Jbe proudly called htrfelfj could only bant i at a f the glorious united American jiatet will fubfauti- I . L-l- X . JUT. . - L L . L - i.Z:,.4. itjsy, ana ivtir ur igui exumpie aijjujt torsugooue tog oaoioit ijranti, warnta by toe fate of or the 1 tnrd, wikTruLe :r mi air way "d make tbtir wretched fubjecfs jmile. Man- will Jbortiy know tout tbt laws alone jbonld rule, and that ftores for any veiTcis in the continental iervice on a voyage cruize. GtVRN ander my Hand, and Seal at Arms, at Ne w Bern, the Iftb Day rf April, in tne Yar ot our Loid 1 and la nhc ft con d Year of our Independence. RICHARD CASWELL. ft chief magiftratet art to execute tbt law for tbt good of tbt By bit Excellency's Command, it, ami art account 'able to tbt ftoplt for tbtir conduct, ana nvtll no ittr frjftr tbt loft or vend ambition of a Jtnglt man to plunge them njirudive Bloody loart, nor tut 11 tktj lunger juffer bigotry and Wjhimm to moke m Lrorgon of religions beauteous fact, and fix tt ptrjeeutieu t brazen cuts. All until tt peatt. harmony, and tt; b JTedJlutt into ivbtcb mankind it to bt brougf t by our means, vjeat as Heaven bat plainly dirSed but if tue flight her in vi- Utns and inJfrucJions tut ball "Jfcr digrtict, infamy, and mtjery. J. GLASGOW, Sec. AD V E R T I S E M E N T S. RUN , - :-r PRIL 20, 1770- away from the Subfcribcr, abv'uv theviVl-dule of An- tt I aft. 2 new netro fellow who anfvers to tne name of ttbeexptejfed, and a mort virtuous generation after us xvtll fhijb fETER, about 5 feet 5 inches high, about 40 years of a?e. mghtywoib which WbmmeJuly dtjerttd and left undone. Bnt, cant or won't fnC;ik Enelifh. ha& afmall hole in one of his ears. is remarkable fr making fnaff, and taking it off one of his thumbs, and had. on a coarfe frock- Whoever delivers him to me, or fecures him in any gaol that I may ?et him, ihall have 5I. reward. BENJAMIN CASWELL. RUN axvay'frcu: the fulfcriber in Bla ieft CMttnty, a negro man named CESAlt, about 5 feet 5 or 6 inches high, about 20 years of age, tolerable well Jet, has a fectr on one cf bis hips, and believe has lojl one of bis fore teeth. He to as Jcen on Cape Fear, making northnoardly, is very fenfhle, and has Jome papers cr letters by tohicb he p-rfies, pretending io be eoitip cn mj Lufinefs. j& reztara of IO. Mtf be oiuen to anv terj'cn nxiho hail atirehend and confine npon btmg reUafed fcM in any aQfin jattt foaJJ get him, or jball execute bim a et botueter, rrfuf- (0rdin t0 JM beinv omlwed toe lb of April ijy&. pecttd to 90 trtattd " - THOVf A AMIC 'toxin be prdied, the glorious wo k is far advanced, and if the ran dmtrua docs not P'jjtjs torn man American brtafls, this cam- ugn may pnijb tt. Eirralt from a late London paper. lord Mugravt, in the Ardmt man o' war, took the other day. on i cruixe tn tbt ebnoi p Dutch 1 JJrl, -ivith 300 barrels of gun- irjoorr on ocaa. no mart or vufico teas 10 ot round in oer outs of iS nr. On board her at trt Hketvile fcvtral French ffjicers of dif imttten, and a German Count, difuijed as mariners, iv ho were dif ttttrtd, it Jctms, bj-ont tf them bring btard to J peak elegant French. f uding they could no longtr conceal t'htmjelves, they went down into tobtin, and Joon after came up crijfed tn their trench uniforms, Ltoud they were bound for siinertca una in;7cd uttfkccrs of the King of France. Lord Mu gran; r t . . 7 f . m . 1 ... 1 ii tt releaje tb,m . Out to-J totm, tbat tf toey ex it gentlemen, they muff honourably confejs the et rand on which tbty I M . m - J -M m iLtrt going, j or tbat be was convtncia lottr tntencea toy age was to mn the rtbel forces in America. 7 his had the deftred effect, for tt Uxtorted from them a confeffton, that they had each of them received ummjfionj from the Longnjt. and on tbtir landtrg at b often, were u bate been invefted with jtfa ate commands of gi cut consequence. TRENTON, Manb 2c: Y ESTER D AT Major General LEE pajfed tbonvb Bordentown, fom tlew fork, on his way to Foilaatlphia where, it it aid, he ts itkrly to be exchanged Extract of a letter from Marttntce, aated t ebruary 8. The lad advices from Europe mention that the Grand Siguier bas given eiders to jeixe all the Rujian Vfftlt in the different ports of kit cominiont, and tbat war was expt3ed to be aecla cd between thoft m potLtrs in a very fbort time ; like-wije that the fort of Ltf ben KxouJd.be fbut from the frfi of Januarx, 1778, agamfl all arm- sj ttjjelt belonging to his Britannic Majrffy' N E W B E R N, May 1. SINCE our lafl, the G.neral ,1ft mbly now Jtt ting here, proceeded to the appointment of continental delegates , when the choice fell on Gemellus Harnett, and 'John Ptnn, Ejqri. ana1 the Hon. John M'tllimms, Ef ; ff taker of the huufe of commons ; which cjjtct ta tatiug bis f eat in that boufe, the Hon Thomas Benhury, ; war unantmofjli tlttitd to the chair in bit room, and ftatcd according- Tbt Af.mbly batt ptd a bill for filing up the federal regiments of tbit Jtute, and bate offered a bounty of a hundred dollars for to iunteert, mbtrwife every regiment to ballot tbtir quota of men, with a bounty of jSfry dollars 1 l . iTZlTaT . v s... nrooertv of Air. Tbomluifon in Newbem. Whoever deliver my ice fttce of man) icrici s, ivtmea in y' wmm vr- a j r . . . . L. US Umd iLm to 00 home, where be mat. in or both of the above delerters ro me at Bath, or to any ccanent- bis on proper ptron, gttt his hry emrt a mort defer iptitt ac- al oftcer, taking their receipt for the fame, ihall torn mi er 10c vai vj not uuvta, ' f y -j "'4 ' y FOR fale, at the next fuperior court to be, held for the diflrid of Ne wborn, a trad of land Jituate on Trent, in Cra ven county 9 known by the name of the T uek.iboe meadows. For terms apply mi the abatement isned time, at Netttbern. JAS. IRl DEiL. NEWBERN, April 24.. THIS is to inform Ufcbious Stone, that a tract i land and flock of cartle, was left to him by Marmaduke Norfeet, deceaMfd, late of Northampton Co nty, and that on his making application to the fubfciiDeis or cither of them he may receive the faae. REUBEN NORFL ET. J. HOG UN- Mm NIvWBERN, Jprtlz MADE his efcape from the drpaty meriff of Craveu Coon ty, on the 20 vh initant, IVilliam Akock, who was taken on a writ at the fuit of Edward Boucher Hedges. Whoever ap prehends and delivers him to mc fiiall nave twenty (hillings re ward. JOHN KENNEDY. HALIRAX, March 14. TEN DOLLARS REWARD, DESERTED from me the 12 th inflant on their march for Halifax two foldiers belonging to the 5th battalion ef tnis Irate, William Watfcn and Charles Peters, Watfoniu, defert ted five times, he has alfo coft the. public twenty odd pound for taking him up," and jail fees, he is about five feet ten inches hi h, dark completed, black hair, lives on or near Bay river9 below NewberH. Peters is an Eaft-lndia Indian, formerly the nun. STATE oi NuRi H CAROLINA. By his EjCC KLlENCT RICHARD CASWELL, E quire, Governor. Captain General, and Commander in Chief, of the (aid Srate. A PROCLAMATION. HERE AS the demand of the army of the United States BUCKSKIN.. Jfia ouuiw this lealon, aT1 TANLS at my plantation m 3 cover mares at the moderate price of ten dcAln the leafac, or fifteen dollars to infore. He is full blood fix year M, up wards of five feet high, of a good colour, end beaatafull marie- ed. He is of as eootl a creed as any in America, nreng. of America make it neceffary that the exportation of fcemlthy, and well proportioned, codpafto rage for provifiona be prohibited 9 I Aave therefore thought proper, m jraua,