. far, for an epea ccnierenee mrh America. J think that .... i lo itrucn anxccicm uui icrt in mar. coon try towalft ftu. S' 1 i;r. -r- . i i . . Katt Iv to enter on a emcumon is more uau naif the bun- .r. LI i plan is to open men a dilcumon. L aiali therefore . -n ifl. An act ot pa liament to veil coai.iiiiiioner with .mnli .lowers ior till purple. i he Dower mult he am- V lin.tea powers can proouce no good, u hey malt be am u to tie j;etfon wilh'wrroxn they treat, .no as to the ob- UJ tOaCeri miy WMW uvai. u uac periou mc pie- .0i. ronvr.ihwners have great powers ; bur the ate rent act mud ,.. ai.u tics', containing no cone: ; . o coubt wtretner they j-. inaDis; vnether wr.h a general Ai.einb ci ail the eoio ics, or v.;h the Ahembiy ot a p.rtict'l.r ceony. i he only I- ... mi .;c tne ie.cn. ilnonei i mu.i Of. wArhrr ). w. w b ' ----- r ..n u,h.im the. treat are A.u;fic;;led lo m do. i ihp.il . ne itwi.-e . - . - - r Lcie, that ,u-r' P-'ions mail be o. icri-d in the ivc.it gcneial ', here .iouiU be no etivuerre : me rim. tor rnt is u;it. vav.. j f . v tr ic ui i - , i wuiu ijc 45 v tii trail v oe- ' -T f- 'a tie iniS! it I iL One i 1-l.Mjlil hr ri-,ih" ,1 to ir.l ail aji . 1 14 in r fkt ii'ftt'.r rr ifa . . A 1 . . . . -.a l IAIUUJ vt r WA jU lAlll 111 IIIC IBMrl UI 11C tO- -.r.iei. or in hc natures ci iu:t ivnn : cn alt rr.iturs. Dtuvifi. rr rirn.s. n il Q CO iiii aIUj ixi.iA tuit iu rfiif.iKiirini, fo I UNUiheU litr colomei ; ior i ii.vc jtaion o u'iii. from -Je ccclarations ot ue luiomei. tnai they aic 4mo to coBCribei :s:r unre to tnc uDhc tnpport. Vm; wiii n Kc tne rye uA)rr between e. 'l h ic v. nw derive ;.can;ae liom a r-cf ou ht 10 .ouinbure to tLc tt u ir. ri he rxttu ion t: t-eie povl u.uu receive tt.e fluiqtnt lendicn f Crakrlia tent; tut t&t'e a,re toirc pointi im the opinion 01 the ,i&oijci: lncit prevail ii-. aiie. -lvt b rice granting er'ge beral and pajit-t:wi p.;.;ui ns, or n c.A tion ot ho'.itii ies. 'i lay ..i.4 hbf illf. :.n i'l." i' r..-w-r 'lit. r i ti 1 ...-: 'V-n live, iounucvl on tn exanie t an an puiied in t.e rci0n or chKil. the power ot tui ending aci? c i paaJtKnc. . 'i U oMaici have cc autto to oe ut in t t litaatiba iCi wire in 1 uoubt they will never be a.iQ exaaiy n .ne Uire ii.uuiivn, but perkai tnt- n. .e j'-ttt! ib one nol much Ins uvanu0ti;u. i lie I'atute titite thui t .i i.rc ny ; U ary ct thcut a e bu ..ai 10 Ihe coUniei ; 'hrauy oeceiiaury tor tiu.r ccpeudenie as lo trade j anu imr.y -t ; : i(. ie re-eaied, Ul ptraaus ulouiu be reviled, i v Kb j ir rite cou ii.iiiiiirers tuli powei to lai-.t 'her. alir.ip mm .c ;,..jc: - ii r., a? u .o luipetjU luth as ihould b rc jeaira. ri hrre i n.t,,t : provifibn, v : uh ps, perhaps, a r!.a er of conveni-Ke utj i ihty lnii.d J.ave a putber ot ap.Mnt:n ijovernoi in fnele colot.ies umre ii's (eit; wa uivviy oppoim tilt it), i ihaij pn pqM to lin.it .he cjd.iun ot i. tt to , ; -' 1. r :. . 1 I to iio; hcxe the nl.iu wou.u 1 e uTainiy dercCty ; i.tve in. not trering at. inducement to il cfnof tva to Ue&i i u&. i fecj n . 1 g ve vp their lU'w ol indcpendmc) ; iu: tdt intiuc t!.v-i to 00 lut i;w.t be ver aiit ui icimUui r iix.u ati&i dvcfiicd. it It is i .iiarv to htlii out an ino'jcriuent " ill the colonies toilec- t ttyj it is-rc)ny uec USf) to Miic it out ic taii coJoi.y m K Jar. 'i houh ('ju:e :u.i. not; rciioce llieir iikJV jieauency, KiLc pi ai'd f v. ui noi tc i..io, to it tne conir iihonr rs .oof trrat vuh a:i, tht y L't-I ot treat vv itn .ai.y. 1'le tcli- 1. c bm It nave iic otntr iu 'uc.t.ui.: than mere h 1 tr it v. lr lie- oe o n. Ion f- a . c i. mi- pio; i-i.-.u n to rica: 1 ol.i ' I i beioie rl;: 1 c ;c ut ghwiw hi '1 hr-g round C(u wh en t tttftfe it vas, thai it ..s Jtii fhe . foi.ivi ii:ou:ti t nn'rinnre i inc t.?p-ort or rvci but t Kat heir tatt- ii b prlmunt occahxn G j al U ;- in tOcni m Oui attn.pt iy to throw in. Lurden (4t our own P46aki4ri np n tbelttand i i en .'angering '.Ne lecuri. ot i i; vlcfjshiteS. I his proon t.oa was unhr: n..:e ; ic va linUeieo mi--iw oui bjy the r'ppo j to,-, r: a va iet) "ol cafe : t va. milrt pielen : ct f:r n iiu der 1 ooo, 1 tnuuht ic necetfary ?o th-,' r,i mat wr v.eie not tOtn.r r ;.xa-on, for 1 nevei tin e, hr that 1tch taxation v -.u'u be vet) 1. Dei id to us. 'J I nip was he bed du y l jt could be l.i. ; ind even that .wc iW lOr l.nve prod'J: rd jneclHj lo 4.tat v.ai mc avexfitm it it. intent tnakihg tits I .n yas, to prevent tkc w. r, by piefetvlr.g our sl i.:s, and fivt'o them trom their ieaiodiies. in many ct (he mlembiies neie was an inciinatimi to 1 ave accepted it, but they referred it to ti;- Uoogfed. i Ubpjgtta treated it as 1. :eaf nalle and ir.l:dious, fend rej-vi d k. War bean, and ftjy tntenti n wis, fmm the bet,iiniii. i.t tie moment of r vie nt), to have propcf d the lutne pr oh ion, in term, obviating ?J1 the roifrepieicn-ations and mi (under itanditis concerning it. T pnctpaJ objctton to it were. f. Taa: the colonies had a fole riht of granting their own thoney. M propofttion looked to a jermanent revenue to be Jraaled oy thesn in the firft inltante. My idcwas, that they ( Id jrant their own moot- in proportion to cur r an u, lil fag ana LlLs-g, wi:h the;a. JI. Tfct it was -unreafonable, becaufe the qaan tify was pot ascertained ; but their contribution was afterwaids to undergo the reviial oi parliament, 'ibis u as not my idea : My intent was, that their proportion ftould be fettled, and beiBg" ictUed, lliouid always it main the lame. JJI. That it was ir.bdious, becaufe the miniftry intended to get one colony to bid againlt another, f cad no iuch intent. T.ne Conrtfs miht have' fettled what each colony Uioulc clTer. I will now hold cue to the colonics a tejQation of the exereile of taxation, and i will r.oi iubjtct it to any condition?, or to the demand of any f'euhc contribution., My proportion, there fore, u, aa act cf parliament, giounded on the jeatonfies ef the exercife ot the right of taxation, and on tieir detlara ion c;t their be:r.g wil ing t contribute, to take' away this exerciie absolutely, truiVtng to the ncgociatious ol our ccmmif3ioners for gaining cqntributions lrom the tolonies : But I did cot mean to make -their rant a hne cua con, but will declare, ; by an act of I -lianaent, that for the luture tiie parliament" wiii hot tax the coionies tor the purpofe of rain g a revenue ; and It On account ti conimerce, that the money lo railed mall be appropriated (0 the ule of the-colonies. ' 1 pre jsole, this as an explicit declarati on. It may be laid, lliouid not 'the tolonies give uptheir claim of independency ? rl he c nuneiation of that claim is implied m the act ltlelf. It may be laid alio, if you give up taxation, what is there left to bghtfW ? 1 never thought taxation a fufiici cnt c b;et tor the conult, and upon this iea I madeTny prt po firtcii before the war begun. But J fought for the dtp -;.uancn DJ America. i he Congress claimed independency. i he co le ny ct IViairachu.ects bay claimed ir, and a greaf outr. ge was committed on our mere hnts. The war has coll us more than any revenue which could have been railed from America by par haroent. The contell was for fupremacy. But ic ma be urg ed, that concrfliun in time ot war, of lb public a nature, are oaocrou-. It is the misfortune of this war, involved in fo ma nj, parliamentary points, to require public ifeps. The ftate of our iefoufces ib well known. 'i his concellion cannot there-ora, iu tins relpect, be prejudicial to us. Our army and navy are jrrea j our Tof -s can be tcpaircd; the nectfiary lupplies can be r itid ; and cur coftoms urc not diminiihed. But why was not couceluon made before r 1 am willing that my pait conduct fhould be inlpected. I never prcpofed any tax. When I was cniort. cate enough (for i will iliaJ ufe :he wod, notwithitand irg the ule made of it) to be piaeed in my preient ofBce, I thought tuere was a learn of hope that the colonies would re turn 10 their duty. My maxim was to fay nothing about Ame rica ; neither to prOpofe or repeal taxes ; neither to advance or le.eae but to remain in total liiehce. But when it was necef :v give the liil-India company d power of Idling their tea in An.erica, i oid not think it right to repeal the tax. 1 how ever ainr.inilhed it. A repel would have been ot no fervice, foi America was airaid that the iiait India company would un' de tell lhcr fmgglers. A monopoly was alio urged. They had, i;t, tne eommodny cheaper than they hd ir before, il tne) Jcn.eo this grievanee, they wei e ready to make any thir a grievance. When the war was begun, 1 thought tt ne c n.iry to accompany our forces with a paeific commiiuon,-and the cOmmiffitniett were men of abilities, men of hoBour, men i c pacific difpofition, men tiulted by America who were the mtffj 1 kely to bring ;.lout a reconciliation. But this commifli on prc-due d io ctrtct, hecaule theciaims of America weie Co di.:ant. V, j,en the 1-vord was drawn, why did I not nuke my propontion i I own I thneght that the war weuid foon have ended, ar.d i fhould have made it, had America been reduced to 'ticondi-ional iubmiffion ; but misfortunes, mi Icon duct, or a greater narural force ib America than was expected, and which to man could feveiee, have carried on the war to its prefent length. 1 v.il! never own that adminiftration has-'.de.ceived the p biic, in Wanting to delude them into mealures which tbeys thoogat vvert ineffectual. The information laid before parlia-?' m . t wes f j II : Parliament had every paer heceifary to found its j idgmcnt ; no pipers were retained but thofe only which-for the ithc c-t rhe writers, .woe Id have been dangerous to have .ex-, pel d. B.it the deception is, .that adminiftianon laid that, id tht ir op nion, the war would foon be at ah end. Our army and navy w.vre great ; Sir W. Howe's army-was generally fuperior. to W aldington's j and General Burgoyne's army, when at fort Edward, was ltronger than the enemy's force. Parliament knew the force feftt out as well as the minilier. Minirtry pro-, miled that rhe army fhoeild be lupplied. The army has been... fuppjitd. Miniftry promifed to raife the money riecefcary for the tervice. 1 he money has been raifed. 1 he public there fore has been deceived by the event. It mav be afked, what is likely to he the efFect of this propofition ? The real effect I can rot fay, but it is a right thing to endeavour to bring about a peace. I do not fee that any other concehion can be made,' without admitting the complete independency of Amciica. jUt

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