May 20, 1773 THE w- Numsei aw NORTH-CAROLINA GAZETTE. ... r. With the lateft ADVICES Foreign aiid Domestic. SEMPER PRO LIBERT ATE, ET BONO PUBLICO. Fri LONDON GAZETTE, Dectmbcr 16. VVliueh!,, &rtmbrr tj, 1 777. ticn to have as rtrany wirreftes as I hve men under my m mmd, of ts arnonntipg to the numbers mentioned above. Oaring the events ftated above, an attempt was made againJt TFHS afternoon C.tpr. Craig, of the 47 h regiment, arrived licndcrog by an army afT-robld under Major Gen. Lin col- from Quebec with the following duplicate ot a letter from Lieu who found mean? to march with a con fiderabie corps from Hub leoant Genera! Bjrgoyne, t L rd George Gcimame, ihe origi- bertnn unditcovered, while another column of his force paiT d the 1 r L. . Lt k ...... , CI ru. i u 1 ii r gil Ol wnKu nas uui ji ucn itvctrut ui uiuaui uciwccn aurirwjruugu snu iB&c (JTJT ; and OH My Lord, C'ntir frcm rT was judged proper to lwd a der a ftrong cfcort, to repnr th bridge and open a road to c mounding the armed fl op Rationed to defend the carrviuc- frt Edwa d. The 47: regiment, Captain Erafei's makf- place, as alfo f ine cf the officers commanding at the pofts at the men and Macb.'s provincials, were ordered for that fer Sugarhill, and at the Portage were furprifed, and a confiierabie vice ; bat t.e enrmy appearing on the height of the Fifh- part of four companies of the 53d regiment were made prifjoersr kill in great foree, and making a difpi hti a to pf and gi ve us a rlock houfe commanded hy lieutenant Lord of th 53d regiment battle, the 47'h regiment and Frafei's markfm n were rec lied ; waj ihe only pell on that fide that had time to make ufe of their tro'provinciajs le't t c ver the workmen a: tnJtrir. bridge, ran arms, and they made a brave derence till cannon taken from die eo. m untains oetween OKroeiDorougn and Jake Lr 'orj and oa JJbany, Ofiobtr 20, 1777. the nv rhing of the i8:h bf September, a fudden and general at- our laft. tack v2ts made upon the carrying place of like George, Sugar- dcauo.nent of artificers, on- hill, Ticonderoga and W'unt Independence. The iea 4k-x frprizd veffel was brou ght again It them. A(ter ftating and lamenting Co fatal a want of vigilaoce, I hare to inform your lordQiip of the fatisfaftry events wh ch followed. The enemy having twice fummoned Brigadier General Powrfl ana rtceiveJ fuch aniwers as became a gai;ant officer entrufted ar upon a very fl;ght ai'tack of a fmall parjy of the enemy, and left the artificers 10 cfcape as cney could, witttwUi a plh jui tf of their perf rovirtg any w.rk During thefe diffcvnt 0 vemt.-nts, the batteaux with provjfi or.s were frequently 6rcd upon from the oppi iite hue of tne river; fmt of them were l-.ft. and ficveral men were billed and wound- wi:h fo important a poft ; and having tried daring the conrfe of ed in rhofe woich -emarre l. four day feveral attacks, ard being repulfed in all, reireated l tb. ittacks opon the batreaux were cootinned ; fevera! without having done any conftderable damage, were taken and retaken ; but their Illusion btiig mucn nearer to Brigadier General Powell, from whole report to melextraft the main force of the enrrnv than M ours, it wa: found napofii- this relation, gives great commendations to the regiment of prince b!e to fecore the provifi ns any ctherwife thn by landing there Federick and the other troops Rationed at Mount Independence, and carrvirrg thrm up n the hill : Tim was effected under hre, The Brigadier alfo mentions with great applaufe the bt-havionr of and with great d fiicu I ty. Captain Tarfor of the regimenr, win was accidently there The p ITible Defna of fur h?r r?reat were nov confidered in on his road to the army from the hofpitaf, and lieut. Beecroft courcils of war c mpofed of the pcnetal cflktrs, minute of which of the 24th rei nent, who, with the artificers in aims, defend- will be tranfmittrd to jroer In.- ih p. ed an important battery. fhe only one fenicd at all pradlicatve was by a night On the 24'h of September the enemy enabled by the captor" of the gun b r,s and batteaux which they had made after the fur- priz, tf the fl-jop, to embark upon lake George, attacked Dhi m nd ifl ind in tw.n divifi jns. Captain Aubrev itn two companies of the 14.7th regiment had been polt.-d at that ifland from the time the army paired the flad- march to p-in f :t Edward, wi h the to ops ca' ryipg their provi fions Upon their back ; ihe lmpoffibiiity of repairing bridge:, potting a c nve ..f artillery aod caniages out of ihc quclti on ; and it was prop f-d to force the ford above it. Before this atternr: c.uld be made, fcours returned with intel- Jigcc- that the en. my were intrenched oppi-Cte thufe torur, and fon'?. river, as a better fir nation for the fecurity of the ftors at p fl" fie.d a camp in force on tne high ground becween tort Ed- the Sjuth end of lake George, than fort George; which t o u vd and fort George, with cannon ; they hid list panics down the cjntinent, and not tenable again ft artillery and number.- he whole fh re to vtch our nations ; and poiis li near to us The enemy were repu1fd by Capt. Aubrey with great I jfs, and upon oor own f:de cT.-he watcf as mult prevent the arm;, moving purfued by the gun boats under his command to the eall fhore. a finale mile unoifc vered. 0 where two of their principal veffeis were retaken, together with The bulk of the enemy's armv was hourly j ined by new corps all the cannon ; they had jnft time to let fire to the other batteaux, of mini and vo!unte n, and their numbrrs together amounted and retreated over the m unrams. to 16,000 men. I beg leave to re!er y ur lordfhip for further parttciiTars to taj Their pt fition, which extended three parts in four of a circle aid de camp lord Pe'terihain ; and I humbly take occafion to ne- rnond us, was, from the nature of the ground, inattackable in commend to his majefty's notice that nobleman, as one endowed ail part. . with qualities to do important fervices to his country in every iU- Io this fituation the Rrmy tor.k the befl portion pcffiLlr, !nd tion to which his birth may lead. In this late campaign in par- ibr tiffed ; waiting till the ?vn ac niht in the anxious hope cf ticulaf nis tehavionr has bech fach as to intitle him to the fulleft fuccours frcm our friends, or the next defirable expectation, an applaufe, and I am confiJent his merit will be thought a fuffici- att k from our enemv. ent ground for preferment, tnough deprived of the eclat and fort Doring this time the men lay continually opn their arms, and of ciaim which generally aitend the dejjjrery of fortunate dif- were cannonaded in every pa r ; even rifle fh t and grape fhot patches. came into all parts vt the line?, though without any confiderabie I have only to add, ihy lord, a general report of the killed and effcl. wounded. 1 do not give it as correct; the hurry of the time. At this period an exact acccunt of the provifins was raken, and the reparation of the corps, having rendered it imp,& Je to and the circumltances ftated in the opening of ths letter became make it fo. The Brmfh t fficers have bled profufel and m ft complea:. honourably ; all who have fal.en were valuable, bar the excemive The council of war was ertendrd to all the field officers and merits which marked the public and private character of Briga- captains commanding corps of the army, and the convention in- dier General Fraf-r will lng remain upon the memory of this ar- cJofed herewi h enlued; a tranfadioo which 1 am fure was una- my, and make his lofs a fu'jecl of particular regret. Ttifewho r idable, and which I truft in that ligation will be efteemed ho. remain anwounded have been equally forward ; and the general n arable. officers, from the mode of fighting, have besn more expofed than After the execution of the treaty. General Gates drew together in other fervices. Among the refl I have had m tfcaos. It the force that had furroanded my pjfuior, and 1 had the confola- depends upon the fencence his majdfy ihali pafs upon my cou- 1 'va