itteicer, fefh, fa!ted fift cheer? and buttePbeer, oil?, wlner, iugars, r, as is due to the percm, commerce etnd prccrty ofthe imhethf. asd H Torts pi falts, and in general all provihons which fcrve for ants of theft United States. AND FURTHER, it u recommend the noorihmC of mankind and the fultenance of life ; farther, to mJJ the mbab tarns of the ft fiates, to confider the fubjeJs of his mrfi more, all kinas of cotton, hemp, flax, tar, pitch, ropes, rabies, cbrifitan majefiy as their brtthren and allies, and tbat tbey behave fails, fail-cloths, anchor, and any parts of anchors, alio fhipi- towards tbim with the rienajhip and at tenth due to tbe Jutjecis c so mft-c pllks, boards and beams, of what trees focver, and ell GREJT PRINCE, who, with tU bigbefi magnanimity and wif- - other things proper either lor building or repairing (hips, and ail dom, bath treated with tbeje Vnittd States on terms of perfect equali- other roods whatfbever, . which have not been worked into the ty and mutual advantage, t bet eby rendering bimj'elf THE PRO F EC form of any mtJroment or thing prepared lor war, by land or by fea, thill not be reputed contraband, much kfs fuch at have been already wrought and i.u any other afe ; ail wnich fhail be wholly reckoned among free goods, alikewile ailother mef chand.tei aad things, which are not comprehended and particu larly mentioned in the foregoing enumeration of contraband poods, io that they may be tratvfpt rted and cartcd m tre fret it manner oy tne larjeci oi ootn entecera e TOR OF THE RIGHTS OF MANKIND. ' Extract from tbe minutes , LHAKLE3 THOMSON, Sec. longing to an enemy, fuch towns or place beir y, -my excepted, as are at that time befiegea, btock'd up, or inveUed. Article XXVII. To the end that ftli nauntr of d;ffentions ana1 quarri may be avoided and prevented, oo one ude and tbe Other, it is agreed, that in cafe either r;f the pa nics. here to iVo id be eogaged in war, thv Qiips and veflela belonging to the tnbj-&a cr people f tr,e erne aliy an ft be furniftiTd .nh tea tetter ur paflp rts, expreifing the name, property and bulk ol the Ih p, as alfj the rame and place of habitation of tlte. maiicr or c mmander of the laid chip, that it may appear thereby that Tne (hip rmMly and truly belongs to the fepje&i of one of tifc parties ; which pstT.ort fljall bt made out am- gra Jed a cording to the form an nex d to this treaty. The) like wife be recalled vvcr er, that is, if the (h'p happens return b me wichin the fpace of a year; it is JikcwjJe agreed, that Cuch (hips laden, are to he pn idt d not only wiib paffperts as abovcme.rmont.d, but aifo with certificates, containing rhe feveral particulars ot the cago, the f lace whence the fhip failed, and whither fhe is bound, tnac (a k miv be known whether anv iorbidoen or contraband goods - w - W . I mW Y O K K T O W N, May 13. From a Philadelphia paper, of May 9, 1778, pointed by James H urophrey', junior, e have extracted the following. eve.y to places te- By tbe Porcupine frigate arrived in tbe rtver yefierday morning from London, we are favoured tu.irb,tbefoIJowing advices. L O IN i O N , March 17 PARLIAMENT ART PROCEEDINGS. HOUSE of LORDS,. Tfc folloiutng is tbe mefage delivered by Lord Weymouth to the boufe of lords htft Tuejday. . Grorge R. Y 1 ISimayJh having been btf erred , by order, o 'tbe French King, XjL lat a treaty of amity ana commerce, bas been fignea bettveen tbe court of France and certain perfons employed by bis mnjefty's re voliedjubjecls in North-America, bas juaged it necefjary to direil, tbat a copy of re declaration deliver ea by tbe French ambaffador to Lord Fij count ttt irnoutb be laid, brf re the boufe of lords ; a-.d at the Jame time to acquaint tbemt that his majfjly bus thought proper; in conjequcna of this ojfefifvt communication on tbe part of the court of France, to fend oraers to his ambefador to ixitthdravj from that court. His majefiy is petjua,ded tbat thjujiice and good faith of his con duct ft?u.eirtis foreign povuers attache fncerity of bis ivijbes to pre ferye tbe tranquility of Eufipe, mailt be acknowledged by all the be on baid of. the Ian e ; winch cer inches mail be made i ut by tstofld ; ana lis mcjijly trufs tbat be Jhall not fiand refponfible for thecflkers tM the plact wh r ce the fhip fet Jail, n the accultom ed forms; and if any one Jh-U think 11 fit or advifcaoie toexp-els in the laid certifica es the petfon to whom the oods on board ba ler p. h. may fnt-ly do.f. ARTlCLe XXIX. If the hip, of thefdid fubjetJs, pecple or in habitants of either of tbe a t:es hau be met -with, either Jailing long tbe eoafis, or on tbe btgb jas, by any jhips of vsa cj the other, or by any privates' s, the aid jhtps of ia: tr, or pi v.Ue, h s, for tbe axotuing of any diorder, jhall amain ou of cennen Jot, and may fend their boats on board tbe merchant jhip vc&ieb tsy jhall jb meet nub, and may enter her to the number of two cr three nun only, to nuksm the m.fitr Or commander j.jucb jhip or vtfjtt jhaU exhibit his pojport lonceintnt tbe ppeity of the jhip, made out accoratrg to the Jr-m. injerted in tits prejt'.t tcuy ; ant tbe jhip, uuben jhc jh.til have ibtVLfC j'neb prfjf crt jhaL be Jee and at liberty to furjue her voyage, J9 as it pHt.i mt be1 lu uful to moltji or yiarcb btr in an manner, or H give her chafe or Jo ce her to -q nit her intendta courj'e. Form of he paJTp.rta ana letters, which are jto oe given to the lh pa and barques acc rding to the 27 article ut this treaty. To ALL h lhl fre thef- pefnus G R t. eti k G. IT. is b'.rtbj made ino-zn, tout leave and ftrmtjfion bas been giv en t nujitr ana commander cf the Jhip called of the town ef t burthen tons cr thereabout, lying at p-tjtut in the port and haven of and bound for and laden nxitb after tbat bis jh p bas been -ifteJ, and tifore jmlimg he (hall make ot.tb before the ojj.ecrs who have jthe ju ijdiction of maritime eft airs, that tbe Jasd fbip belougs t-j cue or more oj tbe jbtets of the a3 v her tot Jhall be pot at. the tnd oj tbje pre- ltn s as itk.ev.ife tbat be will keep, and caufe to be Wept by b;s crew cm bomid. the marine ordinances and regulations, and enter tr toe the difturbance of that, tranquility, if he jhould jini bimfelf called up on to rejeeit Jo unpro vtked and unjuji an aggrejjton on-tbe honour of his eVown ana tbe efj'entiul interejls oj' bis kingaoms, contrary to tbi moyf jolenn afwances, j'ubverjSive oj the law of nations, and injurious to tbe ngb'ts if tvery Javereign power in Europe. F " His mrjcjly relying with the jWmeji confidence on tbe zealous and af j'ectonate Jupport oj faithful people, is determined to be prepared to exert, if it JhaU become necefjary, all the force and refources of his kingdoms, which he trujis wiU be found adequate Jo repel every infult and attack, and to maintain and uphold tbe pbwer and reputation of this country. : , ; , . 7 he Lord Vifccunt Weymouth alio (by bis majtfiys command) laid beore the houje a copy of a paper delivered to Lora Fifcount Weymouth bj th'a maqusde Noatllcs the yh oj March J 778, and tranf!ation9 which is as folows : The under figned amhoffador of bis moji cbrijiian majefiy bas re" c.e:ued exprejs oders to -make tbe j allo wing declaration to the court of Lonaon : THE United States of Northf America, who are in poiTefii on of independence, as pronouitted by them n the 4th of July 1776, having propoled to the King, to confolidate by a forma! convention the connexion begun to be eftabJilhed between jiie two nations, the respective Plenipotentiaries hive ned a trea ty of rriendfhip a d commerce, deligned ro ferve as a founda tion for their mutual good cerrefpondence. Hismajelfy being determined to cultivate the good under ftanding fubiifting between France and Great-Britain, by eve- ry means compatible with his dignify, and the good of his fub jetks, thinJcs it neceiary to make this proceeding known tp the court ot J.ondon, and .0 declare at the lame time, toat the con proper office a lifi, figned and wimcfjed, containing tbe names and fir- tracing parties have paid great attention; not to flipajate any names, tbe places oj birth and abode of tbe crew sj bis pip, ana of exciuiive aa vantages in ravpur or tne rrencn nation r and that a I who jka'l embark on board btr, whom be pall not take on board the United States have referved the liberty of treating with eve- nit tour the knowudge and permijfion 0 tie ojfictrs oj the marine', ry nation whatever, upon the fame footing of equality and rc- ana in tven tort or haven where be jhall enter with bis jhip. he ciprccity. . - ail jbew this p'tjtil Itavt to the ctp.cLii ana judges oj :te marine, In making this communication to the court or London, tne and U.aL give d futtbtul account ts tbem oj w'.-at pajjea ana was King is nrnuv periuaaeq, ine.wiii nna new proofs of his maje- done anting bis socage', and be jhall carry the coburs, arms and on- ily's onitant and lincere di jhofition for peace; and that his was oj the K p, or Uniud States, durpng bti voyszge. In wttn js Britannic majeiiy, amm ited by the lame fentiments, will equal- vwheieof, we have Jtgn,d tbeje pi ijrr.'s , and put the jeal oj our arms thereunto, and caujea tbejamt to be coun.'erjtgnta by ac ht day of . . Juno Domini NOW THEREFORE, to the end that the feud treaty may he at in j ja.ibfuUy petjoimed and kpt on the part and behalf 01 tbrje U utea State. RESOLVED, That aft captains cemmanaers. and 0- her officers and ftamen, be'ongmg to any cf tbe veftts of w ir oj thefe Jnt.ed Stater, or any oj them, or of any private armta vj. ts com vtBontd fa Conore fs mod all other the fubjecli of tbeje Untnd States, io govern themjelves fir icily in at tbt-rgs according to tbe above ret ft - ' artules, anJ tbat they do affora tbe Jame asu anJ pt otrcrton 10 it rjous, commerce sued property of tb fuhjoOs of bis mfi cb-ifiin a- ly avoid every thing that may alter their good harmony; and that he will particularly take effectual meafures to prevent the commerce Between his inajefty's fubjecls and the United States, of North-America from being interrupted, and to caufe all the ufages received beewten commercial nations to be. in this re(- pect cbferved, and all tkoie roles which can befaid tofubfift be tween, the two crowns of France and Great B itain. In this juft confidence, the under-ligned ambairador thinks it fii pcrfluous to acquaint the Britifli'minilter that the King his matter, buing determined to protect ehTe&ually the lawful commerce of his iubject', and to maintain the dignity of his flasj, his M".jeJty has; l,i cu ileqiien'ce, taken eventual meafures in concert with the Jaite4 States of Mmerjca. Signed . LeM.DE NOAILLkS -