than to be the Hives of a fincrle tyrant. The? did not confine the priectsles noon which the rcwaUtlnn ; . ?j . ..... . i . j i ..i ' !. v L. , ----- " ?mn.j ia is we o ipcv.uiauon , mey pur u acaui one Kiug, . p- pjtic, ana waitii in iuv opinion, proi via anotaev. . iiu$ was done u ty enemies, who feem to thiol alone ro their own kingdom. A I ml- J r It id ia wai;. macne present ivercigu or ci'unuy, mjwj caipcraica pcopic gcootend aga4 JWople vb kJ wna'Pwtr rnpre invr D-trn i icy uavs uanrnn . Arnun au m?.., . . o . ' r'"7 ia nicir rti )Urcej k, c-juid 5c none afterward:,, that the fa- may Hill lct, and are, ao doubt, caoabie of nn,..f..i Lr ...... .. ito . - L.,. - mr-M -wm V- I J III 0U. . " hu ti le to the throne. entertained before, there . ... . - ........ - - - - . . ,s " j . ; m v wa i iii. u. . lily, who were icated dpon the vacant throne by the voice of moil be wKhft ,od by great efforts on ouY oarr i o- not hatter ourfelves, that ihe war is nearly over, and th, 1 tided the vacancy for them. Acxoidingly, ever Jiucc this glori- on he qe of enjoying the alefiusgs of peace. Such id J the people, held it liable to the fame reilftance which had pro- oui revolution, it "has been ccr.fidered by the generality oi the pieafing, but at preient mey'leem to be chimerical and Kin. c ra, a' d is now aimott that ix. btn tt no longer s tbts tad. jlzvtrj ei gnat fpr,Jfion, they buvt a igbt to cbacge it. I lay it Uown this generally, bectuie the principle cxtcuus 1 far, and no nitirOr reafrh ar.d candour w old attempt to narrow it. It is a principle fcn.cdcd in the cleared teafon. It is appliceivte to a.'l ohdtriCfis and ctrtvrnftaei: 1: u net calculated for one'y, or eric fct of men, or to C'l or a particular Job. It aff . tk unt- verfil relief td all whti groan order any fpecies' of tyranny, and have the virtue anci opportunity cf refilling it. 1 trull, as it has h.4 it iLfloei ce iindr one fpedea f nrbitrary p cr in England, it iil nt want its effect under orrr, if pufliole, It til more fevere and deieftVofe, atreroptei in Amtrtm. ecinlefs, jren.leuun, ubei. 1 f,ak on this fubj 1, I carfcot av)id"exprt fTi-ii! mjfcll wirh warmth; that fuch, fuch real advantages lh' cid be lort. in purfuu of no efftroti d otject, is a Confideraticn rxtremt y ariectinvj. We cannot help comparing, i h a dgfee of reget and indignati n, ti-ie'forincr n nourabie at.d political conduct of ;he crown of Griat Britain Co the Ameri ian cufceriea, with that which has been liuce pu'iued. . Happy m the erjoymrat of libe.-ty, ih the formation of our own las, in the grant of ur own money, (fu j unly to a rettridion we iubmittcJ to ith pliafure, the nrgaiie oi our fuvetcijM j we feit a fe licit', that ccaid only be equaled by ths ha dlhips witn whicn it as rf&fnaffy obtaiard, and the uix;u'-e .,r fi ial and lvcial gratirude with which it va e j jed. G'tat B itain vvas ;he con flan! centre of our though ; her pifpeni), tne mtt ardent de- the uia be fever . II L .. - r- win dc tx-ouantiy unlucccisiui ho've ain-ai always ended ft a f. tiled axi ro in tOeir goyernmeat, iy they are dangerous. They tend to throw ua too muchoF ijQitntei for tb$ of the people, and goard, and to lay u open to the artful deans' of our en ' and ibey are in danger of KeviewaDe great Irenes oi hiftory, you will find, manti.j L always been obliged to pay dear for the bleffings they eniC i iusniv; may weii be caLed a fcene of trial, for yice has ie where and long been fcen to triumph over virtue. But rh '7 thar.k God,, we have no reafon to belitvc i nfuccefsi'ui Thti Rmooifa nf r. ' 66... DCODIe in ihe eiUbliihment of Jibartv ery iymcni ct h is an obj.tX worthy of ths moft vigilant appTica tion, and the molt painiul faenfices. Is there any thino witi. more pleafure jhan the futf-. ings and Contentions of a brave i'utetaAi ol cheir country, aud difdain every advantage that is in c m.aubie wtth th..m Su h a people are fpoken of with a m; Milan bj ail iucure as. Their hiitory is put into the hands J 7v.-w., lueni oy a lpirn oi emulation, if poifible, to e I q iai their grcarnefs ot mind. Their potterity, for abegtimel ( the grauuai corruption of ail human affairs ttnmfiuBi then ail ) if they happen to be fuccefsiu!, which is generally thai iu; LTtucri. of metr auceii rs virtue. 1- neir iouls glovl with gratitude for tne virtue and ft If-denial of their forefathej x ucy tunujer tneai as patterns lor their own conduct on fimilail vrvvauoi.b, ana arc continually pomiins; them out to the reverJ eau:e ar.a imTtatioO of their children. Thefe are the gbrionsef. fects of patfioufm ar.d virtue, t hefe are the rewards annexed to the faithful charge of that great and honourable duty, jUehh io our country, un the contrary, wnar tan we conceiv. mn,A , - - ... I r . e . . . , . r- . . !- i . ... . - . T iff "f oilr sit Cl'ns. wc coiu:av.e iui a pieafure which oaie ana contemptible, tiian a let of men, carelefs and negligent j rrgaraieji or iner vaiue, indifferent to their pre. fervauou, mean cn. uyfi to crouch under the fir ft imolnr w;thout fpint to drf.nd, wi-hout virtue t duferve rhem. at lenmkl aj ' T T o e.inly deprived of adsantages whicn they might, without much difficulty, have f-cured, Indf svh eh they aie t ,rced every ioftaat to regret, With curf.s on themfeUes as the authors of their owtij and their children? mifery, unde. the g?omy tyranny of a proud and arbitrary defpo . I piay to God that the firft chfrader 1 hive defCiib d, may be that of America to the lacWV ages, and that mani.iKl never may be difgrucei by the exiiteace of fa wieuhsu and dci icabie a let of people, as in the lalt. Kemainder in our next. Ike Speech of the Right Hn. the Earl of ABINGDON, in tbl rlcuje cf Lrai, on J burjdcy , the I ith of December, 1777. Ml Lords., IAMjutt cfunie up froh the country, as I fappofed to do, witi the Kii cf your Ijrdfhips, our bufinefs in parliament; but I fcnd that we are already me; here co day, in order to be lent about our bufim ft into the country, as if the bufim fs of parliament war not our bufim fs, and that we are called up only to do the bufi.l ntfb of MiKiiiri. Supplies are vbLed, asd, at this tremendoia conjunctine of events, there is, it jfrems, no fu ther need of CM great CONb 11 1 U TIONAL Council of the natioo. Bat. my lords, before I go, I will leave one word behind me: it is an important word, and us iubject matter is of a very pre. firg "nature. My lordJ;, hen a noble duke, whole manly and fpirited cob- ai' . k ; r n x -'i . . , . ' -. 1 11 it n fcene of human .life peharps ev'.r gave occaifon for b.ijre; the entire and coriii J uni n of mmy diltant pci.pfe, defctnded from the Civet aucrftrr-, pofiefftd neatly of the lame rights, endued wiih generoni. and n bib minds, wa rn in their afftcti m, and ie.kus n fheir i'tta h nent to each ther, un .cr the influence of ote cdobi'B fovcregr, and by the pr.icipation of a cctini n ihtercft, mutually C-otrtbuing lo the prosperity of the wni ; the atifhoiiry of the f veretgn, furfi-ieut to prefrrve the whole m duO'der, b it r. t to invade ihe lioerties of any ; all the branch es f .he great lT;ck wiiiingl reli;uing to the parent kingdom the abf iu'e m.TnEgemsm ot the onl concern that couid probably interfere w. n the general happinef-, unl-.fs the minds of ;he peo Ic ffK-iiU gr t-ritattd anfi dejeononted ; which their exemp.a.y Kyaify fcemed a f. fhtient guard gai .li, exc pt in the cafe oi a fifl an--! fi't-r? prov. cjrion. A .d though we viewed fuch ajcene kt a dSftirnte, and inuetd as aimoit a thing imp ffiolc (at leait to "happen in our da", never dreaming of men Uc lficing real ad vantages to vain anu riinary expectation..) yet wc had been too well irftnifted in the principles of libe ty, to view it with .uncon Ce;n. We bltfF.d Heaven, that it rrud mde us, not only a hap- - pr, bat a free people. Our anceftor& came here to erj y the bif-li-gi rf hocrty. They purchaftd it at an invmenfe p'ice. Tr.eir greater! glory was, that they had obraincd it for themselves, and trat fmiaed it to ihei' p lt .-rity. G d foroid, that their p Iteiity ih-old be bale or wtak en -ugh i j refign b or to let it appear, that ih- true Bri'ijbjjrnt which has d -ne fuch wonders in if. giad. has Uen luit, or weakened by being tranfplante4 to Amt w.eiica. The verv pe pie who are n w embruing their hands in fhe biocd of the Americans, in fupp.rt ol tne m ft arbitrary pnn epfes, hv a thoulanJ times bled in opp. fi. ion to them, tnem- Will yru entertain fb wretched an i lea, that you are v-a vrtthy of I'berty as they are, and that merely tx-caufeoiir . . vro,ittffd England thengh with the public fancliori, and ancctt- tvrr ;he lecu e t rj')m jnt of freedom, ). u are left de t8airiu bitlTn's tnan thote wh) happen to refide in it, fer virg of n- d t the cr mtn ti bentrlcs of what the wffft cf vrf rot evea.-an". men But fac van: nubicb art fot . , . .tjca2 .XKUiiUt infamv wy'icb-rvr to u.V' r-v f duct rlk nt . cr , J ' F nae f- , dare to atnnn, tne oeooie of Iftitain charged our vtrv flino. r.r a.h..-hr I. .Ki rdntt I. " ' . r. ' e - - ,i ..ft-v. rtt tncir v . ..... j . ,-' .. - j i. ... !-t v fpi ke f t, -wt toejirjt pnncipits w ntertjy it is npt lor me to determine ; but, my lords. . -iUt if all maa. and tne lacred ttci of La- v. cnir national cha-a6ter is n- w rt.irr.rn1 . r. a - mi irjjmTT f . - l - r i - - - v -rw if. this war of flavery will ever have the teftimony o! my wanrteit anpiauie, made his motion the other day for ah en quiry into the hate of the ra ion, his Grace faid, that he defired his motion might be underftocd as a general motion, open toe very enquiry, and not limply confined co any proportions of his own; it is therefore, my lords, under the fhelter of this noble duke' motion, that I have now a motion of my own to make, ia additi. n to thofe that have been already received. My lords, humanity has ever been the charaaerifHc of Encmfli- las, with otsr morals, owing to that EXO councils. o not ialtead of bumani inhumanity : and uhat is worfe. we have the damm? proofs ben -re our eves v ori'll hoiltjr MCUI , r -! u i-n.Miucu, ur.u u.y iniormatioa is to bed coca yon wir .v.iitft- uirh uhiCh I have n-cne into fhi el um-.n. fhar rh A inninn nnr.MH .k: - , T x.i c-uniry (men WRO and ae a . W! wreat particularity, with which I have gene into this ed upon, that the American pnf .ners in this ciin cct.. 1 et inuu.iw v 7-k. - 1"-, jrn- ir"f jwjp w w, Jdo? - .... .

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