Number 436. July io, 1778 THE ORTH-CAROLINA GAZETTE. . . S m - - L a. . X. a AAAAAA v With the lateft ADVICES, Foreign and Domestic. SEMPER PRO LIBERTATE, ET BONO PUBLICO. IN CONGRESS, June ti, 1778. LC 1 1 Civ ui 1 'c y " - & ' cloline a letter ..1 the o:h to Him from General Sir Henrv Glin on, inr rmmg mat ire cwi n v.ihw, w;iiiam F.dn and Governor 1 hnitone, three ,,f 1 hp re miii iffi .nen lor iellorine peace between -eat Britain and America, are arrived in Philadelphia, and re fine a paffport for D . fcrgulon, tneir iccrewry, - C C I ,L L rWr,f.. and a coov of General Wafhingtou's unnt a naiTcort till the pitaiu.e 01 cougisw L i. r nit rAO. t Ordered, That the fame be referred 10 a wmmm v. Jane 12. . : - i.nn referred the letter of the oth frdm . . . . .-a. . l. .La irn-ini-ri brouphi in are- r i w . a. Mm m uj i n n r zi j miv v m - ort. which was tak n into corfioemtion. and. alter debate, Rtfolved, That the farther confederation thereof be portioned. Congrefs relumed ti.c contide anon of the report of the com- v. i f.a.h iram General Walhrngton, with ir.i . t p naacri riun ... ..... - , i During the debate an xprefs arrived witn a ieucr o. w.c . . .i wn,,..eon. which was read, and a packet, in . "l. t-ZA ?naihvw wi:h other papers, a letter figned Dicn w (wi.iuiv, - , . dk;i. Carlifle. William Eden. George J nnitone cu ... ,!phi.,' June g. I778,, and f " T Z fo enrv Laurenr, tr.e ntuucni, nu . ZT7. . WKJk li.rrr was read IO tne OrOS Il.uo.uuo .kv,r- ' . t - . i t- m ,k firrt ftrtiement of he.C (iMI oi - . ntwirh. i k.M t.ia?-d witn iu ui o-i. - ' i. arf or r.refe:it form o! the rrencn oncr!, noine u.m r . , . eluflve: whe euoon the was inrerruptca, anu - - as made not to proceed farther, bccauie oi ic t--uu ia-e againft his mft Chniuan Majett. SIT! Xf '.r n of .he mew, be pcflpo- Jrsrrtm m - "6 - r Af . j ,riwir.ratii,n of the motion respecting After debate, adj amed to io o'clock to mrow. ..A ,nr,i.ration of the moun reflecting I . 6 , --.m;r.n of the Kineof (jreat Britain, it in iTr i rv. in m. nun unni; iv . .1 " . .1- Tht the etter irom me ciii"w- A motion n.av, - , . f. ol tne king of G eit Britain he on the table. -P.fl.d in the neginve. ' -t-. . .t. i..... nA rhe naoers accom- mn H aine:. 1 ".ai kiwi - r r i.. be read. W hereupon the letter of the 9th. and one - r- " . ... ia.i torn H r"! p n itrurvc t i) - iv 1 1 f r r.n rttu - v"iT - - r '""S r. . . . , Wt r I nrv L. in- Hnwe. S,r H-r, "TJTT ad alfo , Will am Eden and UrFe 3? T nA for re acli of the Britilh parliament, one mUtuled an act lor re pealing an aft pafTed in the foureenth year of his prefent m J fty, reign, eniituled an aft for the b tter regulating th gov m ment of the province of the Maffachufetcs Bain Nf En :hn . The other two the fame as the bills already j ubiilhtd. I h let--l is are as follow : f 7 Excellency HENRT LAVREN&. the PretJezt, and ether tbt members of Ccngrefe. Gentlemen, . - AT 1TH an carneft defire to flop the further efTufion of bloo4 y y and the calamities 01 war, wc iuuiuiii..vw fc the leafl pcffible delay after our arrival in this city.i a cepy of the ccmmilfion with which his majefty is pleaAd to honour o. as al fo the acls of parliament on which it is founded. And, at the r ft. V A-f. ra ... fame time that we allure ycu oi our mu.i cmuui m vv t blilh, on the bafis of equal freedom and mutual fafety, the tran quillity of this once happy empire, you will obferve that we are veiled ith powers equal to the purpofe, and fuch as are even uunrered rt'G In the aaala of our hillory, ff In the prefent lUte of our affairs, though fraught with fub jefls of mutual regret, all parties may draw fome degree r.f con fclatton, and even aufpicious hope, from the recollection that cordial reconciliation and affeftion have, in our own and t the s empires, fucceeded to Contentions and temporary divifions not We with not to recall fubjeAs which are now no longer ia Controverfy, and will refervc to a proper time of difcufli a, bth the hopes of mutual benefit, and the confederation of tviU, mat may naturally contribute to determine your refolutions, a well His imrortarit occafion. The as of parliament which we tranfmit to you having pafTed with Angular unanimity, will fufficiently evince th- difpo fition of Great Biitain, and fhew that the terms of agreement in contemplation with his mijeity and with parliament are fuch n come up to every wilh that N rth Am-ricH, er.her in th& hour of temperate deliberation or of the uimolt a..prehenfion of danger to liberty, has ejyjrelTed. . . 1 ' M re effectually to demonf!ra,te our good intentions, vve thinKT proper to declare, even in this i ur firli communication, that we are difpofed to concur in every fatisfaclory and juft arrangement towards the following among other purpofes. . t To confent to a ceffation of hottiliues, both by fea and land. . . . To reftore free Intercourfe, to evive mutual aaection, ana renew the common benefits ol naturalization, through the feverat parts of this empire. ..i, 0 J . To extend every freedom to trade that our refpecuve mte- rtfts can require. : . To agree that no military forces lhall be kept up tn the dif ferent ftates of North-America, without the coofent cf the gene ral Congrefs or particular affn bites. 1 To concur in mealures calculated to dikharge the debts ol America, and to raife the crtdit and value of the paper circula tion. . , , i g i To perpetuate our union by a reciprocandeputation of an agent or agents from the different Hates, wh Yhall have the pri viite of a feat and voice in the parliameat'ot Great-Britain ; or, ft