if f"Bt from Britain, in that cafe to hare a feat and voice In the fl mblies of the diflf rent Hates to which they may be depu ed reipccltvclf, m erder to attend to the fever al intcrclti of tnulc by whom they are deputed. M In ih r', to eitablih the power of the refpe&ivc legiilatures in each particular flate, to fettle its revenue, its civil and milita ry eixabi.fhment, and to exercife a perfect freedom of legiilation and internal government, fo that the B. itili: dates throughout North-America, acting with us m peace and war under one com men sovereign, may have the irrevocable enjoyment of every pri vilege, that is ihurt of a total fepararhn of intends, ot contin ent ith that union of force, on whivh the fafcty o our cV-n oian religion And liberty depends. ' In our anxiety for prcferving thole facred and fiTenrial inre refls, we cannot help talcing nome of the iuudiou ntvrp. ui.n of a power, which hay, frum the h it fettlemcot of thefc colonies, been actuated with enrm j to us both. ."And notwithitandmg the pretended date cr prefent form of the French alters to N rui A merica, vet it is notorious that toefe were made in com q. tnce of the plais of itcomm .da.ion previoufly concerned in Qieat b i tain, and with a view to prevent our reconciliation, and to pro long rhis deib uclive war. " But we truit that the inhabitants of North-Am?'ica, c 1 netted with us by the nearer! ties of consanguinity, fpcaiktng toe iame language, iote ellcd in the prefervation of umiiar i- ic uq ci.:, irmemoering the former ha,ppy interccu f i of good office , an forgetting recent aniu)i.fi:ies, will in. ink from th- th ughc cl ;kc ming an acctiF n of force to our la: ma u.i enemy, and v . 1 prefer a firm I Ordtrtd, That they be referred to a committee of flm, EodemDU. P. M. The committee to whom were referred the letters an frm the earl of Carlrfle, Sec. commiffioners from th tr Gr;at-Britain, reported the draught nf a letter. u,K.'.v - w f - WIVU Wtj m -.row. June 17, 177. Co.ngrefs refumcd th;; c nrideration of the draught of the leg in aniwer to i ;iier auo papers receivea rrm the eari oi 1 fla. Arc. frtmmilii.iners from the Kino n( (I, far - i " "'liairi, ik was man :nui : agreeo to, ana is as r JiOwss: ff ir Excellencies the Rbt Hon. the Eari of CARLISLE fPl It'fM EDEN, Ejf t GEORGE JOHNSTONE, Efa tn Ji .e sjront bis r italic fHJyety, Poiiadetpbta. ir.tfVK received the letter from your Excel iencies of the in1 ant, witn the enclofures, and laid them before Con Nothing but an earned delire to fpare the farther effufion rtX Li I 1 J L - J 1 -I J - J- man i;iu u cuuia nave mouteo tncm to reaa a paper, contain ex it 1110 s 1 j aiireiptct ui to nis molt cnnttian majfity, thC B a a Mi u' ii'tic u nit? i wr w vt'uuucr poptiiUv'nS B) C gat:r. to the h n ur of an inuependent nation. ' Tne acls of. the Kr.uth parliament, the commit f, year fovereign, antt your letter, firpfjofc the people of th 11 -lies iv ue wjcis o tn; crowu or vsrcai-oTicain, and are fou eu 011 the id-a A dep n-ince, which is utterly inadmiflible. " J iti further direct -d to inform your exceileiici-.s, that 6 gr ,fs a. inclined to p-ac, notwithltanding the ujjjitcla' f wnun this war origins ed, andMhe lavage manner fx whi 1 ha U been c 'inducted, Tiiey wiil therefoie be ready to ca u r me c-nhdiration of a treaty of peace and commc.ee. nn ; . . ' : "WH u D) U. r-ru : , c Oiiifeut wiih treaties a.rc.idy fuOliftinZj wnen tils ICiau th? ftc.etiy t-hi maj Uy s cj.nm.fli n. A i4 lr:u.nr e . la j e.a if itain ihall demonihace a fi q cere difpefit ion lor that dbi Riii n a.iu uiituuiu ot ccr; iu -j ui ui u:ucuc, u-i:it ivj l. i . j ne oni iiiia procr or tras aiipontion will o, an expl n.e.-t with ycu, either c. llectivcjy or Dy deptftaa-n, at Wear. t t ck A iedkeniertt ot the independence of thvie Hates, or mJ To k, r.iiiadrlpnia, r ric ii wn, or lutn other plnce as y. a w tiiu a-Viog rtis fles and armies. may propt fe. We thick it right, n.wcver, to appiz.' yjuj nt x.avc th-2 honour o be, h.s m-jctU's inltructions, as e.i as cur own ctu.e tu iei:u e Ypr Excellencies m ,11 ob ii.e.u and himhle Cs ( m -ii- imn.ediate feat cf ai , in the active opera tipoa 1 f nis.fi Si0mtJ. h order of the unan ':mjus uo ie of Coi?re's, w c- n t take any part, m-iy induce u fcrd.ly tunm vt w -HENRT LAURENS, PrejMn IN. v T.,iic : Dut tne comip-noer m cases r nis inaj.n, s la. a y,r 1ow, JJe 17. 1 ; 7 ci. f cci. who is j ined win us in this enmui.:, wHl if 11 kcj. ivej unanimcijij, 1 nat Congrefs approve the condufl fhyd became t-. 1DI-, cichci concur win us in a iut x Wax Uvucui WaihiuPton m reAiBnir a DaMoort to Utti VetoxA. rub.jj.bed by order oj Longrejs. na , a nee and prrpetuai cualalitio with the f& cot re and uunarural frcin ai'iance e, t a.-i inup.v re .nd unnaru'ai iwrein Tf.ii A jtrh a. ill hn i:c.ivrrrd rrt v.- rvaat, h 'A "i ief. or will fum fh ail neteifiry p.fTrts and ;a.- c juci t" iacilita:e our mte.infc, and we mail of ccuifc expect .iic l u.e of you. 44 If, after the time that tray be necefTary to CocMder th?s c mmurrca ion and tranmit yc u. aufwer, the horrors and deval Uticaji r,f war fhnuld continue, we caii God a d the wo.-.J t wit r rhat the evils which mult fallow are not to h- impu:.d to G i j. Britain: Ad we Crnr.ot, wi'hout th m ll real f rr 6m , en cij.ate the j rolpecl of calamities, which we frel the mlt ar- d.ot dci e 19 re cnt. We a. .., with er.'edl refpect, G?"i!eni n, , V'our moil obedient and moft homhle f rants, CARLISLE, I Tecir Sir, CHARLES J HOMSQN, Private Philadelphia, Jane 14, 1771,1 P'ifaSelf ! . 1 WM EDEN, of'' jvit, 1773. Geo. JOHNSTONE. To ExeUency HEN FT" LaUPENS, tbt Piejiutmt, and ttber ibt, n.c.Ht-.tj cy Ccrtjrreft. a Ktittt!emem . h d -.arch incl f-d wi h thi- wa; car-red this morning to the eea eil p ll of G-nera! Wln'n:;;n' army by D -tl ir F of n, fewrerar. t Hm mje I ' Commiffioa for r-tt.iing p ace. Sec. but be. n r fi d'nu a piflV.rt, h .s returned to this io eerj naaeyeflary delay, we nw arain pi ice in 0 :r k a lend If bv hr Ordinary ennvevnce of y ur military pjfts. As f n a the p ffr rr a me, D ;Ct)r Fergufin fhii wit upon you accurcing :n oni h it arrangement. Lt ;ien, V ur wil obvdent and m fl hum' 1- feivants, C RLlLE, ui'.Kj . transfer to my irieno u . rer-ui' n, tne private csvul Jttits wnich my friends ivlr. Manning and Mr. Ofwaid re. q icH in my b hnf. tl is a .nan of the utmotf probity, ai.d ofl the blgadR eitccai to the repuonc ct letters. If ycu fh uld follow the example of Britain in the hour oil her inf. lencc, ai d fend us back without a bearing, i (haJi hopej frm.private friencfh.p, that 1 may be permuted to uc the coua try, and the worth) characters Iru has exhibited to the world, up on making the requclt 111 any way you may poiai oat. lam, with great rrgard, Dear is i-, V'.-ur mr.fl obedient and moft humble fervanf, 17;. TJ, T n .". r if u m .rrriu ' mts b.uc' i.ft. uiAi'n, vig'tjj ucUi JWUMJ x villi. Dea Sir. Ydrk Town June 14.. 1778. ES 1 liRDAY I wa? honoured with your lavour of the 10 W aud thaiik ycu for the traniumion of th tfe from my dtar at.d worthy f.iehds Mr. Ofwald and Mr. Manning. Had Dr. Fcrgofon betn the bearer cf t icfe papers; J Ihould have Iha thac gMit fimn every degree of refpect and attention, that lima and circiunitances admit of. u It is, Sir, fbr Great B.itain to determine whether her com We are, with j erfect refpecl, mifli ners fhall return unheard by the representatives of thefe U- mttd States, or revise a fricndlhtp with the citizens at large, aod Y JHH 177. rem an among us as long as they pleafe. " You are undoubtedly arqaainted with the only terms upon II. EDEN, . which Congrefs can treat for accomplifhing this good end ; terms Gso. juiiiNSTON,'a from which, although writen iu a private charcler, I ma vet