Number 437 XORTH-CAROLINA GAZETTE. With the lateft ADVICES, Foreign and Domestic THE SEMPER PRO LIBERT ATE, ET BONO PUBLICO. . . L . . m 1 1 . jl 1. A A A A.4kAA fi tbttr ExreVenrits the Earl of C sJRLISLE, WILLIAM EDEN. gJt GJORG JOHNSTONE, Ejquires, hntijo cemmijjion- Continued t'roVZ CUT af. " -nU crooofe a ct gatioa of hoftiluies Withdraw your Y forces by land, and huttiltiea t.cre are inftamly end ed; you need not be anxious for a cefTition at fea ; on that element we have every thing to fear from yen. If fon mean far, why bt"n do you d Jay to io that which yea feem tv defire, aoi vw.iih Uial k be done rells Bilrciv yt urfelvva? Surh are your principal offers n detail. Of sow little 'value 'ufvoYcVer os every thing (Wt of Independence. If yon are friious ofbw Kith omtmS muftjueh a ctnr.eaion -with us be to you Will your Excellencies cor.dclcend, wi..i me, to view Grac-tiri-ti n and Am -ic ondrr one f.vertipn ? 1 he iovcieignty in d i ti : AacriU p Aided of poets of ovcrnmeut out fiurt ol in- derecdcncc. ,. : . , Aneica. formed f-r,em?i-, mad naturally arrive at it ; hav ing taiUd of it. fhe will ever b; anxious to .ajfou it ain ; ba i, j by arms acquired n power, but fh :t of independence, the encieafe in-reputation and a.i.v to become mat pei.denc, 3- ri this will encre-fc her dcfiie to be fo ; her former JocceG wul peff fs her with confidence and ho. r ; experience will make her ever fufpicious of the intentions of Britain : Hence, bsin m pof Kffivu of powers, only fhort of independmt, me ut a' ways be -rcparcd to iflert her rlns, having in mind her naked Condition at the fudden commencement of the pirfenc war. la fuch a formidable ntuation, dehgn, accident, fufpicion, or tns brtaih of di'pleafurn on either fide, muft, in a few years, break th- cobweb by which yea ufflr to hold her under Ue dominion of Bri-ain And is the acquiring dominion to be held by fuch a tU worth another campaign ! C-n it be worth the purluis of a 2l0 ol fa4M4 bnnejfy and common feme' But fuppoung your offers to be. nsk at they are not, of fterling V3:ut to America : How inadequate a-e y.ur powers to the pur I (c cf accommodation I Tne great L.ird Abmgd.n pots this matter in the crcareA point of view. In his moft elegant proteft on ttm fulject, he faS V Although the c n mifli-perl and the C .nerc's be aerreJ. fucn agreement is ol no erf a till cr-nhrmcd bv parliament ; whichis giving fuch advantage to parliament, by knowing what Cong.cfs will 'do, and is ol luch diCidvantae io Congrcfs, by not knowisie hat parliament w:ll confirm, that the ven in quality c f the cotdi ijr.s wiil put a Itop to accommo dafioo." If A.nerica enters tirms with you, fee what m'ght U the confequencr. Your Excellencies owd allow, that it u our 4'.s to a jiJ t hem. ' , We h, m-Jc a falemn trratv with France the ebje3 is, the tHablifliTent of cor iode-enue. ce. If we treat wun ou upon the footing cf dependence, we at once break our faah with France, for ever lofe ail credit with foreign nations, and arc, ij io faQ; cut 'ff even from r e hope of i fuccour. In this "Situation, rem wt.'J elfeluiely hoti us at mtcy Y-u' k,ng m' f ers and parliament may refufe to ratify yoar engagements, for tbey ha? c tU powr to do fo. Governor Johnitouc hd long and abry pleaded the caufc of America. Is fee now come to our ftorfc. to invite us to iurrenoer to tne juiucc anu im.v7 juftand revengeful enemLs! Enernks, whe h'ive for a long courfj of years treated us with the baftft decepriunj, and caiurahiaifd os throughout Europe: Enemies, who ftarved tv death cr countrymen taken prif ners, loadi ng them wm;e alie and tm their power with every infulf. Enemies, who ft retch to ihew favage allies to murder cur old and unarmed larmers, and their helptefs women and vhildren : Enemies, who have plundered oar CX untry, 'burned our towns, and armed f n againft tamer, fi:r ani agaitlt niaiier, andbrother auaintt brother, :n order to fb j.ct us : Enemies, who 'have moved even hji Hp8! to cccm' plifh their purpols of blcod, rum and tyranny: Enemies, utter ly abandoned to corruption, dtituu.e of public virtue, deaf to the voice of jaflice, and dead to the feelings of humV ity ! Ca it poflibly be expected that fuch enemies, af er the expenfe otfo m my millions ; the lefs of fo much of their own blood; the dif gf.ices their arms have fuftataed? ihe infults to which they have been obliged to fubuiit !iom foiein naricos, in their purfuit of our deft u&ion ; tbs impending ruia under which they have ben d.iven by our Oppofiiicn ; I far, can itpofTibly oe excecVd, thtt heo fsv& enemhs, J frkSJ, fiial find us lying at their mercy, they Ntli ratify y(ur ax . Ijes.cics terms but lhort of independ ence, and be content to h jld dominion over us by fo flnuer a tia as a cobweb I Timco Danaos, et dona ferentes. America is independent, de facio et tie jure. She will mintam her ftation at ibo expence of her lall drop of blood. I is ia va to folicit what your arms, when moil 'powerful, were n t at le to compel. You are no kngcr in that fituation. America ia more competent to the cootelt than ever (he has been. O ir refo lui i is fixed : not do we lear M the horrors and devafta' if of with which, in the conclulion ol your letter, you t-i eaten, ti ' r n i Jj , A j i o Act rr tk nrpal nfl us. r ranee nas acstnowie gwii uui n v. , & v e;s of EuiODe fmile upon tis ; we rely upon our own virtue and tne favour of heaven. If we continue fiira, we ihall continue ia- a ? . 'I dependent, farewell. Teik -Taivn, juneJ, 1778. W. H. D. IN CONGRESS, June 17, 1778, WHF.REAS many lef.ers, addreffed to individuals of t3efe U.urcd States, have been lately received from England through the conveyance of the enemy ; and fome of thein, wnich have been under the of members of Congrefs, arw found to contain ideas infidL uily calculated to divide aud delude the good people Of thefe ftates ; Refolded, That it be and it is hereby earneftly recommended to the legfUuve and executive authorities of the feveral ftates to exerciie the utmoft care and vigilance, and take the moft effoci ri al roeafures to put a flop to fo dangerous and criminal a corref- pondence. Rtjol'ved. That the commander in chief, and the commanders in each and every military department be, and he and th:y aro hereby direAed to carry the meafures rccammendud in the aaovc xefoiurion in the moft e ffcftual execution. Entrap from the minutes, C&JRLES THOMSON, See.