Voided, ..ten, friend ,o England and B8'M' fd " 3 Scotch blood in hi, veins, away I2,ica and as ambaf !.. acknowledge lhrT. (bUch a uea y "f amity, '1l0"' S " ; ,U og a." o?th,S world tW. - If. after Sj? .. K ...not U P- yo had WJStaZ JnS2UtS iWs 3 rhi pear to yoa in a trivia light, " .rtd :n lhe plop chancery .tided. 1 hat con"na Ijt bIood 3 ,he iont is upon ,ore than f'rfS ocean will not walh it -your hand., and ail the water, or . Heaven way. We again make onr foIen.n appeal t He o to decide between ou and . J P' J " . UUe 0 JE. I n my ds and Gent to.n, " Jriini of human naturi, And em itht rbriu tbt title if An AMERICAN. LONDON, March 28. EARt-YrelletdJy iromin? Lord Sormont atmed firm Paris. Mia lordll.i? afterwards was at coor. and had V " r4";. ,, tin. Vetterday an order was f.nt to the offi, a.e o te foot oo b.ard them to prerent their failing. Y"tt,'dav orders were fen, fr. ni the Secretary of Wa office tole LoUentcnant, of the different co..e,, to embody the hale been fent to Loid Grantham at tne coc.-t ot Madrid, and b.t hTi. pefted in England in May, bu, will v.fit Liiba. m wTJSfi the Spanilh minitt.y have acknowledged the inde Jdencc rfAmerieP, and that the t ortognefe moll do the lame. hi defended by this country in cafe of a war. Tl t sZTh .ef.dent at hU court has ordered all h.s taovea lJ "d bimfelf i reaaefs to embark ' TWd.r 'Se'&fe of common, agreed to the orfof the re Thurfday the r h f , viz. That 1,406. fol.u,.on.of.hecdngday, of StftV W? granted for the VfeCrJ.'! went from a great hi. h" d Criam, with an oTrer for his coming .nto T "f JL What the particulars of the terms were 'Chave been tee apted, or are now under del.beratt- on i, not r,foage i. fo well fati.fied of the I Adinital Keppel in a fortiignt will have twenty ftips under his ccn-mand, the btil fitted out, and moil j compUlcly omntd, that ever TaLied out of cne ports of this kingdom. The French mail dul not airive yelterday, thOngh by the ac Kfit.au, ai.d the Uuntu ol the vbd, it (honld hare been here oil Touriday. U U increiore iuppoied that all manner of inter. courie is ltopeta. - Y O R K T O W N, June 27. rLrfltf? rr a Utter from bis RxcdUncy General Washing m, X latidbemd quarters, half after A. M. June ,8, i778. , -ft V the picaiure Co iuUffl Congrefs, that 1 was this mu t nute auvilVd by Mr. Robets that the enemy evacuated the ci it early this morning. He was down atthe middle terry ob tUi fide where he received the intefi.gence from a number pfe q. 5m who were on the oppuite They told him, tht. : r.i. ....e hart P; hat iced on boaid trarfports. Tin DOUt WOO 01 nv'Y' , . .r T a. deitrueUoa of the biKige prevented htm croifing. I eXDedewri moment efficial account, on the iubjeft, I have put fix brigidet in motion, and the eil of the army are preparing to follow WKk all ootTible difpatch. s j ..j bv,;i,j- u- 5 A letter from Capt. M'Clean, date4 Philadelphia. - ' '. hand, conhi oiine the evacuation. Pub tithed by order $f C ongrejs . y CHARLES THOMSON, See. Extraa of a letter from lialtimore, 7r 19. I was yeilernay evening witli a captain that fpeaks French J. iTi rvivpl aknnt fortv miles from he counnands a mue vcuci i..cafc r -" y T nc v.t-uiiiii u ,; frrwrn ivhmre he failed th hence, and came nom ap 1 , , w 1 -ih of May. He told me there had arrived there, a lutle befon i . 7 o u n. in; nfrh ffime frt crates, and ia his aeparture, 1 7 r V , ri.rdfTdieir defttttr. tran.puris, wiw r- . " - 1 i - 1 " inimieid feptft. of 5p., ",1 ft 3av by a noble Lord tt.at war w,u J-jpU.. Thi. advice i. rainft the unite powers of frat " ... .,(.Av ot 'heater Ult war, Xadon lhe fullcU aflhrancc,-of nerfett ajuiv net;ralit. Wre . Areir Philadelphia, dot. ed June r The mam OCOy OI tnc enemy a ; " ' 7 milts beyond Mauntnoily, latt night. Their movements arf ""- ' St. j -v.. aat vxor jc Princeton, and verv flow. 7 or 8 miles a uay. v.u. 7 - r . : . In advance lait night, moving on toward, the enemy with afc figo or improving any faura opponuni.y of .,, ngrt m. Near 4.00 uelerterg from me rncui -- . The rear of the enemy's fleet was yefterday at Reedy Ifland. T . inun rhe river, to lea. aiVlilOua g w.s. "" - -T pr - 4' . i j ..r .iruaUt ,1 Statefman turnin? ifo In the tore prouna or vm . - , 1 . . todiiJwM. Uke brute, the wrg ny rcuUh Jfr'eam of corruUon-by Heaven ! '-inft,a4 of 'with n -y t . D .. Swan Dr. a a t o 1 ivni w .... - LORD NORTHS introdttttory fpsech to his motion for re conciliation with America, and the ready acquie.cence o hi, boalted majority in parliament, xn fox?xxz naufcaUK whale wor d. What nas peen iuc ieaiigu - Tdminiftration for years pal? The them toourteet " wena ?y That the nae," and a deal more of fuch bouncing nor.fenfc. 1 Wm Americano were a race or cowdrus, pwuu,.-,- '.'-.J Gst on the continent) whole very nnmbers . PI . . .11 a.: .kM friohipned mm heaos by a it rB ments of Britons, they f-iSS weieht and their own rears, mm iuc " . . , jy. reer. this miznty nunuuiau ux uutu r . "ns ft t ol his heel, and flam off with equal fpeed on h. j t i. ehnAn prv threats, ltm ' back (cent, iwauowmg a, -T.lWli bratingin the air, with tne nWrr 7' " him as hafty and as loud as if their leader had never changj him, as naay " ..rrii- ciillJ nrl Ament. it is trueJ his courfe. I he corruption 0, -jju-j ; . of tf It well known : but that tney mouiu uc r ;-n.if i aoparance.s as thus to pobliih to the world how peweM S Smptibly they am fed by the nofe, i i. frfaks or the fears of a premier lhall direa, i wards, m J'? txpeaed from the dangling lj J&SttuSTJZS Yt& fneh i. the minifter, 4