- If Number 441 August 14, 1778. THE I unnTH-C 4ROL I GAZETTE With the lateft ADVICES, Foreign and Domestic. SEMPER PRO LIBER 1 A 1 li, .1 fuw. IfrAf f fr t f ft ft 1 1 .t Wilmington District, 7""' l !778- r ILmrabU SAMUEL ASHE, Efy; one of tbe Judges of tbe Superior Court of Luzv. SIR. TH E gentlemen of the Grand Jury beg leave to return their thanks to the honorable Samuel Ashe, Erq; for his frnfible and feafonable Charge delivered them at the'opemng (.( .his court, and requelt the favour of a copy of it for th pief., that, if poffible, its influence may be made as extenfive as its matter is important. I Wilmington, June 12, 177 q, tbeGentlemen of tbe Grand JuRY..r Wilmington Diftria. MR. Ashe prefents his compliments to the gentlemen cf the Grand Jury, and in compliance with their poluc requelt trammits them a copy cf his Ch a r g e ; pkafed that his crude thoughts haftilv thrown together, meet with the approbation of their refpeaablc' bedy, and will be happy if they ihcuid contri bute a mite toward the wellfare of his country. GENTLEMEN of the GRAND JURY, N every cWil.z:d lla;e, to euajiiio tne peace 01 uw 1 n. interwoven in our prefent happy and tq vA f ftern of government, that no citizen can be denied, n..r be oepmcd o it, but v. it: n tii.i constitution, liut this ineftimable priviltdge, with otners equally fo, the iron hand of unfeeling Bntiih tyranny, upon iniquity and ill founded pretentions, would tear frun us, and fabliau to Mead of it a mode of proceeding, framed by the united and ftretched invention of cruelty and tyranny comb-ned. By that, perhaps the innocent, but unhappily fufpeited perfon, fhall be Icized, dragged from his friends and dearett connexions, thrown into the noitom hole of a vefTel, loaded with irons, and at the rifque of his life transported three thcufnd miles over lea 10 Great Britain. There, probably, without money to A.iUin h.m, without friends to comfort him, without council to advife faini, uith. ut witneffes to teftify for him, and without his neighbours to try him ; perhaps too, only upon the information of an Attor ney Gene al (always a creature cf the court) filed againit him, he fhall be arraigned before a court and juty unacquainted with every circumHance of the charge, and equally firangers to the malig nancy and ddign of the profecutor, as the character and difpcfm on ol iheaccufed. In this Ctuation, and thus circumflanced, in nocence itfelf mult fall a viaim. This fhort conUaft of the two meafurea mult at once fill nam's with h: rrcr clue one. aH l ' M . V wuh a alow of 7 ai.U ifi-fc-t evci tiioit, in -perpetuate inc. fix it,. TV! ru nvi ,v: EO CUIUUill Kic Ufcv.- ' j rrv tverv Wiuvin Ito nricrve uccum i-morg the peopk atiaige, and to pre- and rejcahe latter. . ?72!wj!!u . thrir f.ver.l rights, municipal laws, or Gentlemen, the office of Grand Inters for this diftrl at this tules of ci Al ccdoft, are formed, ordaining Punimments time afGgned yoU, I have the fdlkj perfusion your principles and rules or c .u .u , r nMnt. LiLlIl-- v,, not under the Lcicd obligation of an oath) to thole wn nitv. or violate J w Civil coi.uucx, are icrmcu, cruunn.js time aiugucu . , r j Li - r K , uh fhall difturb the general peace ol thu cummu- jnciinati ons (were you not unuer ibefetred obliaUon oi an oath) itc t inuude on the rights of individuals. will lead you to an impartial execution of. .ffe.ent Hates are various, and with many the modes Fcr me to point out to you the particular bufinefs of it, or to nrl C Stm A cf Dunifhing tranferclibrs are variant and unfixed, depending up . . . - 1 n 1 J U.k ;n t.f mann.T T. C Ilia on the will ot tne rrincc or juugc, wv- fureof them. , But with us it is a felicity that crimes and mifdemeanours have f according to their htinoufnefs) known and alfixed runillHnts, .nd nothing is left to the opinion or aibitrary will ot the Jge ; in a few cafes only, a difcrctinary miligating povver may be cx ereifed by him ; i t the fame la which creates the offence, de r . j rK. r,..nifment. And equally careiu. are icrioes uiiu auv '4 t . r s. ...-1-.. . ; 9r,,;n no trv;np t!kndri; the accufation .in toe ..- r ru nfftnecs which fall under your coenizance, is unneceffary, and would be tedious and nkfome both to yt u ar.d rnvfeif Let it fuffice that I acquaint you, that crimes and mif demeanors of every denomination, from the highelr. to the luwtft nature from treafonsagaina your rtate to rrefpfTes againfl the pocrcft individual of the Hate, committed in this diitnl, are prefentable by you. . A few matters only I will mention to you, and thefe are m:f prificns of treafon againft the ftate, and efiences 'affecting your public d:us OI HWUl, a -v , 1 k . U 0. .1 f V,nrrrffr ftl th! liatft : Slid outlaws, in charging u trying c ! 5 "1 bvhe fever, 1 CWrefTes of this ftate ; and fir! inftar.ee mull be rwade by twelve at tne .eai 01 - g, g JTCacU it)e General A fienbiy relative to them fc- rfiftri-l where the offence was committed, and by then, lr- as the clauks oi the acts c uituco 7 jv- - . . :,K:;:; r . the court. The charge beinS thus made, the deiCnbe them more fully than l can, i w icau -u, .- culorit is called no into court, and the truth of the matter ag?in Claufes read - nioft be made in the pr fe of theaccufed, and the witnelies aeainft him produced ar.d openly exao ! . Uo.bJ T he at liberty to crofs txan.uie tbe.o, to confront them w 1 n wn nefiesin his favour, to lefica or refute their teftimony, and I other wife to oer matter to juUify, txcufe, or acquit himfelf. By thus fairly and openly canvafung the charge, the party, ifgoirtyi is dettaed and puoifhed ; if innocent, is proteaed, ;J placed oe yond the rech of pe fee uting malice, or opprefiive fallhood. 7 Senfiole cf the advantages rtfulting from this invaluable right af a tryai by a jury of the viciuage, a ngnt io.ieu ..uKK.v auies reao. . , r t r 1. c The mifchievcus and wicked tendency cf tnofe under tte : fir.t .u- and rincn- - ' nces. as well lg rhe Ciais, anu me Ji juuuu- - 1 . -..ui: Inr!;inal4. -f-taoTe under thelatter, and thef(equent cprki;.:J a tf b-, make it ntceflary to attend to them. 1 he hnt are praaifed by men, netted in our bofoixis, who, did their r.fo luiions keep pace with their inclinations, it is not doubted would commit crimes of the fiift magnitude againit us; but not dating to avow their intentions, to onmafk and aa openly, they (like Satan at the ear of Eve) whifper their lies, infinoate their falf hoods, and fpread elifpiriting news, in order to pervert the weak, fettle the minds of thefe net perfeaiy Aable, and to feduce the t eofle generally from their allegiance to the ltate. p. our anccHoiS, and hancea oown oy w -