THE Number 447- NOR TH-CAR OLI With the lateft ADVICES, Foreign arid Domestic. September 25, 1778. GAZETTE SEMPER PRO LIBERT ATE, ET BONO PUBLICO. T a v n n M Atm 1 1 Li J r w J HIS day. in tn hofe of ,ord iord Shelburne mo. ed, that the hcuie mourn oe luinmuum w lord Chatham's funeral. Lord Hdlfoorough oppcfed the motion ; not from . . l. - .kt. !nr4 uiKn hail Keen the any dif rij-eci to tnc uuuic lament of chat bcufe, but becaufe be thought fuch an honour 5 iX been paid to any but princes: He therefore w.fhcd to the hofe of 0 a m fJe f I'm the k'ng, bv which his m)ctty inform-d the houle that iK-oM Wer directions 10 their wilh relate tu lord Chatham's fungal, complied with. , . Lord John Cavendifn then roie and obferyed. that as lord Chatham', public and perfooa! imercfts. were idea, he had never conneftcd the Utter was always fwallcwed up ,o the f.rmcr -The eff a of this generous fpiril now lie heavy on hi. family : IH he fl irered himfelf that the houfe would take their cafe into nor Tufcr the d.fcendaou cf that great man, to - Lord North heartily coincided wi n the noble lord cenfdoos thit the late lora Chatham had deferred f, Well of the fla"e that his defendant, had certainly a claim to the geoerofi y J he houfe, and the gratitude of the nation : He affuredthe no ble tSrb.l he woufd fopport any motion that m!ght be made in favour of che late earl's family . inloVeaoeayrick on the renowned rtaufman. ar.d moved. thai k!ihU .dd.ef. fhould b prefented to hit majefty to return hi. majefty wouM be r.7i I PV.r. nf Chatham Ms m 1$ hi. -loom and .iber.Ut, fell think n.onen ertain. $ J' dene to the kingdom by that able fta.efman : And to affurc hu majeHv. that the b-fe would make good the fame Lo,d Nugent warmly fctooded the mot.on : His ite? n more fparing of hi, e.comi.m. on the la,. Tow (hmd had been ; nod to gi.e a finking proof th, J?- JZ in Pope's effay on.m., his W A XdPi.t now ar rood he iuftancd his lafl word, to his fon, lord Pitt, now Mr, of Chatham, when that young nobleman. r tnrefor Gibraltar, was taking his leave of hu dying fb Go mv On, faid the venerable patriot, go whither oor rnm Sis vou let her etircfs all your attent.oo, fpa not m which is due to her fervice, in weeping orer an eld 'By ".Jd both paid their tribute to the memory ''co'lTr'te after moch encomium., faid. he knew that ?lory tol. Barte alter m h 1luftr,ous Z iT owo UP- Ith and fee'wh.t paiTes here below, nTw'ould bfbe" rlePaftd at the tribute iC about to pay his memory at his funeral, than at PPvia; which might be made for his children : But begged to remaik thrfnepenfion which the king had been plealed to below on the earl, rated at 30OO I. a year; he believed it to be only nomi nally fo much, as he had reafon to think that not more irn izool. was annually received. . , Mr. Montague fpoke to the fame purport, and concluded wnh ah exprtffion of a great Romaft hiftorian talking of Cicero, nr laudator ; intimating that none but a Cbarham Cfuld Vf fpeak a Chatham's praife. The queftion wastnen put : oo the. motion, which was mc(t anahimo!lyxarric?ring,e ber feemed to have the leaft inclination to oppofe it. It was then ordered to be carried up to the king. May 14. On Thflrfday evening, heut gen Burgovne y order of the king, was Cent for to the queen's palace, and I held a conference with his majefty for upwards of two h.urs ; but as not at court ytfterday. ... rf . r . , M . a tr ri; The purpefe of gen. Burgoyne's meffage is faid to be to foil cit a ratification of the convention he concluded Sjratogawidi general Ga-es ; or if that cannot be done (becaufe foch a mc afure wall be acknowledging the independence of America) he n o o- Iicit the eftab!ilhment o a commmar. 7 LAri-msi. provifion of the capttve army. The demand of the Amerietea tMlli.8 ir for diet of eac h man. He is upon hjs pa- r 1 1 . .ii, r.- ,.tiprr rvi , rele only, and is to return as 100a d uc - - - GcBorrroyne was not prefent yefterday at the drawing roomy noHs he exited to appeal in public, until a general Coun mar lial is held on the unfortunate bofinefs at Saratoga j we a rm formed a general court martial, waa the fiA rcot to the minifter, when he received for anfrer tbt ais Ihculd be laid before his msjefty. . - Gen. Birrgoyne has declared to his friends, that the report cir culated of the cruelty of the Americans to m of truth ; on the contrary, every mark of refpeft was fhewn them, and every neceflary procured that could make him ana his people hanay1he XVS addreffed the houfe of lord. expreffin'K the higheft cenfure df thofe minifters who had fuffered a fl e tog fail unmclefted from France, whofe f Soubtedly was again f me of the, territories of this empirt doubtecny was ;nfandr to deltroy cor Whether it was againtt mc - - dock- and ftores at Halifax or to furpnfe general H we and tin brother with all their forces-in each of thefe circumftances the brother, n exiftence of this country was at JSESia more arguments fimilar to thefe ufed on Wednefday in the other hcufe ; and, though he apologd Z fpeaHrTfn the abfence of lord Sandwich, he could not avoid rmindlnThoufe thatit -as afferted long ago by that mini., to thaf we had thirtyfiVe mips of the line ready to put to fea, and feven more ready to follow thtm. We hd not now the for tol number alone, Ltwithftanding the great late exertion,, and ;Te S neceffity of the times. 'He blamed the admiralty for nep'eftine to take the proper means of fupplying the navy tSSStKSA outPthS means which they ihould hate a-