Number 448. October 2, 1778. THE ORTH-CAROLINA GAZETTE. With the lateft ADVICES, Foreign and Domestic 1 wp 1 - - " ' 7 SEMPER PRO LIBERTATE, ET BONO PUBLICO. -. . - " '- w r - KT T O N D O N. HOUSE COMMONS, March iz. MR. Jama Lultrcu lurprncu mc uhi.m-.7 v, -cry iu ;dcn attack, which was di;eclrd fole ly at tbtm: After a (hort intreduclory fpeech, he made the following motion: That an humble aedrefs be pref nted to bis m&jwfty," moft humbly to defi.e chat he will begracicufl plefed to instruct the com mnnert whom hia maj ft may name lor th purpofr. of car- 7 8 ,ffi.t ui-h fuffieknt powers to treat, confine, ar.d agree- Jf r , more of .he reel ed colonics a, may .end ma. L obftrofl the happy oxk of peace and ficere -Gr Sa.VU the colcies, that the comm. (Boner, on between jarwr a -nieft,', name, the iemov-l tffrch mbifter or mi.iBeil f-oin hn maJktt, , coo. e. s. 1 Mr in Airport of hu motion, exyieli o hioileiJ wim V;;.d iropriitv, and . f of mar.y ;.. Lot. to prove the inemcacy of the fc.ll, jou patico, c-mm'iti men had the propofed -dun u i -a c g Ml UnpOpUIAIiljr Vai aa. - 1 . - .c.:iu.u, , .-h th I thas the beaud the culomc, he dctm.ea .1 -oia no. agree f .aa -o oe hcir f;ices o, men, .ho hal tl&V change mcft bitter enemus. ll the m'.r'"""t ' .tt... w;-hout which i.ywe.edetcrmmcc ;-' (t ;h,y mu;l fen. back TKcn will beatik to e..aer op.n u bluoi'thito a vaft ex- fJf fxem ii.arudH.ns ; he nation ""'WftS ol the commit Derce bv the delv ; not on account ol iHc Knn t. but L'caufe the de,a -' i . pa ' 1. would, therefore, be P'""' ,,' M .ffurc the rica.. armirii: ine com in iui " . r. nj k- removed. :a-.L. b- r.n-j ihr the ininilte.s lh uld B rem v , Lord B.aucbamp pot up next. In tiw ffJj thaC faid, lh.t he cycled to the mcde of proce .d,ng , the onlv parliamentary one was co ad Wji H rf thefe mimra wha we.e odiooi to the peopu, roal-adm.miitration. i.. Tr wuld be, he faid, Mr. ji -ppolad tVe ro"' i"U, that meo the moli nom.l.itmg ctrcoWiBar.CJ o ta ho baJ , iven the M ad.icc .0 he.r Jj-Jjfi,., if :heir vho -o.ld have Lea. deemed the mol aMe m hi bee. Hnri ",;" The -r hated the Ike whim and capmc of ihe cc.-a.-J. miniftry hlieved-; and indeed it w,as not very fbrprifmg they lhoJ.d. fothey found ihemfehes vigoroufl,- oppofed by the .rni Siry in their favourite prrja of independence. Miniften had er.Jeaxcured to aflert the rights of parliament ; could parhamen in n.nnur wilh to remove them for havingobeen their champions f Cinid parliament cogent to fuch an indignity as to change the - . t a. f!,r.,!r1 nrnncr to infill on It r niinniry wuci.cvcr l.urua "o. r r - . . r To be always ready to receive a mihitlry from the colonies . 1 l . rK vi;-nrirtr of their will r De tneir toois, ineir mere ---7 - To their tools, their mere agents, ms y Mr. 1 aolwered wun ius uiuui auiijr, ...-6 - D went; and obilrved, that he thought, thai Cnce the time of old Cato, the doartoe of peccata omnia fuvt pari had been expUovo. he ihauld not have thought the honourable gentleman had fo particularly been given to the maxims of that oider, as impli citly to adopt them f for that he himfcif faw great difference be tween the grievances, if there were any in the declaratory act, ar.u thefe which had been the caafe of the prefent war. Sir dul Ik'.ay thought there was not fuch a precedent to be found in the journals ol the houfe of commons, as that of com niaflbners having power to difmifs roinillers. Mr. Aubrey laid, that he believed the lad hcnoorable gentle man might find commit ners having power of doffing m ni ,t,rS. ai ,hAt of nMiacib for the repeal of all afts in the jmpgt of Sc j mrnah ; that norwuhllandirg what the fit h,n. gefdeman (4. Kgb) f. " offaSl bSnx alike to the J.W'," he could from authority, that the Congreis h,d repeatedly declared t treat . i(h our prefent fee of minders - which was a ftrong ; mpll dation. be faid- that they would treat with other ; tha t whe ther they did this in imitation only, of the 'g tions of our minilters, that they would never f? ba' grefs, he could not tell; that however, as gSd Ld been a favourite maxim on the treafury bct fctn Bngg had the fuperiofity, he thought a might be reafonablv expert J, hat the cry of the Acricu w; aid in -eW dUmiflion of our minilters ; that V"J""Z S3 fteo to re-ain the alTedions of the rfaiu ; but that it comu j .7 IfVon He a&ed the right hon. member if an aft of par adcmn.itration . He in 8 h miniter of ftate ; liament was ot of more conleoienise w Ld vet acls carl-ament had t hon. gCn- d;gDy fc;f Jff.ont, and made a buftle about ,lan h.. p.Kketea tne g indetd He then proceeded the 1-fTer one; this was a ouile.qu- inacta. r tne i-ur j . , ta1 change of men, as wen a to (he, tne prooaou . - - ; as they had no Irieaiurer, would bw inhittd o X betrayed a hearty reafon to eaped that meo wno n profeffi-.ns cf dtnre to d-flroy them could be J- He ft eodfkip, and the Uiew tncj m . , meafure mov- tSvZltoSZ which h. w- fw - voice. V