October 16, i778. THE Number 50. NOR TH-Cu4R OL I N A GAZETTE. With the lateft ADVICES, Foreign and Domestic. SEMPER PRO LIBERTATE, ET BONO PUBLICO. la? CON G R ESS, Augtfi 31, 1778. A PAPER figned Adam Fergufon, fccietary to his tnajefty's commiffion," dated at New-York, Auguft 26, 1778, accompanied with a declaration by George Johnftone, Efq ; and a declaration by the Earl of Carlifle, Sir Henry Clinton, and William Eden, E fq ; and alio a reqeifition refpecling the troops lately ferving under Lieut. General Burgoyne, were read, and are as follows t New York. Aug. 26, 1778. HIS M: jetty's commiflioners dirtd Dr. Fergui. n to traofmit to the Prefident of the American Congrefs, for the information of the Congrefs, the declaration of thin day by George J ,hn flone, Efq ; and the declaration of the fame date by the Earl of Carlifle, Sir Henrv Clinton, and William Eden, Lvq ; ard alfo th- requifition rei pelting the trocps lately ferurg uiider Lieut. Gen. Burgoyne, limned bv the Earl of Carlifle, Sir Henry Clin too. and William Eden, Efq. ADAM FERGUSO Hf Secretary to bis Mejtfif! cafr.mrjjicn. New York, ug. ?6, 177. rF.ORRR TOHMSTONE. enc of the con-m iuo..r au- pointed by his Majelty to carry into execution the giaci us pefr pofes of his Majefky and nis Parliament for quieiiug the difj rdetl now fubfifting in North America, and for maintaining the peo pie of thefe provinces in the char ard perfect enjoyment of their 1. berries and rights, having feen a declaration of the American Congrefs, fignid by Henry Laureni, iheir Piefldent, dated the Ilth of Auguft, to which, for certain aflumcd rights therein fpe cified, is fubjoined the following reRluiion : That it is incom " patible with the honour of CongreA to hold any manner of correfpondenee or intercourfc with the faid Ge ,rge J hnftone, " Efq; efpecially to negotiate wi-h him upon affairs in which the caufe of liberty and virtue is interfiled. The laid George Jc.hnit.me, for himfelf, fays, that he is far frnm confidering the faid reflutionof the Congrefs as offeofive to him ; that he rather receives it a&J mark ol dtltindion, to which he is by no means entitled, cit(ir by his exertions in the caufe in wh'ch he is employjgU or by his abilities for improving any fotore circomftances trtarTiay occ,ut towards fulfilling the purpo fes oi the commiffion uoeler.which he is appointed. That he (hall be happy to find, when this exceptun as to mm ihill be removed, that the Congrels ate inclined to retract tneir former declaration, and to negotiate with others upon terms e quasi v conducive to the happincf of both countries. At the fame me. ne is. mciincu iu lktuw. ...... e-r 1 1 u,i JP mriuct vu i f h (ho p reioiutions lei- l- u Kr.vo nf flrr, Rnrn.ivnc s arm v. and calcu- uiur n- .' - . . ... ited as an excufe to a deluded people for not fending an explicit r ..,;r,f rhar uac made to the Conprefs from is Majcfty's commiffioners with regard to the unfortunate foldi- v nt K.Mtnn ri n n r evert inuiuniiv. LUUiiaiT lu i- ia. ., '.".,.,, rrr. r i .-. n li o npd ar Saratnca. and 7111a I j 1 I K. J 1 a llilVllil - - - n - fo to ferve as a pretext to the unhappy conflituents of the Con- refs, who are fuffering under the the various calamities of war, -r ,l r if the cdtnmiflion which the al friends of America had fo long requfted by the moft folemn r i . . , v i r A ciaratK.nn and uhicn lo ma- mens, reiiuuon, i.uj)uwiv - ny of the intabitahis of this continent now defire to lee carried into full tfitrS. As the great porpofe Mr. johnftone had in view in coming to North America was to promote a reconciliation between Great Britain and her colonies, with a foil determination to do nothing that could have a tendency to prevent it, in order therefore to defeat the purpofes intended by this refolution of Congrefs, the fiibfcriber George johnftone thinks proper to decline acting as a commiffioner, or otherwise interfering in any mefTage, anfwer, agreement, negotiation, matter, cr thing, that may regard the faid Congrefs, which he does with fo much the more pleafure, as he is perfectly fati&rled the bufinefs will be Jeft in more able and fufficient hands, referving to himfelf the liberty, if he fhouid juoge proper, of publifhing, before he leaves North America, a judication of his conduct againft the afperAons thrown on his tna a'ttr. When the Congrefs were contending for efTential privileges n cefTdry to the preservation of their liberty, under folemn declara tions that their rtfift ince was calculated merely to obtain redrefs upon thofe points, Mr. J ihnllone ihould have been forry to have incurred their cenfure, though unheard in his defence, and upon a 'chain of evidence fo totally inCoccIuiive as to him. At prefent, when the Congrefs can remain, deaf to the cries of fo many of their fellow fubjecls who are fuffering by the miferies of this war, and, from motives of private ambition, can fo far fully the principles upon which rheir fift reilftance was made as to b v t j a French ambaffador, and league with the ancient enemy of both our countries, from whofe h. itile defigns Great Britain has fo often reicued the inhabitants of North America, and this for the avowed purpofe of reducing the power of the parent flare, after all their ju It claims are gratified, and thereby injuring their nearefl and dearefl friends and relations, forgetting ail the prin ciples of virtue and liberty that ought to regulate the condud of men in fociety, Mr. Johnftone is not anxious about the good cni- niun oi mca a uuay, notwitnnanaing tne regara ne man always bear to many of the individuals who compofe it, from a juil al lowance to be made for men acting under the heats incident to ci vil comm (ions, and from a certain knowledge they did enter tain, and a peruafiou that, they now entertain, different ienti ments. With refpeft to the people of America at large, the fubferiber fincerely wilhes to avoid every fuojeft of offence which defigning men may pofilbly intend to create by exciting angry paffijns in return to perfonal provocations, and thereby defeat any effects of goodwill towards Mr. Johnftone which the remembrance of former good offices he has rendered them might occafi .n. GEORGE JOHNSTONE. DECLARATION. WHEREAS the Earl of Carlifle, Sir Henry Clinton, Knight of the Bath, and William Eden, Efq; three of his Majefty's commiflioners, appointed with fufficient powers to treat, confult, and agree upon the means of quieting diforders now fubfifting in certain of the colonies, plantations, and provinces of North A- i i j i r .u A a .: r. merica, nav e rcccivcu a uceiaiauuu ui mc n imii uau wuugrui, dated the 1 1 th in (t ant, which relates to a gentleman with whom they have the honour to be joined in commiflion, and is meant to afficl him as a coin mill! oner, they hereby think proper, on their part, folemn ly to declare, that they had not any knowledge, ei-