"NTrtvFKf pfp n . 1778" T P Number 453. 0 R TH-CR OLI Nsl GAl 7 ETTE : With the latell ADVICES, Foreign and Domestic. : SEMPER PRO LIBER TATE, ET EONO PUBLICO. L O N D O tl Ltrti Geo r g 8 Gordon' fpeicb in the Ifouj cf Cimmo.s, iagainji the fropvjuion made tj L'.rd ISorth jor a you t, Lr.j.:i i: bts M jtfty for a Million if Money. Mr. Chairman, RfSE to excels my grat aft cifh-nnt at the t-fTiar.ee cf that i Ve L'd f Lord North) in toe bloc riboacd, who, in the oreiesj u.u.iUed ft ate cf his am Ire, c mr be fore the .eprefLotauvt s of the pe cit war. a pro;' ii.i of a v. te 1 if ftredlt f r the ra ney of t u- Opt ftituenti, i; be ap p icd to the public fervice, under his raiaeoi and fatal. suiaii&i? I rtj Airprifed to Are that m b'e Lord, after the defjXMii (pcfchcf he has mad- in this bqufe, Kill pejrfiftj or evtn judjio -c rrO''trit and fafe tr c&tinor any larger in that d tf.a.:a t,huh direj to perfilt in the execution of fuch ifij Iiic and tin- fucc;-. mealurt: tncafu. c 3 ahich I a a matt luiiy perbia .CJ ir.d c nvincd wilj fa, m we reJ;4i confirm the ali.ance l? A rc riri ith c ur encmi s, tf.an reii e l hat mu.n ioagLd for prsce siid JLctocn to ihi. kiagdom, 1"; much depred lfay in n j fry, the Lords and Commou ; and fo gcaeiiy !;c.wr, f u-.iver-fw.y ackn wiedg'd to oe ery highly cjiiuuau to h- wealth, I : j and gl ry cf Lv.h to4ftrc$. H w much m re ftrpaid i have b .c me that nob!? Lrd in his p !;nt perilous fituariun, and in the unhappy ftate to which ha 1 s rtdaccJ this mighty empire, to have c tr.r, covered with tiif.re his countrymen ; fa. ir., Let us reaer.Qh crc x- e Cfa t goveriiment ! L.t us talce ff the reavy bufrhen 1 :'ie j - (: ! Vr have ion n.c SiJcCt i.s Ot'Ufl brt.D-c t) puie .r. ! Ametiva will ro longer y:r!d f-uit u Lj.cx. B itain !'.' - v J a:r equa 1; fBpttic to hnu oar loveroii. i: itHi pcrfilfc'fo t t em ph n;cnt of hu fir.;tnt c-unfifor8. 1 tremble s I f;e "' j n. t Buoagh fczr 1 .'car r.o man. fear nr. king j but ! trcrnMc Icnt the Iibt ics f m) fellow fuhj!:t : I trtinljic for the lit- c nrUtution t l B 'Iad ; I t temple ID tec th tnrcn': snc rja j ; ,; d ajK.ut wi;h f;iir.Js to arfci rary pr.v -r ; and at a time stiff wnej byjthe fati a oi hat noble L tJ in the b;iie riin ifj, ted ty tk io2n: .-. jrlc! . ( h's enh p;5y iiii,i'iv '(Ltd do. tj r.ci.iy h.ft, rias recently leverc fo-ni it ct i tr i fifes, the m u pr fi oblr ccm fifceen ci'i ;: ii iruin -e i ory as he hr s i!i, tn.- iot, iw i:y ltd riiegiaBce o d.rie of ydnr fairhful A?;pcts, inflamed by fuch injury and indignity, w )i, we doubt not, be fuliy fufiicient to vindicate the honodr C ndcnt tp it ranks and d nam nations among us are firm - i; u:ii;.d i.-. z .1 i .1 d.v:tion to yur Mojefty and our country, uj; nuke an r u.t. L lender cf our feivice, and flatter curfelves, that itn: fame ad a- in defeje of our liberties and happy confli- tuiion, with svhich our anct fio s of th isciry, fo fuccfsfuily refiit- t.. an t-ftt m, fupiported with French arms and councils, will not, rn tffi J, be d vi a to have d'ger.c-ra:ed in us their defcendants, who new u clare u ft ;n rsf iu:ion, at the hazard of our live? . . fortunes, to i.x it our etaodft abilities ia oppi-fition to all jou- fcfaj fly's. fT-mi?3. c.,..,v ' f . z . c.',.r, n.-- TV,.. v Six'y him it hers. Duke of Mancm flcr in the Hcufe of Lo--ds cau'ioned ad-n- nt.tr uii ..-n to' b atte? ttvc t tht great preparations now mak on thf c , I- : i e ic., of which they rect-ied intelligence ,n t to he doubted, ft is certain that at Dunkirk, Calais, St. O n r's, and'B u !gn , 2te.aT ptfefenl aiTembi.dv au army of 40, poo men ; ti.t the officers w.; ;' aie to command, are at their t, mi .j n:s i- j tj-ra: tiii am, th.ri luci vk. othi; fuJ'j h Jr and ibfjvc s cs pi ipie p. 1 f pi rrt'i. ie. I fl; ;i :- v- rrei ftfi e to the or r ft'.i t. ; afd I h: re eve . . t r . jj 1 t . l: . J 1.. : : r i'retr ir tn tr.e n -t.r . 1 . inmK rn ni-. cor utrurni, u- il' futjects. BpO But vc.tl; a h ue i h Cabinet lh". v-s nicr: v-:fd ni .n h:s I atr.ntkin tf to ivelfare tad proij.e. i: c 1 ti- lti thet? 1 1 r t " li iVi ;"lt' : c u I !!-?,f and gr fti ot bi labiecS. JUNE 0. tkthtndle ApOREt..: i Srtr-fs, Gran i Jurat t, crd'GrrtLtr.: n of lre.Ci and Cou.ry ct LtOnatfttict rj . m - . a. .... r Mm Gracicut Scvitetn. r tl o t.i.i . .,11- 3tf tilv ilr- rr f(T'm?nt we fif! tht cjrduct cf a tiihbu-'g y.i e , w ho, ever en-.ir as r.t ytMir MaicHt)' yM'T;, ai J .he r :p; 'iaets d profpority f - ur i.li-i n o aU ?mty a lann, is at inn n t rn'y rr f."v.u:Hg D- i crtt r'Hiie.-, to uvfirvv huh u- ." j - av i. 1 Cy 'abrHiig wiewore to e t( -.cu-d wIi 1 s, but even iTr.ae:rg to ciitorb the iiy .of thrte y. u Knd :.ti. VA- glad y rmbraiW l p r.t OfoftUDltJ of tein;ing ounrA v e attat haoetft ti oor roya! ;e;f n anr o;- vernment. tht 1 ..I., ct s a-hidi ca Ritajti alii Lud in the lujjaity aati ralear per c it , in merit p ei f t : a x 1 hit 1. -odp-Tts arc" e l! 3 -c? at Dunkirk, and a.e ready for ita ; th. : an fnvsfirjin Is meditated on different parts of England, the fleet from B tit prepared -to fopport it; that Spain was to g;-.e her bfEitaRce, as f.on ai he. fita had got home Tntfj fact? are laid r-yjf.;r- the public, in orcler to aai;;n them, if poi fjriie, fx: in ti at It ate of fupiaenefe,- tlfea-has pemited a had ad-. I MIIMl. O .1 I L'l I'l' 1 i . i . tl t . l V 1 . 1 : 'I lOo .1 i A. l.'lM I-" it.) '.as j -ii America ; a c nti.io ioce of thear aWminifl ation m-it ic urtdi j itatn. i ne tv;n tttj aiatjes nis conn :f nee tn tnem. and by then .i.'S be undone. &at the vorce of the nation hoi lc-j-wy tell htm, he, has no right to unIo his peipL. )f tot rep'Ort be utie, that hi- Maj-.Ity is heaping favours of imnren(e v; !ue on Lord Njfdi, unflicrted, anticipating.' 'his1 fa and ivifhes in a. manner that w-uld be -iceaied profufion to toe biefj mini iter in Farope ; it will be a clear dsmor.ftration. t a t: as j 6 North nks in the elttifn tion of a. whole irj'ired ca ti n, he r'f .s in favour wi h his maiter who delights to honour ano -'od him with ricKe?, crn iutiienrs, and reve iions, without niefure or number, in downright contempt of the vox populi, end ;hs univerfal mormtir vi tr.e fcnfible. iudicious, and rational part t. ihi.s gr' at, r)t') uilc atin. K;ng Ct.a;ies . ad'ured tMM jravptjritc Sir Edward Hyde, in Cpr tempt of hi people, urril dii.-eo by neceiiicy they clinged Co cleftr a: .it. chat they funk t jretner : the former never to rife anv p.i -re ; h-. !-utf oting more buoyant, af er crivir.y through a of arivc.-iitv, emerged agajo, floated on t he "fu face, and floutifh td u ider whe Wco .d Charles as Ea'l of C'arendnn, 2nd e'vea tlanied hi own pr geny on ihe thione, from whence his mailer's 1 -r s and gralnfons v. ere drii ,n,. u.vui ncai lu.'t.h ore lan niu, vvhulu is u rivcr uuuioer iii-i. has ever happened in fo fffort a p?nd.'' N ot v- ith ft ajrtdic g' ?il that has been thrown out t ;nt mid 9yeak peo .e, the rpinjftry arc ar.drr no corcera about th-3 amaaimrnts A F ance. We hav a jfine fl-?et a: Gofport, arid a pradenf and br v.e cr mn-.a -dyr. K ppei h b-en tried in the lad Noman cou-d behave with greater cooinefs and intrepidity ia times of danger t' an he hns dctte. We have irny commanders as capable ad a? brave Our ( rs are ditiiogailhed throogh the orJ t. r .'heir activity and b'''d?efs. S't.ct the arrival of the Weil India lleet, we have a furpi. of m?i 5o the fhips that are to j in tht fie t. We fhali f on ha e ad - ii . ral ons in ccmTi'f iion. Our militia arc encamped and lulUud cf being infulted