en out awn coifts, we are like foon to be in a condition to carry counts brought by this veiTel are, that on the 27th of Til k . , - . 1 rr tt n t . . tKr r nnr rnemiM. naval entrapment nappenea err uinsar. Between the lamd The fate action between the Arethufa, a Rritifh frigate, and the Belle Pculc, a French r ne, was very fcvere. Neither fide has any thing 10 boaft. By all the accounts ttdm the Arethufa, fhe was roughly handled. Her rigging, malls and yard?, were cut to pieces ; the boats and hammocks brought on deck for defence, were (hot away. The engagement lailed three hours, and fne was towed away next morning into K?ppei's fleet a mere wreck. She left, in killed and Wcunoed, near 50 nun ; among the latter, Lord Charles Fitzgerald. The French are much pleafea that the Biiie Poole, tho' much woundtd, made fo goou a defence againlt an equal force, and fo good ao.efcape into nat bour, when the whole Britifh fleet were f near at hand. Her cc mm an tier unoerftood himfcli. He would not begin h. ftilities, ncx would he imonour the French flag, by obeying ihe orders given to him in the name of Admiral Kjsppef, to bring to under the fiern of a Britifh man of var. Trie curt 0 Fiance is col lecting all Ifce circumllance of this affair, and of the behaviour of the Britifh fquadron on their coath, in c rder to prove, in cafe of a war, England the aggreiT r ; a circumftance of which th-ry mean to avail ti.emfelves among their allies, and in the courts of Europe. Seen are our accounts from France. July 9. Gen. Burgcyce dined on Wednefday with the Hsn, Coi. Harcourt, when he tcok his have, nnd it is fcid the Gene ral u:ll retcrn to America in the cf urfe c f next week. , xtrad of a letter from Obuer. July 8. We hour; expect the communication be;ccn this port and Calais to be lie rped, for we learn by feme Gentlenu-n who land- rd here thir r?y rrom Paris, that the French wtre to declare war - J - -41 ALU HI a . KJ i kiiW fJiikim. tiaut, vuuituuiiuvu uj nuiuuii IVCan which lalied three hours, there b?jng67 veffels. engaged, vfo, French and t,a Ergiifh, frigates included on both fides, in whi the fbet at ru mr it Chriitian M ,j Ity got the advantage by ti inf one fripae fwh.ch was the tal? one loft on both lidesl ,k - j . "i rv 11 th: B-itilh rav w ay, and were puifued by the French tothecha nel oi hnu and. as Jar as was thought nruoent. After whirk a Frpnrh ieet rffurped iniO norr. n-td refitted, and whk In Tl : two cavs after thefe advices came away. It is afierted tfiat Ad miral Xepple was k;lle.d in the engagement, and that Miof, d Chaiiauli was badly wounded in one of nis arms. P O U G H K E E P S 1 E, Sept. 21. Ex trad of a letter from a Gentleman at Bojlont Sept. , I r .nmvi or i -J f r t-r a r rMni irrH . "k u c amM&. r l.nrn rrn' IvJanv eniectures are made concern J ntr thpm . 111 1 z 2 - J mcll i . . at - U . t- w t m 'i 1 m J in O f 1 f 1 4 t O . " A 1171 i I t A it. i 11 li L ill W 1 1 L' : M 1 i. L I L f 1 il V L 1UI Ul ilLU LMV.II1 . IJHt fifl IT iheir movement, they thought proper to recire. The divifjon of trooos under ihe command of Genera! Ciar who marched to the eattward, we herr are hiited at Bedford. Ifclt i cefdiv ?2inlt r,r:piana, every inir' r uein- uor reaav ror . m w ut a. own s q-iaru-rs in'c or u. ujn ituvc vv aire riaim ... . m- o -v i flr I r" . a 1 .i i j . L . I . i U I L . ymh K. 1 ne apar.i'.n amoauagur couni .imiuiava arrivea IVll,6 " ijgc. nc reporicQ uvfi juuu m iuc cnuuiy, tvttn heie twc days ago. rl: C3me oy way o: rari3. u ncrc nc naa re- kh pieces ana a cunuaeraoie numoer of waggons, occ. were at pelted pi'iait tonferenc s with tr.e r:nt ara UD.r.ei oi rrance, vaieniine s, aoout two roues aoove r.ing s onage, ana cn tneir 'n Hcn all ihines were fettled accordiLi- to tne Iccret views ci tvay to the White Plains. Another defener, who came in on the bst' co urts. evening of the fame day, conrinmd the above account of tfeefe Sorr.e connoifTeurs are full of opinion, notwirhflanding preient troops being bound to the White fiams. a Clearances, that there will be no war between France and Er.g- On Friday mornii.g ic was repurrcd at North Saftie? that they lard. The oiiniftry have no great appetite for it they fay, aud were then arrived at the White Plains, 6 or 7 miles below Gen. France only wifhes that America may i.evcr retorn to the govern- Scot's quarters. , a.cnt cf C.-itain. She would belled to i xure this without a war, Th.ie dcftKers fay that she common report at New l?ork waj, i J cur uile pi'ots fstm jea ou that, id the picfent hcua ion of that ihi Britifh troops were very foon to quit thatxity, that tvo af?i5 a war would rot recover tr.e dependence 01 ire c iobi-s. ongaacs were go-log to tne Vv en inaie?, traniports oeujg ppvid- ed, which were u.jw taking in woori and water for that parpofe; that they were to leave a liror.g garrifn in Newport, aid to pro ceed with ihe reft to Halifax. The iaft of thefe dcfcjters fay? the enemy were preparing to march wath the main body, confining of about 15,000 towards New England, and it was reported they intended to march thro' the fea coalt towns to New Haven, At. i ma this view of thirgs, pernaps the muependetice cl Aunrica ti.y be ced'd, aud ptace and commerce rellortd, fjoner than r::;r.v imagir.r. The er.:isr.zT cf tht K'rg into the camp at Cockhcath will be fttfi rued with a irrtal g.anctur r.&t tnliiy to be delenbtd. The army will be din d inio taict jirs, the van guard, min body, ar.c rear gu:rd, whUl till IB pets jrcliiin his Aidjcily's arrival. U O S T O N, September 17. Pv the lall tdxices it feems the Britilh fleet ana aimy are pre parirg to move to the Northward, who a view to deltrcy the French fleet, and re-pofieft thenlelvts of Bofion. Count d'Ef cairg, we e'rotTfvapd. is prcta-eo for them, as he haj thrown up fucn woiks tn ihe ifiunds, at the entrance of the harbour, as to r nJer it imp; Kbit lor the whole nuy of Entl-nu to tnic-; and t hear - r.btuber of brigades are detached f rt m the grand army, ceived to fail cut cf Sandy Hok by the neighbouring iniubita)t9, ir. l pen thtjr ii;anh for ihtie part, a:.d every precaution ftas, it d;fi?cjlt to afcertain whence they came. Tney probably car- tai! wiM be t. kcr, for cur deeice b) lnd. ry Britilh troops to tne Weft Indies Our ir.vett raLe enemiea, fince ot:t;cying a great part of the By accounts received from New Vrk, it arpears thit Adsiiral MNr'i cf Btru. iu, have bttn tmplo)cd in ravain -rd defboy?ng Lord Howe, Icon after his return with the fllet from thf coaft of vy n tne i.'O'n in iir, pamcui.rijr as. jh mnm mnu tt uu a nuu, new iiigicuu, ititi-xa oraers c emoars icr England atQ tna r n U B h T tt I A. U ober I, Several deferters frcm Statcn ifiand, jult arrived, faj that two brigades o; the enemy's troops ar.d a corps of refugees jay there, under orders of embarkation for the Weil India iflinds. On Tutfday the zzd ult. ao fail of veflels were feen daflini? by "gg Hafbour, in New Jerfcy, by rriany perfors on the ffore, and the next day 50 others followed. As no fuch fleet his been per. ... . - . t?u urr.t ant: carried erf fcve.ai veil. Is. Ooverncr I ryon ar.d Ucnerai Rubertfon, bein? a!fo fent for, had g"ne home in a frigate with his Lrro'!ho. A large foraging pa:ty of the eneay landed Iaft weea in New Jerfcy, on Bergen Ihore, near New Yrrk city, and miched to Hackinfack. it was exf cdted at Elizaberh Town, cn Saturday lali, that another prty was to enter ;he country there jh ja like defign. As the militia were collecting,, it was hoped they would not bs ab;e to penet-atc far, or dilturo the liores at Mnrn; Town.' Si t. SI. Accotlfg to a lite regiikr of Ll yd, ftceks in ngJ4Bd bave fallen frcm 158 to ic6, aad the confoiidated funds rem- SS tc 62. 1 ,.e Brit fa -!.'Iai;ers have left the Vineyard and parts adjacent, aft r borr.i i bug, and taking ofi 150 hcaJ of tattle, ai.u a hstge number of Sheep. It is reported tnai a lloorfrrm lrlif.ar.it la. m a mort paffage, hr.t b . .h upwards of 8oco tro- ps, and thai they were defigned for ca of tneir forces ceitined fcr the Weft Indirs. - . . , . - ... -i. FruJa nfbt arrived a eiel at file Ho qua, in 40 QJ9 fr&m Is. . v m Kmoce, wi h d Ij.atches. for h;s ExccUency Ccunt c'bi-o.n, commander of his Molt Chrittian Majetty 's fquadron Congrefs have mCrred o.e million of dcjfar, tr ?-ib!e Major on this Ration, which difpatches went down to his Excellency General Mifflin to difcharge the debts d-.te from thelquarttr maf-yellcid-) , the conteuu of which have n jty c; tranfpired. The ac- tei department previous to the 2d cf March lair. fct at account tnot a large Spanifh fleet hd arrived there It is fuppcf :d the ene,riy want f;?me arricJes for the a:c3:rmadd- B A L T I M O J E, Congrefs h ive ordered o.e mlllio-s Odober 6.1 r