THE Number 455." r NORTH-CAROLINA GAZETTE November 20, 1778. : . k : : . . With the lateft ADVICES, Foreign and Domestic. 1 -. , - - 1 1 1 , , 11 1 I 1 1 1 - iM mmm SEMPER PRO LIBERTATE, ET BONO PUBLICO, ft tie Esr l of Carlisle. Sir Henry Clinto::, a- Wil liam Kdek, Tijqutrt, bit Bit.inni( Mfjftj s Lcnmijj.OHei s. VjrEflTLEMEN. HOUGH it i an indivi 1 - 1 j-i vou- be allured hat it is irr i;.r? u -5e i i e ev ,r - y V - - - ,0 j ir iar. He caon" perhaps c juj ice ro the f" ? j Ct, bot he it rot onwo.ii ted ith the feruimcMt; the reprcfentatives of thij ttate i o;v iu-:m')lrt! Their voice, whenever hrarJ, will he that i C a people fore with the accumulated irjuries of your rsfi'-, : -rr. -r.rii to ? ttr, what U now rec-me the only olj-fct v eontefT, iref-pe d eoce. Their voke will be that of & pta--t " - ' b free, equally uninfluenced by thofe profefli n-. o f - ndth'-a, whixh they d f; fe, and thofe hoile raeu act s ci figure l-.av.nk, which thev nw no longe- drctd. Your roamfeuo is the laft d3 ng effnt of a di I p nr r rg . ?V uary faction. It ur folds the ritual fitoat4,.o t uhuq y - ars recced, ar.d betrays the maligrity rf you hetris. IRcd in Tf or hopes of cenqueft, you attempt the mere dirrrous weapens of diffimcUtim, and jprrfrfs Wmeft atccthmtata to th- hfppinefi of America. Bat frch bo!l-w ar? not fuited to a country where lrbeYty ras taken Jrp rtvt. I ny may fuit the hypocrite of Si. James's, but, iruft me, fach artifi ce here eaoie only their deferred contempt. Th conduct or or mailer, or vcwr lactic a, has one continued couifr of lafaic Wie America petitioned, when fhe drew bctfHf upon KOCP'B?! kkeWttic6f yotr nrv.' . ur thing was htard of but tncnoitu nal iuMniSon. She was rhrcareued with a torrent which has ra.niy umt irs for. Aher three years of crusty and bloodmed, after the loll of of ' u- c It troopr, an I the tvrolufionof miiii-n after the on-11 generous Itwnce nh the Lreattll power in Europe, wheu fatal exritnee has ev.ncd thp . folly nfvcura::rt ;: :s, me Ire n my prriented uith a rnr,..., which, like the hrlt ferretit, camts frith it nothing hu: cecei?, hvpocrify, and fra .J. lie: permit me to eaaaine it mve parti- CLy!a'tell 0 in the r(l paragrarh, that you have vAt 'he molt benevolent cveru-res K Corse's and to H North , Amenca. You have been reduced to the necrl i'y of iknowledgiF fh t the claims which Bavc rife to thefe overture were founded ir. jaf tice, aoJ therefore y-u rraxk t-em. But can ton, without Uel- e?tur5 Lnevolent. which, though Jtlllke clained .were attend ed at tht fame r,r,t, -dth -U h. tcbe of thofe yon degie with the namr of fello- citiaeus ? Ycu hive rrrred nothing bu; haj you h.veadmitttd we had a riljnt to demand. n Stftoffercd? At what lime? ircn hat r.r-irl ? heVriiple of benevolent ? wit Is it be e 't jhea to Bfae Germany, to drain the j iU fotain, to leOooie the rebellious Scots, our faitb'.efc Homeftks, and Uvage tnes of In- to fpred ruin and defo!.ti-n thrbngfa the uholo con.m.rjt Z America? Your offers were not ma"-, though J,Hc ricmand :cf until you faw your dclufire hc,e, fruU.a. d. you, .d , which yon har frrvH v,fh :val, pn ttratcand M Then indeed foil I vcrrures were fcf but toev forvc ony eo Vdd fu i to that indignation which already glced I ,n the breaft t every American. Corg.efs, in i s torn, tre ed h ur of coocion was one. A higher ol i a was at iUke. and for that alane we ow tontend. Yet 1 co once offer to concur with Co-gref- in mc rc-eira-blifh.ment of r.nce, .nd remind them that thev muft be refonf. b cTtheir confluents, t.. I He H, nrri o G;,o, trr the con tir oarc-of t.v.s uir. .nd all its conf-qutrt cajammes. I .ir conm:uer,a are too wife not to kko JlTU2CTO pot an etd to the war. wUuur you They kc .a that )ou may w'thorlw your fleets and armie. and leave them lb the peaceful ewjeyment of that litSeriy you have focraetly endeavour ed tc deprive then of. Thv it to the world, anJ that Vj'd to whorn you fo mpioufiy apei, to dettrmine who are to be'rt -i b!e for the connnuance of the war, and its confequent ' mm . a. t cafarr:it:es. Your oliers inc-!urie nothing hot wnat ireemrn noia their unalienable rights, and which it is infJeuce to cff.r. the privilege fctf riraip to ednfer thofe rights, th fe gifts of Hea ven i Mult we receive, as the favours of an infamous tyrannic court, what Goi ar.d nature gro e ? Treat upon the wide balls of equality, ?rd then peace, with an c6'ivion of injurtet, may take place. Yen do well to rinind Congrefs, that they mail be re-ir-onfibie to tne r cor.itituents for the continuance of Ais war, tor, he .:fl?.-eJ, they, have too nvuch wifdom not to know that an arceptitace of yi ur offers tvoeld b. ing down upon their own headi thv- en-aice of an injured people. As toGnd and the world, the onoofiuon thev have made tnuil be wefl plea fin? to the one, and matter, of sihomlhrner.: to tie otaer. A new worjd has atifea Urn the r. h i s of tyranny and ufurpation, the fpirit of God hat mf'Ved apon the f:-.c of this wejlcm heinTpheire, has called forth iiterty from arnitllt coafufipn and diforder. Buc y.-u aQ'i , r. thai Congrefs was not authorifed to reje3 yoar r.fitis wtibout thr-confent of 'heir cenftituen s. They might th.n, i; is prdfumd, have accepted- them, or you would not havd or rr d f treat with ta- ni. Hut thi is one of your old ltals'Mi cbiavclian practices, dvvi it 5js? i-npera. The people of" America iangh at your fcily, v.hiie they defplfe your weakoefs. Hav you ro: fefrn tht pal adium of American ud;o, that Gorgon to Britain, huvc yno not r- .he confederation? There you will Jir.j 1 hav Congrefs afoi t is ib deter.min? ail mattery of treaty with foreign nr.ti. es. Re. J :r, but beware, left, like the hand upon the wail, t fhould you p.3ie with horror. Y:.t: c ill upon the ere-al iiflcoihlies of the difFerent ftates to COitfd ..- ytor: overtures. Yon cannot be igaorant of the anfwera whtch woald te given, were they t. cenfider them. Virginia has h i evcn'condeiccne4 to rtc-ive your propefitions, well klijwing they could 'contain nothing different from what' yo have already laia before Ccngrefs. The other dates Will proba bly treat them in a lia.liar But you profdfs, in the I ,.ne paragraph, that it is not your deHgn to foment popiilar.di viiions and psniai cabals. I: would oe derogatory to the gene r. us nature vt ur otters. a5.d unbecoming the dignity of your magnammodj Sing. Yet, ftrange contradiclion ! It is both your wilh ard do4y ycu fay, to encourage and fuppoit any men, or bocfea of men. ir, rctu. n of j r. airy to vcur fovtreign, and affec tion to yohr fv fnbjecjta. How difficult is it for the guilty to efeane their o n Cv .ndir.aiio ; You defpenfe your manifeftoes, y,u artertipt to break :ae chain of federal union ; you think tt your dutv to encouraiiC the op. oftate from the caufe of liberty. Y.-u attempt to kindle a flame in the heart of each ftate, and yet you would net fomeat popular d?vif:ons and cabals It is upon thefe popular riivifions and cabals that your laft forlorn hope aa now placed. Bat, trull roe. a you began in error and delufi on, th js your polixics muft end Y-,u have at leatkbeen conOUent. But this imall degree of merit ferves only to precipitate your You' re.vt paragraph (can you bear the repetjftion Of tt) tells the free inhabicants td the American empire, tha the grievancet have been for eve removed which led them into this rebellion. Is this the language of conciliation ? Is it not enough to infuit us with the ahfuruky of telling us that all our grievances are remov ed, at a time when the horrors of the crueleft war are pracb.ed wi-hthem ft perfeverine obftinacy, without adding the oppro brium of rebellious guih? Whv, in your fo-mr orenures to Copgrcfs, did you admi; the aims of America to ije juft, and

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