V 1 r- 4' - 'If ' a- 2- 4t f 4. - TIIE FALL-OF-TUE- JJSAR. -'- -t.Ji)rr and wiilier'dio the prmTiid ." H)rr and withe r'd to the cround ;"" Thus to thoiif htkfs mortals calling, , -"r---T'-i-rr-fmf"jrrKi- fblemB'ftrrml' " " Soirs ef AdijM,., once in Eden, When, ililw us, he blighted fell, v Hear the lecture we are reading, Tis, alai ! the truth we tell. 1 Virgin much, top much, prefuming ir'S On your boufted white and red ; View us, late in beautv blooming'," NuiiibcrM now among the dead 1 Griping mifers, nightly waking, " Set the end of all your tare; fled on wingi of our own making, ;i Wejiave left 6ur owner bare. Sons of honour, fed on praifes, Fiiutt'rinc hiwh in fancied worth: '.. -.-fLJbt-ht fitikle air that wiles,.-. , Brings u down to parent Earth. Learned fires, in fyfleni judged," VVh6 for new ones daiiy call, Cenf, at length, by us perfuaded, Eiery Itf mull have a fall. ' Youth, tfio' yet no loflea grieve you, Gay in health, and manly grace, Let nqt cloudlefs lkies deceive you, Summer gives to autumn place. Venerable "fires, grown hoary. -.J , - ' " Hither turn th' unwilling eye; " Th1iiTi",anfldrt your falling gUryr Autumn tells a winter nigh. Yearly.io. your toarfe returning, MeU'enger of hWteft fty i .- Thus we preach the tiutli concerning Heaven and Earth' will pals away. , , On the tree of life eternal. Mm, let all thy hopes be flay'd, "Where, alone, forever vernal -' "" Bears the leaves that never fade. xckxxxjxxoooKo Frm a late London paper. - - - - - FEMALE PARLIAMENT. Too long have the male ("ex nfurped to themfelvps the title of lords of the creation j emitted laws and enforced ftatnte at large, without cpnfulting. or con fidering women worthy of being their coadjutors. Parliaments after Parliaments have. been called with out their having the leafl reprefentation, except by the external appearance ot the macaroni members for rotten boroughs. Thus fituated, a body of free-born Englith women, who have as much the good and wel fare of the nation- at heart, a either lord S or lord N or lord any bodyfSior lord nobody, have refo'ved to erecVa Parliament of Hfceir-own, and re- prcfy-K tbeinfeUes-i'i tl) charafUr of real women. -.TrTo give an idea of the propriety and figa'clty 'ofTlieiT - - proceeding T (halt prefent a trani'ciipt of their mi nutes upon open'ng the MATRIMONIAL RUDCET. ' The houfe having rcfolved itfelf into a committee - of fupplies and ways and means !, for wh it fignify the fupplies without the ways and meaus?) Lady Long- much took the chair. ".,. ' Mr. Would b'e rofe, and fpoke to the following purport! : : Mrs'" Prelident, I rife upon this occafion toexprefsmy fentimentat this very alainiins; ctilis. We are now met in this committee to conlider of ways and meanrrtoraife the -neceT.iry fupplies of hufliands throughout the kingdom. At a time when fo many brave officers and effective men Bre employed abroad in the defence of their country, it behoves us to look at home, and takeruch meafures and refactions, as may feem meet, to pre vent a (lagnation.of the rifing generation. I am furry " to fay that there is not only a great defalcation in the . lift of flaff officers at home, but there is, fuch a num. ber of half-pay widows upon the- hnglifli as well as Upon the Irifli eflabliflimenrs, as -teems to' threaten a - genera) depopulation throughout thef'e reals. It there fore behoverevery member within thef walls, to ex "" -"ert trer- titnioft abilities, and throw-out I'jcli hints as rnsyi-i-t-W'j" eligible m.ianer tend to-imv-the-1 tvil. 1 (hall therefore, "with great fubniilliorf ito the -thair, as we are nW upon this important bulincts, propofe to the committee the following refolujioiH: " J.. . . ... n.:fit. .,r.,l 1, 1. - fiat a. raX VI 4"UI mm.llla III "-Upon all bachelors upwards of twenty-five years .of ace, in proportion to ttic'tr eflates revenues or incoiues. v That batchelors turned of forty five thall mBreov?r -liiakc a will, ami bequeath one half of their property M Vpori their demife (as they themfelves can be of no "- fartlier life whilft living) for the fupport ami relief of "diftrcfTed maidens' asainfl their will, in order to ena ble them to obfain hufb iTKls fuitable to their rank and pretentions Otherwife the faid butchelars, . are to be deemed, to all intents and purpofes, old maids, and coiHlemned -accordingly, to lead apes in hell. . Thai qne ntillion enchanting f miles, wih a propor - tioiiate number of'captifating ogles, be immediately iffuej for thtfervice of the ladies during the current . . . - XM" yOO CO- Mfgnilliiiig- wum, oc-g iirvt uh-wi rrt' the finking fVfiV'of benuty, to niake good"difiippoint. Bients'and deficiencies incurred lafl : year.,, That bewitching kifl'es bearing tlircea'nd an half per e.3t be-confDlidatejd.wkh poutinUfis. and made tranf- ferable in the currency of rapture at thC'Exclieqoertif " blifs. ' That 6oc,ooo Imfbandj be raifed ty wav of lotteyf With an agieeable douce.lLrto the-iu-brtrVbers Tire any deVuflio.i. - - - - -That one rpillion of necetlui-y btulhes and occafional fig'is beifl"uctl ;iajimliately upon the iraveing of the lottery,. '' '. .- :',' - ' That all the artillery of love be Brdnerlv nrovided. ffiiH-GpitlV br-wfdiwiffiei- mider-the -frgirat (.uiuina'nd of the Cyprjau queeH.- TiiRtftitfrtjiet:hitel-f -tntf-yRpcr-t wth comiuuiiicate to the 'people of the counties of CranvtlteTTCTroni W3Kerr-wiratnaiu, compouttg theFifth,pivifiuii or, Diilria, fur electing oue of twelve t.lecor to meet in the city o Kajeign, m Decem ber next, for the puipofe-ortallotmg tor a Ptelijeiu and Vice-Preluleut of the United States ofj Ameriwa, that if tliey ihould -.thtnk ms woTiliv-pf fo impurtaur a delegation, I ani difpoled to difcharge the hrgh dj ty they ma v. confer upon me to the bell of my know ledge -and judgment, . fpr tge terclt and protperkydf ourtoininon countrV.- I have only to obferv to my fellow-titizens of the counties aforefaid, triat the'Prefident and. Vice-Pieli the higheft and iiiott important uthcea t thcguvBiriv. mentf ml as fuch, mould be ilieirof tried virtue ana abilities that the-twelve Electors of this ltat"V'U. be delegated by the people thereof to become then Organs, to draw t a point their general feule iu the choice of thofe officers j and as fuch,, I think au Elect or is not on a footiiig witli a L'eg.flative .Meiiibef .'M vote iin all occafions a he pleafcv -but i iajt nuiiuer. bound up and governed by the voice of thole hetbrves tor my awn part, I 'mean to be candid, ana by no means will attempt to practice on , the credulity "ot thofe I addrefs. I confels faylfdends,' feel. at this tirhea ftronii partiality for the good oldiman (Georo'e W jiriHPfowj-Jiow at theJiettjurgovJimeiU.- iiotwithltanding the ungrateiul calumnies aim vue n vetUve that 4ave-toeif ieieei4ainil4lte THIS DAY IS PUBLISHED,. .JfcinjjisjSriLafie I)i(IkxI-p tep.Yer, and thfl sift sed of Aaaeriean Imfcnendenr.".'- - lian and Latitude of the City of .' aaaptetr to the Meridian and Latitude of the City of .lUlciish j lint will lerve without fctifibl'e -1 . error for arty 6 file States adjacent, - r o n r A I .v i n r. The Lunations, Rifing and Setting of the Sun, Moon and : .Seven Stars, So!raml Ltmar t'clijifes, Remark- able Days, - Feliivals, &e-.r &c - virc l ha ule ot turnips, and muhud uf l.iyinii ihfcm up. Mew and excellent method of cultivating turnips. A pKvintauvcagaiu(t fmut et- bliihing itt vbcat. Reileaions on an empty uurlc; An --teoiiut of 'Ihomas tophain. I he Lay Frcacher, Another Lay 1'ieat hcr. Curious cil culations. -A prophecy. Smvimn exient, and bouiuia- n.t n4 ilia IH.ii. I : lir- - . : t i, -t- .'.. i" ""f: v.'"".Fies. Mincers ot the tXetutivc'Uc occafion, by thole who never did, nor never, will fo. mnclj ment-the applauie ot their country, jt ti'.e in dependence, the prel'ent peace and profpei'ity weefc j jy, can be called national bleffings, nluch indeed as to be attributed to the infirumentality of that goo'd ifiaii in the attainment of them. ' I am therefore decidedly in favour of him, proyid partmcrit oi l heiiitei Jm. falariM. Meiiu bers of Hie Houk of Reprefematives-ttJWwbWla.e. Ju'di-aiiry---Judges aatiOfcers of the Supreme eourt of the Umted States, and of thftDifl.ia C-fflurt of North Carolhu, with-a account otWtv-a tii14ifbed by the imlroary laws. Time of holding th Supreme Court, am the Circuit and Dittria CrtsJn . fta Miuillcrs cf rte Uwttdtcs otns, and of the Excife in North rrf,n., rt ..,:i, i..-.' .."i... vniiiuuuon orCTort6-i,arbIinatiillriQs and couwies-rflaw officers. Judges f the Superior Courts of Lav and Equmv I ime of holding Supreme and County Couits. KJajo Ge. nerals of the Militia. Rates of pottage. Summary of ilm Debt of -the United States, nme rl-.mr.-l tim'.aw. , The annml expenditures of (tic United Siatrn. S, t AS!r , of the number of perfons in4ha feveiaj Pilliicls of the V. ii.ecuic ed you ccaifer on me the duty of voting, and he isi "1 lnc Dm"- l Fc,lon' n-tho (eveVaJ Piftnflbi of the V. ...:ii:.. ... ft,,- ... u- ciu. f, f it 1 Mates; Abllratt containincr the aitrra.ir nunmi n( ,..!. wiHtu to lerve us in the cmce he hits ; ttt I lay it down at a fafe'r rule in a j-epublican govriinietit;, where the. people, are to nominate and appoint their high and confidential officers, to hole! fait the will tri ed and faithful lervant. In voting for, the Vice-Prefident JLlbould hold my felf at liberty tc confer with iny eqnals in the trull, on the choice of him, K. tsV THiKLAKD. Wake county, j7th Sept. . LI V E E Y ST A B L E S. THE'Tubferiber withes toinfurm his friends and the .public; that lie has pjcejiacciiJijjpiiflf with'Staaleg, Sec jfor keeping Horfes, near the Court-Uoufe in tins town. Thofe who commie their-fioWecto rii chars, rnay rely n having proper attention paid to them,. He continues to earry on his bufinefs as a Taylor, lias procured a parqet of good workmen, and will, foe hopes, be able to execute all orders fatisfatorily. He ? .tt cftitiyTTkTipwIetlges tlie publie'g fll-favotrriT-yntl I o . jcitSa conTHi uatic ut Uen JOHN HANNON. Who has for fale a quantity of HoufholU and Kitch en furniture. - Oaober 10. pr's , : " ; : ' " NORTH CAROLINA,! ff Superior Court of taw HaliFax piftri. . J ' April Term, 1796; , ORDERED. That the bufinefs of this Court, To b tried at the next term,' be arranged in the fol lowing manner, viz. The taufes 'in ivhicfi writs have been ferved in the counties of Hialifax, Northampton and Warren, (hall be tried on the aoVjd, 4th anU 5th day -nf thg tgrm "rtig.'ipiis-therein writ a have het-ft ferved in the counties, of it'rariklin. Nalh, Edgcomb anc Martin, lliall be trieif on the 6fh and yt!( daysj the canfe8- wherein- writs have been ferved out! of the diilricl, flu II be tried 011 the 8th dayt the cri mi.ial bufinefa-Utall' conitseuce on the 01I1; and the arumen: docket .fliall be taken up 011 the ibch All witnelUs on criminal profecutious, (wbofe iiulit ments i e not already found) are direded to a'ttend the Court. at an earlier day than that on. wl.ich the cri minal bufinefs is to commence. -Atteil; - L. SURGES, Clerk-' F o R S A L E, N'the jotli day of October next, Funded Certifi- ..cates," belonging, to the e-ftate opjohn and Rich-. mil tay, uct'aieu. i if t cc i iijiiiauu. uuc nuouieo and Kighty Eight Dollar? of three per cent, and Two l n mil and Three Hundred ana rorty fiaght Uollar of the deferred dork." Sx months credit will be iven the purchaferS g.vni" bopd vith approved fecunty' . B ' T. BARNES, L - , r . l WILL be Sold at Public-Vendiie-Aii Friday the 4tl) bf November nest, at-Hopkin's. tavern, in. this twwn,. by theJlxecutor of John Jones, Three Th'oufand Seven .Huflflrecf. and .Ninety One acres of L1ND, lying tm the waters of. Duck-river in Greene comity, (late pf Tenneflee. This land was furveyed on the s8th;0t" Oi'lpber 178?, and therefore Isfuppofed to be4f the firft qtiaUtyx -so1'. 1 ,The above will be fold at fix months credit."' the furchafer -or purchafbr giving bonds. with fecurity. 1 Halifax", Augult a,2. - 14 tf-. .., - - TUE Owners of Land irf the State of Tennelfee, that was purchaled from the llate qf North-Ca-Tei4nv-aiMl has-fince befen-yielded, tulifr Indies fur hunting ground, ave leqneQetl w uiet at the city of Raleigh, on the aSth d.iy of Nuvidiec ncxtVtociu.ii trer tifhemtuft prvlvalite mencwf . Ut alrfing -juRice. byjettinji poflVHioH of their lain! i or otherwife Such of the proprletqrs as cannot atteVfL.wiil be pieced la authorife other perui.s to afl; for tl.em. - T-""."r'-j - aeicnption otp?rlons in North-Carolina. , Ana Lie oft!,' value ni weipht of Cows, -as they pjfs in the mW.ivc Mates ef the L nion, with their flerliiia and federal value " ",l"c U1 'o oms, agrceaDic; to a law ot the U. Statt s palled the 9lh of Fehmary, 1703. Ruks for redjUcinn-the furrenr.es'of .the difieient States in tath oiher. Ode to Fnetidlhip. The-Turtle and Ti'ave,!Jera,.iliah5gue.' The Ails. Punch the medium of life.' ; Epigrams. Anecdotes An excellent prelciipiioii for the c6MWf.tin, - A compoi fition for preferring weaihw boaiding. Reripe'for a crn,c. tual i Y.ft for baking. Klorfe f irming the proof cf dUli). ed fpintsof culuvating apple trees. An cftVauaf method to preveM-MiceMrom j 0 cheeftv pr ,pJ&ertkk4ilttalhf.injuifd'ly the'feimiin fof a Locked-Jaw for a nail running into the foot 6r hand tor the bile of; a mad d0? for a-mortal difcrder in hogsvvervpvalontit th.i time, called a fwellins in the throat Sulflitute for Soap; .Main Poft-Road'throufihthe United Slates, &c. - b '"" ; Pa K t,. :"p'' "dWft 1V thfmevi'fantl.tjSAl'hcf 6 bv'ine groee-zvcrlorby datt'gWerrfogtrdozen ajjd 1. a piece paper currciKy, rvsj ; tedie dollar. Oflober 3. ' " ' TUi'tobcr' 1 t-a(i JHE officers .cmmahdKg the brigades c,,Bl'p$Di. j the Third Divilion f Militia, are reqe')ed to torY?I! their returns by the fir ft day of Neniber nekt. As .coilliderable inconvenience has been her. tofoie produc'ti by the negligence of oflicfr, reriM.n lible iu this refpefr, exprefs-,pi,iiic-Ualit.y vtill now be required,. L. LOCAid.je-Canip. F O R SAL E; , " TWO Traas of Land iir Nalh county - one con. taining acres, lyi;ig;on Filiing-crfk, one mile above Culpepper's bridge ; the other 260 acres lying on Peach-Tiee, within 4 fniie,s of Tai -1 iver ' . Teimsmay be known by applira'cion to'" the fub fcriber at the widow J'Ouei's, 011 Fjihiiisr-i re c k. 1 ' . Nalh, Augpft RO. . i .itf -WILLIE- JONKS. . floret olAfeK- under the firm ot Alexander 'I tlf'alr otCi. 1 IteJltice. at- Enllt Id, under the hvni ;o) D, JWlaJ5c'j;. UtflUjrodt I arboi oug'i, iruKi-tliL-hi in it Hi'frh I el-L fair 4c Co- either by bouL-n.)te, or oi.iiiracciiuut, are ' ddirecl' to come to, jot" inimediate.. leUlruient;.. .The Tubfcriber 6iidiug.-tti'at the torincr mlei tifeinent-'wa . not duly cjiwntLiiatKcd, is ingenuous enough te in farm th'iif, that flmuld the prefeut h as little attend ed tfhe will "be liccelfitareii to reioit to thofit ne fuiVs which the law recommends to ctii ft a recovery. Thofe "who comply tvitliihis notice, and 31Tcovei-"ai inclination to make payment, may expect" every rea., fonable indulgence-' " . fliall make it 3 point cf attending at HaKfax. next fu'perior court, and all enfuing coiurs, at the oihcc of Mr. John Macleiiati, for the above pmpofe. 5. - . P.JlTLrAlR, Aistnt. Halifax, Aii'juU 18. .' 4 i VIMS LOiuiriltjed tu thH gaol, a 'Ncjrio" fellow "wh VY fays Ins imiiiVm PICTEK, and belongs to' a Wi. Ll.VM Cook of t nve-UEtuitle ; he is of a low" il.itnre, coal black compiexhrn, ami w-an African. TJ'C ti er is delired to prove property, pay chorees am! take him away. ' . R. HARRISON, SiieriilV Tarborongh. Ooher a.; war, a . Lift 9 tetters, remmmig i -ojyire ' or-1 atto- rflt.i... eiittiz pijtn "!"f-r t"';6 ON. T. Jilotiiu, n Ken imm Rhi.-phei'd, -Mq. ' GlafcQW- Blake 5.iker.lPt XilArt-d t!t Thomas Bariihill, , pre of Jos. lvoi Tacburouph. Wuv rt-ofs, 1 ai boroUjih -, Cq.t. l.xum I hilips, 1 t'R- Conibi Robei t Annllead - 213' JOHN G L. SCI1I..NCK, P. M. " I tp rl .. .. . i - -i . . ." .1 .. L" wn-.fi peiiuna iiiuemeti io tne -icveval aivder letidii, di-cejietl'. vi. li,s Halifax Ihue,

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