mate", I nepliew to colonel Parker, member of ten mcti from Virginia, was forced from him, and con Led en hoard a fliip of war. -Captain -.Brown brought letters to colonel Parker, tro.u.h..inrpi;ew. ivwsteriwed fohooncr Brothers, taut 1 hump- , Own"-; ' j " To rift w m , r-r-4TOmrft-nB':m th-accounts nipgctinf; "the orders tor the capture of neutral vtfl ls bound , duU ports as, alio of thecapturd and con--jv.1iniLALlliatlace of the Maria Wilmans, of this port. Whether orders have been illued tor tiie capture ot.neun . - , , -rr -7 - Thompfon is not .certain, I ht'i e; were lying at Tortufa, 8 Danish fchooiiers, belmiging to S;. i ho jiuss Bound to Dutch ports, and. wever.ogeiher with their cargoes, all condemned. Boarded by a iToat frfflihe.BulF Dog iraoTorTTt-thrtoTfe ilrar caplurclJflriaWtlroan)--lMdiirefleA-7-of bis men, notwithstanding they all had protections. FAYETTEVIL.U, Marc!i3i. ExtruJ vj a iitler'p-orri Wilmington to 'a gemtimn in - th.t town, -dated Mrch 2 f. '- : rr-Tsnr DrTrrronxou nT J of tlie ar- ocnnTn'of rFregrTnnrts atTt TerriTrvrrTrr'-rS-rfaT! rival (if ico .and hour of the night, he muff abide by the confequcn ces. Immediately after captain Reynold? fired at the people on board the Eliza, which was returned TTy capp'Tri Porter and his party,, who. niade ufe tX Kitis, and that near as many more"at expected A challenge having been ffniJiyGfn. Gunn to Mr. Bald wii'i, on thr inh-Tnlt. in conSeqncnce of its being alledged that'RT B. had withheld Come Senatorial-papers from tbe (late of Georgia, frorn the infpecti'on of theCeneral .The Subject was la id lie -foie the Houfe of Reprefentatives on the i-jthrand' it-war deemed'a-breach of privilegr of tbrBdolcv !-JrerQen.GuM ibe Hpe to the j joufe, and iulimiating that he had confldered 1 the matter merely perfonal. , , .HOUSE OF' REPTt3SENT ATI VE.S. ',. .'. Friday; ior tb. I 796. , r "v---;-z:viiERA$""-t1wtnoSlbsrefa--rorrption-Jia-j b?en pracrift'd betweeTiTonie individuals of the Con- panics who pretended to purchale tinder.and ftveral of the-Members ot the late Legislature, -w Inch .pjiTed t,e ulurped Aft, entitled, ' An Ac! Supplementary to an Aijfor appropriating a part of the nnlocated : .-.territory of this State for the payment of the late ilate troops, and tor other purpoles therein -utentioned-i., decjiring the right of thisltateto the imitpproprjat, ei terrTtofyihere3f 5 for the protect ion of thefron : .tiers, and for other purpofes t".i or the dil'pol'al of v " the wefjern territory of JsWUlate;;inclit45aasfr . tion of - much importance to determine" whether' " ' Members of the Legislature are fubjert to a trial .by impeachment under the 9tTHeitiori of the iff article of-the Constitution, which if they fliould be liable to, many of, them appear to detervc, and come the duty of the tleprelentat ives of the People to profecote, in order to deter others acting in that high and facred trult from the like heinous practices again!! the majelry and liberties of the people: And hereas, owing to the. improper time of meeting under the late amendments to the'Conditu tion: and the advanced (late. of the feafon, which re-' quires the immediate attention of the Members to ,.' their respective farms and plantations, this preient" j.ejriiuiurc 1101 nine iu giyc inc innjrct a title T -i dtfliljeratitin or, if a decifipn thereon could be ob ,. tainedj to proieciUeb..impei.ahme.nt8 the preient r feflinnico'etfecli,.. -y;!r yR fohed, That this referred to the next LegiSlatore, with the mo t earned rec nnriiendations tliat ii &e early taken unden their ferious conlidera- tiotl, and thatfttch, fleps be had thei fon as may be xno't likely to prevent facb fllgrani violations of the lights of a free people in '-future, TTrTif atTeV'P 1 if ell m e" lie aTtti ebo a t off.- C a p it . R e y ply, but- liatr to retreat wnn Jois; lie then wrnt on fhore to collect a llronger reinforcement ; during ttie interval, the Americans tjiought prndtnt to form a jiinftion, wlialv they accordingly did on board the bri hicbard and James, where ihej were Sully determined 10 make a grand efFort, or be flain ta b man. Shortly after captain Reynolds returned with his. force thehirdUuieiiui:Juiding no pne- FayetteviliVlMccs-tirrcnt;---'--; Tobacco, per nut. Flour, ptfr btrteJt Corn, p:r buth:L- 3 I Feafe, do. , Wheat, 7U5V.. . .. . Butter, pJr Lard, do. " . C'acon, do. - , Tallow, do. . ' . Bees wax, do; . Deerfkinsjdo. :' Chfton, in feed, '-' l.'emp, p-'f cvt. -. f s Ja"m "JITo tffir4 1 b : pri wterfdflv'i W I. do. 2d do. . 1 Northward do. r Country brandy, 1 Mollfi-s, Sugar, -per lb. tofteej do: . Irnn do. - -Salt, Jcr b:Jhc!, ' 50 10 80 r if 10 12 - 2J o 60 So 20 ' :l 93 , . y t .- - r , v, . iuwaiu jigiiiuuii- vjni.uLi iinu Lewis, ior 111c rtotnfirnds be: aud. tMy-are hereby reqiiired to Jay before -tbe- defendants; : court confined of the Kfcn. William Cufhrnc v', , , ' 'lwlu'cH-a,li(1 Samuel C alet Jitqinres.-AUociatr ludees, Indoe Iredell, who had given an onlni'uwi in tlie Circuit Cotttt,' declitiedto RTve a vote in this court : t)ut, as is the practice for the DiitnCt Indies, asc'eeablv to the judiciary law, when acaule 1$ removed from be. tote tjieni into the Circuit Court, he confined bimfclf . nexl Legislature, their opinion as t' rile (aid nih lection ot the laid rSt article or the 1 oiid.itution-n this point, wheWicr a j.i"Wi.-vuii lucresi a crioii who ituius i!ii oiuce witll- 'UjMilieaDing of the faid lection, and is cqiiIkjiiciu lliable fo impeachinent. , , ' And wiiereai J,im."3-Giiiin, Senator of this (late, Wnj-an inrrreif fig ffSTion of the Lcitlatufe"of the Union, attended the f fgillature of this Slate durinr tlie wlmle I'clliun in whitli the tilarped Act, cuiiled' J' An Act liippletnejitary to an:.A5i lor appropriating . a part of the unlocated territory of this It.Ue ior the - - payment of th late, fliuc uoops... anil lor uthci pur .p;les tlirrein ment.ionet) declaring the right.of this ?ate t0 ,'ie fi'iappropi iated territory thereof ; ior the pioctioiioTtliefroutiers, and lor other purpofes;" paSTcd; by which the weihrp territory of this Slate was attempted to be bartend ; and it appears by the depositions on oath of Henry Ci. Caldwelljanies Skim sK;aad R ,-ibrrt F Settrnoy ,. -1 ,lia tolie-Ja'jd james Giirin did attempt to corrupt;afid unwarrantably in .. K flnence fome. of th.Meniberiof the fud Ugiflaliiri- whieli p.,(1ecTtbe law : ,v : r T''o-- Refitved, -.Th'air-Vlie:: faid'tamei XjimWliar!oft"Uie j.., miiuucuiaui mis uegi nature. , ' .foffr-ahe-Scnatfflfr From a Vh ':ladeiph:a paper of MiirchS. Yeflerday tbejjprme Court of the Unfted States, now in leSfi jn, proceeded to give their opinions fo leinnly, in tbsca(i; of Ware, adjuinirtrator of ones, S:c. againlt Ityllon and, Co, and Kppes.' It came, be fore tlie court on a writ ot error to the Circuit Court of Virginia-didrirr, whefe 'judgment bad been giv ..S') farjisisinentioued, it wns a fuit bVOtigbi by the. administrator of a Uritifh fitb j eft , fur u debt 4ue from the defendants, who are ci tizens of the Slate of Virginia, hefs re the revolution, and paid ihto-the treaSury of the llateiigreeably to. an act of its leg:Slature. The "caul'e was very'aUjv argued in the beginning of the prefeht tei nxby K.'efi! Ldward 1 ifghman. VVjIlcotks and Ltwis, for the on board tlie rjiza7 tliey ga"v'e"t lir etTxhcei s. Une' -i i ot th officers (truck a dead man belonging to capt. Rrynoldspvhcm be iT ok Tp be atiAiTfefitafj, and T tut his fcull in two. The lofs of the Eritifh or :tbu - occaiion,Trcrr-'teyeineeii n:fii kiiit'tt inid wounflf-d by their own reortersV' and of the Ame'i icansJLone niah'Tullfd"and aiiWteTWnlT"!!""" ' (Signed) J 4 COB PKTIRJOX, . - NUfler.oFthe Slfiop folly of- PliiJadelpiii.i. ince writing the eVe, arri Xapt-Webb, troin rrtniiewho cei 1 ifie s thr nKpie Slated fiids, (o far as rtlates to the affair o: fre mie, and 'further lays the Americans formed a pe tition which was handed to commandant Murrav, .for a f eds ot tjie jl'tteatment they-received trn'nf -captain Reynolds and liis.ciew. ajid reqnefltd their people to be, returned. He txild, 'them he had given nt) commiflion to captain Kevriolds 'to prefs men, and a Ho that he would ule his ilfto,i-ii"c"fr ; jiVTlieir Savour " for a redrefs.whlch was nof likely to take place tho alt "was yrnyiil when he-leftjhat port, " V. S. Captain Porter drew a protest with the A nierican captain's names to it, and Tent it on by; captain Town, who Sailed c days before the above named captiin, to be published here on his arrival, byt is not yet arrived, - " "' At 'the o(tt of hay Mount, On Crefs Ci(eir " . ; Has ready-for Sale, ; - BEST Beer in bottles,' per dois.,, . t iq 0 i In barrels, per barrel, ;, 3 o o Half "do. - 1 jb' a In fmaller calks, at the rate of 2s.(6d. per gallon. The caSks when rot furniSlied by purchaler. to be paid for or returned in good brder. When the expence ot this iinderfakinn is confider. ed, and the continual deinand Sor money necellary, .... to carry on tiie work is contemplated, iis hoprd : peifons defiffous to eticoiira'ge this ufefuleSlablifh netit, vvjlf'be the information, that the aradtice.C) the Brewerv is fold orI v fnr reaf! ninnrv " YF." "ti'-n'ttt, March o. " t-- 1 C - - -! " Mrs. M N'l L L. - Aitf d,r to Mr. jfocph Imifo jiij-A y 7b .tfrtavi:. nextjind to teach aiJkiiids.jof: iduiiv-vi esth rKFIC.S fn f (ivnUni r 1 nn of h itrrtn r ivc rr : h 1 , It, , 1 1 . ..L r f ?:." "r kw"" ' " -,T monui or iime, tur the pui pole et taKin ,mtis grefs be required, and the Reprefentatives thereof ; reqiieea-to-ule,th-ir 'iitnioH: influencirT nfttny . -ameirament to the Constitution at tbe United States, . authorizing.ihe LegiflaU,re ot'any (late to recall a Senator in Congrels tberefronFwhenever the lame deend neiceffry. .c..v.. . ...... Rtfohed, That the Attorney and- Solicitors Gene- ral be inftruded examine the faid atfida rr' anfl lhar 5:1 whatever Jnffance the ConStifutioii "iid laws of this ai u ,im!r r.rrjrM;.. ir . - "'nt Uted againlt- fuch nerfun assert indriiiiiphi.l A . - a . w "-iiuii! a.-- v v v. 1 in 1 1 lilt 11 1 rt 1 Jn corrupting or' Mining the Meii.bers tit the Said "'u-vure . . - . . v . " ' " "Extraff fr:mpjUj:ttt.-i,-' JAs. M. SIMMONS, 'CJk. n. R. v ., , Tn s N A.T E.. ..''" '". i-v:. .ea and concurred In -- Trr---- bion below was fiuiided. The other ludces were unanimously pt opinion for the recovery by the plain y This forenoon the court gave their opinions, urta nirnoun,y..ui favour of the conllitutiona ity of the cariiage tax. . . ' . fltftrehM. - ' - ' The folloAVing information' is fubmitted .to the public, ftirough the medium of the preSa ; . repre fenting the treatment which a number of Amerb tnr rav'e1tgyf Vxpertftt?d. In . lh. por .of tape Nichola Mole an '.Jeremie. I arrived at the I'ornier place, on the -29th of Jjnuary laft,-where-Phad icarcy.;Jetgb.;jjiy.'!anclioriTuntil'aTi.rmed boart from the Syren, a Britifli 64, came along lidii of my velle preSTedpnc pf my belt ftamen. I failed trom thence 011 the 31 It for jeremie, where'not material occurred, until t ie gtu ot rebruary. A- and f aniionable work, vTz White feam, enibrtide- ry colp ired work, tambouring, drrBJtigr&cr - " tt Any orders in the wlrite fcam orimtt!a-nri. . kin, will be thankfully received: andTtttltelTaTiit 'a N . O t I C E. ' ot Mbection will be onen in L' u ..11 tv-- ,t ' 1 1 , 1 yuuiujr ui me ni 11 ourvty , ipev uoie or li e h ot fane, fur the purpoSe of takinn Esuits of Stills,-ElectiqNj and granting; Lichnsrs' ihts or poueuors or atiws will prevent leizure and forfeiture Of Si ills or oi lier veSll-li m ide ule of. H diltirtatidnrjogeihervith JaJ ueiiklty. of f wo Hundred and r'ifty Dotf.irVby ' avaifing themlelves of this notice i as th inay re(t diluted that no in dulgenpe will be granted or infractions overlooked. ; ' 1 H i M AS OVoRTON, ; " lhipeilor of Revenue. FfifttfvU!', 'arcb 24,179' - .. S I OP 1H1L..F, STOLEN aft ntghrj3.oi pffliy ibblpio tli'raTO.WBps Two vityr elegant large wtl jortned SORREL ' HOStS'ES," with long fwitcli tails, blazed faces, and 'a, I-6. L?ffnatureofthite WlLL.;RoGERTSON, SecV. adjourned laSLMon T r po'nti!" h th LtfiRjiiiiri. i Jan TattnaHy L'c' IC. atlr in C otreff b6fff Win'. otc1ocTat''iiigtit laptarnr R eynoidsy ofllie iJi uuu iiiip-narrioi, a ii arnica veuci in government fervicc, manned bis boat and preSTed" feveral Ame rican feamen.from the.dirTerent velTels thendaport; SirSl beginning with the fliip Carolina, of Bartiniore, Capt. LeSher, &c. . - - - ' 1'he nrxt day on fliore, the faid Reynolds fwore heSyould mike a fweeo atnonffSt iheAnjerkans tha: 1-and ftronirer made. uHignt, ana isia tie nad conirnruiiou trcm the com tnandant to 'prels men. Tlttfe-circumstances tlit American Captains, were infbriHed oft and con? cludetj to aAjod the defenfive. Accordingly all the Americans formed themlelves into,-two parties'; one on board tlic-brig, Richard 'and fames',. Captain Adanis,..of Philadeiphia ; and the other. ;n board the (choonet Elizar Capt. Porter, of Hahiniore ; a itoLalLtoundi they ,trot and gallop, and .are ex ccnenr cjiriaoj! nones. liavtniT heen accn tnmrH rn ruain my carriage".-;One of thenr is Sixteen bands WgiTTTenrartaM nets or 111s legs, out pas bad eyes, Slaving been cut fonhe hooks when very young; in the middk of. the blaze in his face Is a (mall ibrrel fpot-he has one. hind foot white; aLd is upwards of ten yers old The other horfe, though aboutl two-inches higher, is ayery good match for him he is larger udtiupe his-li are rubbed with the harnefs, his bind feet white, and is-aoout leven years old. If 13 probable, that the thief wiH alter their appearance by cutting then ulartes or tails, and endeavour to fell , them at Nor t'tilk, Richmondi Williamlbure, or Kredei ickSburp. He Itole at thejatne time my.Hr'idle and Saddle -, the utter is double Skirted, handlome, about halwortl. with (mall round, holies, and S ore r.n fn Act Xr I n t h boatcr-o-'clock at nights-Captain Porter dilcovered t Wboloevcr will deliver it)'e tile 'laid lioTrTrthiS' an armed boat fufl-of men, coming .from' thirHar: riot; (leering for.bisveSlcTr beliaikdTheiiv to.know what they waited, t-e. which Captain Reynolds re plied he wonid fooiiTet liim knowT captain Porter nppllzed of li:s intention, told him if he perhlled r1 dtt ronun'g on board of ins vcllcl in that iimimi'ly fpljcgyjbajljeelyelit DtfLirs, Marard, and FeJt v 'ihtarfmqte on conviction of the thie for ! willl g'Vfl Thirty, Dollars to any perforfwlio will give me fch information as will enable hie to get the hoi fes ' again. " . "': .,. DAVID ROBERTSON. I'ctcrlbarg,' March r. . . . ''"-.'