-1 . I - '"" ' : : r-1 . ' ' ; I '. ; ;, -.- ,- i: 7-,, ,:-,. ; , SFJrmtsmLE Published every THURSDAY by HODGE and BOYLAN. '''-'-jmM 7T H U II DfApRi02 n 1706. UMB FoiK-A L E. wholesale and RETAIL, ' "Aauantityof all kinds of wrought; and foroe Alfo; a few Autfitof"' Certificates of thiiftate, , .:-':j:;':;"::y-.hug h macdonald. -:ho wants' to purenaf a twftW-yowig Negw Fellow that underftanda fomethlng of the black fmith's bufinefs. . 1 14 - - : A ....' ??' "V 7."?? i 1 Vy L-O N D O N,: Feb. ID. , ' .'rtf wtWh? . n.i 10 ... .i : . aji r;t o!t.wia . tZZ'?' ' ' ' -. i i.- -1, - :.. . mem, tie uagr.oljttciicnw.tnis hi ;ha.l--ottler- . u: i-.-::- f JfciM Debate oOlrTPkiV f mOtBjoT; -Peace. Yfach as the fepiftlity ofIacohin piinonM .nd ih-''- . ' T-':v . U-tfA 'nCirowi-, , v yflike ougl.Vto leadto a' declaration ihatjwe at.jjre- - ftlHf MR. laid, that ooWtUI a tiding the way in I jon ollrLpnrie,J,d ' V f PA whlcblheRigbrfonvGentleman-fisda was Dol mrre'v w.lhir. W 'L'Xi&.Z&t - - .1 - 1 .. - . j - , . 1 1 u VifBiinate lutwub tbe xxtiiihpn oiiTS t.tificn )yr "u viira iv in jin 1 ;c iHia uini me war vari;e 10 lucb a pafa, lhai.a rcfclutu r. to ti.is Vx wpi.lij bo in. plvt-ifc. JiiifiwM and GiUefi ilus vr.as done, the gav rrinif noi ifii; country r, ad not fione as far rovard pac;hc hitaU res W;AN TED, immediately, r -" sooo'Beef Hidea,'greer or dried, ' 500 Horfe do. I , r v And JJ9 Calf-Jkin. . " . ' ' J Cafii and a generous price will be given by . - . - - ..v-. -WHEATON &;TISDALE-. Hirnr. that a declaration from that Koule ut a fea dinefs to negotiate would be impolitic at tins mo ment, he would coiilin himieii to a itw rxcejvuin. ; revious to bts nifktsj tbofe fxccpiioi!?j i;e Or diged tornak observations on tlie incocfifttnt rta loninff of the Kichf i on.. Oentlcman,; who - waif pfealed to compare the different pcrtutfr of THywaryr and tliouunt at no 101 mer uerioa -wc cuuiuwhh 10 iiiucu Honour negociaic 1 cul lurcijr jic ikuk uuut that the Houfc tcrgot the whole coiitlquences and bulineis or the war,, wbea he argued (o. .Whoever fit lumlew actuated by me nonour or tus country, TheiS'R E WE RY,. T4t the jont if Haf lfinunft oit Crifilrtek, , ..1 .., ready tor saie,, , -3 T fcST eer m Doitiei, per doz. , . 1 to.. a J In barrels, per barrel. ' a o o " Half do. t, - 7 - - t to a In fmafler calks, at the rate of 31. 6d. per gallon. --The talks when ttot fttrniflied by purchalerte be paichfor or returned in good order, 7 - . When the expence ofjhli nndertaklngis eonfider -d ,-and the -contirhfftl demand 4brnonyneIIary to carry . on the work is contemplated, it is hoped no perfoti defircms to encourage this ufefuleftabliih BientVwill be offended at the information, that the produce of the Brewery is fold only for ready money . Fayctttville, March ao. ',' : - : 1 2 ' J - ; ;v.; -, ,. ; ,- ,' Notice to whom it mav conceirn. rE, the Commitfioneyg p pointed to make divi. fion between the feveral Droorietors" of one hundred and ninetV-thoufahd attei-fjiafln7t1i'e"prb petty of Richard Henderfoniand othm, known nn: Jr the .firm of Richard Henderfoii and Cbmpany, : tying In that part of the territory foiitfi of the Ohio; commonly called Powell's Valley, Will on the 50th day of May .next, proceed to make fuch dlvifian'at Jkpm of ChatlesjSljng in Knoswller- muft be aware, ihat at all the-former times, wfelManc ;oTprfrri&cit?JfirnijDx crpmi-nt ticuociation was prtd, befter terms were to be I fubvertina its tneleM or future rolav lift expected. . V Uen inch arguinenta were boidiy-urg-1 awordcwbith had VJejiJilaLU r.Ue Utl.t 1 ro, no wiuicu iu iy wuiu ! wnUWvT . oent)eiiian.rwiucli lie eonlidertd wnn ion e a. Unct, before they recaptured GuaiJalodpe, when thtyVere driven into tueir own terntore Irom he tuftrian Netherlands, when Valenciennes' was uefifg':d, .when an irojMfcffion was made, on t'je Nprtu by our allies-. oi the South by Spain in fiiort,:when many fuccefles were acquired, it was uged di(hqi)iurable bj the Genilenian oppofite to Turn toegociifte. WhelTamo. ion was jiiadeTo" ofr !er terms ot pcfie, it Was titgatived as di graceiul, as dilhonourablerAt the capture of Tottlonrwlien mihiiiers argued that our arms were triumphant be; 01ttl any tliinfL knowarin theTBrhim ?mals,;a mo tion to negociate was rejeded, as equally improper and incomiftent with.the cliarac"terand dignity of the nation.' I Latt year 'before t'lllana was cone before that country, whlnlviiad beetravowediy one of ,tleor4gtnal7caufeaTof :-ei-wef1':lwd-Miailet--bFi:-neath their 6bwer.' or i'ubmitted to tlieir lorsEicw lion, a limilar monoo wai in the fame way dif'poj -cdof. I'-eruLo nrfw ti-jnhiibat we mtahi nero- tiat't without ltuniilililqU or diihonour after, lie tntmy pufiefied flitniit-Ve, pi luth Iagaradya;. .Caftee.waaave'rfelo-pacific o5rture,ltravrgnt;wit inaigniry ana impose , iwwhu mm yy Kmxvil!ft March 23.,. v.iunw. ;k. tiorfi on. - . . - .1 . .1 .1 .1 JoipfCrccr, hy Charles M'CldDg. , Vhr nettoeiatt. niore advautaee. A motion . Xctters remaining in the Poft-Office at1 Fay ctteville,:pn the ift of April, 1796.- Wil.UAI tnderfitir a j CaLYbotrtu Arrnf,rong Archibald Bine; John Bfoxvrhv, J&halR&e, John BrUgs, Malcilm B!iit,jfivirj Bxchannan, Da Jjitl Black, Charles' Caaphtff, (sharks -Cart9l;Zstl w.CreJs, William Cartal!, Malcolm Campbell, acob Cdh : '"". Thtmas ;Cone4lyjr James Dtik 2 5 Mark Duki, r Thomas Davifolf) lion, John. Egau, EJviardEve-, ridge, -AkMndtffiergufon, Thomat Gotdon, cart ef joAi ThtmfonjTjapt-s Hillopi ar.e. of Robert Adsnt L 3a''Jioliuts.. l6el Hamn.ihd, JfacJlawliiTWill'am HttvarjUthms JoHodou, Dilini Jourdan, Archibald -jilmM; WiluimmuRivtolltt Linifa. Arthl."- r,Bride, Thomas' M'A'ay, John,MlnU!b. Mas. i Ti.si.- . ' r --g n n m - , .f tin. iffRCffn jn'.mi rttira nr iJ . ivm . Kev. Aiijui M'D'rMSJ Mt... ri . nin Slay, rbhn'M'Lead. nf Mnnrtj 'iVilti Mi rn mas ' Moody. VharUni WkantHannah Murphey JMMmtiiTiarii 1 JtknMCJmslad r - tfrch. M'Leram hn.NiMam,ire iFJ14 Perry Pr.;v "r icmijon, ; tU'am wrtlsp jSeniamm T.urner nderVatfon,-R)clard WillUmfoiu Robert tftUum . lhe hichb ondf-d Hnrfr R fl If IU1 r K. V - foUftfteen and an halt haudjs'higii, fix ytars old this ; fpring, and of a beautiful bay colour j h i A'H C0TP marcs this, feafon, at my plantation j 7L nmPfon couBtyi ;.t (pur and an half Spa f m,!!ed,dullars thefeafop, arid feven Spanifli mil-1 ., : Jcd'dOllarS to enfiir -'n fAal "i Th aiK''n't( naM i1 -Mfre.tbe firS clay otpecernber next ft iJ:v gyn when .the mares, re brought, ,J,p ":Jieu of the cafh; ttfq weight pf corn fed fork for the ioo, Bna 17J to iniure, ill ffe received, altur-1 ;g will be found for mares, fe'nt, from a diltamse ; ' - ."tit not anfwerable for efcapes. or accidents. - ;. .! 1 . ' . 1 " - 1 . r'j. a a a- 0 riVrr"t . f fon county, April-t;. . , , , , 4 ;, POR ; S ALE AT" TRE' ' PRITlNfcibFFICE, 'h H 0 13 GFS'NORT 11 CA ROLlfvAvl 1 "A ' t, Mr A . N A 'C ':'K S'.''i ff$ FOR' THE YEAR 1 ' ichr titoociate with more advautag J-muldaU aySj on luch aliibi-ct, come with rnore dignity from the oppQi.te m oi ttie nogie ; ano, at any former .per tod, with, more dignity, than at ire4tnt. 'tltouch he wVihed tLetrv to neaoi-iate now. Mis opinion always wa, lljat the r'rueb; gove,-B, ment waa apb e of maintaining tl e relations or jieace and amity, at all times, p. well as now: lie nev t thougbt it right, to quihbie aboat the form pr rompleioii ot govcrnmenis, However, the Cicn' tleman had vnt over one great bar to negacution-T- ne xainejo recognition oi inc r rcum-ivcjiuunt. Jheiefore, trien,T tlie fimple qucftioo.he thought was" . with nrcard to the dliinity of thecountry in oecoctaitine. -The creat.bar'he conceived to be, if beunderllood the rliaht.Hon. Gentlenian,, whichi fide (hstdd make overtures fii ft ( - 1' ,i 4 fiat thi iVyeaion which iheGentlemajiopoUfe confidered fo tnaterial, he thought no wajr jmpor tant; Wih r eesrdrtO tlie dignity of ilit nation, lie thought it: would..be, so wayi miurtd, on the con -traryv he wa well a' that our characler would 4e improveu w.uu uur awn urviut;, Yviuiuic ih:um. with all .Europe. Jt woBl fe "way inclined to protraft the "evil'a. of war-HLhat;We were no way endeavowjn5r:to ditturb the internal affairs pi francei to intermeddle in her goyernment, or prefctibe her polity., ?o rciripye luch aa opini ons bish cettiinly iiJ.oenccd.the l jubjic -iirL3D, jhiscountty pdtn, r.ranceyrrre wiie .apd g0.d , arid the iooner x were done awy the better. 4 Here were circumfiances m this War uriparalleied in .all former wars, t there were (inkular circumftancrs un known before. It was faidof tlie French, that the, were'lpreading a theoretical, ly Rem M ..policy which was likely-to whing' li regular, 'forjBa of pjppvetn-ment-Mifbreadrtiff an infidku poaft tle-did jhu nwi'(,a-,r.aign tlie Right;HonGntlemrjfor;ufing fucii arguments, lie merely wanted to me w irwn tUt influence of iuc;h argumentsxin the public oiind, tlat a ilecWatioh from that f'oofcjfuch as tailed for,was reiertd abfoJutely neceffaTy-j. Aait waafrequenily; argued a .that Jioufe,' that; the ,pnncple ,f , the French were hoftile to the peace and tranquility of other ftatea, it was neccfiiry to iCome U Uierdeda-; rationbe n-alked. The'1'riniiplea; of tbe. French h as tfcat ot r 1 ance. Wtieu iLe trtn' It detiarrd.niat' they abjured the charge ol dilitminating iheii prin-v ciplesy and of drfirirg to fubvert other flaleTp i ty fiirrendered . one of i:c tauies 0 tl.t war. , 1 Lis caufe removed, d'd it nojtqure tKe I'oule to'c- yte, vtrat they- Bave.utr rneir wea of oi or - was i (iree concern ; and which (though he was un ilui g 10 ptif, as it ftrurk bis Blind ! l elould 1101 pals n d ience. , I!e had faidrthaQhe Freriwh were new w i. Jipgio admit nftrandlo fraternixaiioii. lUet tJiq " French had abjured all their former hoftile jr In. i- pies, k was unfair j'rf tbe. Right lin GintUni-i'i did To) to ufe the term' jtateiiitiatitn. hjwj of prejudicing GentTOmeo, as ufual, agsitfi'tlii m.- Aiif if ihe word was need for negiciation, it had no inraoingzftfteT wtuil!ad""pjf8fdtrom his TSJa- " jelly's mefHige, he w'aHRiQlitaruuy iliing equU vocal he w asl lorrv to fee .iat ai'niinillraiiotj had proceeded; on tuch lnpotheiical piound, ard had (hew a. alt alorg a wifi protract negoaatioiir'4-- -the" 29th of Cdober.lthrie Was a p.tajraph in Lis. Majcl'aTpVcthj. wtjch-wa. caJculted to excite a "hope that peace v as not lar dilUut : this hope was . kept alive by tl tbbicquenr, dtbrtrfc till ihe J iijjv'a inrfiagc e.n' tte" 8tt ot Pectijibr..1 wJ4vb d. laied dVlpQlirWiv.jri govertanent iftrf.rgoiiate, ard a pro- mile to. give this dilpofuiob tl-e l'peedieft effect;' This recogiiitich of tbe French P epnblic, then,"w as nofbbedated mei eljlrum the Eth of ileitmber, fiutthe 29tU of GiSoWr". This oj.ii iot tben, lo ibTig1itrce rak en7-fasiie vOcTedii poii Tr"nrTT)e time clapfed, - After all that lapfe ot time, they I. ad not come to a right ondfinandkga(ter a renfoF ?ix wecks- whiih tie public wet e itdaced t hjie T was piirpr(e!y for makti'g ariEi:pfn.i ms, and pot ting things into a proper pin for pr..ce; aftenjtot f only two -montl?, w lim Ctni ami nardie caultd a -liitpcnluT .ol l'.ufUlitiiRj tult . titer an aclual armif tice, tliiily with a'vitw to laciliiate'mgocijiion, minifters, it appeared, had not taken any cf.ccTual Dep. - -- f he R ight Pon.GenUman bad urgrd ( he under- -Rood him lo the luiprojikty rr iiijitiatn.j! he-. tiVKr fuim the circiimLaiuev 0? rhj ..a.fli.e a :.hut lie certainly had giveu lajle,' fcifior-. id Hlatyjg, tjat: when the French were ready tolfct k' tinder ti e ccm bined pr dure kf tbe ccnlederacy. Itme !eraritionj unforeicen among the coin blnrd powers alwaj raid ed their fpirita. and rUid their forie. Cut, lie , alked wlien the jving , ol Prt-flla UpsrsttdJronr ihe ionfederacy, were tke F rcntU . litiiong urkicr the preflures of war Jtlaen tluLjbin id Jpaiu U pai at cdaod negociated-a. peace tor -h.niieU, ,mi e -t-Lcy -finking i Wert-,- they .linking under .1 he pnfiuie or yielding to the yiclorious arms ot the allies,. when the Eleclor of Jlanover.orany other German Fxince, tnade a feparate jieacel , Jvo, the contrary w as , the cafe, wbni'pjn Jiegociated, the Spinilh Monarch-was not in poficffioo of Roulillon. he-trein- bJediorJadradwBf.p-ineJ4.mg olt-ruMiaand-ii EMM fx -1 L- ( 1 'rf; t' 4- 44'. . it ' -: i 1 1 -1- ... m I - trpm At !, mm IccFor of Jlanovef. negotiated, thty did tb to fui;e ihemfelve'sagainfi the ftrides of a conquering teeny. ' .But w hat was the impropriety ofired overturei toward negociation now i Iid the Bight Hon. Gen tleman jnean to infmuate that he would by doir.g fo, forfeit bilaiih tov,9Mr'llUieT6M"mi'le logitjaJ realOnirg, r", but, it nevfr could appear a good reafrr4whur l!oulelf ihere were at.jr cnirimu mm- a neof-ihe-eauftjef the-war, whiclLwaimore dwelt on than any otherin that TTonfe for it pro a&ion In eonlequeBce of this tlie National Con-, . ' . 4 1 . ... .1'!: .r ! r. nicationsiietwcen him and our allies, ana (liould he lay the Je'tleri and documents before -the tfeofcbtr. did not think that he could forfeit his character:' '" or that any bad efl'ecl could be owing to a declara tion, of. the Houfevto juftifv fuch proceedines, as conducive to necociai ion. In fact, be thought the-" Right lon.Gfntlenian'sjneafureT could not wear g worfeface by apiieatioe to 4 his nation, to-France, and to EuroDe- as Tanclioned by Parliament.- Lipoa theHwouHt-obleryer-il)at t-ne ftigrrt r;enroen y- tlemaR was bound not tdjieffociate without the Fm- perur,-the Emperor d!d iipisgpeai' to be in tbe fame. , 'j venticn came to an abfolute abjuration of interf er ' prtdicamtnt cuu'' not helpemcrobefiDg that r&$i Mil II -id. ' '74:. , . . i," t- vviv."-''' .'"iv"".1" ' . . ' " ST" ,' .

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