V; f ' ?V""W" . r.-:w. l WW. Liverpool, which he leftthe 6th of April. From a j paper or tne 41a we narc cxuhucu iuc luuuwwg are captured but all veflels coming from Frrncn porta are captured and lent to Tamaica. f he Bri- '- saragrapn ; " ". .. , - , 1 ninjiiiiui-waiiMirtfl-Tpwi wr"-iin teamen, - Otiieial information has juft been received by J and pay no refpcct to any protecTion, if It i not Tainaiaur.y,Ui.jamfriran -i.rvT.i;.".,rrnr nniTiirf! aF alFairlefWen tVip UnW. 1 flavin rtnt nfrhpir nm nrrt iri-ffp la r llldl 1 UV W. WW..- f - , - - ed States of America and the Dey axid"Regenc.ot . i ir.aj;n(UjMt-rv'hwdotiy fcnrilfertJleKof- lnirwnTiTTO"venture into thofe feas which iare "frequented by Algerine emifer$TTnd that thtsdan . cer will continue until it fliall be duly notified by the government of the United States of America, that --peace ia fiiUy-eftablilhed-bet ween the two rolrntrisir v" PETER SB U RG, Junes. " ' ; We underltaud that the two perlons, Reynolds and GobfelyJ who were charged with fobbingthe mail at orktown, have been tried, t the Federal " rmirr. now lhiine: in Richmond, and accruited. lAccounta are fa id tffhavb been received in town of t j fevetal expeditions of the Britifli army in the Weft Indies ; that they haddrove tlieFrench from Grena 7 da, St. Lucia, and had laid cbfe fiege toGuadaloupe ',. atthe latter it is probable they will make a Hand forjome time-and would the t rench have received a Z reinforcement of 30,000 men,acc9unts of which have repeatedly been publi died, "the Brhifh 1 majTOeri Jfi-!it imhi WOTnHiS as iViv Rave in Europe, ;',-.. -y-' - '.' : "; ' , Toe liovernor orvirgima uaving received in tormation, to be relied on, that the Yellow Fever, 1 or fome other infectious . diforder, has spread Jts baneful contagion fo generally over the whole of the ;WMndiaumds,-asi excite juft ground of ap-; nrehendon. that without much caution, the dif;fe xnay be brought inio this commonwealth; hasjfllied - a proclamation, directing; the,. fcjjiiueudantx of quarantine at tne leverai ports or tnis -common-, wealth, to'ule every exertion on their pms, to pre vent the introduction of fo fatal a calamity to ie quire otall malters of velIel$,caMna-irinvany-ot TtheTWelt-iudia ulands,ithe"BahamanA-Bermud iflands, or from the port of New-Orleans, the re quitite declaration f theitate of the lealth of their relpective crews, 5tc: and it ;necellary, to direct fuch vellels 10 perform quarantine at the Anchorage rouiidotFCraneytflaiidr fr-the fpace-of twenty days. . : The foil iwins numbers were the five lafl drawn in the Sulqoenaunah Canal Lfctteryl: each of which were ao,ooo dallars ; No. 9194, 33,013 38,751, 40,651, and4J,7i3. . - SAVANN AH, Maya4 -Arrived On STndaylaiT" brig Aurora, capt. Mor ton, from Barbadoes, and 1 7 days from St. IBartho lomewV, who was embarrroed at Barbadoes, and felt there.ou the aoth April informs, that of t C.ooo had g!Kie againlt Demerara, and it was reported uj "u gaiucu puuciuuii or ll , iwu oilier uciacn- ments'were difpatched, one againll Grenada and the Other againlt St. Vincents, atid the remainder of -I. - r , 1 n . . uc neet, 120 lau, naa gone againlt m,jmkiiU . . uj bi nvai ui iwo nnicrican veueis at oarDaaoes, who made their efcape from Sr. Ludatifermatioa --Was received That the fleet lud commenced a erv fevere atuck on that place, but met with fpirited oppplition by the French, who lunk a number cf their 'boats, and otherwife di fabled them ; that all was in flames when thofe e(Iels came out. : It was reported, the day capt. Morton failed, tliat three or four Englifh tranfports had arrived at Mar tinique from St. Lucia, with difabled troops ; and that" orders were received at Barbadoes for a rein- - forcement. " -v' V"" - '. ' '' Capt. Morton further Informs, that a 30 gun j lp of ,he Cor!? victualling fleet arrived at Barba , oe-8'. 6 day fail to windward fell - la" with a French fquadron of 6 flrips of the line and 7 frigates, that captured a'part, and was fuppofed the whole, .f jhe Cork'flect with provilions, as the above mentioned Ship Is the only one-known to have , elcaped; V - ' " " - : : "ports, Ji30l ,899 dollars, 49 cents. In Which period was Uiipped 54,440 oarreisot rice. A law was paiTed at the laft feffiun of the General flaves out of their owners vefTels. June 9.: ' The following fums areappropriated b acts of cdngrels for carrying into etftcr. the treaties with Great-Britain. Snaih, the Dev of Algiers, and cer- Tahidiahtribes'portTi'ciFoFt ror thetreaty with GreatrBritain, a fiim note ceeding 8o,88 dollars. - . ' f For the Spanilh treaty, t8,6 dollar.;r" 1 For the treaty with AlgieTsTT4,oc"o dollars per annum as long as the treaty Ivjp forceT" ;:7 "1 7 , For the Indians i . ,. " -To the Wyandots ;n 000 dot" llaafe to30 r shawaooes icon : Cttawas r I rtt that tatir-ft"4-U-f' " i'l f11' tax are to be eipreiied in dollars, diJmMnuicnuiiiU. fldjthatrthe:vaMctsotthJuries, on all contract, made after the firft day of May laft, are to be ex prefled conformably to that regulation. . . v S?l "9 ff 5? ?f5 "5 ? 5 d 9 f loon . : L-'ttawas 1000 i i Chippewas ioco k ' Miamis t-iooo Eel River Weea, Kkkapoo; Piankaftawj: Kalkttf- '. Kjas fcacn 500 dollars a long as tne . :.-' Vj'. .' treaty b aiatst. rft:;";u: , Rufui Kmg, mipider plenipotentiary of the Unit ed States to the coArt.'of. ifcOndont.- 1 " .,i:r. David Humfhrcjs, minifter plenipotentiary of "the United States to the court of Spain. . " Mattbm Clarkfottrot Pennfylvania.-commiflioner on the part of the Uniied States, under the article or the Spanilh treaty relative to fpoiiations .Okstr Wikott is elected governor of the date' of Connecticut, v.nd Samuel Addim governor of the (late or Aiaiiacnuleits. ; . , Jama Bilihoufth appointed a fenator In the con grefs of the United States for the (late of Connect! cut, in the room of Oiher El!fwrth,tencd1 Gen. -ATj we underftand, has declined accepting the appo ntment of commvHioncr to fettle theeaftcrn boundary ot the United States. On the ith olr. Robtrt Lilon, Efq. was received by the Prefident of the UnitedJitaies, ;at envoy ' Traorctinary "and" minilter plenipotentiary from, his uritannic majeity to tne united btates ot America un the 1 7th ult. ltdward T horten, Klq waspre fented to tlie Prefident ot the United Siatts ( the Britifli minifter, as his Britannic maj Jtya lecretary ot legation to the United States. .Jl4U- --On theTjth tilrrMajoir LJpii, &i Jilecanip to- Gcfli .Wiyrie, palled througb-Allny-withdifparches'froni the f relulent ot the United States to Lord Dorchel ter, Governor General of Canada, ' .i On the attll ult. the following communication was received Irom the Pielid-M in ilie federal Houfe TIFof lanuarylaft, all accounts .in the public offices nf thatftffr-"'1"""!11!''1 1 ri""rrFnTTe,q 0rs, :r-To: the OFFICERS and SOLDIERS XTtrHO ferved4a the army of the United States nf -J v Amerfca during ; "the war with Great- Britain, " the Subfetiber oifers hU fervices Such as may think proper to communicate with, or call upon him, may be allured his beft exettioJit mall -be made ccme ufelul to them, and hr, ...,l, rrrtvT"TTr 1ias already received many applications From this use ut clafs of citizens, and therefore has relblved to devote a part of his time to their benefit ' His ofJ. tea is opened at Warrenton for t hi. nurl ppfe, where diligent irtention will be given to all -Ui Coa,t IX TIME, AND TOtf MAT, BE 'SF it V ED WITH GOOD EFFECT. .11 O T- I C E. A AHEREAS a certain lSfA'l SI MS - eloped from this neighbourhood, oh the-iU of June at night; and tooklwhh him a nore of mine fnr twenty-eight gallons and one quart of brandy, "given the aSth of May, fl feal o-has a bav Mare of mifft, near 15 hands high.'brahded on the near thigh, three years old this fpring-r m-whicfi property he was to have made, me a title to the land whereoft he then r refided; which he failed to do, aod.on examination 6tg!t wfonridto bevcaedin himrrThis iyThere fore td forewarn all pcrfons from trading for the faid note or mare. It is not known what route (aid Sims went. 'J.. will, be much bbl ged to any perftiii that will give nre information ol him, which may lie done by a line by poft.- WILLIAM AVi-lRAj fen,, i ' P. SrThe day before faid Sims went o(f, he gave another pert'on a bond for titles to the fame land, and received a valuable mare of him ; which he alfo car ried loff together with his wife and four children. He is of a light complexion, about fix feet high, and about ib years of age. 12 2 Cumberland tmir.Xiuar jiveralburgi'uttt 6. r " NOTIC E. CenUemeu of te Senate and of the Houfe of . Kfbrrh-ntariiii..-' - " The meafures now in operation for taking pof feflion of the potts of Detroit and Michijimitbuiac, render it proper, 'that provision mould be made for .1 extending to thSfe places and any others alike ciiv; cumlUneed.he civil aujhorliy ot the Nonhweltern territory. To dothis will require expentej- to de fray which the ordinaryialaries of the governor and fecretary ofhat territqry appear to be incompetent. The forming of a new county or counties, and the ap pointment of the various officers which-thejufl exer cife of governmeht muft reqmre, will oblige the go vernor and fecretary to vifit thofe places, & to fpend confiderable time in making, the arrangements pecef fary for introducing and eitablifhing tlie government of the United States. Congrefs will confider what in this c(e will be properr GrW ash i k cto s CHARLES T O N. May 26. 1 2 Yelterday arrived thefloop Speedwell, Clarke, Go-naiyes.iaiadays.-Capl. C. brings accounts of the arrival of 180 fail of Brkifh tranfports, with troops, ! ' VP-Nchola-Mole, from windward T that the .nghfh now confider HifnanUla in a ftr f Wnrk. - ."", lf every American veflel bound to the rrench" ports; and that they torn VwaysAmerlcan! '""s nat "ive from the French i(la,nds.' Wlajr 27. Capt. Clarke was informed that the, rooE "TUved aiiapf NkholaT-Molrwere direct irom Europe ; their number was faid to be 1 5,0Qp s - lh Prt waL thaf ,h7 intendccUujpwceed-againtt ll j ' W, rc ,hev underltood, great diflenfions, exmed. Admiral. Parker was at Jamaica the 11m veueis cruifingon the north fide of Hifpaniola. . t accounts had been received at Gbnaives, when tvl n Jailcd of 'he arrival of a French fleerat Lapt. CI 1 1 1 r nit a ... II T , X n veiiela dittera from what we ir I ' vl vn? .r,daJr' he-iay8 that the captains of th II .1. r.ini? t0 French port, endorfe on her relfter "II - .1 : rwt "-i -"uv ' I"? ? port flie mtended to go to was blockaded, - -m.i nernt they are fount found returning they By a gentleman who left LoimVille a day or two paft (fays an Augutta paper of May6th) we art told, that his Excellency the Governor received an exprels from the Indians on the 18th, informing that they were favourablyMifpofed towards the treatyjiL -beat-to- be lieidTaTrdTttat tliey woufdgenerally at-tend--thai; about the. firft or fecond ot June, 4000 chiefs and warriors would be at Colerain; by whom all, or m oft of the towns would be reprefented. Juft before the arrival of the exprefs General Pick ens, one of the federal commidionersj left Louif vlle on his way to Colerain to attend the treaty. A gentleman who came paflenger in the Andro mache,., lately arrived at Charleftbir, informs, that feveral of the American claims for depredatioi.s committed in the Welt-Indies, had been determined onby the lords of appeals in London in eyery in. ftance the decifion was ia favour of the-American '0Wner..'.;. :.i--r j'--'--f yv- J-ir-' -: A London paper dates the amount of neutral pro perty captured by the Brififh in 1795 at 104,760 quarters of wheat 38,212 barrels of fiour-r-9,Tio quarters, of rye 8,573 quarters of Indian corn 5,866 quarters of meal -befides- fmallpr articles. -Government imported in that year, 82.481 quarters" of wheat-i,oco do. ryr- a,j6 barrels of flour.-' The bajik of England has given an account to TX7HER.EAS the taxes due on certain nieces of VV land in - Montgomery county, entered in the ; name of-John Parterfield, and given in by John G7 Blount, and David-Allilbn, EforsmoujUAnfi-to--e--- f1iUtrdid"aSinuty tTiree tuoufand two hundred acres Wmcn Jaxer amoufltmg -to he'hundfTc! fifty-fix pounds. 8s. for 1 795, have not been paid agreeable to law -Thefe are therefore to notify thole con. cerned, that uulefs the faid tax is paid, fo hiiich inf ' ' faid land will be difpofed cf at public fale as will f:t tisfy the tax aforefaid, &c.onTuefday-a.hefth day of July next at the Court-oufe in the town ot IjendeTion The! fale will be continued from day to d'ayuntil a fufficient fum is raifed for the purpofe a- . forefaid. . . JOHN DAVIDSON, Sheriff; 1 Mai l. , .- : it 3 " Ou Saturday the 24th June next, will be fold at pub lic fale, to the higheft bidder, at Moore Court V houfe - BOUT or upwards of 350,00 Acres of LAND, the property of fohn G. Blount or David E11U ; Ton, to fatisfy the Taxdue thereon, for the year 795 Andiikewife will beriblcT aflttoore Court- "T hpufe, atnubl'tCffale, on Tqefday the 16th Anguft next, therfolfowihg Tracts of Land, viz. 220 Acres on Wet Creek, in faid county, (uppofed to he the -property of one l'ooperieo Acres dojoining the, MontgomefvcoUnty in, nn Wff-CrMMVl. '"p'"','T to be the property of one Wilkins 209 Acres on Horfe Creek, (uppofed to be the property of George Lucas 100 Acres on Wet Creek by the nnrne, of VaddIis old Fields ,J in like manner to fatisfy the ' Tax due, thereon, for tlie year 1795. MALCOLM JVl'NEIL, SherifF May Zth, 1795.' s - ' .-V-r: ; :- FRESH T E A:S. ' : ' . . . . ' ' HYSONf and Soufhong Teas offtt.. quairy,hl received and for fale by - J r ROBERT DONALDSON & Goer V - arke s infnrmarinn rf ptingMMp-1"' ;r roinmnn!rtifherfums"they are in ad. r- I vance - tor ..government. - i ney- amount pniy- to eleJejihJiuUianaifcven hundrwamrtigtrteenTnouunt Colleapr's'OfficV, CharleftonDiflrict,' April 1. Value of exports from the port' of Charlefton, from the ill of Jan, -to i(l of April, 1 796,10 foreign; Who take this opportunity of informinttthenub- licrthat they hajte temoved from the (lore lately oc-cnpied-y them, to the two (lory brick houfe on the (freet leading from the State-hcufe to I lay-Mount. 8 rayetteville, May 9; , RAN-AWA Yfiom John Black rminjapn the r ft ipfl. when on his' wavtoejMllertiouiitrTrabnnt- 20 miles from IliUfboroopb, a Negro man flave, the 1 ' c a. r)l . . i I t . . . XL: 1 T'J "i 1'iavitman, nnmrtTimrnn, aoour at . years' ofage, well fet, very black, country bprn. ard pretty fenfible. Any perfon that will apprehend and deliver him to the fiibfirther, near the Six-Runs, in Samplon county, fhallbe geBerouflv rewarded. r27. - - 0 4- 4 , HEKRY KING. ; wm. : - f that's mm 1ft IP jjj-'hrfi TV , ;i f Vti ... ' : ' 1 ' . ,01 .jj LiA'-V 's - 'J '.- Hi I . : .. .... . :. - ...v. ' 'i'i -t 5 mm mm 1 I

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