THE W$R " TP A V TT T HP T?:WLTJLJLJKLJV . Vol, I.-t--v--- ; T,H U R, S DtA Y, June t6, 4796: ' . Nvmb.-iV ' ' 'MM . : .- t -JJLCWyi District of Fayetteville, In the Daniel D, Rogers, Complainant Mortgage, Againft Rkht'lkr Robt. Cochran, Defendants Mortgagor. 11 ILL of anfwer read it waJ by the court or- ri rlrre.l. That unlefs within twelve month frTal f'- datf -frit-t ArfrnAanxt and nil peflnn 1 ten llieie emciluUl IIP ' doiibl futile conclulioft ot a elatm'ng under tnem lince me premucs were mon oagid, do pay or caufe tobepaidto complainant, the money with interelt thereort due and accruing, with the equity of redemption to be'foreclofed a greeabte to the prayer of complainant' Kill And ft is further ordered. that the defendant! and per; : pnS" aafr eJ"V tietf inneii'MSMxMiitt.4' tree bf publication in the North Carolina Minerva. , ' . From the."" minute, ... I GEOAiiK MUMFORD, Clerk. : June 16, 179A ' , '3-3 DISTRICT OF NORTH-CAROLINA, . - - friptrv j! i QthHmat 1 . 1 706. "A Nff-if of Int'peiYion will be open in each coiin- l xy of the dillrict of North-Carolina during the. wholeot the nvntii ot June, wiiere owners or poU " tctt'yrt of It ills are required to make their entries, and flection. The lav demand hign fines and penalties for or negl-ct ofentry otrtilis, and tordiitill- y jyjiljlMl JriLffl akwg-inxleion-od-4nrtor of every dekription-may rell aflfured of having the law executed in their fulled latitude. It is further v . j - 111 1 1 i " notiisci to men ciiitiuers wno intend to pay the duty on the quantity of Ipirits dillilled, that they ttsufi - pfttigely, makefuib eleflim ilhe lime of entry in the month' of June, otherwife they will he chargeable with the yearly duty, the rate of J4 cents for everv f'fiUon ot the capacity of their Hill' or (Hits. 1 he a,Tie 1 applicable to thoTe Who intend to work their Bill by the month. It is contrary to law, to grant a licence for any JradhanaLparthf a montlr: di fillers will tike noiicejthereof and Regulate their "ereciion'i 1 accordingly, as the collecting officers have mejyeaiDiiruc.Qs..oaxiMtMau--r 7 . WILL. POLK. 2 Supervifor of the Revenue. N. C. II.' The printers in this Jtate are requeued to give the above a place in their papers for two weeks. "-jw I CO PENHAOEK. April 1. :: NtTie courle of this-week ivo com lers have be difpatcliei from hence to Puris, whofe dilbatches concern hegociations for prac. F RAN KFORTk March 22. ' From Coblcntz they Write, that the French offi peace j they even affirm that the preliminaries are. as good as fettled, only that fome difficulties trcur relative to the claims of fbme of the princes of the Empire. The French army will foon retire behind the Mcuie. oenerai jourdan is expeaed at oo- -5houl4 peaceijottake pliceTThe fmperiat airily. win araw togetner in me vicinity 01 mcniz, in which the Archduke Charles will have his head quarters forjKhkh purpofe apartments are already prepared for him. As yet, however, no part of this army is in motion. : Eighteen tboufand horfeg areexpetled at theAuftnairarTny lOnTthe Rhine from Bohemia, jtlungary, &c. ," Zurick and Bern, have formally acknowledged the Vrrncli ReDiihlie. .-."..t " flhrch aj. The reports of .peace and war have fuc: ceeded each other with' gwat rapidity, throughout Germany, within this fortnight. Letters troin Vi enna even give' reafon yo believe, for an inftant, that a platLof pacmcatioifwis on the tapis, and tharbut far the oblllnacy of the njiniffrr of ttate, Baron Thu eiit. who'kthwarted the pacific views of Marflial clairfayt, it Would already have. been carried into .execution. . - ,. . 1 v-. z"' Be that as it may, we" are rllured that It i ?n con templation to hold a general congrels of all the bel ligerent powers at Lonltance, in order to auempt to 'bring about a general pacification. - - ' " v: "."-' -7 '"'"."'"'".,'''' UPPE R R II I N E, March 19. The.A'orizbore grenadier who gan iluned Lux. emhurg, are' the fecohd divifion of- La Tour dra gopnsA who wer.e have arrived at the array of the Rhine from Bohe- mia. and every thing 11 prepared for the campaign The armilHcej however, is not yet infringed, and we Hatter WTHrivn wiir cne noptt mat me com- -Stat k 0 Nori h -Carolina. IN ptirfuance of the aft of the General AfTemhl v, entitled, " An Acl to . provide Jot. the Public - Safety, by granting encouragements to certain . manufa.'torie," I ilfue this my proclamation, giv ing notice, that Jaro'i BayJo fenior, of Buncombe"" a county, in the diflricfc of Morgan'; 'inthe.Hate ahre-' , faid, did within three months after the expiration of the year 1 79 J, produce tome, a. fample oh-iBe giinpowderi-whtch he faid was a part of a "larger" q:in.lty, that is to fay 6631b, weig)itr made by him 7 mihe aforefajd dillrfa,. and' for which helaimed the bounty tinder the aforefaid & at the fame time he produced to me a certificate, under1 the - haul's of William Brittain, James Alexander, Ga- htiel Ketch, William Tredway, and Edmorid Sains, . , Juice of the peace for faid county ; and alio under the hn Js of Henry Weft, Albant, Smithfon, Robert FY?.1' Joha vcbl. jun5r,. and John Qmifh, free. hohfeTS'of raid county, Certifying that they had leen the faid Jacob in. the year and at the place aforefaid V , make ditTerenr parcel of riOe gunpowder, and at weighed before them, and amounted in the whole, to 66 pounds weight, and that the whole was good and merchantable whch faid certi6cate was accompanied by ah affidavit in writing, fworn toby the Taid Jacob Bay lor, before William Tred way ETquire, one of the juftices above mentioned, and bearing daK-ad March, n96; fetiing forth --.tnat' hfe whole of the 66 pounds weight of rifle gunpowder for which he claimed the bounty, -wM 'j.,, ' I7j?, ttr work within . the dirtrlft of Morgan, whlcarey and wersbh ewn property. :. - t Giennder my hand this 10th of April -1756. ,; -;'ZnSllee of the Ititjvci jtorthXa -AlTna, are requelled to meet on the ttthday of July next, at the Univerfity; on matters of ennfe qtience. which. will there he laid before the board, and are ahfolutely neceff'srv to be determined on. ' June 16. ij 3 SAMUEL ASHE, Prefidem. The Enalifli envoy.jcol. Crawford, is cone from Manheim to Carlfi ulie, whence he-1 to proceed ;to. the head-quarters ot the l'ri.oce de Londe. Deut5, pppofite Colocke, March j 2, The head quarters of the Sambre and Meufe ar rov wa vefterday tnsferred from Bonne tn r. lognc s a -"-paf't'bf the garilfon'.of the latter place is advanced further intothe eedntry. The works at DuWdorff are. it is faid, fufpended ; there areflill a great, number qf traops on the right bank of the Rhine. " ";. . . -; ---Banks of the; MEiNi March "itiih. We are informed that ill the Auftrian reEiments, witnoni exceprinr'ino'e tnai are at ine aovanceo pods, have received orders to brine in their, depbts- r rrnn mis circumuincc u is inicrcu, wiai a new ar millice may take place, and that during its continu ance a general peace my be eltablifhed. vn4f -FOR SALE. AT THE PRINTINO-OEMCE. HOWOfrsORtirCAROL INA 0R. THE YEAR 1796. W E S E L, March 20. V According to accounts frbrn'Rerg, the Audrians rc continually receiving i'gc rciniorcemenis ar the banks ot the Sieg;; but there is not the lealt pro bability that hndilities will foon commen.ce. , - '"March 24. The reafon of the French withdrawing! tneir neaa quarters to me rvieuie. appears to pe ex plained by intelliEence' we have lately received, that the Pfuffian provinces on the other fide of the Rbinel are not only, to be exempted from afl contributions, and from the forced loan, but that the French'troops wiU'entirely evacuate them in the courfe'of three week's.-' We' wait the confirmntion of this affTreable news.' In the meantime we are' adured, that the rrenth government have promifedtB rdifaw a new line ot demarcation. . . : Our luuation with rcfpefl to tin eland is no I oncer fo critical as it has been tome lime paft. In the mean time our court think it prudent to make every ne- celTary preparation ''rrli'l-'. AH the orders Tor dilmantlinc the (hips of war have been is faid ttiaradmC: faTTJangara will foon pat to fea from Cadiz with a neet ot 15 Ibips ot the line. PARI S, April 1. It .has been; tonfidently reported that the annlf- tice between our armies and that of the Aaftriantnit the Rhine, riai been prolonged for foar months..-le has been farther faid, that citizen Bacher, firtt r rench lecretary of legation in Swiwerland, had juft arrived in Paris, with important difpatches from Barthelemi. If thefe fwo fads be true, we at... . . ' . may conciuae that lenous negociations are about 10 opened. it pfill. A letter from StratfburP'. dated the sith nit. eohfirms the report of the ar mies on the Rhine retiring - further from each other. . it is faid that tne greatelt part of our army .on the Rhine and Moleltt, is going into the Department of La Meu the. It is added that its headquarters are already at Saverne, near Stratfburg. , Aprii b. The nomination of General PJchenrrf to be Ambaffador -in Swedenis not frerterailv :in. proved, it is confidered only as an honorable exile. The Minilters of the interior will on Decadi next give a very brilliant Fete to General Piche- gru. - - .- - - A Tquadron of five fail of the HneandwfrtMte-- failed from Toulon on the 21 (I ult. Its deftinaiion . unknown, but fuppofed to join another Tquadron on the coaft of Spain. -";.""' T ' ;! ' - i De Executive Directory to General Ftchsgru. -jfprH 7. When the Executive Direcrory. ' citi- vwuKi! c jrour icjjcaiea loiiuiaiion,- to name a focceflbr to the command of the army of the Rhine, it em'fied your wifof only in the hoc that you would ftill employ yourfelf in the fervice of sue repuouc, in a manner as uletul tor it as honour able for yourfelf. It thinks, that after havW con tributed fo powerfully to elfablifu the liberty of the rrcucn, you may inoihejrvrayrjicjpjB ' - " 1 .11 .1'.' Ml fl il I m m I J . Jncrnt0tjip4rni jn COnfequence, d. a hegorjation wnjch, we f iincereij jnajej I liroua of vingy.0aa'newio.orj!fLiis confidences minate in a lading peace. , " I ";t has named vou ambaffiidor from the French Re public to Sweden. The Executivepiredrory is per f jaded, that in conductinethe great interefts of the "in aua 111 iiir cemv 01 juur cdpioin n a warrio that of. being, fuccefsfufla ywir political negociations; and that thus you will attain the heighth of your glory, and acquire new claims on -a. t- -w x-v w W v rv 1 1- f 1 . , thenational gratitude. LETOCRNEUR, Prefident. LtOAKOt, aeCiwenetaL : LO ND O N, April 5. Teflerdaya variety of letters and dilpatcheswere received at Mr. Oundas and lord Greuviile's offices, T and alfo atihe Cermah office, StJajhes's, from the' ; continent ;which were conveyed bv a'nteflenger fo"-' the king at Windfor. They are all faid unilofmly to ligniiy that a mediation is certainly onfootand that - Ratification1 Sffi(nhepTTlrnF powers is to be expected in the courfe of the fam- mer.". -.?. .-W:;-: -"--'.,?.!:.. -m.,-.. 'c-i- 'j.-' The Prince ahd Princefs of .OfanWejarewe-on tleirTch-TeWne to Hampton Court, after feeing their daughter-in-laW and her infant child embark tor uertnsny. ;.; ''..". The Emperor is to have aldanfrom England. The precife fum is not publicly known? fome fay four, others fire millions, And many .believe that the campaign will not be opened, on his part, until he receives the money- jancl that this is the'eaufe of the preient'iitlay in opening the campaign. v ' April 6. - Another German paper arrived yeller day. It brings as ufual, intimations of ftich f dif cordaht opnoSte tendeftcyithat.whether the fpecn- lations of the reader be for war or peace, he. will, find matterto juftlfy hii opinion. - - . ' wn nne whole he Inclination of the Icale is to wards a'peace. The letters from Vienna date! that the warlike preparations'are 4lill putfued' with vi gour; but theArchdiikeCharies has riot yet fet out to take the command of the,army: At Cobtebtz, Y.f reach, offira-mfe'fangoitf'tbett 'ckpe4a :tlni -.of" Jieaetwhicli' they" a-reUirdloj only' to adioft the claims of the German princes I If the fatO of the Low Countries be in faft decided, It is not to behippofed that thefe claims can'lon g embarfaR the ;:rW'.t&'. N4 March 12.. We yefterday received by a' prTviteJetter, the mod melancholy accounts from Sardinia! Iiifurrec tion and rebellion are raging with irrefiftible fury iti that ifland. The-viceroy is arrcftedi-t he infur- gent triumphant t and a 'threat maorityJifthe peoi-f Jeciuon4miich"Tesitfat thejean iiidoce Iheejthaoir pTeelirelo put themfelves under the proteftion of I ed cpmbatanfs ttt' prolong the horrid1 iactlfitea' of theJj-ench 1 ihrenghZiiJofefIne-bf ,.: -, ' termined to eflablifh a government on the principles j VrThife accounts frb'nf Hollahd (late" that the'nTttiofl bf liberty and equality. . : ' efforts are making to man their fleets, and torcfior u mm- !' Mb'WX m t ki .-, ;.?' - . ' i-" ,t5r!m ' ' , ''i:I - -v--v;F '"'-' '--' X T -v. ;MP'i " -. It 'S-jZ'-Ji. -- - -.V--rf-. Til- " "! '; v.-' U4 j.' ' A. V; .....:.. it;i'. ' v. "'M 1 Si - " 'II I J'i. -'-,--::.;,4 -fit? AvStN nil - - . r 1 , ... ..i

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