-: - :- : -- . - - ; 1, yy ' " 7 " , ' F A YETTE VILLE ; ADVERTISER, Fr-ETTEVILLE : "Published xvery-THURSDAY by HODGE and BQYLAN: Vol. I. brATE cNohih-Cakol, n a . IN purfuance of the aft1, of the Genend'Mimblv, entitled, An AcY to provide tor the Public Safety, by erantine encoiirWements t manufactories," 1 iflue thisjiiy proclama a certain mation, piv ' V j'lwMBiiiauui l Tng noiiCetliat Jacub Bayfur, lenibr, oHhincombe county, In the dillrid of Morgan, in the Rate afore- faM. did within three mnnrhi afrr .,.-.,.:.. of the year 179;, produce to me, a fample of rifle utn jty. that is to fay 6631b, weight, macf by him the bounty under the a Fore fa id ait at the fame ' - "J r m w llG I a lilt; time he produced to me a certificate, under the tiV;.l VetrU William TnJn,.. J D-J J J , "V "" 'nu aams, United States of -juft cefthe pe. fortdt the lands nfHenrv Weft . Alkanr CniiL.(V.n n I . . r . - - 1 -- '; iu uiiucr the hands of Henry Weft. Albant SmitMin. Rnk.-r - Harm, John Webb, junior, and John yu(h, free- noidersot laia county, certifying that they had leen the laid Jacob in the year and at the place aforrfaid irfake different parcels of rifle gunpowder, and at different "times in t!-e faid year the feveraf parTels were weiglied before them, and amounted in the - whole to 66 pounds weight, atrd that the whole was gooffand merchantable -which Paid certificate was accompanied by an affidavit in writing, l'worii to by the laid (acob Baylor, before William Tred wav, tfqaire, one of the juftices above membotd and beara-g date, 2d March, i-9A :. fetting forth that the whole of-ilie 66? pounds weight of rifle Jtunpowder for which he clafm k.,.,rt'i ..... . . ....wtjf-,,, i.y, m ln the ycr 79J, at works within ..v uiuMu morfi,iu, wnicn arc, and were his Given unJer my hand this ioth of April, i "796. -. - - - - SAlviutL ASHE -W A R S A W Morrh n T"OSCIUSkO,and his lw triends mil iemain pi iionrrs at i ciei lourg I tieir Tumnels-nu eopfidency, gains them the efteem even of their e nfYni Ttl iw.i.il . ".hi . k-i U- but me w ill never work on thfiWectibna f Kbitiuf co. He lives in a palace, ha table of 16 covers, and is attended by a phyfician of the court daily, who has ordets to inquire refpedinhit health in the name of the Emprrfs; bot he has not liberty to WriterHe does . not r-A'lt L ' ' aim will lit Itill for hburs leaning his head on his hand. In his misfortunes one companion remains wjth him ; and that is a nepro which came wirk h'.m "f.L .1.. .l,S:at" tMcad Imtbeea Lisinfepa ...... - VU . AjujceJiexweenRnflis and the Ottoman I 460 nantii makinn office. The navv of thU .i.-l .R:.. .. . .1 med vei.7::r::i?u7ype bir cd U the ?t a of Chf77 'SSt 29 fifties, ,88 Frigate, u floops, making ii S whole a navy of 508 Ihips of warf : "S " . . D.U B L INi April 20. vle10" 7 u o( lhe dd Uipnal buildinKs to the; J St. Patrick .at Waynooiln -.- viiuarc. i neie buildines are to becuo pace of ACO feet. in ; ic luicnaca TO cgi 7 -r-r"- lurxoo-ttoacntsr" grows daily more inevitable. hvcrv exertion is tnlikimt .... j.. , t, o . f tiiuv uur fleet, and the lame exertions are going on at Calf crone. The ereateft iA!ii, oIa ,r. i - . . " ( "-w uitu iu prepare our armies for defence ; ayrt indeed are marched into Finland. Alt fertn dmm ia jr.j.i - , , . V'" . unciiu iiisir kinv tnnr cnnntr iknr ;kuu ..i i.jl i ...&, j, ...... ..nj auu juuepenaence. T1 -LIS BO R March g. ' The Polvoheme. in ludma fmm Rr..:i : -. nas been taken, alter an a A inn nf rnl1. 1,-... l.. (. rrencli Intrate Convent iin f j ct. 'i j . o 6uii3, one nao- on boatd JOjOO louisTtTtr vtluein corals, and about oo.cco louis d'br In Portnguefe gold, and Spanifli LUer. After taking out the property, and Jpiklng her cannon, the Krenrh mi nn - ! ? Eiiglrlh prifoners and left her. - War between i Rtifia end the Porte. e-JL b it March -io. DISTRICT OF NORTH-CAROLINA ; 1 W1' ?orlh-C aroli" duringth The march the troop-fc T'the Ottoman wholeof the month of uue. whereownen ..fLf.ontiei. 1... Una .,,.j.ZC. ne.Vttn,an afforsofftilh are required to rdaketheirentrie., Vnd turt be, w,en Jlnnind ,h. PinTlCi ZSl orrf !! egI-A f entry ot ftills, arid fbrdiltill. that that which has determined'the EmprS fl h.f . fir 1 inakmgan eleftmn; and infractor, ten .he opening of the campaign, teS0nefi" of every .tcr p.fon my reft alTured of having the the preparation's of the Tark, TboVby feTand "lid ws execu.edm their fu eft ntitude. ft uti.f.u. and inl, ,,;.. nt iv.T,- i.::.:Tr.'Ji,,d ,afld! notched to luch diiriller. wVJvurj."" J ..Tt7v"!g.Bi-: d , " " ".' f'J me wily 1 vi in iw u ill me r one, in COnleanrnr lUm on the auantlt of r.V.rir. ii:rt:n-j L i. 1 ... . r . .. " "-u,"ejuence, ine ll9 LdUlCU ill IK HI QWM 11V t . r Of Adrtiiralrv r ..U. n.; ... ... . s r , l ni iv, "arT cruners in and near he..Bk,ttk:hanitfV-flot-6ne day paflerwitWt , number of veffil. Ai wnout .r . --...1 Liuiuitu ot our more vio!. St bt a dozeTvIIL r .u L r. c, ,orT to announce, that on : h" """" or tne talt-Jndia mirLor the uS-f!81"1'"8 lrf vfr)' forwardnefs of the feafon, he price o( bcef andWutton is kept enor moufly h.gh ,n the different markets oftbiscit, . fal "n" " meru" "wing to tlie-brafiicedf " Since, the iipaniiH Ahriada, we drfibf rend of ,efi' wis r W.,r S0'" "herly, unlefs their deL r ' , V," ,or.tlhf Baltic Northern ocean, til! the CI faihng the Dutch flfeet, w,licn, m) dRfJJ- avo dfallmg , with the Eri.lfh tl.abflelJcttVwhkll would fcarcciwhi ntk.-..,:i,. T-i . . in,. rX " ."j " c , were- 10a on the wedera on the quantl.y of (piritsdinilled, that they mufl foJ,t,vet,Mie fncf) eMion tu the time ofyimin the -month June, other wife they will be charCeable with the yearly duty, the fat of J4 cents for every - Cailon or the eanai-it th.:r r:n nm. - .?." PplcWe to thofe who intend to work1 their Iti.ls by the month: It is contrary to Jaw, to cram a I.cence for any fractional part of a month: dir t llers Will take nonce thereof and regulate their . eleaions accordingly as the c.oliecV.ng officers have received mflruaions on that head. 'U ' WILL. POLK, a caufed to be followed by three armies of o 000 Divan, and fhe has determined.o attack fame iiarts ot the 1 urkifh empire, before the French can have tune tp combine their plan of operations in the en luing campaign with that of the MuOblmen. Such aretltcmonves that the Vienna gazette afTiens for the recent noltilities of which wetre informed We are afiured that the Ruffians have already taken the forttefa .f Hoczik and that an armybS" ,t command of general Romanzow has already reach ed the borders of the Dnieller. .- . 7 It is thought that this Hidden Invafion Js an event Th nr; ?uPfrv"or or ll,e Kev"e, N. C. D- il 18 tnougnt that this udden invafion Js qn event "Pove a pace in their papers for two week. -1 that its Tob eft is to oblige th. n,.nJ:r: .a. place in their papers for two weeks. 'District of Faybt Tsvitt'ir, - In the (, urn t of Equity ,-' siprit Tent, 1 796, ;A'MpCompralnantfoTtgffgee7 . r ' '- Again ft T n T , "f ", Defendants Mortga gora LJItLand ahfwer read it was by the court or AJ d?red, That unlefs within twelve months trom the date hereof, defendant arid all perfon. filming under them fince the Dremife gagecT do pay or cauu 4ak-.sj frt brtak all conned inn itl, tl. !,... u . .v.. ....... v.w vailU Sir Edward Feflew Th f 1 1 : 'J "urn raimoutn, dated April i . " This tnorninff arrival mo mn.; '1 Sir Mward IVn',; W:"Ken.0V . . . . ... - "j- - c nave now nine rV" " ui uii,our, ana leverai are carried into -u.w puns. 1 bis afternoon a treh prize was bro't Ml irom the fame fnnr)rnn . tli . a- , , , .'. . f""-uai'er, an l, p5 Rev,0,uf ,onaire. "edibly informed me .l" r-j ".v i jmiu ,u vompiainanr 1 nicer or tne xvevolutionaire. cred blv 1nVrmj.A theT 7 With ,Dl,ercI1 tl?ereon due nd "cruing, that Sir Edward's fouadron had I 5e ?! ihen-t.bf nJ of redemption to be foreclofed frefh convov in the U ,c k W "h 8 - S oZ7r i7'biA"d .'.hey ar. expeaed hvelbonrR cree b, 2li2, on n ?l v ' J.r" "L'.1"8 de' T?S?mT tow'ds manning and conducing the ? ffi ,k the.North Carolina M.nerva. aid prizertliat fheJiadorders make the bfft of Jnn- - ....f 7. .. 1 y iv .uiLiana. - , - - 7-7 the emprefs of Ruflia, having had fufficient proofs c:vr.T!!i 6",T5 ra?ri jo .inreeairrere!ltanni or fc.nfim nun nU . - u : . n r . lortreffes on tha frontiers of Turkey. Jc is faif. thai I T ' o' vnoczin has actually furrendered to -prehend'or them 71 l . .'7 PeHon tale him. would warq - P hlm doro'nfinement,. as.he will iJVr "WV. "ire is any chance M . CORNELIUS WINGATE. --17 "; lui icuocreu to the Ruflian arms t and that Genetal Romanzow has ... cauy aavancea co tne banks of the Dnieller. ' lrU Jhe fuowj"g n exaa lift of the (lumber of officers nf th Rririff. no.... .1 n. . t rH f JA JTr' f7fe? flS officers, tfiat is to fay admirals, yice-admirals, and rear admiraju in. n-- t j w-V ic uu on 1 ne we tern mo el ir 1 hC LutCh' " Pre,ent re "lore jKiIful navigatois. . , f j. - - . "'"nu empire ; andir s a eeneral and receUrl mi.,i .i..l-.' Mt fiiort w h,it I ' . 41 " - ...... ....... .... c- 11, ioilltflMl IdU'lV 4tit trance, bereft of every allv ) jb ,nJ ,ar fate. Ireland, alone, (e.ni. ,r, hit ;,r, ll(.r ihou5bjLh01JJuVdarid u untcd anio eaJlItfr cnniifilnno .. 1 - . ... , 7. . . J-Ju'1 Poured forth Iv. r. beft-blood and tirafure, (eem vol lively to be distged into tie voitex Ur ta n s rum.. Ireland, hole mafculme foiis liave fj tUWtu. ally contributed" to l.i.tch the JaurJ f!0m a foreioll brownd plant trtumpham lyDBertiesdrv. hole hardy, failors hae tortiedjjie Icalof -.iaory on the deep ndplacedr.er, Neptune like, ti e foleaibiter oft the briny element, receives in return from her generous ftep dan e.jnfult, add.U to oppreffion : though agoinzing Hi apparently the laft-ttage ct' her political exjllence, (he Temples not to extrcife her wonted influel ce in otir councils to prevent the ' increaflntr nrnfnrii unit. ....... j:i-. t.Fi' .. .. L.n i. iJT- V" " ' aiiauimy, 01 lief bel!fa,t rjrr anhion-do-tfitaTn . prelent ftand which will entitle lier to any ehanceof luccefs in a finrle rnntfff -Uk". .t... t. . baffled the united efforts of Europe, and rode the enjnraiicewittrhictrtheyreaTeiiedte with redoubled vigour on ;heir own heads fcWith a Rational debt of 380iCoo;osol. the tare intertfl of whiclKofls her t f ,oc,oool. annuallyraddydiff t he monKrous (urn of ic 2,o3d,oool. fince the commence ment, of t he war. which ha taxot S.ocoocol. c , - - -v"l'"r -" i.v.c m 111, cilPiand hna turrhfr rl.w.-.a J r . 0 . ; - - , ui wiid uo.es not joreiee ner ineviiahle ruin ku a t-. n I'vnmiiuw iu iiiconuit. J here is hn r doplK.ty-oMr.f.itt fo ftriking aolntjofviiw ,f his condign ttie flave trade buiipfcfs The Briiiflt porting that, this infamous Wfic fhould teriiinare . ..c.i, uijn 10 iiu moment ipoke and totetf-onthe fide. u,kiA m.j 1i d ... , .. .gvu i II, DOIICr ?'?.wev!!!:(lh.eJ'er.,?a approached thayas to accom' piiiiiWa Celirable olyea, the Brfh parliament 'h.i,ll5 Pr.P" o wfcind their voe, and continue to deal in this profitable; though avowedly unioft and inhuman trade.. With artful dlflimulatioD this im tiiaculate hefohow feems toregret tbch declfiom i a.n-wnveiLOj . . ti iv.u muuiiroua maio tines, wlofe, plaint d)fpofitions are ever ready to ui. voiurivcs on tnis occalion to bo Jett 1 a minority, eeking thereby to grarp a popn- Jedlt ieruDle. nr In inn min. ..i:;. t.:. ..r..ri i flueftce to accomplifc fo defirable an end. , --if in ,. r. y 41' una c it M r Oi X J