nj twtlificatW. whatever has been yet hud to the U. itiji parliament relative to tba o'fiicialnotea which; Ii iVe recently, paffcd mi the tuhjsttof preliminaries to neg'Kistioo between M. Karthelemi, on the pan -.Lxic.reitth, J&qnhJland Mr.JVicktiain, on ilie part of the Britifh cbin7a.''nl?htBT as expect n ions of luih a urcumfUnce taking plac were I or in ed, and a fpirited debate bi. the chilling Hvle of the -ftritilh agent in feeking Co delirable an object, it was hnagined would V tha confcuaeoce. The gun and tnortai battel its wht-fi ' i c erect. ngainfl Morne Fort a tie,' in theJUaSd of, St. Lucia,,, were opened yefterday, audfo completely furrouiwf that fortrefs. that womav naruiallv hone and i- A?ril 1 2. 1'HtB lUDEAwin the name ot ue com--mi(li n -c-bafei -wkh iaakiiie aeporriui the troubles in the South, propofedta defer the report; - and wilhinq -ta-4crve the-paHiona or no party i--wa delirous of Tending a roefljge t,o the Direaory for ' more pofitive information. . ' . tfenfatlc-Ths comm'lfion has faid nothing of V U'e purpfe for wbisli lr Wat formed. Ji was not euVolidied to foment the abominable anarchy of tiie SuUr The Icgiflative body mould at length open Its eyes. - lthoutd ijot iutfcr afliflins to go ttnpU7 ulSit i ; nd as long as there remains one murderer to puaifh, fo long will 1 demand puniflimentrpnt . tbWaliembly. . . Several voices at once they muftjill bcr punith 1 5 rr it a citation in the halLj T : . BcaLibole Idii jiot djflemble, that the (pint of vttiJieaflce which manitefts itfelf 'is' the. precurfor of new irOUDiCS, anl we ciliuui taiiuiaic men cAitu- fion.. But the con'litutlon has consigned to the Di ' rectory alone the nece(Tary power to preferve the ' pablirniiiHTyKcf:hekf8;Uhe legiflative body Ought, not to rejuaiiin indiiFerent fpectator of -. what paties. - '-"-'' I demand, that. the D'reclory prefent you exaft doc intents of the inflation of the South, and that a new commillinn be appointed to draw ip a aneffige, in which the Directory (hall be invited totake.mea.- lures to llop the aflallinat'tons which (lain the South, ,and to intorm us what it has already done to that effect ::-t'.'': - Several voices demanded that the difcuffion e .i l i. J ' , , - . . -if Kaard demanded in vain to be heard in the tu mult, vjch forced him to leave the tribune. In ydignatioo was ', painted upon his vifage, and he me--. naced, both 'ith;oiBe and geftutes, members who reioricu iiin ui iiiiuiit mii.hvi.. nalifls thn tnrned out could not bff prevented ft 'am Macin?' thrmfelves ir the ealleries; He niovedthe orJer of the day ; which was adopted.. A republican otfker aiitKfeveral privaieK dav asm deforced to thEnalidi in St. Lticia the ji(ker gave inforinanpfl ofTNlorne FortyneSeing uriV cferinined, and thit was the determination 0t the 'beSeged t0 bluwMp the hill . as fol Jis they lound all JtU,therTefiiance.?ainj"nsji jiroof of w.Unhe ofiicer. f-id, be llicvved one of 4lie pipes by which He further in- ft us Oitcrr was reieaed DV the. aiely cut and turned anothrt-wa'y formedthat with phe ajMatice of fix men, he Would blow up tlie lull, out general. " BRIDGETOWN, May 2i, ,.. . An' a'dvice bbat arriied yedtrday evtning from St. Lucia, and brings accoum-down to the I f'th in (lant, but.' which do not atFord any profpeel ot a fpeedyecifion, although ultimately themolt drxifive luccefa'ig likely to infue from the ftcady perfcvefancc be in readlncfs ""to ewbaik cti -..bea'i'd the can' beat ir 1 f . : 1 ?. . trom Mngiton, oroereo to receive 1 1, em.v . AtYork, a town on the head of Lake (r.taiio, 40 milesdillant from Niagara, the iuiure feat uf "go vernnient of that province, the public buililii cs y wiih-lirttTicfcTat CtEfin aiealready in conlf- deraule torwarcincls. y The Britilh garrifon, which lias occupied the poft at Point a-f'air, on Lake Chsmplain ever liiue the late war, have lelt it, and 'goiTeTo ar.iija. Byweais--reeeived-.4-tr'ffr3TQ the Brililji were leaving levf al ortliFvi fltrin j.ofts. --.James Hurut'S, Sainufl Lottte aiuly".Vtkin(ony of Salem, hae been imprtlltdon board krit (h fliips rA captain of a vtllel at the Mole wiiics lliat a French pi fvateerrobbrd him of one ham I of j:oikr , 60 wt.rcheefe and 90 wt,-butttr.f lt'ih parties tk T what they jtw; -iheBritifli Jhips w aDLj,uti .the I' 11 wiirrT-pmr-ilHin Pr.lli pnlTii- are ourA a4biuei y uf out ai ni' On the 16th, at ten o'clock' in'tbemornlngTitlt the Britifh batteries about thirteen in number) were opened on the ditiercnt pods of the enemy, and a continued fire of 300 lbot and (hells an hour, kept Lap until Tadtlay rftghfi wpeh detachment of 8co men, under LtLolunel Mc IJonald, attempted the Vigie by ftorm, but were rrpttlfed with tome lot's, owing principally to the feparation of the party from their guide s being killed at the ontet, and an indll'creet fire from an advanced deachmcut, which apprnea ir.e enemy or tneoengn. ... - .Un the lame uiglu. the tow n ot the Caranage was fet fire to, anifwa. fiill burnihg when the above vC'.r left it, at which "tinit about' tvo thirds was con.uied. " ATtlKugh no vifible IftiprefHon has yet appeared rrom our ore on tne Morne, yet it be ng an open fortifi-afipn without'caiements, 1 rendered (Ironp more from its eminence -than fortibi-d ftafe, thert can be no doubt of conli.Icrable fladghier ,being made among the enemy, w,o are completely hem mt-d up within its narrow limits, anu u uit irom all coninHinicarion with the jiueriotl-ihe tvuuirv fo t-ht not the leaft fujv can reach thtm. 't'he yjpris had been twicr. previoiisjoIiogiiaLe- The preitdent putonhis hat. Thisfipnal of pub lie Jaqrfer calmed them for a moment 1 but it gave wav tc more violent aaitation-upon the fiiht-ef lour- . . . . 1 1 : 1 1 t. r- -j z dan- in the tribune, rte impiorea as a-iavoitr-rwtH-iii'!!i. iiiciicen. oue rcnewtu its ani'oyauce tu our 8ar : but ne could not ooiain 11, aim ucr.ccnaea 1 wot ks, wiiicn m.:r ii ijecc.ii.rw looenrov it al.ci.e. the-.- tor; which purpoie the attack was ii-ci made iK. Tr.kunf with Tiiible' difrair and affonr. He raifed "his ads ro Heaven .with. mo(texpre(Tive ,.Arfw .vrlolrtl A t Yon ATf ffrininT 'tk Vril bJ ' - - . . '., a cw.l war, ' ..... -.: : . Ths l'refident wat all this time covered, and the. tumult increased. " The Huilfiers emieivoured to "Tonipetilence.. A new incidenTcaTrlecfThe a glta'" t'nn to its heiehti in a corner of the hall, Talot. jourdan, and tome other, members, had the moll tur:0J altercation. " -' ,. ' ; At this (tcht, the deputies ruflied towards them in croudsc;Tti.umultwas extreme--Tliey4vrougiit' back Lelags,te:i ault, pale and wan, to I. is teat. The prefidenrjIJoulcetTwhouringhis-long fcene wa covered, upon calm being reftored, re- minded them of this fcandalous conduct. " Enough of blood,' laid lie; has flowed in the Republic. "Voatd "VdtT, by the affliftjng picture of new diflent tions, giVrrnt to moe t' : . . The difcutTioa with difficulty was clofed. T " j Benta bolc-reatt hi pro;ofi 1 mns;T4ie council of 500 decrees, that a coninuHioii ot five members lhall be farmed to draw up tt meffage (violent mur murs) which (hall have tor iti object to demand the aflaCfins of the Sooth, and what obftacles have been found ii their punilhment . t 3 What are the mfaiWs 4 tumult and , violent agtauoii)akcii to pf vent ne .v affaJinations ? . . . -.: ."Ti ellhard then read hi "propofif. ion, T TTi at" a .- melLfff thsnld be lent to the Directory to demand the fhte ' of the Southern-Departments, ahd the caulo ot the troubles which aeitate them. . That the deliberation which created the commif : fton be -repealed After the molt yehetrtent tumuli, thetrm-.-ifiires were botb adopted dpr.l 1 3'abre moired, that aU the piiper con ce.nng the diiturhances in the bouth Jhall be lent to the Directory, which brought oii, a very animated debate, at theclofe of which it was decreed, that . all luch papers as- had been communicated to the V committee by the council fhould be fent to. the Di- , rectory ' . On the proportions of Camas the council adopted a refolution, purporting that a fpe-cial committee be appoinrcct to lupenntend tne National 1 reainry. -femj'iurna'iftji, whohad-ftaitd,that in the fating (if the 12th inllant, he, our3an and Ifnari, had col lared one.4natber.and moved that thole journalills IhoUld be turned, put tjt the hail.? - ;: . I fuprort that nbtiotriejtclaimed feveral inem- bersv-r 1 : vf . Tairtert oppofed the motion, on account of its infufficiency for the intended purpoie as the Jour. but. not fucceedirtp, was to be r'ene-.vej wii h ad ditional torce and co-opeartion by fea, the toliow ing night. . ' .... " -i ' S A L-E M, May 31. fort, Caotuijti ih: C o R K i. kit. extract oj a itistr jrnm sffJ pattfiitr, 0 th-t " AccSuiii were recci.ed here yeflerday, by the arrlv-lof ',i (loop of w jx, that, a J rcBcli fleer, coo -iiiline n feveh fail of the line, and ten frigates, had capturedr,aH'llie Cork fleetwhich was eoWoved by a icventy tour ana tne above tioop ot war. Ano ther (hip which elcaped confirms the above. They were 2 in number, and captured in lat. J, N. As the 74 had not arrived, it is con 'lectured the mull be taken-! B O S-T O N, June 6." ExtrdR ef tt iett:r jrytu m mujier oj u vijfei bilonging tt ; - I wtland, to his laiher,ffated.Barba!ioet, April 23.. .'. Yeljerday arrived here a, floop of war.Which j .VV l:ar.nirure41ieJiire rwur r icuiu 74 ana eijni irigaies came up wup them in lat. aj, and took 25 of iheni under their protection ; the other 3, aiidi the floop of war. came on 10 uring tne news, - Capt. -Wayi e,- from Guadaloupe. Informs, that Victor Hughes, has placed that ifland in a fiucTlate of defence; that he has a large number of ftores. lled with pfovifions. and military ftores are in" aounoance. r rencn privateers have lately captured fixteen vein-Is loaded with rtecetTaries'for the Bridfh.. troopS, and had carried them into St. Martins. Tn one of them was found confiderable fpecie, proba--bly intended for the Englilh pay mailer in the -Weft--tndies. Capt. Wayne lawfeveral afkr fromTthis yeflet, of about 10 gallons.filled with dollars, which, were fo heavy,iTwas iinpoffible fat one per (on to move them. , Ties: .No niatttr. Parties at war never 'rcpard ' flrictly laws of juflice or rigtt.: .l-i.: ,r : But . the villainies of the captains of (hips and pri vateers, arilLnot : thejiclf -oJ dviri.fKentn tttrrz fide'. The French government- ver liccrfeel their crujlers jo. rob AniericaniLcf pifiifiunwar.d. the Britifh governmemhis exprelsl) torbrdTheiniprcfltT inent ol American fea'men who have pictccticns. Nayniorej. we hav(; tlKT authority ot our i.xecutiie for aflerting that whu.evei- ion plaint of iniprtfT- jnenthaiJicen-nia d ctour-,.fcv-tiiuiit ard ihei interference requtlted. i pJkaiiox has been nude to u 11 .!- -- . - ' . mc Diiuin governmtni wit 11 lucceis,- ana Hit meti dilfharged. . This has been aflertedrliy the iecreta rjLflLState, artd repeated on the floor ot Cohgrefe.,,, without contradiction. v . w - No'gowernmcnt can artfer at all times in war .. forth, condutft dtitfcvfurtecis, jfjt ti0i.oe and cannot prev?ht the drpreciatir,n.v,i il e'r r iv.a ' p1 teers on American property n.-.y, il eir acjiiinifira tion& inihe iQauds take American prj riy y here , they can find 4t pay tor it w hen iliey plec'le arscl how ihty pleafe, and if they do not pleale, ftiey do not pay icirtt They now owe our merchants ;.v.j .., ....And all their plea is, imfet i,ju Jriff t, .. .il is the fame w'.ih the Kntilh. 1 hi go rriniens cannot prevent the lictntioul'nefs cit' cijiiaii,s--but rednrfs' is: obtained.. en' application, i Lev: Iliv'V taken m li-ons ot- jjfropfrty rmm the AmcricJns Tome -is co:ulenm-cF ', u we :-ijrJ.:j. I nt tf s dor is open for rcdrctj. . Cne ih i-.u ,s cei tain, and cvrry lPT?Kf4wWl?ftff,iPj glint; biilireisii c-"aT:ed on in neutral boiioins. and ' tor a greit-portion of the properly ffi2td and rcm JcmiiVii i ta.nii lscvrr b"t;n entrird Whyfbe-'. caofr the American owneis are ic cn'v ot'crdhlv. -flic rral uwcer'fi are-1 1 1 11. hinc rr: lTie'yrifrr!c:a'I is paid fanxbc-f e makes a great nolle incited- when il (Trtort-ity U taken and lonclemnrcfr bur this ilMrour is iuicf-,', iary to keep the butinefs going on i'h lucte's. , Corntry people therefore, u I en they read ci fti-" Zll'fa, oupht not to believe one half il e're a I injury is done,' which the acci unts on pij er repifc'cnt. f i'HILADELHil A, Jure 9. Extrtb -jt ti t 0 t.tt't.tthw .v.-;;...' t -j. ;.zt hit - . t'.rr.fp&Htiir.t t. f li.p; r bduiea ., - , . -.;6: : 'T here., is cvefy afptarance tl at .he, -Pr-f&frT" Ru(nans,-Dants s nd 5sv r"e ,., v ili.jj'c ai v- 1 ir i:r... courlebf ' this" luOunei . ft c n t Ik- t ( j i s t .1 -:'i( r which ate niat'rg hyfellrid lai ci , anci"'t neral opinion thatlthe Swedes in this poi '; in i.r- ,!.eady for (, arx; oideitd to ten.ain aiii cfol, new- -a fair wind." Extrafl of a letter Jrm 0 g'tfttmsn its h'.- mKvr"h, '.? hii cDrreftiih!ctit:iti this c:t faiid f ri: 3..:ii-c?; The fituaiion of Furfp'e is -ft ti i.s'n.111 fu' ex ceedingly critical :"a w ar js on the eve of- f reakipjj;" out betwelrTie-'!! sncT tf r -Sweefes . ' vail preparations are making by ho,;h powitS: ficsoco Kunians are on the borders of S ecien, nn'l all the troops of thcla'ter are in motion. 1 1 e "Eing oTriullIa Is faidioliave-aartyfi'4e,'oeoiiifB''1''' ready to join the petty principalities, then tonmrrb; into Holland and once more reflore Hit Stadtholder in coniecjHeneeL as i ,ne aneoges,ottiie j rencli liav- N E WY O.R K, June 10. , A ceiitlc-man who left Niaoara tlie jcib ult, in forms, that every preparation wa making by the connected with this eountrv " J. .1 . . -r l: 1--. J iu4frK.i tTi.!n.: r " " " .1 . . . . ' Jipru -iq. iHai-tuiBPtiranmi iiiunriut ut i nriinn ior evacuating tne. parpinn. r"" Pfrmm ior gooos or otner tningt nao oeen tor mmt time ing violated their treaty. On the other hand, iri' confequence of. this republic having refnfisd to ac knowledge the French miniller, .il.ey. hate laid an embargo upon all the (hips of hW flag in theic.ports; in conttquenee ot which, numbers of (hips that ere' ready to . proceed to theifFefentfoudberVport have beep dej ained. Engl a nd and Fra net fee in tar maintain the war with unabated activity ; lo that, in fhort, rfronr prefent appearanre, jt fs'realeJriable to-conjecluie the fummer will find all Europe in' a Z blaze." ' . : ; ' " Accounts from Hamburgh, by the (hip Americj, (late a number of failures" there AVe were e(ler dayfauoured with a lilt of t boufe,- two oifVrich' broke for upwards of a million (terlingfach 1 heir misfortunes arofe chiefly from- enormous fpe.cula-" lions in grain i, but it appears that none of jhem are given by the goyernor,'t hey being fo foon to become" upnecefTary ; in con&cjuence of .which no boats, ex- cepting thofe with family goods, pafs in ; a.nd thofe already there, are-remaining for the free in.tereettrle before they return. The gentleman who brings the intelligence, came in a difpatctv boat to Ofwe go, whish brought orders ior the troops there, to L&fl e eniiig arrived tne hjigftole, capt Meany after the remarkable fliort paflage of 68 days fj.pm.. iiic uic 01 r ranee, puning into iuc s, ui uuuu- Hope bur 4 days ago. . ' ' - - J!cfterday arrived the" brig; Sophia, capt, Craft- . 3on In ;thersicefthir'Upitcit'.St.atev 40 iJays-. frdin Lifbop. TJm the Sophia- came paffenger cap'aii Aichakd O'BaiEfJj who was t,welteyeats in capv tivity at Algiers, - "