r IB I-' 1- e . o It It e ; : .d - :fe,' ti- " T7 lis cvr - . f.i' '" and 1 1 e wrnri:l irrh ttx. : lavv , m.:' at-' I an irts; ere" oris n bar. blc' in' a . rica, rter, f'fh heir .. cula-" iaxe ;any . ftpm..- ood- "tan--days- ipt.Wii 1 cap Vi trait of letter from Gibraltar,, dated' the 14th - ef ApriL, . On the 29th of March, at 2 o'clock, two Ilrange rmed vefT-ls were difcovcrei from tins place, aud SrTnrhutrrtwolo li.wMt:ftnd two cutter brags immediate-, lv went out in mirfult, and about 7 c heard a very fturo cannonading,, which continued till 8, but as r'citlifcr of the lliips have returned, we are ignorant f -he event On the. 4th inftant, a French fqiiadron 'Acn mfii tf.yr 1' frfPts c'"e T 01 C-i-T. where they palled. the winter. The fame 1 v Adiniral Mann failed with 6 (eventy-fours and 'lLc ina tea. having his flagon board the Windfqr-; Calif, ot 9? gmis.: Udl Sunday, about 3 P. M. webearda heavy tiring. which coifti'iTiicd rilf-a A. M. tvir the coiifeqiience . (9 not known he-re. The .',; II, rmifers have brought 4n fcverat Danilh, ,x - l.ciilive ol thglseiiiies beingTTnaWar with us L mr fro' MWta, jni o. 77 Information is juli received here that the emprefs of Raffia has marched -an -army tq.the borders of I inland and ordered her fket to Wetted Out; the lr of Sweden W unacquainted wjth the defign of liumpreTTSnta'ktng tliis meafure, but has given linmeJ'tfite order for his army in Sweden" and in iht-,n,t imwvediatel to prepaYe.for war. : He has ifo ordered to he &0ed hlL .-The courier, which our - abatTador ' Baron, Van iiCtJLt, -has forwarded .from rVterAWg; giving . " intormution of the preparations which are there A makingior war, w a- fnt from feterfburg on the 7di ot March. . The orders wh'uh he gives to the "c-n mandW i n't hie f of -jKjnl and a re t har he ho e ' aim) of that "province flialfrepair to its borders in Older to defend it againltany attack which may be made upon it. . .. . June C apt. Sttittojn, of the fchooner Dilpafcii, informs t'uat-t1loop from S.utrinam brought certain accounts, ot the -arrival tlie-e of a Diiub fleet of jix - msn of war : and til it upon tlS arrival ot two more, which hid been frparated from the reft,, an aitiitkw-ai-ito be made on the EnodWb atieinarara, , who had thei'f a'fixty-four aifd two JVieaies,- and -. -r .f. ,f ... r- ' J 1; r.:i-J were repau ingtiic wdi kj wiicu capu, aiuiion lancu, 111 con!jtuirce ot the tih.ove mentioned intellreence Th? advice received by Cant. O'Rr'en from Co Jonel Huinphrejs at- Uilban. flie.vy-dbrrtnFfeirtpO' ffie United States with the Dey -a-nd Re Stevens, in nine days from St. Thomas's. Qipta'n Stevens left Surinam days ago, andSt.Thon as'a on the 1 2th inftant Before theleit th former plce admiral Braak arrived therefrom Cayenne wiih ; wo infoFm-tha-,iheflririfhorcer-Wd and leveral other viticis. lame dayu.rIcr.abciAaOTajU.jjrti LiawngJia.i)oard jfioQaioapsbjcU-wtat-f la June 2I. Arrived IaTevning, fcfiooner Neptune, Capn Smith, from St. Vincents, and ic days (rom St. Thomas'. . ... 7 Capt. Smith left St. Vincents on the 4th injl. and CHAR LE S T O N, Tune 1 c. Affatn has rhis-ciiy been vifiit'd' with ' Uic dread- ful .calamity ot hre Un Monday la!t, at aTo'clock in the aftcrnoonra room in Lodge-alley was clil coyered to be bit lire, which in a iew minutes com miinicated to the neighbouring buildingi, "1 lie ci-( tizens foon affembled j but their exertions could not Hop the devouring flames till three o'clock on i uef day morning,' .nor until a very considerable part ot the city was deftroyed. At this moment, owing to the confuflon occalioncd by the difafter, it is not in our power to give an exact account of the lofs, or who landed his troops and expected to attack the French parts on the 10 th. : " Capt. Smitlf cohliriris the account of St, Lucia bcirgaken by the Engl ifh, and that the lprs oi the i rench, by accurate returns, was boo killed and wounded, and that of the tii")i(li. lico that thev took about lco menwomen aiid children prHoncrs.fdred of the Brit ilh troops were kilUd. From Sr. . ' ' .1 n;.i ...... - 1 and jvere on board a tranlport at at. VanccntSj-.. ilieir dclunatJon lie eouuiitot learn. out of danger of an attack from a (null (M.itilh (oTaa- dron which blockaded ine river. - At it. 1 honuiK s, capt. Stevens wa informed that St. Lucia as ta ken , by the Englirti about the latter end of h-'"Yjt ai.ttr a brave defence m;ide by the Fch troops ( in the lalt aliault made onjMorne rortune, nine hun- ac- Lucia, it was reported, the Eritilh meant to proceed to St.Vincent's, wheit the natives were very formi dable and after the hurrieane monthsThey iunnd ed to attack Guadaloupe. Capt. Stevens was taken .by the Bull Dog floop rif -warj -andxatriedinto Tor-' la r m m as-reteaferlai teTisaTOfswrre ex amined. ' J: F AYE.TTEV.IL LE, Juns 30. - ) jfjpinimtt3 by the 1'i ejldetit cj the United Ztetrs. Fredrick Jacob -WlcheJhaufen-, Conful cf the Li nked Statesof America at the Port of Brenicn. , David Howell, of Khode Ifland, is nominated CommiHioner to fettle the aftern Boundarits-oJf th lJnJtedStaies,ta the-roorrroTHENRy Kncx re. '1 he treaty 1 1 1 part 0 r"vicv of Elmers are nor yet removed. iiltff hei'iii; nirr4' jeopardy, by tbefe' unexpected .de hv, the lafe,i.y ot American vellels enrenng.tlic Me diierraiiMn has become extremely, prceanous,. It mould alio V remembered, that no treaty has evei; yet bwi 111 ,nle between the United States ami the government ot 'funis. aod Tripoli.--" Merchants and otlicr cif7.en of thc-JUn'tfd vtatn will henrit frt the hazard to which they will expofe their property j and the liberty ofTfieir feliow-citizens, by engaging in the pie ent IU:e of things, in commerce within ' v t'.jv: liriits.of Gih'-altiir. . . I MOT i i Y "I'iCKEWN'G, Sec'ry of State. D painment of State, 7 ' . - '. - June 8th, t7i;6. y " 7 ": rr- quainted with the city will conceive the damage 4one,ort being fold thateixhoo feifl areirtt7eet7 from the Bay to the corner of Churtii-ftreet ; all Union ftrtet continued ; two-thirds of Union flreet, Church ftreet.from Broad Ibreetto St Philips cliurch, with only two exceptions! Chalmers and Peref. ford's alleys? K'mloch's court i and the Nortlulide ot Broad Itreet, from the State-houfe to Mr. Jacks, four doors below Church Jlreet rand, five houfes on the Bay,;from the corner of Pjieen ftreet, were burnt to tlie ground. The public buildings deftroyed "are the French church, and the Upper or Beef Market. Stn Phi lip's church was on tire leverel times, and ultimate ly null have been deftroyed if a fpirited Negro man had not afcended to the top bt the cupola, next to ' the vane, and tore otf the (hingles. The private buildings Jeflroyn?, and the proper ty they contained, ate of immenfo anioimi. . L Five hundred chimneys, it is faid, have been count- tterling is luppoieri to be a turn tar fliort of the va lue or there buildings. The goods and furniture deftroyed are probably nearly equal to I'lis turn. ai4r-jii, thr firff'a- yhirr Wsn7sTrog'liml'lvT figned. The Intendant of the city of CharleloxiifiuecLa- fjnrelamtion on the i6ih inft. otFerjng 0 n e t h op - sand, dollar reward for, a dilcovery of the per lons who have lately fet fire to that city; - ExtraCi of a letter from Bojkn, June f. . ' " " Tbe fliip Barbara, capt. Holland, beloging to thii port, arrived here yefterday from London, loaded! with flour, (lie loaded at Norfolk, was to fell in I'rg land, and proceed to Ruflia, htit the cap ain t,oc being able to obtain more' th . h eight dollars per bar rel, thoughtTt beftto return." x TTave not learnt, was killed by a pipe of wine fallin on him ; ahdtTiree or four negroes were killed at Other periodsV" Mr. Charles .Banks had his leg very much hurt. .31r. Laurence Campbell, Mr. Henry La ichefttr. and Mr. Jofeph Verree, were centiderably hurt while exerting tbcmfelves to blow up a houfe in tJroad ftreet. We are, happy to add, their wounds are not tnougtit dangerous. NORFOLK, June 13. On i S iturd.i V arrived here tlo; inip l iiomas, capt. j . Griffiths, troui ' Jamaica by whom we received ' Kingfton papers to the 14th May . The onl arti cle worth notice is " ThatthjHbip AyjeJhjstxrkttCftrkJaxomt..- pirflfwitih 2 7 o fier veill'ts,- under coBvoy of the thip Laurel, caitain Rolls, arrived at Kingfton on theth May. On the t ;th ot April they taw nine'? fair-at men of war which vhey trnik tdJjutchy-"-JJtfiM3a': to nvtty -4m timetyiael he fignni to' difper.fe. The Adive is the onljojie. of tlie'fleet TJ Jlfy of the o- --itifTw.iII fall bitq iH? Bandvbf the enemy, as they were oply tblce leagues JltfaTTCirffoin each other.' ; Exira8 ' tj.a hiier p om a gentleman in CarnarJarqua, dated Maf. ' ' - ".The Br'ulfh are making every preparation to "e ia;ra and have already ditinounted their - tani,v;r, ahci. moved fonip of jtheir military llores'on ti'.errown tide of the river into a new magazine which they have built." ' , S A VAN N All,- June 1 7. - lelferdav . arr'i.v,-,) irljr Mary, Thomas Coffin, 17 "yrn St- Bartli.doirieyi's.Three days previous to his failiflga letiter was l received oy-theHrterrcb-' ,r"m St- fuciaj-and whicli mentions that the Eritilh had niade three attempts to force the bat teries which commanded the Carenace at St. Lucia, -VamHsrere reoulfed wTrfirhe lofs of - i"inrn kilfrrF '-iiaideil in rfir Mrit j . . . . - -- ------ T 1 " . '. 1 ' -....-H.l , UVUUIVI V Uflllf Jigthing drcilive wau iWiveTwhenhe failed -XIapt,. Shaw arfjyetl 'af"St'rffarlBioT6''mVw's';.5wr - days before captain t of?., failed, from Wilmington, r I ?' wno on ,0,h 'fiy", in iat. 21, 301 long. sSJ, to. fell in witfi a FrcnchilpeF, of ffalj of tbe line, 7Jfri gatej and. a number of ' tf auiVorts 1 was 011 board hf Admiral, and verv hn ndlomely treated he left them (leering iheir 'couri'e WS.' W, but did not ,.': ,ern where bound. . '-'' "' ' ' , , TBeleare all the accidents we haveyct.hrardof, and we have no reafon to believe that there are o thm which' will be atfended with any fajal etfeas. " The' dlftrefled fituation to which upwards 'of two hundred families are reduced, by this difafter,' is eaiier to be conceived than defcr'ibed.; or how num ber's of them will be able to obuin places to fhelter themfelves from the vicjffitudes of the feafons, is hard to fay. Still it is to be hoped that theltizens whole' houfes have efcaped the flames, will exert themfelves, as they have heretofore done when the like calamities have vifncdtheity, in providing for them fuch acebmniodations as may be in their power iu .uioro. -. VVheiher rbs rhisfortune is the efferl ofdefign or accident is not yet, & perhaps never will be known ; from the examination made on the foot, where it was faid to have fir ft began, by the iiuendanf , thert. itaiuu iu luppoie was int work 01 iome incen diary, but no prooFisyet offered that will fix the .crime on any perfon.- -v:"-"'- ; ' -Bjrthe arrival ofcapr Conolly, from Jamaica, accounrs re received of'theflgHfb cruiiers ha v ' ing taken fixteen fail "of American veflels, coming from French ports, among which'is the floop Polly, belonging-to MrTrenholm of this city. The pre , text now iifed for condefrmatron, is that everv A- merican refident in-the French iflands Js citizen of. or courie, any proauce fhipped by them is a lejal prize,' .;.' . ..Ui.-: ,'-..--; 1 htf following ihrelligenccTsf(bed by capt. Pelor, from Gibraltar . : ''"- About the middle of April pofitive actoumsjvrcrs. received at Gibraltar, from different"parls of tlie Mediterranean" that the Dey of Algiers had de clared 'war agaihft the king of Denmark i that his cruifcrs were out, and had .taken and fent to Algiers eight fail of Danifh merchantmen. '-.. , The fchooner Eliza, capt. Graves, of Boftnn, was FAYETTEVILLE RACES. X WE 1 lie lublcribers tio j roinile to pay or caufe to be paid into the hands. ot Robert Cochran and Ruhefon Mumford; elquirts, tlie funis annexed' to our names refpectivelyT-lor the purpofe ot form ing a purfe to be run lor ophr old race ground, near Hay r Mount, oh the laftT ljurlday in Oefober next, tree for anyjhj assrifftVlollowjng teims, viz. v :l Three mile heats, agicF nags 10 carry . t3lb. ix year old nags, to carry 1291b. Five year o:d na gs . -. -"rrrrclift ' FiSUT' year o'i nags; - lodlb. ' Tlii excar oldiliag?, -. ;- -- v T - , rclb. ' Ch). tlie Friday ioi'kjwing. syl brttin Tor one IiaTf rttbtcriptraTTjtWTrtniSt heats, caTnlng the ahove weights and filbjecf 10 the lallie 1 ulis and regula tioiit as arc oblerved on J hurfday, .in every rclprrc whatever r-And on Satmday. a Iwieprtake 10 he run (or, m le heats, .tree fpxisaUllc hbrtes only, with a catch upon ealu . 7 " AJXn agsJwiiiJiay-4e7eivteretr;-fl'Trl Y i i a v en he! r age judged, of by gentiemtp, 0 be appoiii'ted for1 th .t purpofe, whole decilion fliiL be tnial sr d con clufive. , r . . An'V rVJer wfio fliall attempt to crofs Lis rdvef- fary while running, or pofe um fhall be dceiiif d autanced jJ.and the neat althcuglMnbyjciijridcr ' Iball fpr tithe lecoiul beft'naT s-'.' .. . Whipping, TporringT joftling, or ftr'klrg either the rider or horfe, (hall be ronfidcred foul riding, and the rider, ftf offending, fliall be deemed dilfan ced, and (ball not be permitted to ride again during the continuation of the races; : .... y ' ; All nags fhall be entered threerdays previous to a of junningjyith eithwop the ntfenTrn appointed to receive the fubfcripiion money; but may enter at the ftaTting pod by paying double en-, trance money, .- L rubbing and not mpre " One hundred and eighty yards falLbe conJLdered as a diftance the firft day's runmrig one hundred and twenty raids, the diflance on the lecond day'a runrrmg, and fixty yards for'the fweepflake. " All riders to mount when called upi?nv-and' fuel) as may not beready to flart when the w oid isi givenyfhalrabide by the confequnce. Riders are cautioned hot to carry more than their Proi?er weight without publicly declarirg the fame out two pounds fliall be allowed for the variation, of fleelyards. ; .' : V "" ' -. v. Mo rider, to alight from liis horfe befor coming 4o theTcate'or fteeTyarSs, and fuch as may be found deficient more than tw bound's, ftrarl -hirTleensd didanced. ' : :-' '.. - The winningnag to be excluded the follpwingday. .The entrance money to be forty 'fliillings the Jirft. day twenty fliMing thejecond day- and ten fliil- ii jue iwcepttaKe. ' rrT-TvTUMf ORD, byla yeffel under national celoufe, Which pluudefed her of a number of articles, and the fpecie which her outward carpo fold lor. and which chafe a cargo of brandy in Certe 1 capt-. Grave's wai wounded in attemptine td defend the Mr. Rand who was alfo on board, wrote an account" 1 ui 1 uc iraiuacrion to mr, aimpion, the American conful at GlbraltarTrecaived no perlonal injury.- Juhi 22.r Yefterday arrived the Ibip-Ophir, capt. ROBERT CQCHiLAN WHEREAS my wile, Cii a istian has ' eloped from my honfe, and deferted my bed and board: without due provocation, or lawful caufe. I ;do ; therefore forewarn all perfons fromjruftjng,oc . iMdiiiiuiirjg jcr 00 my account, as 1 anxreioived not to pay any debts fo contracted. r!: . . " - ll, ii.;"i.mRLijiSr CCLQUHOUN. tfun Countjf June 30i. ' : 3 - - - : ' . ---t- :v:- 1 V . vm '?! Lv -V 1 f d if I tT. : ' I I:' h 1. ? 1 1 441

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