v. THE NORTH MINERVA AND F-AY ETT ET ILLE AD V E RTI SER .FAYETrEVILLE Published every THURSDAY byIQDGE and BQ YLAN. ,. I'M. I , rCi ".if !,". -,-7-; - , fj j v ZiZZI-lheTactluusk prevent 1 heir f .jU.riK4frf- A ' - I - I -1 tl IIlTV 71 U I their orators, every thing announces that ihcy me ditate the darkeft plots, and which they will exe. eute, if tber government the fincere republicans do not wtch iff concert. The conllitution is at- taaVeA an nil 'CAr i mnA wbKi-V M f.i..:c- " .IUI I'lllti I fome of the jfegiflators meet in Lfccrei LtthetpmbJ rrhelr nmtM Amnnir tlvm on am.n ... I a..:... ...I... A laT .!.!. I.... P.i two parties, who ft rue file with heat ao-ainff their Atitv anil the national will. "Thele kiliu it. .J - vantage of political unity j and their dlfcourfe fol-' w--- ......... is nmwij iucjr arc ufed to frequent, thejr explain the lame wkhour re" anA' 'tmr:ir with VfirnKoii ft if... -. --HMy VHI X - r initrjtuftce tf th: topii.'' This go iU . eJ, repeated. iTbe larking rayalllt feizes tipoiL jti rie perfUiides hjmfrlf hha fojrjijs chiefs, the depo 1 Jltaries -of the Supreme Power r Hope nouriflies in -- him thetpirit of revolt, and henci the complaints, the clamours; and. the. eternal agitations which tor- - t ment theounrry.. " , - ' ; L-- . The. groups- affembled yenerday on the terrzoe of the Keuillans, weie more n. microtis, more lofty "than ijfual. Their conipjsinrs . ft-emed to refemble .menace.: The patrolesdi.perfed them without re fi'hncet andjjtejjJMftopoi) their retiring Down wtrirttlc Clionans who govcrmjs." Several merciianis talk ol augmenting the price of their merchandize. , . ...r . . The ITliiniliir 1ml irilr-rAtu r 6 o. tl I ; . - ;-!j;,i'wni oj iooj per cent -r" "n?l7 once more lurrounded oy all the pomp of war. Thegovernmenthaa- aflem Wed the troops and eflabUfljed camps around the T- .oa. iivfi. a iHJ JicjifOunn or Alarm an h t . corwJ reyery tluns; is-perfcflly calh at prelentf the Jacobins have returned lo their duty." Of thofe w,io lurm co.ijeciurei and leek to divine the fecrett ' of 'ffftvernraenrliiiiie are nf. nn;n;r. . i,-. ..! fures have been adopted to refrraio the audacity of the Jacobins previouvto the trial of the aflalfin of - " picmocroit whole TCleaTe it is Jl'WwqW.S'ey have laid fome plans ---Others be-' Iieve that it is for the purpofe of enfurlng a free- ,,.v .vg...WTc uouy, in tne an- r; ft lupprcuion ot popular lo- tiettes : but thofe who pretend to be more profound id their political (peculations, lay that the govern i. i ,ment have been led to it by a dread of revolt? On the r-' " worsmen ana uoourers; who are to re cene their wages in mandats. . .T.-- The mod trifling circumltances may, in faft. en able the Mnnia.. f -"- . ' .. . w iuiiiita jmr loea ot the pub- lie opfnmn, or rather, of the opinion f, the' rnulti- T w u was lately remarked, on the Procla matwn of the mandats, that the exclamation of Vi - le ,a Repoblique ... thundered r forth" by the officer repeated Jy.a.-fingl perfon; Ar told and .Ui..y mence prevailed ; or rather inltead of the ' - ,ra,ti,n of formerly evinced, every fymp torn of ddejontent was how viable. There is a claTs r -- nno arc aiways d.lpleared with the meafures v ' V, ,"',uu oen9Jn-J09tejjjfi peopJer but - rno are Teal lv fh-n.mi-. r . i.. .-.fi. .C Md can alone be kept within the bounds of duty by the hghtof cannon arid bayonets.;; - 7 A menage was fent from the executive direclory. at mg the amount of the levier of the forced loan ' Its toP,men" VrfaCtd livres, affig. ; W tl n,Unt 0 I'tSTMhtooUvra have beeb Id MT. ntof.oo,xx. The council ordef . --?ttof-l.h"inel6fi 'o Sprinted. 1 GoHuin-.. The?, rmy ofluly has be- HanCampan with fucceft i move-that TllC na nt- Hi 0 11 K.rati ttrriiAl!nqt.w ttilr fo a ta bceaCly djtlinguiflicd from other paper, and mnlu ahI r . . i . .1 ' I 1 1 juuui. in one manuiactpry ne worKinen uiau engage themfetves lorinally not to quit iht i niaoufats tory before tiicir operations e finiflied. : - Immediately after the Tmiflion of the 24ob niii; Hon of mandats, the itiftrumetits and plates for their fahficatjod m.uis.Ot and molt of .a i l . r iuas commenc ed. I have to Eive vou an iFFn .t.L.i . - Montenotte: V" lue Mtt,e ot " ."eitiovenjebt to deceive us Ge- " The General Prrvn-.: j . . uc luiuiers en iir-.. i - . .-.u -uiukm tne vigorous me a lures which hivelvtn tsrlffn in t..-i: .i.:. . . v uja Eli klicill , t.licr are go to hide their fury, Jwtlwir-fubterraneous caverns. - Theip groups are difterfed.nPjris. Wears dii appearance ol tranquility. UUt govgrnnfent mutt not relax its vigilance ; it muftAot be forgotten ffiat though dilperfed, oh the I2fh Germlnalr laft year, ,!l?..'Xiorifls again aUacked the National Coiiven. tibn oit the ift of Prairial,aiid dipped thir hands n the blood of Ferrand. ' , During the whole of yeflet day, patrols of horle conftantly paraded the -bridges',' and difperfed tfie groups wherever they aflembied. v General Duthil has forcibly ililfolved tin affbeia. tionhich.had heenionnea at M 1 - . M.IUVI III. (1U Dei lation nf Th. I ti- fcTl.k-.- -iu-i:-r," . , . . J A iV VI UVI CU I w. lit V. LHIVC an tneaoorsto be locked, and the i-.r1ft.M r,j i redoubt. Th- i.i. )ZJLl:irJ:lJJJ my, upon my ceinre, which was f,4.-j .ZZ beishts of Midnna .V .i-r- y ic kfnrrriT all thi rU:"?"? m""ea Pt ill bad beef Ateo CKJ .ttathi: redoubt 6f Monte Ko behind the entrtentf,c,,--?rf vera, time, charge, b'thh Sb by j too' men. was rendewr? L,. uf" eouraee - of thole ir ,CD,C . y . ? r . ,o vu,u"'anaea there tvnn. an oath to die m a n. ir j , r 6" -mtccia ; i mover mat lhall declare rh,. .1. i ii i r- , .-.." o iii my urn wen ucicrvea you ot the country,? rL-"'1?0 lhat the aCC0Un"' ort,e mf.Pg- nC,d, fay the. armies of the Republic.be 5f',ed fuP,nPI!i jFouneU in the manner they r4 in that ofjhe Elders." Adonted. ' termontr in the name of the tnmminn Tf y. -fences, declared. 'ti..r .1.--Vi. : :- Hi.au . -Jv -Uljlllli.lur-JII BIU Cn- oeavouredto make the public bd.vehat the mai flat! Will lfvm .1 r 'r ' .. ... .....w .mc lame.tate as auignats " No, laid- ne, theLeg,flat,vc.body w, fooner difli.Ive thein Hi !f v "ot lkeeP'tl''' promiles." Fermonr fi--,1, I y'v?r-v rtg folutionin ordei to accele dopted rlcalion f mandats, -4nd which wasa . The following are the fjbjefls ta wl.ith. it xtCui. 7-vea.,luPedrodlions ofj,la)dat,.of ihej.value conduct was, that the. objeft of the aflociation- was IOnnihllatei-the exiltina- nnefinm.nr i-J. 1 " " llore the conftitution of 1 793. -Tbe arnicd force is augnientedttroop are-en- cstuped in the plains of Greulle and Sablons s one -w.umiu a 111 Luiiiiani inii!f.n ari nfi.. 1..11 ... .1 1 -r "... ..y. rauiu lull JJIlilil in the fuburbsoX Sr. Anihoiue. ' ' - At iviarieilles, hi obedience to a oroclamation f oen. aerviez, all the arms in the town have bmi P v.... 10 mc places, appointed to reVeive them tbe.?N.?Uh'3 Rreat Commune is ditarm ea.. I be citizens upon guard find their mulkets c7e- ry night at their port, fo that thcy go to the parade as to the public walks.' with tlW ..a; :. .1.-:- The inhabitants nf Origan, rrtmnl?. 1 ,JI. . c the military defnotifm ex-rcCeA Ki ti.. ...-!! e rc V"1I1UH til oers, hvery citizen who has the mfnr,n. wear powder," or a . decent coat is infulted. -The "Obferver of rhi Snnt r. H. .u.l r : r- iiuna, mat menial ter of a veflel. whirh l.ft r..r, . ... , -j- mi 1 iic 14m, ana arrived at Marfeilles on the 17th, reports, that at his departure, the people of Genoa, tn aflate-of inllirrection. had taken nn rma J ,Um- .1.. v 1. ,, . - r -" liiai 1IIC i ICIItu tmif ra"" received orders to quit the town, The fhio Which rarrierl nt4h l..... .r : metU to itDommgo, failed from Rochefort with a ....... ...UU,.U1C Wlna. ire imp which. accompa nied them beyond Cape Fihilterre, has returned, cud brooglu word that they Had. efcaoed all the K.nnr,n; cruizers. ... .- . 'art of theil!'artrs-rr , . .. -..vau. on-,, uiai-cq in the cam tormeif Ttnrle? rhar iii. rTil3V-t ... . . ., r " rm;, III mc Plain Ot Ltrenvilie TkSia... : :r? ji. . . con- p aiif oLGrcnviliebis camp, it irfaidAs to lilt Ot 2O.00O then.- . It nfiirA ; nr . ,. -..j-v . nut nuiiw ii. I ne day before vi-rtrrrUv . made at Ivry, , vjllaw in thtf neighbourhood of Pa- "..v.. v.iiiiBu iviauicvner was arrelltd on a Chartre 1 havintr-rnmman.li..l i .l: . f f f . "'a "v"-"-" oi.ine armed force of the feftion of the Luxemburgh, in the month ot Vendemaire. am), nf P!f-ri;nn.' k i r . -,.- "'a u" i.orrcipon- dencejwith the emigrants. ". ' -,: rAnA) T.... : . j. if. . .. i r- . ' . - - loth Ifmtofc. The ftnrllsir ir,ti:n. i..- proved that there is nothing facred in their eyes.-: ic teroay a ciiwiiofl ot their fh?ps of-war jcarried 0fF under the Fort , 6f quulette, in the moll open con 'emPl of he rglits of nations and neutralitytwo final. efleU'of the RfnnKl;.- tanatl... ,t.l. Ii.. r- le Nemefis. which hail lieeii lmfoi. L.t ri.r a- . -r-" ""-""v i.ii ii viii v,ic r.raics. io complete their wickednefs.when at the pjropofal of their Admiral, I fent for the erews-Af-tlie fliips they.;had taken, -iM Brigands would not give up the failors,- Vengeance, French-' men! Vengeance!" - . - .. -dpril.l; W re .(?..i-l rli, .CJ rli-.;""i' . . . t-. wwKiiiy o. racn, j Vii two c5untils nw amounts, o one During the nitrhr n.a i T .1," 1. : .... . opofthej-ighMookpoftb of Monte Lezmo. At an hour after midnht I -departed with xhe generals ferthief and iSii ? the commiffioner Sahcetti, and a patt of the S " of the centre and the leit We moUd by Altire ' upon the flank and rear of the enemy - -'t?r -. Oh the 2 2d at bread'of H-. :.i:V.Tirt- . - j . , 1 "toliucn wno nan received a.einfnrrm.n' .i-t .-n I f Tsa-fS'.:, " '"---anarpe, attacked W V Is m a U g0ur and d5fferent iuccefs, whetl -Tn i ". - mowing death and ter ror on tire flank and rear of the enemy, where M Argenteau conaaded t the route of the encmr ' J"." "'"pletei two of their genrr,ls, Roctavih'r and Argentea; wer-. badly wounded. The lofs of " thr enemyvas, between three and fourthnofand inenror-wnom'nirtre "tK. .i--..rj . . ..,. vwu iiiouianu nve hun- dred.weMdeprlJbrtcrn wrnd 'rsrftaken. 1 te engaged, I will fend you a detailed ac coont -which may make known to you thofe to whom theirountry owes a particular acknowledgment. Generals, officers and foldiOrs, all f-pportediti th niemorableaff.iri the glory of the French name. ' -.Signed- -r---. SOPNAPaRTE, " Tiie nere. Jn tneiittmtt of yenerday, the followiDgmeflage was read by the ' e wic loriunarejjattle-: -of-Monpnotte-, whichwe ihf6rmed youlf by oor ' meflane nf the iA r.v.:. .k ...... '. .i , 3 . . . , ..... n. oiuy ior tne .invincible arniv nflt ,U !,. ,-t.,J. r.J n- "-" rv f"-,uio luccenes mil more brilliant--. We have to day to announce to you - ".;i.vcvi.!e ana moit memorable, gained by thataIW t Monte Lezino over I he united Pied--1 montefe and Auflrian irmii . V The enemy lpft jhjiuli i n i". """ana were naae pnioners. They Jolt ilkewiO. AnT..m. -r ' . . ' . -V--T..1- fw. ui v.iiiiun, wnicn norics, mweSj and ammjjnHjonjraggonsr i Htand-oto- loiirs. all their em;n. -J 1 . , Ti-r-..-.f6v iiu lEvctai magazines. ' Our tropps generals, officers foldiers. all are covered with olnrw ,nl W-r.i"it... .ti . , . ." " " lucvg locmieives uuciiu iuc name oi UDertv. : fuccefs of our army in ftaly has not flopped In tbeXming of the council of Five Hundred hundred livres a day, -'It irfaidnhat theVift. the trial of the aflkffins of September." 7 " "The General in rhlef j? ' retted rhi .n.A ri,. .i 1-. .'. fe . ' umcr p,cnerais wno lecond- , ed him in the'moft diftinguiflied manner, are La- harpe, fBgereau. JvJefTena,Cervord,Core;Menarde, '-u; imnert. - This la(f was wounded in leapiun intu the an..n.itM.H.. c .1..' ' n . tne entrenchments of the enemy, Two generals were killed at the head'of their columns, perform ing prodigies of valour. - v c ",The '.en.Prpvera, who commanded the Auftor ?ardiaian army," was made prifoner, after kavine evidenced the mod gallant .refiftance, wiih fome re gimentiwhich were taken with him. .. ' You will declare' without dolibr, that the. wtbt l8-?J,!r' deftrved Weir orita country." , ' "This declaration was made upon the tpftant tV acclamation, and the council tefdlyed, that in two 'I ? '"Ail f ') -i - 1 k& III -.aSj'.H JU J .:;' : : i v.:.-i;j ., ft 1. 1 -.,- hm ..4....,.. m -4--,r 1 r

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