v' I' 1 1 :t - 1 ?! P if! f 1 1 1 ; i1 t m m III mi l If r: Jf Iti- 4' . - 1 I ,.f "lioirs it mould ngn'in. read,the meflage ofdirectory, ..which Ihould uc priaie.1;. pulled up, and lent to "all the admjitilirattons and thVariv.ies. ... KINGSTON, (Jamaica ) May 25. 'Athf tever ijch .kJlWttL "IXUAi-lut-uto "pTiasrliniifiinniiue$To Raffle th tit tl medical abili ties, we thrtik it inctimbi-nt on us to mention, that 91 hoard one of the veliels where mint tea was giv en plea.l.'Uly to the 1e amen every day, the whol crew, with the exception or one boy, have recov ered from the dread:ul malady. Extratb-of a Tetter from the Mole, Feh 21, , " On the toth of this-mnmb; aooo fukly troops arrived fe"f.tr(tn iibr.liar -fome are lett here lot .t'v; recovery of health, and the rell lent to Port au-. frince tor the 'pur pule ot ttack.'.ng Lcogane. fcuch rftrethe-rava jjesof d rfc-afe that it i 'the- general opt pi93tbert yi uji bc2JQ leit in 3 months, There -were a n iqt t'i - lamLd litre- 4 "trtotat x;t, cr w hiclr they cannot now. multer more t tun able to do .tilt-., ..! I 1, . .... kaan tn(imii.fl t..,- n Cmfitmn , - !... ' iiavv 11 ainui Miv U I'J. Hijvaijij ll'ttl thev h ive buried 8aj foldicrs at tin Divt .hi.ee Airii alt. . - Fwo day t here came a trlgatc. into this .portfrom St. Milk's, where (l.e h .reported to hate . buried j j men n three 'veeks, which 1 believe to be capv as-tliey imprflrd every feamtn here wjLia.,t.mjwiiJOj'!aiHy orcottntry.- I netmp suc cor has no-or 40 luuve Amewiifri. which (he has impreTe J t and among thew three or lour cniel "jrtatrs a-iff anbtfeer Titan of wTr has got "Jo7"I lupv prtfeTley Jiae miJe a fii.e ha il at r'ort-au-Prince. firere ocintoat too fail "of American velTels there.w .. The Tartar u arrived in die outer harbour i a U a'K a Hritiin privateer brig or 14 guns: ' -. ,., , Since our lad teveral v-flets have arrived' from t.urope. lliey bring no later news than before re ceived, exfrnr. Thar lififrililii-S haco rrinmmrnrl .bttateen the cich-4 Mri9n7nart,c-kxr .uiois ui iKiimri ana wir nuitro-saiainin army has been 'twice defeated, with the lols ot 14,500 Hy captain bhfpard, who arrived yeltrrday from llanrf. 11 llirri. Iltrl Kti raniffiltartAn whites are to remain tl.ere in tull polTeHion of tlu r""fv,'V "v lu.iwiciii 10 niiKi, a iiu 111c mulattors to be tried ior their lives, 'l iiiswas re ceived at Dominica by a packet w luck arrived the" uay ocinic tdJH. oncjlliartl laueti. . 11 was tnougnt the BntiQ would lliortly proceed -eainit GuaSav -vuw. . a 3 A L JE M, " June 17. Extra? of 4 lifi.r i ec: it'Bil fi om a k u,outn bihuin . ta th!S toii, aul d rcEled to his pwn.'r hre dated JJlc .tf-Trjiic , March 2 J, I-9S. " . --- -TThe JVfiile!iy privateer arrived here 5 days ago from a molt iuccebtul. cruize oi" the Sand Head in the Bay of Beiinal--au.i has brought in all her priz es 5 the mo't valuable of which is the Triton Kng lilh Ea.t-Indiaman frmn Madras for Bengal. The circutnliances of this Wptfire are perhaps ibe moil extraordinary tbat ever occurred,' and re as I'ul laws the Modeiiy had at 61 tt but So men, and had - dillnbuted the greater number on buaid jicr ot he: . prizes : when the Indiaman. hove in fight, a Bengal - pilot fnow (which was a prize, to the Modeiiy; and which rhv tiled iiS-a decnt V-flii-n bar )duii m.... aTTIfon:,'tiarayoaua iuai ,iuituwi.,wiM aims iiiifl uiiiiiijnmc 4111 1 't 5 rri":ihlif an nnlv ttnt nn hnnl ami viihfii'nr,! ' and pilot in hand completely mailerrd lirriu .boun j) iiiMjidt ins tiiui I'li'iu fiiu i ciii upcans on ' b iard, was weil armed and had taken 30 men extra from Madras The Engli.h captain, and 8 or to tnn were killed ii the action the relt run below; and were lecured. 'They then captured another Areild, -which the prifoners ranfomej, and bailed tbr Mflr.ii. The irenerous 'Kreneh cant a in z " . " 1 ' younj; hero 1 years old J gave, the palfuiiera.J uiiivu wiihiii viv 1 1 mui., ii iucir prwate properly. He foirght tbeitnglilh captain hand to hind, and (liot him with lils own piitol. - u laem-i ", f ie Vlodslty wa not In company, at all and in - "derd it would lia"vebeen a lad digrelfion from her mnie, to have engaged in luch an unequal combat ". j 7 men overptiwcMfd 1 0,' protefted by40 gun, at - hlU mouired 1-the. remaining 6 could not get on biard. The Engtilh uriloiiflTi were made 10 paK one by one, in irons from their owqi (hip into the rnforiied veflei ancl fhe (nvincibie tars of olu Enn land, ejclaliiied as they' paired, "-iJ n w.j ey?t. - ,t T" 1 1,1. fftlllLII privateer had only a letter of marque' commilfion and went -oriiiMiallv to take,- ton le- (he is art Ame-. rtcail bui t NelT l"iaftd.r.etoiij;fd ti't war to, and f.i. e I from Ualrimorbfchooner rigedl.anJ,Avas ral Jed the, Anteloue ii confieiice of this uccffs, . fcr aovernor.hire hasVranted rr rmiffinn fn.r . -t ,r m ir, j'i 1. vateera to lail lor India and they are now e.tjuip a ' ' :t , j Aineric' produce is very- dnli here and frmo - octiiauu. -wtii 4 1 , a.7 w il-1 jrer cent. lower . than in America iLfeeiJs.riliajftlUilythe price is iwviu-l dollars 'per facik of lOoVr'ench lb. and fesre any to be bad at that rate. The governor is NEW-LONDON, June 23. Artived, bri Aurora, b. Wailiv.ot:i. ut t:-r .ford, in 14 days from Port au Paix. Left there, (loop t rifts', ( 00k, of Norwich, with moles ; floop ScruhVVill iams, u( rMiddfetown r and a brig .from Philadelnbia 1. all carried in hv Krrnrh nrivatrers It was not pretended to make prizes of them i but Their Cargoes were taker bv the ndimniflratinn at itteir own price, and du bills giveatherelor. Thole who go there to trade and thole who are carried in, re treated all-alike. Capr. WadfworthTecciv. td a due bill for ri,o6o livres," JN & W -ft U K K, June 14. rrumtr.c iuuautjracxtij st? U 23. Mr, Gat-j.gie nouce, that as the papers wfiich he lately mon-d for were now before the houfe, he fliouldoa Ttmrfilav ft tne tendency of whah would be, if the hoult ftiould fl!ref a direct inculpation, and afterwards an 1 MPf. AC H MI NT 4HllaiT utc C i . r . . .. . '7 - - . 1. lira ri Bffi'f h isf ekji, lor Hieol mifappJication of the public money. SlMEoil DE WlTT. Efu. of Al'bnnv: ti annmi'j.J SiiFveyor-General of the United Slates IVir. be rViu wi4.yi 11 voiiinuiiion ny weaneiday s mail. ' Another vtilcl I'ettirunl t KIU l-.ii u . .1, flour. "" "Ft . -. ". . , m JOHN PALL JONSS. The direftors ol ihe-Onio cunlnanv edtRat the late f. P. tones was uronricinr nf'cP&i 4i-WiiM Lufcxhw-zciMi. juulu. i,nr,. f irortn-ireuern temum n -.rim r n 1 Ct.,,.. . -j 1 j .. (.. wuii.u wiaivj, ti 11U lelire. Jiishcjr or heirs, wboe.ei lite, ura'y br.'to ap- rrfpefted. and the iflani is irr a flat e. of defence bitihey faar a wilit from the Engli fli fleet. How ever, it would le diffijulrto take the ifland and - indeed altnnfl imnoffiHle j but the port could be eaTt Iv blockaded, as the'Krench have only . few frigates In thefe f vs. - r. , , ; t There are fix or eight .Americans here, all mak - JntrbacJ voyages,, "ft! we hear-nf a d zen more tx-pe--ter every inomenr, who miift fink half their ta ,pitals: a fhip, rapt. Boit, alias Boyd, belonging to Bodon, who came, from the north-weft co(l of A merica, -by the route of C bins, and has made a luc eafsfu) voyagr, fay the; Streights of Sunda are full of American Ihips but he gives no particular names. -3-Q-S T- O N Jan-a a- '" Fridav evenimr la'K irrivcrl here ih rtu preset, prize to the French privateer Tartar, rri6 pn'.- She was bound from NewiYork foi- Halifax, and w taken within a few leagues of the latter iCe..rrJ7f--t - - The Tartar alio took a brig laden with fugar, -7 which arrived Jafe yiellcrtaj, ' ply lor the tame, at Mai ictu, in the fuld 'territory . ri.efollowina orifapHi tranditeJ from a Paris paper intvilcd ! . knii bs Lois, ot Marcfi 30. , . .. .The rondiK'f of tlieoniird Staves of .nmerfcs to 1 wards the r rmVli Hepnblic, deftriesib be U ked into bv the 'gnvriinitnt.-t'nr it n.uy if.,d to cuiite quem.es the nidL M..tiv4'itng"(t J'.'.'-Noivwiil.llatid-irtgtbe devei1uj poli V-Atthe Prelidi ivt and Semte : 1 noi wiihllariii'ig the iiattetiog ctiuiliuicnis lasifbcif. on the minider plenipi tentiarv "A'tlet. w Ltn l e pre- i.niiu in i.uuj!,iriviiir r itncii nag as a llrikn to hen of Jin v, liieudffiip; it ca.n no longer be. doubt' d that the Ptelident and Scn.te are entirely tlrvbt ed t. England. W know not whether, the direc tory has mamfefled to mat power whith tails itfelf ouLally, and whi'h ho sever acU in a manner hmt, fui 10 ou ii tiieils, hiw muciuhe f rench hepuFili: cans have been fhocked at the nartial.it v and ininf. -tice.nd had faith whi .h dictated the lull cd ill I ondon. bv the miuilirr of r;mr,, -k..a .1.. enoy fronuhe United Sta'esY-.'-v,' V e know not'. whether they have remained filen'r on tne fuhiert of thrrlnnli K nf iliur T 1 he intereils of fc ranre am wantonly f.icr'lfiud.. and me imi cjigigenienis, ipnae ner (tiamcluijv violated V "VMii iiwu, niai ciautB Having if gifCTPd Tro' thing hhhertd", to keep a happy harmonv befween' the two KcDilblics. aiid vet all rlnnKi 1,.",., r. 1 ior the rxiltence oLth alJiaure betwti-a-l'ist Walhini'ton, ought to take eflicacicus mcafures to Kop the baneful edecls of this coalition. , The nomioat'on of a new minifler pi- nipotentia ry announces, on the parr of .the directory, a fiinilar difnofitinn i therefore we' will A -witb pointing out ativ af this tlmey but the United v...., ...:lt r.i" 1 c .. . . win uih !jj imure oe lorgotten in our remarks relative to diplomatic concerns. . ; Extruft of a letter revwl by a merchant in thit t'-ty per th'jh'p Diana, in feven dap from' BkuJj. s dated Mtblunt. " I am forry to inform you that by the fliiti'T ion whkii arrived a Jew day ago from" London,' which fhe left the ift May, pofitive orders are received from the Commlffipners of the Cuffoms, to allow no We'L'tldia produce to! he fliipt 4rom hence to any foreign port, without paying the foreign duties, anil thefe .are (o high as toamonnt to a total prohibition Th's ord-r has been acted up to fo ftrietly, that le veral yellels which had or ev ions n il,- :.,-t. -1 the Liontaken on btard nf India goods for A theFnglifb, by fickner and the fword, at between 2 and -poo. - - xtrsft of a letter from a refptfbble "nitrcantile 1,,u,c t Gibraltar, to a mercantile houle in ibis -city, dated the 9th May, per the ll;za. tTlleTrnejiTiave'ftivtn tTii ee uiomhsTJr the" United Mattes to accomplWh their egieenunt, which e hone will be time enough. We have lome 5ur of a rupture with Spain, en accouia ot lome un: common preparations makir g at Cadiz whWn tLtio lew days." .... June 34. Cant. Kenzlr. lsf ihe 0!n ri:.. c , 1 ' , ' f vim, uum limerick,; was boarded by the Fuzzar Liitilh fri gate. 'wh'ch imprefitd three men. '. The Huflar is cr'uifing for ti e Infurrente,' French frigate, which failed Jrom tandy-Kosk lalt tundar night. , ' Vll xA brirr Havnna T NeW-Ol K trl', Doke ihe Jchiiniu r .'n.'av'nf Unf. Oil, trcttl PliiiaddnV. .. , , r- -- niiu IIIIU HUH the rrercli cruifers wm tilt;,. ,.11 a.; . els in orouvard bound.' - it is (M Pierce Butler, of Somh-Cirplina, has rehgned his teat in the Senate of tl.e L i.iuti itatts. fc.ur at januiica, JVmj-af 16 1-2 dollars ; btef rj pork 18 meal ti .n . u r. 1 - 7 1 -rum 1 I'otfee 18 perbumiitd. Mr. William Pinr ., j - '';i.uMj la ai)(iimcu a commillioner on ilie nar r r ii, t j ' . adjuft the claims tor Jiritifh fpt.lia,i0I1., has. oenarture for knn am V ;are "elWy-wlormed-,if.ari, isthe intentinn oLMr. Gardiner baker, keeper ,f the miiUm in tjfcltv. 10 accomnanv Atr 1 , - 7 1 . f T V "niiwu 111 111. 1 10- polcd aUenfion in the bIlooi). - , ennquence, the Aniericin trade wfB be knocked up 7une ii. A rennrr(rvm RftAn i D.jr...i i-j ., - ' 1 ".T-vrcirora, fay'part of Martha's Vineyard, has been unudated and funk. .?', ' ; "" Confirmation of the taking of St. Lucia, is receiv ed.bthew7 pt'oaoa. 1 Report ftaies the loU of J lie oav be. ore viimui ii.. . . , ... ... - j '-j n tiii .per 001 tomed lnip A.ount Vermin h I outw.id bound lor london, wjth a U c ,00 was taln .w., 1. '.. .1 ' - ., ' ... ; . ,h- "" aiicrtt.e j Hot kJtfter.b the r tenth rriviiv 1; 1 11. :.. ... .'. : Hd ,?.om I ee a tew days fiiue.' f p.ivb,eet's men toLk every pe.h n capia.11 iii.d crew out ol tie ."k Vt,TVl " tm 1 " U,,,d P'"" d H? , T 'PoHlwnsippHf! had a l it of f.ve or fix AmriT:.ii ii,Si k..i......j . . .... '" "nuuvili" in ints port, wiicl. he laul he w as crtrrnr.n.tf o camu.e ...i' A S. V. "l '- LXMiui.KK me -iiir-t7 Mill I I'ljflll-'M ll'irr iT I 1 t W "I Vt jjysayar.'SBVr.'t.Tf toil. .oni&iii. tt. fcn....:- . V-'V'y'-i , tl e.y hud not r (mirVrl- ,i hi: : ... .. ' " ho.ua. cane Fenlnn.n !,.! " 'J ,,le t"':" ,v ? ibe v,Av " r?'y ,,1i,,ntna 61'crL "ir obleiv.d the Schoo,.rr Myg r,fh abuntCe lc.we r "'-"y uoieoownupon thm find a "ior a.nd-oiderfd'tl.tir k . j .. i -1 , . i- i . , i . . ""', which n:,a comi lied with. , 1 he hnai w i ti r-,. .-.r: : .. -nd 4 ir.en went on boatd to know their w.mpilind,. ...... -..u u.c.rrrfiLtair.ct , 1r j., iva,f -I.Kh lent theioat back will, ,4 a.n'.j and u.ders to capt. Domini, k to U-n',1 ,he fl, , raprs, laying in the mt-an time that the fliip u4. Wen h hi. naul (lores. 1 he c ,pi. 1R core' lu'ly caired.liisppers wl.uh th, pnmeril,,,,,, fr pnl.elhon ot, but did noY rxamine, f ut (l, k am! , e ft.ount Veruon to be a e.u.d plii.t.- Ti- cfj.t rx- poftuUted on tbelmr. rriftj ,jt ,l,.;r c, vcli't 1. waids Anjcrtcan Ihip, 3d p , e,tv ol our ti. zcrs. They replied 1 hat they had" good i.' to. m.ition tnun 0 e oi the hilt Merican houtts in I'liiladrnJ h , 8t 1 he fli p had naval llort- '.m bo rd. ( j,,,,. r,:nitk the; pievoihd on them to en ine ilu' tn.,nilell urd regider uRd t'.ry ppearf,l at lerib tu be .,'.,!. ctd that Ihe was loac'c-.lt Nlv-Vvitrarticfswhuh were on board, vitoeur, n ; S,aVt hilt-c and Logwood."- Their n!v pa then was that fime the Jrfaty ssi.h C-tcat Hriiti., lie, , d orders s,nd ere deiei n.ii.cd nnake every nni'i cjii vefirl bound to or tram Biit . rmt fulpVotrot "j!M.g to th'em. Afier fr.cino tapt u ai.d-all his fbip'a con.panv-out of- the fl,ip ;ilfY ttnt them on board of tne Flying fifli. ' ' ' ' .1 his privateer ntoupta lt. .p.,i7noVr and has -c men. . 1 he caDt. ant iiriiT i ,:. .". . mj I...- ... h . " iii 'ftr is na- -med I'ans, andttves at No, ?oo, n rth f rort , He tr,M capr D. that he h-. d a lift of H ips that he ' ' tnt ended to take. tit Aibmi.: n-:nf .. and Dom.nuk Jerry. The reople helongirg t0 the Monnt Vernon were put on board a pilot boat and lSF? yiV" Veb)P Iadelphia uouim 10 nrmoi, teing Intdrmed of this : attatrj put bark,.. ' . - By a gentleman who can e Upfrom below' vefler- " day e learn that the Kljing Kill, by a:. aJlor ofF .! td, ia it r riay mormrg, the toth inft. I he pilot boatfailed round her fhe is lull of men and iliey obferved fevetai Americans amoncft ,he crew, fhe William Ptrin Juf 4' " Yeflerday morning arrived the flom" h' I'nHfnm i.,(.:i, j.Lr ' . r : f ;w-ri"iii"iyiiKi, uays irom Lape r rar U L vnArnnhrnic ih. M.i itil rr n - vi ui iiiic r rewen tlret nt COIS. wt . .. - " ' " T- "vii urei ot Iil)lll)tl1)hnfwrgri)IVhi i,U'...:: - . . relt co st 40 s, and 36 gun.wiih coo Uools, end ' brought in three Bririfh prizes, and one Portucuefe iiiipirom Brazil to Portugal, with bars of gold and -gold duft, eftimated at c.ooo coo of money . An em. - bariro had hrrn lai.l .,n t.r. C. rn.. J.. 1 1 . failed, in cooleojueqce ot Iom f xpedition in iraio,