.... . .1 CflTjtaiB HfofiM-further informs, that Id fail or the line we'e daily expired at Lapt i rancoisfrom i.irt ith troops on board. - In the P'hiladefpWa Gazette of lafl evening, the n.htelk v1 'capt. ;'''lomiiiick,,;pfUeJferiMUltJt: ir '.TtTTfiTir ISeTore" tne merchant and lit bens ot ,'.t 'n..ii.'.a States, lor their fuil information in IJFAXET TX-V.ILLE,-Juvl-; H-H-H- :2w, United States, lor incir iuii iiuunumiun m ooint on .which botbjhe honour oi the country and "her property of it fubjerts is To materially 4nte- "relied." , -''-.' c'' r lult a the paper was going to prefs, information was received, that the privateer Fly ing Vxty, was fuake with on the i2th imtant, about 20 leagues oft ina Capes, (leering to fouthward and ea(lward, un A. ea v tail, by capt. Brown, ot the (hip Lovina, ju t arrived from Uverpool This fad contradicts what ha been laid ot the r iy -to ukc every American vetlel bound to or (ruin ri-. Tnnl Piiiiiv Fin ' annmmrl ! tfinn it commiffioner for fettling i& ttue riverSi JhuJhuUdv quires, art elected Senators ot toe United States by the 1 giftature of MalTachufetts, to ferve tit! the 4th Match 1797, in the places of Meflrs. Strong and Cannt who have reugned l3ilis Talbot, of New-York, and John Trumbull, of Connecticut; are appointed; agents lor tlu pro tedUoh of American feamtn. ' ; ; y ; V ;', : Monday laft. belnathe amiverfarv of American Independence, a federal falute was fired at 11 o'clock. it attorus pkamic to remark, that tne whole en- Itertaimucnt was.. conducted wuh the utnTou wider. regularity audnecorum, Joy una hitaiii) sheared - -.0 be the prevailing char.cur of the'oay, aui hat- ' uiony pervaded tut -whole, !''..; ' : tv, TtxrirnA ,:ii : t.i.... u u ' w iii. taw iu 111 iULui y. us. yyiu by the FayettevUie IndependMi lmpan oa ing t -ills hjrtio jtwdertUr on the occa- Captain Guterfon arrived yefterday from Tene riffe, fajs lie was dialed into the Ciipes on Tuefday jalt by the flying r'ilb he iurthei-mcntious, that a peace: had been concluded between rtolt'ia and the iwnch Republic. ' : r 1 .,' ' -LloydV lilt of th-aStbof-April r mentionOte captuie' ol the French Irlgte, VlrRiniyot 44J lt about so killed auJ wounded, and the Englilh a very lew. This acVn took place alter the capture ot the L'Unite by he iVevuliaioiiaireji iioiit'oiK'iQTlgedl obSir-kd ward Fellow Ujuadfoll. The captain 01 the Wtlatcs, tbar bir Kdward de waduJ4um'elP'rrr V'11 ftinia, who was dilcovered at a cOnli.lerablv dir; tance. and whicn he did not coineupi "with until a . 'ter 19 hutirs chalH vSll&was cominandffrt byB youiig . officer wbn'fought her with ti c gi eared bravery, , " T ie Jh.pCatheriiieeaptain r'arrady, lias arrived at the i 01 , il days troip Au)t Cajeslabout 6 days ; afnr filing flie ftruck'upon n ot the Keys.nvher - (he lay- sirout;b houisv when captain f'arrady thoiigntit neciflary to liyhien tlie roip Hy throwing -; 'oi' rhoard 61 ftoftfh? id qf i'oar, by which be Was .lainVlei4"4lie-atfiftance of h'is anchors to get the Ihip o f. : rie wasboirderl by two tierniudi.in priva teot, and law ibe t ly i.nn Kifn otf C hinibie'mue. ." Lett at the Caves the barque Mars, captain t'owler, Siul tbe't'chiiunfr Dion of f hiladelyliii ' Ci,(ain ifarrady coAlirms the account of the lofs oi ttte'Sal'iib'nry.a ibritilh JO gunlliip. -Miidsy arrived the-."hriff'yT)ttiyluJcap'ebb "tr,dyTfoin rt-ao f rince.M,, , , dull, and tliat a licknefs nrevailej tlierc whtciv car ried oj" nambers of the loldiery, and wamaiiing .rat ravage's among .ihe.(hijp'uii, to which it was cliieqy confined i "tevrrai Annruans died daily; '1 apt: k)uae; or the itrjg lari.ua, 90' days troni fionrjnumbETof RendeniM Keyfer s hotel, who drank the following toads : - r. The Pat May. we ever jullly tlliuiate the blelfings we enjoy. - a.' '1 he United States May peace and liberty render its citizens ha ppy 1 v.:;, : .. 1 I - ' ' I :CPGr!buJ!rjflce. -BrTmadiaiVprivaieet (loop,- of 4 fwivth, tliet.ipuin .' - "- I l" .L1' T . . 11 1. ' I. .-I '.linormeii 01111 mat ne was Tiiuy utMrriniucu 19 jh all Americans from t'reiuh iiivd Loic'u ports. and lend them into Bermuda. In Jar, Cj,co, was board . -. eil bv a britilh floop of war, of io"u'is, tin eft '. f.um Fermuda' on' a cuife,' pnt! treated poliiely'; the : captain ot this vtliej mtormed vhat tyvet.ty fail of A n:erans, trom trench and Luuh pons, were at Bermuda for adjudication, carried la tjufeby Bfi.. tifli-riicn of war and cruizers. ' , - jrT-allXhurrday evenlngTtoiTielouthwa'rd of Dela ware capes. Captain Ljmle f.iw aprinatee fchr wi''clt he fupnoled to be tlie Kiyina Kith. He fur t!ie r ialorms, that the laft reports received at Port-au-Prince from Cape Francois,' mentioned the arri val of (hips of the line, and" 14 armed tranlporis, i wun atiout opco troops trom Y ranee. L Captain Lvnde loll three of his crew by the Cck' .' nels at Port-au.Princc. . ' - jr fotreVof rlefteflrotn a n American ca pt i ri a t ih- raltar ta his owner in Bollori, dated Ap&Vf 1, Two' brigs and a Urge fchooner ha e arrived nere wuh tobacco : they were bound U'ghcr UivJui l, ' niccejMta.-Hhr7ttgeTtHeYBe!nai oot,- t'lie put in , be. There hav-been 2 lricies, and Vebeci nr-wim ionic amance pp, wjjricn lias again pur -a Itop to" the commerce Tn Amewcun vti&ls iip the "'. Streiohts. ' 7:; " -: A letter of a late date rce1vrit 5h th?s Citvl from Pf!m,n27, rnentions the arrival of a third divifion of ti't'ttrnyh r'ltai at the C'Hpe, ol 6 Jhips ol tbe line, hefi'trs frigates,; .Twa oLthe Ibipsiio Cns: This fl.'er muft liae (ailed from Brefi- Richeti , :. had no .Paips w'nhVnwftf that (tirrc It is nrobable that the intuhordinaiion which had fhrwn itfclt on. ifJ-JSJ;-''" rwlrfCadiilniayltvecaurv M a c!unae in its deflinatianand that inllead of J " " trat M-Wrd -'W'eiMndia divi 1o, oe ?Uam lfin difpatched from fome '-'other porr.' , ; : The rencu-Privateer lolii, has taken a Britifli , tranfrjoft; (one ol the fleet dt fined for famaica) ,ith,twj31indped troops ij board, and lent her in ' to St. Dnmfne. " " ' ,'v' "- ' Capt. Rice the .America nV who was 'arretted at rort-au-Prince, for tampering with a tentry for f uis iii.interiKrn rif-ir 1 - - - - ever 1 3. The PreftdentMjiy Ais virtues nevfep got 1 4 JitHce,Pretidnt enA-Smate of-the-UntteJ taies iay they always preierve a iult balance in the'political machine . 1 he tioote or- Kepreientatives :May they ever lOsrd-rtliEtnTffieiijiewidlout reinoviiiffttie bulwarks ot t lie con't trution , ' -. ' . - 6. The TuJjresoftr e Stipreje Court of te Unit rd STatesay-jutttCir Slid irtdepewlence vV mark their decutons. ..4. 7. The republic Of France ray tiieiv fnppivrt and obedience 10 t he laws be equal "to their brvety and gallantry in the nel4." - -. 8. t he Repulilic of l 'i13aod--fay its revolution be equally ifortonate and bappy as our own. . . -oOor-Keprefetitartv eV illtsm' '.i. Orov c May i , '.ii i 2 i.i. ii - . v. . j i nis toiiuiiucni juiii ciwiiwie ins rci vitcMiuringiue I0'-'I he Marqoiv la Fayctfe"- -Way America fpee. dily have n opportunity of evincing her gratitude. 11. The biave.and virtuous I Kofiiiiilco. . , 1 j. Th? mtinory tt thole lierors who fell in de fence of American Indoyndehce ; n, Ntay our -utriuy be prt-fcrved with' faitU and honour. .. . . i" 14. rtgriciuiore, commerce and maputactores 1 jr The American tair. , 1 frQat newibrB fifler Tennefee -wajr'lhirlTnfc' which flie has added to the chain of our govern mem, encreaic ine gcnrrai iiolb. oi pappiucisana The Columbian Fair a volunteer by the Vk- ent. ;. . In the evening a ball was given at the Staie-houGs, which contludta the leitivny 01 the day. the bduibury pOit : : Fayetteville. Prices Current. -., Tobacco; ftFcwt .4 if Amp,r.f. -.- rj(iiirt feriartti, g 50 Jamaica JUm, 4th V I$x2hfo4r-1 2 vU ptoot, p.-r va.t. wlo. : iivFo;V . India Jo. ad do7 I 60 Wheat, ." -u' ' i 25 Northward do. ' i 20 'er; 'fitrjj..: '. -T'ltCtiunMrJiraadyy-'t-f-tard, "Ho. - . to,Mnlrffe- L:-. .' n r. t. i - - OO. ujcon l"all(w,-do( riees wax,oo. l-ieei!lkins, do. Tot ton, in feed, 10 brown Sugar, per 16. r-u .oaf do. do. ,1 gjCnfTeet dor 2a iron, do. 79 h . 7 . WANTED to purchafe, front one to 000 lu cres of land,:, granted to the coniincntal line of North-Carolina, lor which a gentrouk price will be giten, ; . OfcOrAOL ObG. byettevillt, July $tf. 1 70ft. 16 4 S E B ASTI A N S TAIERT, ' FUHm a tjie public and hist Kf.ds in i t roun. try In particular, that he flill continues to enter--tain genu, men travellers in Green Ureet, luuth the Siaie-Houle, wher is good llaUing for horleS; Every attention will be'pa id to thole who f3voi r . . him with their 'company Fie tnolUrtfpeafclly tuaiika his former cultumeis, and hbpesxbeyjiil: 4tUHall wt 4iirp.;- -. -ir -f- J- -!T" Zens, a meeting of the iii!:ab:tant of thr county of Cumberland, i! itqnelledon Wedncldiy next, at to oMock, . M. at the Court lioute ih this town in order to take linoXconfideration the conduct of (j onr Reprefentatives ih the Congi cls of the United : T -; '.- ' ' - ' - - ;iM EtGH, 7.8, J706. .. Impfeffecf wilTr'Slie liioft lively tcn'atinns of gra; tinide for the bleffit.gs we enjoy rnthisUn i of ti--berty, the ioliahit ants of the rity of RMeigh and Its neighbourhood . ronx'eneo on the 4th inll, 10 tt lebrate the anniverUry of that d4y which gate us independence, i-i -rr "The itoiiipapy, confiftinc of a. numerous ami tr fpectable -aflt-mblaoe of ladies and gentlejneiiV par--look Ot an elegant dinner pieparfd tor the occation hy 'Mr.. Caflu-ttol. Benjamin Williams, adting as Frefideot, and f'enrv Lane, eiq as Vice-prefident. . Alter dinner thu ladies rerired, and the following toalts. delivered by the pre(;deHt, were drunk, w' 1. Ibe Day. : - .; ,'-' - : --"2. The Prelident. - - . ! ' f j'be-Congrefs-ofTyjRr"7 ' ' ; ' 4. riay nie memory oj. inoie, who nave lallen in the defence ot liberty le" always dear Yo thole who enjy it; i ' "''-'' -'----' ":j"r::' ..V.iteTTiee ol'tfeeTly.'Xfay its' roots be cVe. rilbrd in this its rftoihcr land', uqtil its branches ex. i tend thciufalvt over the' remote!! corners, of tl.e eartb-.!!! f" " 6. The French Republic fiv therr caufe be rro- l?UTiIK VTr W . 1n'ntnird flint Orders have hri-n rrrnrir.;rr, V.u I rA nnrrhe.flfr to - nfficers Rommand'tna at Hie Teveral Britilh lorrs Vjtlimithe limits of the United Stares, for-their evacuation!! and that duplicates thereof were deli vered to captain l ewis, who arrived in thiaclty jellerday evening from CKiebec, " '',;.,,, - fecuted wijh ardour, marTcrl wjfi"huiranity,- de tended wiih coilrage, and gairieft'wtth renow n. '' ' 7. The political votage of iridtikibdv'!vjay their dellimtiqii be truft,repmlicanin?nia)ini pals rttclcHtoiheprrnt of ibertyjri'aiei'rrldcT (if 'worked with equality s and Way the gale of pub-' 4ic. viriue waft them fafe tojiarbqur,:,-!. :J rrr - 8.-An umverui diwnui to tyrants and defpota ; and may the woi Id be freed from every "enemy to iht tiiihti ; tf mii. ..' . - ,z'"""?".,v':: r o, iwy tne inowy mantie ormerican ireeaqni, ncyer be Itained with the black corruption ot inoii arcliial ('way. r: ' . l' ".;'' ; :':' v . 10. IV 1 ne aurora ot t iao hanuv dsv fhall litdawnJindr-lheTrieniHr(hade oFtbe tree of liberty,. andenfoy ,thf calm re pole of peacer 1 1 The UnitedSttesfrrialL refltrrgs for liicli lo"pianYvaliant heroes bled.-" . ij; American toinmerce may it rirfe.on the wings of every wind, and float on thebofom of e ery.wave. ..r. 1 3. May the heart of courage ever beat in. unifon yrith the if ntimental throb of philanthropy. 4- T-e true American, who neither trembles at the fwotd, uor blulbei at tic plough," ffWimhipion df rUi, May hrmt I 70.6. -T A "ft1awU Verfns john Ttl'.uni. WHEREAS at the term atorefudV in the above cauh;,' u was ordered, hatjt fiiqul-d Jnr pub limed in tb? l,JeevinaiftteJjhr!fe wetks, fuc- IHyrftWoitioh of conij lainant'a -wituiiics would take jirace before ilie N'alfer of faid court, at hisbhTce 11 'VV'ilmirgnnt at the ex pit ali en ol finty days trom ti e c?y,ft1.e lufi pi b ictlon.. Thetelofc tbennboriE-biii'ied JoiirriPtitUnd il e fWendant iii the fed caut'e, h hereby rwtified and tr .ormtd, tba I (hall proceed to .examine eonplan ''ant's whnePes, at my office at Wilmincrtcn. on the , twenty third day . or EeptemWr-nexfc vvb n and hei e lie may attend if l,c llionld ih nk proper. "16 3 Ttf. JAM. R. JOChU N, ( . SL .V. E. Letters remaining m ' he ?oft-olHc Tayette- - ville, June 30. . fyp. T. Armftnmir J ! -tla rseebe, joi n Black, KJ Malcolm Blue,' William (ek,i' ol. ( nrn ard- ant of ComberlandCountvj Chas,. Campbell, irrl d. v-iiuK, iBivw.nii.HmpT'eM, eanra carroii 2a. riiza Cmn!rrWillrenrClrro1i,rbrlei ( arrollb : Joi n. XUMbn, ,C'ol. William Dicklon, Gbriel D'hrttr, 1 liomas Due, Edward ye redee, Alexandet 1 erwa- , 1 fon J ; Jbhirt'orrfvjjj. John flhtfrcbibaldTxien'ies.. Pt-iletnon I'm'c'S. liel 1 . l is1 tn'i , ' ... ; - . rlawiuono, ine ci-re ot- Kpbert unnaldlon, I iq. :Jnnis T'oloiesWilliam T'owwrd. Tlaae I !aw leyf 'Williaffi'.TonrSr'ATjclvK Tt.Hn- lloii. V'lliln : Tacktbri, Captain Kerr, of Orkvi"o. ;: William Leach, John Langton, John M'Leod,' of ivioore vounry, cate 01 in or man tvi'i roci, oil amp bel.on, Heclor M'AUe(ller4k h!q. : John Mtntyre, care of 'Coloner-Aitnllrong. '. Euhcaii M'Swtin, :CaucTiTm -M'Kayv Archd M-Phadyn' DyCer, TVn- can Si nnes, Malcolm M'Kayr a Gilbert M'fn- ' tvre Archibald NeiU htmfe" carpenter. Aid 'la d ji'lNeii. E'Q. care of Mr. M'Auaan.Iclin M K ay,' a; I fames Millar, James Morrlfon, s.; peter M'Keller, J nomas K.ay, (otirt M'Connell,imuel M'C unf, Fred.; Millar, Nell -M'Galpin rionald Mronald, Sutannab M'liityre.T Neil M'Kayi Peter Niclolfbnr carf of Alexander M'lver, .John Needhatri, carer-ol ,'.ty the French cocoj . ra ot thae happydsy, when their citizens c0ii ft,:rr-.1tnVi sT.ii rlr.u ct.i. oiin iMnuon, 2; Uavid nerpara, 7; drosiriaa Siaiert, Katbafine Smith, Ciirrlon. F;"yaltonftaH, 1 PprldStartreare of John Kennedys 1 atrick Maw, ames. Sprout, Pnrald jnntn, James bpuiar, ...Vil.liatn. Trapnall, -AlexanrTer Torrance, AnjMia- I Wilkinfon.-Ne l VViJkinfon. Gecfpe Walker, blacks r mum, nuutn w unamiou, .ihwu imu jj, 16 3 '".. , -: JOhN SIBLfcYj rTM. A variety of BLANKS for falc ais Of- - , ' nee, Mm- ' . - :-44 ma,- - 1 jf si- i ! . mm . ' - ' , ' TTtt'Mt . -f 1 v.1 pi t , rat Ml V' SI. V1 f J ,1 t 1 f ' - ii 1 tr 1 , I J -.-"5 i ' V ; 1 t 1.. Vi - I ' J , 4 J-

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