F A Y E r T E V ILLE AD VERTI SER. if, 'UW FATETTEVILL .-Published every SATURDAY, by HODGE and BOYLAN. mm Vol.!. Si A jT :R? D; A- Y, July 23, :i 796; Numb. i$. H A 'G lLE,April 3c 7K are allured that the French-nave actually if "given notice that the armifticc U tei nCnated. r ' : 1 . ' ivmmmmm . . BRU S SELS, April 28. ... . A courier from Paris has palled through thli t)tft " who, it i fait, carries order from the Director; is . ' general Jourdan, to difcominue the armillice, and to recommence boflilitiea. A part .of our numerous . y, airey U prtcredMi march to thearmjfoatbe iUunfe PAlRJJS,May4. IU-fufpenlkitUrss4re think that the fortune .-.The campaign was o be opened on the lecond ot war had reduced hi Sardinian ma jetty to difa- ot may ', . - Mat 7. We are allured that a battle hat already taken place in the North, In which we have been fuccefsful. -7 1 ' i -" : May). The report is circulated of our having gained a vidory over the Auftriam in the North, and that we have taken 60 pieces of cannon. If this sews is true, it will be officially announced this day to the councils. - -- , PEACE IN LA VENDEE. . ' A letter from the dire&ory to the minifter of the interior, confirms the report of the re-cftablifhihent ot peace iu La Vendee. '- . . ' ANGERS, April 24. :Z-"'- At length L Vendee, fo lor.g dtlolatcd by civil war, is reflored to peace and tranquility. This peaceful change is attributed in "a great meafure to the proclamation circulated bv ern.'Hoche. srant MttsSdtiixtth were" ib La Vendee, and of which almofl every one has nrofitrd They have prefented themfelvea at the different cantonments, and taken charts of the rout for join - ing armies on the frontiers v-.V-;v'"r vy. -l- The emigrants.-thus abandoned hivtpoeTth.t ; The Cbouan of La Vendee, in defpalr, have fob ..Bitted to the laws of the Republic. . Meleux de J a'- r-ira,i,neyoux, ana many others, hare jult laid down '. their arms. . ' ; . The farmert and .demly faid, that U Sardinian ma jeftjrw as fuiflg for peacer and- had 4oft twertreffctto thansnemyrIf lucb waa the unhappy condition of that monarch, who, he pbferved, was the vkjim of an alliance with the Britifli government,- he wiflied then to know whether the right honourable gentleman meant to remit the Ooool. (voted by-the houfe j in the form of fubfidy to that unfortunate prince. If reports were true; he was incapable of military operations and hence he took it, the fum voted could not be leu in that way. : If Parliament gate, it Aiteleemo- lynary form, it would be better. iMn Put faid.' that it va impoffible for him to go into iBe-oetatfs neceiwryTor aniwertng the Don greeable circumltancea. This matter, however, was not luHictemiy authenticated and hence be could give no tfifwer as t6 the real condition of that mo narchi UMt he was awarel at the fame time, that there was no difficulty in Utisfying the honourable gentleman. If be was incapable ot military exer tions, he could not expeft qr get the. fubfidy, which was voted for the purpofe of nuking him a party in the" operations of the war. . If fuch were his cir cumftances, the treat; mull evidently ceale'. h. ' - Thecaufe of an embargo on the Hamburgh vef fels we underttvid' to be a quarrel between the French and that citv. In conlequence ot the refu sion the part of the magiftrates of Hamburgh to acknowledge the minifter of J'tance,- after a iolemn treaty to tnat eltect, a dilpute arole, and deputies v wiii uiiii w 111 tis-r 1 m laui ra rm rns rnriciiKna I I . V 'V VVI1IV VIU(.I,U ,e"i l m'Swgw JgMJWlde.1 ot cowmtiBiatie4iT4wftfWTO hat HambutBh 'lhbuTd oavlS the trench a eoniw. tk.r j., C'vid ': . ... t ' : : - r . - . -""""""""ra iiomie to oritain. ,nao taken rable fum pfmoney asa compchfation ,1 the breach, place in the cabiuet.of his Catholic Maicfty. ' ATSP?' hi tU(i'a0 Fi'- -ttejriterromAUcW, that if the threatened the Republic, foon alter the conaueft of Holland, war. between R,,, k,ii,-4J. a..u . I .., :,.f,...-T--v. r-..".fTm--wnv( s a ui te eavvutillY lclaHC3 COMMOTIONS IN COR STC J. Mayxt, We have received Paris papers np to the oth inft. inclufive LThey confirm the ftatemenr we gave yefterday of an infurreaon having tnken place in Corfica, which threatens vet y ferious eoafequences to the interefts of Britain in that ifland. :- Tj - The news that we have front Corfica, b the way of Leghorn and Genoa, agrees in faying, iu. an loiurreciion nas broken out in thatjfland, and that the tri-colored flagis difplayed in many places. . The inhabitants of many cantons have ta, 7 " part in Ir. Thofe of Burgoyne not wifliing to pay taxes, the government fern 400 militia to torce them. At foon as they arrived, about !?ooo peafants fftmbledr fbrronnded,-l difiirmed, aiid renrtfiem back.Tetaining only three principal officers, whom iMcy root. rtiter this aft of infurreclion. the nea f I t - ----- -v, iiiimi 1 vssv mm tL 4111 iu " ' i."amed TAV, blocked no the roads by fidereaWa Z .V:."! ad have fol. o w5d the "mple of thofe of Burgoyne, and that theintepor of Corfica.has rifenlt-is faid that the . in habitants of Nebbo have formed a campthat h ey have intercepted the graifi tent M other towns; and that they have an ondcrfianding witlj, thejn- t b, i .H' t'lorenzo, who irefaid to be alfo J f of lnfurreAion. It is certain that in this l t port confiderable magazines have been burnt, "a that the fhip Ca Ira has alfo periflied by the IiEGHOR April 15. - ? from Corfica weTearn, that on the eveningof the XIC T?.XE more again?! thefiden ed. Knr..-.i.. -A l r J - ... I dial minuter ot the Viceroy, woo la corucan, than rnr k n. : . . J . . . u imp wfHie burn ins, out ot The harbour, ana ihih s prefervrd the reft of the fleet from the immU 1,80 ' d,nger.iih which iii was threatened. - 1 'BRITISH HOUSE OF COMMONS. :- 5 k& D 1 NJ A N SUB S 7 D Y ' l h. Tekyll rofe for the purpoJe of afitfng a quef rerpecTind the Sardinian fnhfidv. He thought K 1 " if 7- v . "mi, elt remifs in point of dutv. as a member of that e'4B0Msi-get foirie.. tnfw'matlOB.fToffltK'e 'tninifj: jter r felanve to the circumllances of his . Sartlinin Jt ny.Therevere reports afloat of the giganuc wcce flea of the enemy in Sardinia i"lt vvae cofi . tion "Tiiml This agreemmt the magillrates of Hamburgh re- ' , r. .PIS. nav tug" ped Hi Unpi. 111 their ports. - April a6." The campaign is on the point of beinff opened.;. ou,-this dayit-may-be, that it has com menced, and thoulands, ere no?, njay be It retched bioodttained and breathlefs on the field ot battle! retyTTuelyy jf thw it anyan'ivfaofiiltilrr- puuiuunent ot eternal torment, it is hfr wtiole-coun- Icls needlelsly provoke a1 war, or whofe advke pre vents the fjernnnation 01 ir. We mult again implore the country to take into itsmott ierious cbiilideraiion the objefts forjfchicIlL thenr ar isTo 1TcoTii1nuedrTtIs not to reconquer any dominions wrclicd from us, but to reconquer the NetherlandaiotAullria, and Savoy for Sardinia; Are thefe objects for which the blood and treafures of the nation ought to be walled i What friend to his country and to humanity, will reply in the af firmative i --v-fin-V; ; v,.V 7ftLit 15 - At Coblentz; the French have evinced a difpoution to renew the Robefpierrian fyfiem of ty rannya (y Llm evidently moll congenial with their minds by ifluing a peremptory mandate to the in habitants, to deliver in an exact lift of all the emi grants to whjBjnthejjiayeff May, 1703. this mandate may be con - prelude to plunder, if not to murder. ' were yeilerday received aLlheJTranfport Office, that feen veflcls, laden with troops, ammu nition; and provifions, bound to -Gibraltar, had fe. parated from their, convoy near the mouth of the Channel, in confeqqence of the (hips of war having gone too far to leeward of thettT 1 and much fear is. entertained that they have fallen into the hands of the enemy. The convoy confifted of a frigate and a floop ot war. ; " ! . . . . '. .' ' The diilurbances iq Corfica, though extremely un pleaiant, are very groftly exaggerated In the Paris gazettes. The. immediate -eaule of them proceeds from a tax lately impoled by the Viceroy, which the Corlicaqs conceive to be unjull and oppreffive. Only a very final! part of the ifland is. in a (late of infUr- retlipn. We are given t believe that the difaffec- aeainlt.the BritWh eovernmeiitr-lt is thoueht; the dilturbahces will foon be quelled. , i- . ,. Onnthe Rhine there is circulating a printed copy In French, of Mr. VVickhamsnote, M. Bartheleim's anCwer, and the obfervations of the Britih Cabinet upon that anfwer.- To thefe official papers, remarks , are annexed, throwing the blame, of the eolntinuance; of the war ypon France; recounting jherefources of England, and accufihgthe French government! -entertaining no wi(h to put an end to the war. -" TjieffiprirtV-flr the Swedilli government, that the "principal motive of hef refufal to. receive the. communication of the Swedifii arabafladol'r'appointed Xi notify the w- "a.i?.fAfmT0n?ieh,.yi iuc regent, wno naa torroed a dole alliance with the French-with the very men who had raifed a monu mcnt to the memory of the wretch who had affaffi nated the late king of Sweden. The emprefs -ob-t Il?ejhje&jf fuch an alliance was well known Hhat it was notorious that the regent had received from the French a fum of money, to be em- K'"J m nuing. out armaments, and that a treaty was actually on foot for thejexpreik purpofe of-at- tacking RuffiaTZZIZ V- A letter from Laval, of the a6th ult. dates tile" Chouans to be iaibtce, arid more daring than-ever.-Abody-gf-4 nr fooo of thenvlately-attackedand- (.apturea a convoy ot proviiions, &c. on the bridge ot Lc Corbinere ; the next dav t1,v body of republican troops, of whom they killed near 90 grenadierr,1iiid took the red. In the nei&K, bourbood ot Graves they, alfo cut ia pieces a forajj- ' Dig party of 80 men. .M. This day a mail arrived from Hamburgh. The letters Jrom firufiels and the Hague f.eni to , confirm the faft announced in the French papers,; , Wiat the armiftice on the Rhine has termiiiaied.n- 4 other circumftance which gives further ewrt-bora-tioo to the ftatemcnt," is the noft arrival of any of t he Rhine ne w fpapers. ..This looks as i I public Winds had been by fome means interrupted. D U B L I N, May 4. : . Our laftletteu trom Loucioii advue, that an or- . 0fUja4;beenjflued-by ...the Admiralty, for animme- u,J,l5 '; 01 Jo teamen, by ini7n-tloriUietwifet :j i-i piacc, accv 01 30 imp -ot ttr line-wrnjai SWmiaWt oaeriuon o fquadrons in the Black Sea.' Should the above dreadful event come to pafs. which from the prefefilprofpcct of affairs is highly probable, we mull, of courle, tnke part with rtur allv the hmprefs ofKoflia, a ciixunir'.aiice that mult ren- .ttM'TOtwrr"WTnrsuain inevnan e. . W hen the. lHltoriar iiv fu w re ages, (hull record tlie-f ranfedions of 'tbe..ti -elent time, he mull certain ly beat a lofs to account why the great and mighty empires-Britain was To eager , te form aUiaf-cea' with nations. thatlo-far from teing of a&aHt ge, conllantly drained her of her b; ft,blocd, &'th'e- tfSa- fares which the Jnduft.ry ol l.tr piMplaTquired. r " There, was a report cVrVuJ jted !a(l rught ot the French having taked pofieflion ofGero. f da. . not believe that any intelligence, of fufh an event having, occtlred, has been receded; but that the.. French, can and that they will make themfrlves matters of Genoa, wc have every reafon to believe. KIKGS TON, (Jamaica) June 4, The Ihip Penelope, Spinks, a flag ot truce, arrlv- . fiheiefronixCaye4W-aj3ay-eveiiing4-JUe had a paflaee of thirty, hours, and brought with her 1 301 prifoners, mod of whom were put on hoard his i flfiajelty Vthip Intrepid; AlexaflderTJonddronTTllq.. four captains of (hips, and three private gentlemen were landed here. Three hundred of the"' people belonginp.to his majefty.'s ihtp Salifbury, wrecked on theifle aVache, r have, we underiland, fallen into the hands of Refb- lican cruifers, who have landed them at Aux Cayes. -Capt. Richardfon of the Nig'r, failed5 from Spit- ' head on the f 4th April," in company with upwards of 300 veflels, compofing three convoys, one lor the Mediterranean,anntlirr for the'Eall-lndies and a few (hips and five or fix tranfpnrts for the Windwards iflands: thofe for that quarter wtre. conveyed by v admiral Pole, in the Carnatic of 64 giinS, a frigate, two floop, and a bomb ketch, which after fre'rng fhier merchantmen, &c.fafe to Barbadors, nf to proceed. " to thit flation. Capr. Rrcharlfon rarted.rorijy with them, off the Wctlem Iflands, on the 24th of, : the fame month, hisveffel being the onljrone-bctrad-"" for this ifland. : '-V J . . ; A letter has been received by 1m honour t he CuH'' tos from rear admiral Parker, daifd b(FCapeFran. cois, 28th May, flating thfc force of the enemy ar rived there, to confift ot two fail of the 1inex five fngate,wanirjwo corvettes. Ve adds, that he wOl rontinae with his fquadron off that' port to pre' ciit - -their pettinc out. until he fhall think the con' by far - enoughadyanced to the northward ' to be out of lOiF Cow.Bay,-aboot nine o'dork on -Wcdntfday evening, the Maffooin fell in-jkihe tthoowr4ir' baxa, capt. Gregg, when each niiftakin the other ' mi mm mm --mm 1;.: '41 im. - niM .mm 1: i : . . til ..... 1 i:--: 1 i-i,-jl,. -ai ' -1 r'-i 'u'i feu !'V" T WVl

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