tf," ax a.V . li'f " Tor an entmf , tin engagement took plsce, which failed for -upwards of an ,110107 in which the Barlia ra-iiMt uer Uils nu riggmgmueh injured' anil Tiie M.tfuiuiu one man ijllcd aadfhrteor-lour wounded, - St.'L 0 C I E,' May 26. . T4w-Brnmif riatr ftor votrent(nrtrnrTC'fi)f f sr.- . Jcc. on this IflandJ with the TToTs oFahuut 600 liien, among whom were 4 J officers, i -Tlia, Frincfr' tol . - was interiWvel.arei:i)lKat-j33dO)vii''iir' arms, who have not furrendered f, ant), whom the" . lsritlili are running down a heads of theoreilf is probable tbeywilljfova a iroublelbnie enemy to - . f the EnnlljLt'or Jome time.-,. 1 :7- V-'" j. The BruilU are in noHcliuni ot tile forts &c. of .. ,this, illand, they aflailed t wo forts and as many re pea the (tin as clerhit ever. leaves TFORTSMOUTliTlN. H.) Jane 30. .t i.i 1....hl,S. ua FVW. uaJ" 1' ui.u, .....,.., in nc CI eiQIU 04 s 2La KJWLgmiMimiflail. tskrn.fwitb to acParifldtge confined pmoncrs on uuaiu uo ui uic "'J" iv km iu t rsocelor trial., , '; ;,t f,o' .-. , '"-J '-' The sentlemari from France 1 a perfon of gen- teej deportment, and difedvers a knowledge of men p.m. the Engltfh Carried one fort and two.rcdoubtit. : and were called from rfurther affault, n. which the t rench parlisd, aud obtaintd lionourable terms. i An atFray took' place aboi't the roth of May, bev twit capt Vatifhan, of the EngliftiTrignte Alarm and (bme of his officers sn: t'tainen, and lomf Prench privateerfnten (who na"dTfeeTTlrve4jbS fliore "By an JEnftlilh .'friffar V Jate'in tlie everii'njr. It is impofli- " .Me to ascertain from which party the titFengcxamey rnmour favi from the Ennlifh feamen, t On the day .fiisceeding, capfam"Vaughan landed on the'king'i '-' ier with 1 1 5 men, .armed for offence, and advanc ed to the great fquare with drams bearing and co--lours fl)lng! on this the repobt'rt ealled fl ta arrrts.': . The. governor of .the ifland, Chacon, went to capt. rV,. ana requeued him to retire on board bis venei, E BB ' '-. If fi had any regard for his men, or tho Enttiifh in- 1" habitants oLthe lQand, as by a contrary conduct he " ; facrificed the lives and property of all fucli. Capt. Vayghan told the governor, pointing to. the Eng Jifh coloprs in a rage, laying, 'tbat has been in faired, and moll be Catisfied V but on the governor's further rtquifuion, he retired. In a few minutes : the republicans paraded, in the Iqoare, and com mepced firing on foaae of t'ie Engl'fflir inhabitants & otherswho runTrom them i feme were killed, and . fome made their etcape--The. republicans at length were pacified, and drawn off W tlie" humans and ' trudent capt. Bedean, of the French privateer tliat had been driven afliore In that illand, whictl fortu- n a'te1ypreented further SfllcRTef, arid preventedan r ' V. . r . i. - -..I: : -4 imurreciion ot- tne-negrocs, wnicn was mnmmca. : Whn or informant left Port of Spain, things were -again tranqm!,rit .was laid that ahout ooorefun. BY i' ueidnHiTciTcame'pHfllTiTeifs wTiTi'lim."oneTwlifrhii arrived in the Fiench, flet which left Kran c tibuut two hidiifhspaft, con$,iigof'r3...fh9fheiiMe;6: IrigateS ITnd 4brvette havi Jg on board 1600 frclii troops,, f 50CO (landtif arms, aud a great tnpply ot aninrurirton and military iloresi fM the tape all vas quiet, -no anneatanve-nf further jnlurrections. The-Tiegroesrbave eturnediip: their WofU'r"arte: rrencu .liretory Have oecreed,-nat ine niacKs fliiuld rfcceive'bht quarter part of the 'prodiice ol all their labour, ; The JVlulatto general Vallaite, who headed the late rebcllionln Cape Krancols, was : Cant. Pratt TnlorBis; thar it whs rrpontd IVtr t imgue, that iar'niira J .Ricjiery's l3fonJ)djrr.(y. ed"aCSt"i7JieTrc: "tpoada MuprXnlttng pi ttn Ihipsof the i'mc,' &c. but asihtre hae been rrmny. reports of tlii?vki!d, vhicli prord unfounded,- it may behazardonsioplsct implicit .confidence iiiiliia.' I By 'capti jsichol at ol thfclnoner V iliiam, whii h arrived here yellerday, in 14 daysfTornffSt. Banlio- tomews, we are inlormtd, that the produce of. this country is greatly in demsnd at that place. ' lie lulf the inhabhants iof that ifland, p?;fed iy healthy. The brig Suiiuinuh, capuSaiid, aujvjtdjitije lafl batarcay in $3 days trom Kellalt, a pallengrr veflel After aiedions voyage, when the Solatina had near and mealures, which may evidently prove too alarmTJ 1? W?d JnV-"d, was the mislorturteot thele e W.uiwtki-Ufc t4n-iin r m will, the lwt I flfiranrs, anour-AL motioned j!eefr3 took pafienn the VVUIIIHIIIUtll JJ V j'l "VI 1.IIUIU1 111 V J ll J W II il- the Aflillaiice. jo gun (hipi Capt.-Beresford fenc pouridTto jlielc flates, and was uling every expedition tojeach Philadelphia.' . : . lie reports, that the whole republic of t ranee re- ralLinternal commotions have lubfidcd.and oniverlaf tranquility prevailed through the whole kingdom of France, Be .JsyBftlie:'Ut;tratywUh':.ritain-'-)S:4 eueemeo wore preiudicial to thntesBjaiaitu r.canandbkclwereundeLaf lMi rROMAariMIojtrirw terni'nj c-.rr.. ,, -.-s,,-t-- .,-::-T..ia. - "v ltl P H At a . kur ir o lani,J ; iulfi. Captain Tenkins. trom Martinique, in , forms, That'he Kng" made Cooo prisoners, in the Capture ot at. Lucia., bince which event, thej bad proceeded agalnft Mariegal snte. . They were alfo -mweaSuTrTlf fonv & Wj,Sti Vincents Aj-eporiwas drculatbng jullteforS v. capt. j. s lading, thatj.7 (hips o the line, frigate! .. ' &c. had arrivei at Guadaloupe, f rom france.-, " ' A t'rencW gentleman has arrived at Portfmour f from Cape Francois, where he came in the lad fleet Jrora Jt rancsJHe. isco,nipliraented in, ! ' r . . 1 iiiouth paper, as-a perfon of good (deportment, ?nd !f.;..-lil-:?XteoGe'i knpwIedge.riHis information iSj That r ranee reients-ntif treaty witnreat Britain ; mat " i v bur treatv of alliance with France will foon be at ; . 'an end r'arirt that tifearsut neutrality wUt oeiri k-terruptedriHy-thedireiftorVi which may foon adopt - ' - declfive nieafures to punilh us for our ltfgratitude, .;, .; - :c. &c. . : -.v,...'---- - "i .'v2'::l.""2"-'vTbe Blacks EJrinidad have wftn in rebellion, . . and killed a large number of the inhabitants. X 'HE Sublcribers inform their friends and the fpaMicThathey have entered into co-iiart I i nerinip, ana nave taKen tne ore tornierlv 'ibccapicd'rby' MenVacrrlrJsybwtcTrinW v have for Tale general ffbrtmehr''6f !.'' "k'-r . D RUGS and MED I CINES, -A" h 1 jwpo"" tea rroin t.omi pnr- Ordora from the country will be nundually at tended to. :. -. . ' .' ' ' -' 5 Thev reoueft thofe indebted to ithem indivi. . , 4 . j-. 1 - . , ally to make Ipeedy lettlemenr. ' r. Fafatirv Uit; July ' i (S. ;. ' - 1 7 "!tZ:-3C - WESTERN LANDS FOR SALE, THE fubl'criber has 'to dilpofedf the following valoable Lands in the fnuth-weftern territory, iViirThree trads of 1 ,5ccvacreseachv-ortBig Hatcha, and one half of tlie lati Col James's "entry of 5,600 ". acres, . No. " 2,006, located oir Elk river. To pre vent .gnneceHary"'' application, norjels than half a -floilar per acre will betaken, Alfo to le rented;4n the ftrincinal tradino ftret . df Fayetteville, two houfes ; one- calculated fori a flore or dwellitig-houfe's the other is an excellent ' ... (land, and well adapted for a boarding-houfe. ;; Ap. ; ply to 4-:;""i-."- :;-.::.;.-:.i-yR. ROWAN. .:: Hollv-brook. Tulv 1 1 th. . -ri''N: p.STo b fnfrrted three VeeJ inc-i for momeiit, chkureii lite fflrndoiirp' pur p.blx ce and Daiiprneis, but wok calles on and It July ia.'- Capt Pratt of the brig Thomas, in 26" officers and men on board the Sulanna, who, after -fenjatfee-eonducfthemerM fearching every thing impreffed 46 ing a ihametul and derogatory treaty with Britain, wliicli interfered with, ftlie. exilling treaty between -fraoce and America -r that the alliance, which was founded in torrents of blood, and for the prelefva tion of tlit liberties of the iljiiicd Stiaes purfued and liefended by the aid of Kreiich arniis ami" navies, would it was feared foow be at an end; - Air Ame rican in France is threatened with enmity and con tempt, as inimical to the, rights of man, and all fa miliarity with them had ce(d., )ur national fakh is defpHed, and the whole people are united in- a lull Jielief that the greater part ol the AnierU'an'govern ment are under Britilh influcocc, "or they never Could have rtfwfed te."proiFered-tetm HA rmo(H Honourable comineicial connection-wuh r ranee, to a treaty with England, wlikh appears with every humiliatiug clrcuinltance of aij-rct petitioners and adulating lyeophants,w They conjider thia derelic tion'of their French protectors as owirg to a flip pofition that they, would foon become a conquered people Jo. the powerful. combination then attaioll them But the prefeht day has fo 'changed tl e.lVce 01 tne paiieDiers ana two or cant. Cairo s leamenT -tWhal rendered tb :-tranfadran-;ihor'i)ifre fiog, wis the wantotraTTd rbaroas'cnductTtrJ draggmg awiy the Ions of many aged and refpect able parents', who were obliged to part -with them in this ctuel and intplent manner. ' . ' : 5,45, tranfadion look place.-onfhe ,ajfh ult.Tlie Sufanna then being in lat. 39, 43, long, 71, 12, at 6 P. m. and was detained for ttn hours by cpt. Be resford's orders whofe. hardened heart could not be moved by the tears and 'cries ot. the women and children, the' old or the young, to rdtore any of tliole unhappy men he thus wantonly tore from their cntcaDie relatives. "T'he'Sufanni "was afterwards boardectby the BH- tifli frigate Theiis, in coiupaiiy with La Pievoyante, but ueiiher f abefeithoiighi proper to inflicl any .:; further diflrefs on the paflengers when they were informed of the conduct of capt. Bertsford- - - - . Captain LorW in the floop IViayrFlower from Paf famsquody cn (Friday ill July, in lat.' 28. long 7;. was boarded by his Britannic majelty's fliin. the ' of their palitics, that by ibe futcefs of Krencb1irWPr03:a'e of 29 8un "'if the lieutenant had ex- , ery?7lH4UppuiieiHs iUteUwnxfi-t-fim't "iiie his ppera,.hekfndft-hwfiHie wem ,01 any inrng. vapr. l uvTng nut tnree bifcuils on board, add him he was-in want of hfeadT the iliflurenjwu-then went -n-hoardh''H'H'-iiirqtieftv' ing nini not 10 mase iau, snn immrmaieiv if nt 1 lie nd for pcriitRal nz indilferenca to its effects : but it. is feared our peace and neutrality will foon be'inter.Otpted by the preJeiu vicilant di rectory,- whleti inaytoofuddcniy adopt feme deti five meafures to punilh America for her ingratitude. fxWfiftfpWs confidence was. daily encrealing. and arid every neceflary ol' life, ,was cheaper than in A merits, and in great plenty ; a Itranjier among them would fcare imagine that rhey were at war. r Five frigates have failed fi om France for the Eaft Indies," and five for Cayenne. - ,'-,-!' :--.;...r A LB ANY, July i.. . u r , j t . 1 . 1. 1 1 . . . , w ik ioiu at mo. buatBocriain s, at lis. Wheat per bufhel. Furs and peltry s to the smount of. more than for- ty thoufand dollars, have t)iisweek been received by ahoufe in thia city, from one of the North Weil cqmanieh -. V; 1 ,:i: 'i: :r'- - :-v. '' . It has an agreeabUj appeararicpfjnd tens 1111 4be taces of pur old Indian traders, o let twenty or juiny wi ggon loads ot a time coming into our city and augurs fawnrable, a return' ot the 4nmflleichfndianrradeencrianTdpaTca V intQrnjertTiihat a treaty no.y hplgmgat nurraioe v.reeK; netween the proprietors ot the Con necticut Weftern Referve and certaiii tribes of In- G, Cleveland Is t the treatv. ind the hnn. Mr' fheips s on bis way thither ., ,, . , NEW - Y. O R K July c. : : Of alt ludricrous ttliniis tiie concruct ot democrats is-the moft ludicrous. "Tliey are perfect fanatic's in the crufade againft the chrilliah religion and aH-grt ,1" ,g,ons nd yet molt ruliculoufly Iu peril 1. tlous. A few da vs . ago the Eaele: a head nf a vf. fel, named Wafliineton, was carried awav bv run ning fou( of fomethirig, and the Aurora innnediately prefidrritThe following paragraph is equally ri- qicuious m.. ,.-.. " 5-??f- V -vv f ! -. ' ItiTomewbat?feinarkablp:-rhse on the fourth I w joTfTuis-..yea.r,; the anniveriary at or indepen lence, there will be nn ecliife of the fori, at fun fet' Is not this ominous i Will not tl-croaker fay, that the. fun of our liberties fets rctiriedjby the lritilh treaty' If it lets wc hope it ftts to rifeaaaio in full fplendonr." '':";. ." -, --. : Who can h-lp laughing Vlf we muft revive div'i. ; ?- -1 wc wium iayr CUi CCSipn large back with a kec of bread, and would take iio TeFetpt or rrcoinpencrfOrJt, -but. .requttted him, to ; make laif? and wiflied him a pleal'ant paflage and ! fafe arrival amongft his fiends. . ' . : . , ""'gnedj t Benjamin Lord. N O R F OLK, June.s?. -,Ry the.lcnooner'vi sniowjiaj Caiii.ov-.-e, arrived here laft Saturday, iu 11 days from Cape tsichoia, Mtle, we learn that the Engliih 011 the ioih of June . took Xjrt Butppard, about 10 miles frpm the Niole, -reckoned one oflheiouTLealthy fpots in the wf.ole' lilMndwhere they inteiid bniklfffg b ffackohe accommodaUon of the Tick t'fobps Y ifte pi.lU lliori of thsfprt has openecta ccflrimunication with th"; inte-., rior parts of the country and will enable them more readily .to ol)iain proviiions;- there are various re- . Lports refpe&intf the lo!s I'ullainerl -in the attack of me aoove piace,ana none tnat could ne cepenaea on. A cohfidcrable force had gone againd Leogane, fr tne attack ot winch place they bad fitted up teveral Schooners f'ii Sun rK)ats7 wkha i4 poundetin the bow, and another in theTlern iAfleet of 15 (ail of 'tranfportsiirrived at the Mole from Barbadoes a tew days before the Swallow left there. Admiral -Parkerwa lyingt1eMowh7-faitheioe-,a floop of war, and njbout goo- tranfpor-ts, -- V" " By theSw aUo w ye Tear n that the account nfthe . lof8 of the Argonaut is premature. ... , ;";-;;;i:::ijRis,ay v:)f:zi :,, . A letter from citizen pheruiand, CharWd' jAf faires of the French Republic in Spain, dated the I f Germinal,-announces that h has obtained friom the Spanifh government the free p(Tage of Fre inch merchandize delHned for Catfiz: The Prince d t la Paix wrote" to him the following letter upon the MJn confequence of the Notewhich yoii addrr fled-. to me on the a.d February relative to,the free .paf--fage of French merchandize through ihecuftonis'of Agred arid Vittoria to Cadiz. J have. Tnfo. mcd niylclf of the .manner-in which Spain acted du ring the former war. between England and,France. - " The minlfler for doroeftic affairs has. given, me lil.eirX.i!l to the kinf. who does not fee a'nv inconvertieni T -in - allowing the puffige the faid merchandize ? 'uh -the rifual forms, -during the prefrnt wr bety reefi England and France. You "Will in conleqiiekc t in form your government."' -'! . . -'' . Tk :xecut'iomlirlilary h Chn&fif BM-mtparfej'. j -: viaHiltr tn Chief cf the w' of lttily. 1 rtr" The executive dirc.toly hrr reived it B th ' VK:. '',;: ', .. .::.- .., f-,1 -'-.T -i'( " -jTT