i en ffcncral, ffiene r of tlir . vktm) gnncdmrr the Aulmawir-i a.lmly. precnum- aav.jiit.ig5 10 ugrni, ec -thy in up-" precmiuii' wlviutcs lo"uun:ii, ec th teninr ui oeace. on L.ic u.irr of the eiunlie ' rl. . .......i..; . -r- . , -- j -1 . - ' nas I urc eel u to unrWnlt it i t,t ,r . - - j- -'--'-- vairtwiy II- giiivi, .vijilii .1,1; vrcii irijdj. o( you to lead me ar.mv.4tf lf4,v and vice.try-:-eff"w'j-"" . neral, tio -u imite ot ii.iiiii-gi,(riri)j ; mrt moreanj tvjsv. an I piovat,. JuioTTrt. Ik - licit, Vioi'i .ichiiclMftjcl (hp k-M t biteir, hiv ., jiotcluitJJiK-f uomics i. iliiUij-t hi Uie Nrh,-liv -will all becoiiliantly bear In me brave army of 1 - taly, -.J tMt the tlereilen of lincny, wiJl tri umph n'-er th: powerlets elforts of the enemies' of 1 theRejm'iJitv"---. . .. , , , . " , , . - Ta Cental L,UJJPrF. zzsz4' Ymr'rjv-tdr-A tongiti.ie actuilomeil the Vlend , thear;ny.of Jflyliai joined any advantige. -Your jjairiotilin and your talents are a 'guarantee to the ,lTreorj( aJi'l io lllrancrharytM wnl (Jill ihare . the gVr;-' and the fqccrtfi-s that are refervrd lor the til"! tf A 1 v if I i.-i f k vni fiinmnH1 l ....... ... . .. . 1 - ",-. ww vwutiimuia- UMl lilg itic pre Teat'cK'pTT' " " "' --J V Mineral wrfmr.yrf. -,' TV f'ire.forv .have feen, by the report of the commau.ler in thief, tint yon h:ivc1ioi"a litflscou . tributetl t fhe fucie(;, of,li e gloria-ia (Java f the -aotit ant n-wrwtmtT-ney-rypcftert WTKfrom f th, of lafi month fo t?ie 2;fL(Hrre1iLyVirft,t T"'V ' ' S un "mK ''ve:hee tliinned bv Jie lyls o ,.carlv 10.000 i...n , :'.ii- .; -Jetwetn rjrral !!. aiili,-'. ... ' I 6eei'i'cut 1K. - . Wh'si,..'. L.-.r'. .. i . .. '1 llt'L'fl n-l . . , , , .v .viuuiTi-s uo not m;nnoi,7"ir Iia btcn t erhi.cc! if tSeTtfrftf fcw i encaf tl v.. tiia tr,u(ic-rs o, .h MiU' ic, a.im uiai lite latter As JaL.ig b.. k to Turin- trVitn refptit-to il e French" r3 dn-rdl CEffiOX- " The labours ot tl)S laft campaign htt) too wel iiiiwc.niiowii.yuur eouiage to t lie intct.rv do nuke tlieni (of a insm-Tir r)ibr, rhjt.the. -iu'iratit, by mnkin... you to.Fer the Hrlt lliock. would aiWd tln. tint advantage.- - - - i' - " '"'''ei.v'l foidirr, lover ul lii tv, K.ntinue to jre iir-iei ie T.aui Which vou made )r brave fol diera you com na-ulrd m the redojnt of Mime Lcltno he repeated occaftnnulU . . ho are worthy otkeepiiiji u , ie( it (erve to (trtng . - then in .them if irweie neceflliry, the Ivarred oljla- very and the deiire of trtiiquer np; tbofe wha-have . ic icnieieis pro e.t ot avam rnttinv - ... r icni.il vaiour Will WltlMillt douhtj force them Tonn, to demand .peace!, for which their HOW teitllv lilrtt" ii.uw;iUnnn-io .. ill i. 7 - .-i t" 'ft'vi uu win nave con. : curred ty yot.r example, d by (he hevic trit ,at ,tl, nonour.- W hat Iweeter reward all flpfriM rlinnivutisM i .(. r- I tec inont and he ilhi'l- m k : i i ot much miuance. f Hedntett tiiiatfecltd to uipi e lent Ciivernment: ' TfiJ' iHih..c -. .:-rr.i Auliri.in uiL . .. v . . . f AlieDiw conVordsriiFof a (nrma) rterf .ration f wlf wuift Anndnd Ik tjrS. . in: G rear. Britain 1 v ' t. into Cobourg i. gone froiu Francon!. to Mint j. may o. Arranizeineiiii ar nhn, ,l:... i - Prtintro,,, 1 reat Kritain, the whole of tnecop. tier to be o ! in rnnn : . . ... . r" rc1,aii w, .. :. , . . . . : - advance, ur.-nianuiaUr?.fau.:aatro-Ul-e-ch'si,ie 0f ; meet irg tort in r u, 0il Sual i.u n.s in the n.w ke. abroad; rt-an a f,ev iw.dj of.pi.alilts, diawsihe ltl:nii milk lu. ' 1 mim, aji i llil Mini iT-mitti- r n- miTiTrn- r f "" ."F" pTftTacprXnnlir mei clianta liao-n,iieyjobl)cr, 1 DI'nLiri' anrl riinlVnAnKa tor i" he- firft time in the hiQory or England, the colonels of t.ie i tgimenta i ,)0tr oidcr tor iiidia. Tiave btert culigca to lake MAs.htijuer liillsto the V amount Ml 50.000! fqf the Jubluxe- to be advanced to them preview to. embarkation. 1 hl ia the rhohV 2fM IV'ooonrte diltreta of the wiwwr-yVtlW ever was feeji. I. ., .IK" 'S" ne lfo been obliged to take ...i.ai, ui muiicy. n cannot oe doubted lujUlLaJLlultieeiihe whicn wili pnly (ell for 95!. . v . FayetteviJIe Prices Current . "': . ' T.' .ff g . per to be uted in tjojiper coinatre t iu 7 kr..llroh'of tnye in America. s Jvj.nc the opening of ,he campaign, has been dU j Tobacco, ftrewU ,, 4 25 -r- ; 1 . i r r-"""-"-" "' "'c-pomton: nee Bfthe tuccrtfcr ot the armr t,f tr,1y7-b-l bTeff hrln ht SXiF n0 T-' ii - , ' 1 ' f XtSutlVt , ..,i,y) .m 1 ui luiimii wife von their i..w . ' The F.ed,r,on.c(e army 1ms evacited the intrenched caaip . or Ce.a a ej the tpwn. Jur troopre now there. 1 hey only left Nv- or (ir hundred n en in ; the fori who w.jl ot , ,kf a rellt1IKv v S"m"""',f "U'Oh. Proitra" I'ii rourtded, Sir no ail Hrlev yvn-r-. , blood It , a quarter f drt hour you do not lurren ; oer, I will notlpafe nie ot viu ' vtn. l'rnvera's Anf-vi. ters nf . M' ,UI5 ,ow--l,s Ca rare, the head tur- etS Ot t ie Kreni'h or... :.u -i . I .: ' thev fl- it 1 i -"-rwuii toe nonourn ot war they fl l, laydawn th-ir arms, after haiing defiled will be cmueiited with . tu. i- ' i:..0 --r ' n T"'S- c loninca t .ona of rum, are ftrong, but the difpofitions of tlie gieat mats o the inhabitants is known to be EoAile tome prelent war. ; ' ' ' ' ., : ' . Ill Coiltruiienrr nf t., : ". v fr... V.i- c. . J 'Aurou'. repreienration from t te court of Stockholm. ,e empreft of Ruflia. t 11 Uid, ha, conlented to withdrawWtioops Ibe c o:M2;r!::r:,f uur road ai this timeeiibiu more the appearr ance of , American port than an Englill, harbour, ( Ui 1 .? m' that nation afe now tlymg 011 board veflels. bfc .rri-.i.i!- .u-.i I i . . - - - - w 11 ii in tins Jail week with cargoes of wheat, flour, Indian meat; AlL. til 1-1 1 in t kia ' - . ' s Un.ortynately tbrour" fpatorV their arrival too late, by (iic montha-.tjealt. tor none of them wttli the neneht of the citravajranv bounty offered, canlell. but won h.'--:. .r. T? Hemprfwj Com,fenufhcl, i as nroofn..V Pafe, , do. o W, India dof2d do. I do .heat, 2J Kor.hwarJ do. i 20 llutter, r Ij Country brandy, i 2c ' - - m w "'Wioiita. - i- BacoTirfo. "Taltow, do. Bees wax,to. Deer (kins, do. Cotton, in feed, ': JwniugarrJ 12 Loaf do. do.- 30 Coffee, do. 20 Iron,' , do. - u 7,Salt. rr bujbtl, W ATTENTION! v F"Jj f parade at tile State-bou r qnlpt accord-1 Inlr iO law. In atronrl o i 5 . 7 " " "f wroereo ov rtritr. Gen. Willis on Tuefrfa li.nA,i, . i. 7. precifely. ROB T. ADM. Cant. .-j rr,,n, , F 0 R S A L E, T,"?" t where. Col. Jekevfer lives . . J ne - tiillllW atrl 1. '.I.-.-. . r- . I Ul ,,1C "orrn tine ot fx tourt hoole touve, latejy poffcffrd by c"' H. 'n Cate. The hmrl ..A'lL i:- . , htore, poflefied by I. Hav Hots on the. (outh fide of OIS. as evrrv hii(h-l r .i . the nnri-ii4ir ... a i - - y .. .. ... y r,V T .oiHwtustpq. .neTiiiig lX . ' w,eard"'''-mt11emor, bn n f 'r ,e,fri,t that k waVoccanoned French C?rtT,eni La H'Riween feven rrencn vthcls and fume ne,ff ftiiT.res K.,r . ; . IJORe. At, Irn.rih ,.' c ' . ' . tr cm . .i ' P" ij .iin ioi- i.i 1 1 ii a was wl - .t.0nVy 'rr,Vcd therl,Wa. "One of the as verv mnrii vt..,:: ...j . . , I - .v 1 , hit action TOOK near the Ate. i' . - r - in.riv i w w.i ici nearly een nnim.l-.. r i . . - - --i" ""m. ,urri.uii ;..oi:. r-,'-! . - "ft" ''V '.! 'K mini peionfflflff con e .,, from Havre, t.p which place he r.,n to difnog ot 4iin em ail ; hut coiild tint un m . " Jo glutted u itaTniarlset with every fpec:es of grain F A Y ETTE VII. LE, July y ; l ne Kvrfen iraz-ne t Vi;,..iA.k a-:i . i - . o - '",,,,Hi ii. toniains nn .rr.ee .Wfetf Hani burg, jfVi h f?f A p r i I, gi v i n K lome'inlorniaii,.!. ,n. ,i" . .-" R .--. j l . i ' nat nave ac tua ed the rtnp, eft ot RnlBa ir. her-behaviour to Jbe k of Sweden ; on his late marriage. Uer majedy "ai explained her rea fori In o mqnb' ut.! t. otca.hon (otne enibarrafln,ent:t6 the conn of StockV holm. She ha nnrifi-J k.. i, t.:n .. . vr.l. . , . " iiiimiier tnat in- dependenti- of the ties of Mhod, the fafety of the nortb.t.nd- even th,. r ,u. r., 1 c . Ft ni" ' j ,nm Ufn an 8niance - pci Which flie ayes. .Several unimproved r..'iji i .. . jncrwpi n rv r. --.-.uion s uore and Mr. Fenno's houfe, and (eve, 4?lT h"k. O" ..tiHes-of Frlin.Jir..t . -Seve. In I i ' ! JOi T" Me(frs.fcccle!s and. Broadfobt 'a rnill land, an .emeen Mr JViMtiQan Wot-Wthe ,T m f" " Mon (ircet,'and on the welt and nsrth fide of the 'Malon todReSeveral do; i.i lr WnoWSTnony Weet. ani aVitJi T A.U k V ! WH" ine rc tnctwn, that theorficeri f lw MM7 j i r 1 "t "er own blood. v2,'.1wecLto proceed , m tbe'r parjk Lthey have beenxchirot P,ncfr d'"incd the Wnlort of hi. . .iormahleto tW origl- Vr-bom- ft, to be inftruflrd fn the Sediyb language xd. de-camp rrfehencier in chief . Vo.a,oa . . - JUNQT. between h .a .i.' i...- .. y sl . uPn lU ,. - - . ,liiv nreer, and hA,r i T o ""- ua ii ma town, ov i. c t iCtC" ' aD.d b0UI 70 or Po acres o,, tVe hack of J. M-Cracken'vlot.-Seral do.on Grove-llreet. ! iO acres 9hnvP.. X'. i'- i . ..o, t i.ui.1. i -o atres on tne .. 1 ,cr 'o .1 nomas or.rs, riavjn i. halt a'";lc o front on the river and about 6-n-Mes Clr,v ...w ..,.r, rown w;oc ,0-mtjoinnijg tfoTT)tT;l.f Ar7'"r Jones aoo do. on Flat Swamp, near N. Hobpni " 159 dor between lite land , f r. Potts m r r Lord tiaving a front on a he river -7v t.2 do. t w(; ' -?4 o-T'bftvr JrTommie'f, havi.; a fiont 'oTtl e -!,wrv-5! lj mill .Tea.tswith- 9oo acresloe cacV formerly the property of .Sylv.,Willon-2CS ar- i-s ;n Marm- B,;:!e'' counf.forWeily'CN.tr- p iii i ne vji rai 1'iarii' lorn'er- JJ Ooridwin's ioo do; on Bear's coumyco oon AVaggoniBrafich warers of " lep river. A reafonable credit v.' ill be iriven '- AppJrtb r.. - . v AMS HOGCi. : -Ko,-, " c,tintt trw water h fcigiteen pounders were fo md in the l.uij. April i g HA G II F . . ...... ' ., m . r r.,i J "ur ii i ot .he t'.ui fn.teal, fVav hflr7r'rT,0m"t:-,1,n" the Frmc'T.lo. tlW t e wen lent umfera girrioi'iU-piibl.t in to Nke. The Freft. n LONDON, May 7." ii ... .... i ..- . ' tU-t- r 7 " - " j i y nave tuir. in pr;iMii-ft n'lfs! i - ' ll,e F "HVfl-.ot a;t..k s jnp-runt poliiq, hire pro.ecdcrl tiom c to.a.fJCi, fiiwn victory xo v'utory, and from, Jgauilt a marr.i, TrJTn77;rt3 .:.u... l r L r 7 lo ine-.wgnt.savhKh Ibe pretends to . - .L . H,e. ?" dntchefs her grand dauahter. T'liine nanti ot tlieiriiing lMtig.J::r, ' in a Frenrb ..... . . ft" "..v '"i"nenhs an ar- h' 7'lT 8 w rt''-ry of the words With Which the Krn k U.t' ., . . M by the revolnri V,1" "nctjecL The eyp,,fin of rawthorne from the Britifh Mo(le, t, f ontmons is in coneqence of fon.eunfa vonr.hJe fcntence from.;?, late curHi.aatT-antf winch, 4b not materially .jjurioa, to hi, cJura(, er, was fufTjcent, agreeable to the rule of the bouTa, tp rx'iel I, in from that body. ' 'oi b'S 10 Paflag rr.. - -...; i.s v' . , . r J , ne oeiman papers. itate their armies on' the Athme. at 320,000 roe.,; The French-are tv-rk,,,,' more numerous ati rprt-ikU-.v-.,,.....:. ... - - f- -uift fiHjtjtparr flanhref. ' r Mr. Gray motion for impeachina the m'n',fi".i7 was negattved iiuie ifoufe onConimons, -May 4th by a ffrcat ma nrli. k : . . " 3 .. 'v,. Pjft h now railed by-Loaji 4J.cs ..l.m RMirteen months, inde7peode of Sffit railed br vnte nf .Jtl--- Q.,k .1. ..eJMI' nowe.er nhtie it paralyzes jthe country at-laro,. myoienflies the hiulmude. of tr.defmS, and S T r"i rr t v- t?" : A fL Per'0l's '"ndebttdM Laiigcon irio' AVarcl, ,f , LontraSM4 "ftL '! "-nv,M"w"f g'oriouii . .yiigntacl.-llltir flnYe in FaycttjiMUayw m'yTeajeyToudjyJembnft narr.age concerted without hef confent, 7ed. ro make pay ment without delay. -Any deniands ry to the wghtswhich Ihe pretends to .w:l be djfcharired nnon abnlicrinn. :7lS ;l L p ....... rf5, . , , - . . 4 ywviiic, juij 10. 17 3 i C. D. HOWARD., fty' Having' 'purchaiea lli'l: (lock' of i j.'." LgjJ .... Langdon and-Ward, nropofe to carry oirl.ufi- I j VS'Jk nefs under the firm .f unty jxt x. mruv jr --vrrf-i,.fc-ri! t "ir'U 1 1 hev hn' Ioi, . (!::. -1 ii.ij ' i r .1. . r - - 4 ijftr f v. iu iuiii.il inc uuiiiiiiuiMite or u.e ia-r vour?: of thofe who TBfmerly dealt-Ith the ail flore, and of the public in general. . , 7iil IN ' -h Fajefteyillt, 'July to. R. ( DCHRAN T n n c r x t ? i 'i . - 4j J Jj II. ONUij A.lljol Aoguft rref:t; tviJublirai.a;on7a UlChmOrvl rnnrr.lu...r. .X- 'r ! !-. "t fo ni.tchrteras will payhe taxes due tl eve. tered in te name of John Fountain Alfo jc acres;-. atJ.nie time and place, and for the like put pole,, belonging to Jemima Yarboioucb. . " . ' , . 7 77 -; V JXJKN COLfiC SherifF, ' r Ktchniond County, Juti?20th,-. 4 ' 4' , .-- -V ? it0 ttrchafr'" mnrroTTrg.ovK 7:7 rV. Cli'V ,,nd firant'd toriifc conlkcntal line - ' ot Npuh-Orolimlor which ieweroof f He Wttr le e-T.ert - 'p7 :It7iH:Mi GrOUOlvOGG. tithvile, JufyVil'iVjqb1. 16

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