- I WrETTEriLLE :?utLisHEb jjvery SATURDAY by HODGE and BOYLAN. Vol. I. ' SAT J U R-D r AY jutV-3ov; i 796r Jfflbi br-g fytfijlt Jlor, arrived at B0JI011, from Br'JIol (ErijgqHdyvie havi tbt jiiliw 'mg iwf wtani txMiipiracy at I'aris. COUNCIL o riVc riuNL-itcD, May to. TTTTMr ITfrgnrniEtlireSfory informed the Coun vT(pIiiEovey ofTww confpiracy : , -.y Citizens Legiflatora,. A ; horrible, plot was 'intended to be executed to narrow t ty.ferrak; Its objefl' was to overturn the French conltitutioil - to murder rhe Iegiflative.4odyV all hmeniber oi the government, the officer compofing the ftafF ot the army of the interior, and the contributed autho "Titles at Paris. 1 bat great commune was to be de livered up to a geueral pillage and the molt horrid "inafllcriV. t". " The "executive direfloryTinformed of the place where the chiefs .of this terrible confpiracy were af- fcmblcd, and where ihey held theircommutee pt re of them have been taken upland it is with pain that we apprize you, that among them .was found one of our colleagues, citizen Drouet, taken in the vcrv atT ofcoolbiracy. ' " ; - . ' , The executive tiireclory calls upon you, citizens jegUJiUoritoiave-the-gosonelr-tor point purilie plan ot conduit it ouglit to, follow on this occafion. it you iudirejlianbeilirectory ouiilit tahut lealson Vroaef. s papers, u prays you to declare your in iciuiuu on wai pouii. (Signed) " CARNOT, Prefident Treilliard demanded tht the CuunciY-fhouid, -by a refoluiion, authorife the putting ol fels on Drou et's papers. .;,; -.r, ' - Defcrniont ohferved, that thi mode of procedure would be. too flow. Imperious circuniltaticcH cpm maud that this sneafure (Iiould he inllantly executed. He demanded, therefore, ,that the Council (hould pafs to the r4f tf .th-daMV,tliU.gi'nMni,r that4h mandate of arrell jullitied' in illelj the placing ot fcal'Ooi.h papera. Adojted.T7"'T ' " One of the lecf etaries then read another medage from the directory. V ' lyi- " H Cannot be difltnibled that the commune of Parts is the refort of att the imniorgl beings of the republic. A fwarm of dilmifltd funclionaries. and 6 difbandfd foldiers flock to it,, and the laws Ue I inlufh'cirntvto reach, iheroTJiA-dift&oi-y demands .f the legiflative bodyiHaw, enacjing thareyery - ex-conveiuionali(l, every difmifled fundionary every fojdier not employed, every, perlon convicted , of e-, inlgtation, and'e;'ery individual not born in France, unirls he be attached to the diplomatic body, (lull be obliged to quit I'aris in three ctay, and -.torwith-- draw.himlelf ten eagnaJ.tOJW-tlcnti on penalty of irliitpoftauon. TJie acii fed to be tried according , to the form prefcribed ly ihe law of the a?th Ger- ' tiimal. .- a .':..,-:--" The urgency was .decreed, and the plan put to v0te7. aru.le by article.!.. .; , before the-pafliriffwer-of foTtnightrs fecond con(birac has been formed hv terrorifni. not with' ftandingJts ex Hence has been obltinateiy denied oy tne. liait accorapiicci anu nircuiigwriini, n endeivotired.'"lo cbangejts complf jtion, in prevent iiajl)eingrecogn)zd,.'nd to thwart the efficaciou meafures h wS " 'necellarji ;lodpOj5a'n'iKl!! ile'atigable 1'ciiiipircev 7Crat praile is due to the direcloryl clear ftghted, not whhQanding the great er prt.of thofe hy whom it is farrounded feem to be paid to miflead its mcmbrrs, it has held out to public indignation, it has courageoully brought for,- ward to notice the mod. dangerous enemies of fiance thefe eternal enemies of the good citizens, thofe who are in a. permanent confpiracv acainlt every e- volt, gave ofders lor theirppreheniiou, Several Uabiiflted government, becatflefjiforder is their ele f- A commillion, compofed of "J'reilliard.-MathieuV - Camus,.Canihaceres, arid Madier, was, charged to prefcnt as fpeedily as poflible a plan of a relolution . on that head, ' . ... .. . : . Mitjt an hour's fufperoh.;'that is to fay, at five o'clock, the fitting began. ' ,.1" : Cam Vthfr reporter ofthe comtnidion, charged to examine the meffage of the diKclory. "declared tne urgency ot adopt in the propoftd mealurc, to KS '--.j- .- ft more aaringMhaDeyer'Wifcreants'-laid hef covered with blood and rapiheTcorifpire 1 together: J hey-wilh to feize again on ihe-victims w,ho have ef caped their rage T he accomplices of Roh(pierre declare themrelves in open war againll theconftitu tion and againlt the niagiftrates, who are'refolveil Jo maintain it. Let us halTen to put ourfelves in a Hate of defence.'. -The meflageof the direclory tliewti youall thextent of the dangei.: Let us fur "Jin Jt with the means of pf evemongahs explofion." .B,S now read a plap, tending to expel from'i'aU ,.Jiinn three dvs, and tW drive-at leall ten i"e j m fbenff' M th! ex eonventjonaiilU not ' TuC V mK iiivelled with pitMlc funttions all ihe publifc functionaries difmifled fince the otl . inermidnj-i all the generals or Wdiers-tlfiHiiflec1 or Hifbi.nded ; all thole to whom amneUies werr granted for the crimes of 4th Brumaire ; all iLofV who were . apprehended or in weeufatirn, or con- -.--fit mned, or whp owes their libelTyentlrely to that amnrlty B foreigners not. fet-tl'd in France prior " 1 fcyrand who are not attached to the minifters Paris i'and jimes have merit, pillage thejrthppe, maiiacre their means and tneir pictures.- ; - " We (ball now content oijrfelves wuhadding a few details, in addition to the particulars alteady given in the proceedings nf the council, rtlai'ute-to-tfie T." i- 1 w 1 ; 1. ... n :. 1 ocw coinpiracy uoiu wjutu.wf rc juu cxuic4icu Its aim was to overthrow the eonftitution of 1795. 1 he conlpiraiors fpbkeof re -Ii'aibliffiing the stpar. thical citle of 1 79, but, they would foon hate done ,hat they have already twice fucceeded in doing. Their chrifhed conflitutibn voiiUfhave been placed among the ia.cred at chives, and we Ihould foqn have had lerond edit:on of revolutionary tyranny.. "1 he convention oulJ.ha've been "reef eafeii, and ihede puttea not re elected; would have taken 1 he-place of the new thirds In consequence, almoll all of the de' puties of the new third, the grrater pah of the leventy-t bi ee of thole out-lawt d. and all thofepf iheiOTherdepneFai probity, their energy, and their deteUatipn ojfj he anarchr.fts; ' together with the'membersof the diieitory, feral mmilters, and tne.commanaers ot-tne armed Torce. were to have been apprehended tins morning, and afterwards butchered. Teri meu were for this pur pole. 10 have proceeded to each of their houles; a part of the guencra had been brought ovei, and it 1'be ecutiv Oireaory to' the is laid that the conlpiratoi s had at their command '''8ML!',0.rla!.i?-I!lISi' ThfnyfieldwtetMayiFeak-thp bat riera.irere Tohave been lliut, the apprehcnfinns were ro take place, andthe tbclin fnunded. The plunder of all the boul'es was to have been,. permitted, on pretrxt. of fupp.lyui&tJjejaMrdUM ratots did oufbrethren in armsihe injiillice to think that the temptation ot' tl. is plunder would have at' tacbed them jo their-caiiie; ----- "The plot was denounced to the, direAery by fome of the ronfpirators themfelves, who appeared, to tr edible at the inon.ent of the approach lor its exe cution. The diredfory iinmedittely brought up the armed force, which furronnded the committee n re volt; at tne head ol this committee was Dtouet member of the Council of Five Hundred, lie had svith him fixty of the principal terrorifts when his houfe was furrounded., Several of his colleagues Hates, that lince his return from Aultria, tliev have heard him open)y fpeak of the plan of overthrowing the Conlfitutibn and the directory. Prior to his dc- deteat the plot which was ready t explode, and to I titionjn theorifons ofexmanyewaioiiejjtthe oilperle the rinn!ci,t-o r , i, i,uit -j4- s...j-. ---mzrj. -wvAIVT'-'nvlXTiai sillily, n i-uuic lice received aco,oco livres. of this money, which they have faithtully dcpoluerl in ihe office of police. Several proofs are eltablifhed thst theaiflallinsollbet X 0tt'4i.4,urUr, who ar apprehended, wereTVntoa lhatJju(ine&byaheonfpirtor.TticT killed hmr lor tuc purpoie ot getting into their hands coniioer. aoie-Hints-we-ipeeieiie tratrnDBul Turn, with which tnty were to pay their part uans. : i. , - A very nunieious force lias beenin foot in this capital lince )etteiday mornine; and cutis are tda- ced at the principal gate and round the tvO ccun ei'ls. T he titmoft t ranqu 1 ity; prevails in conle quence ol the vigilante ofthearmed force and polide. a nemonipiratoraana tneir partizins are conf ounded and abafhed. bcieral , 01 1 hem have fled Amonfr thefe are Vadier at'd Amar. .Enquires are making on all fides who were, and who were riot concerned : in the plot. 'I hole who three days aco pronounced , boldly agVinft the eonftitution of i70, and asbold ly in tatour ot tf.at of Ho, have now a real paffion iwi nit in 11, hiiu Luric iiic ircona onieriy. 11 enicaj fious (leps, however, are Cot taken to difmiftou'blic employments, tiie men who are a (candal to tbem. ihe anarchilts will, in the courfe of a fortnight," be as ; daring as ever, will deny tie exiftence of the confpki. racy, and will accule the directory ofhaving devi- -fe.. it 10 cut off the lad remains of the patriots; - r. -,T he interrogatories of the conlpirators are now taking. It is laid, that belides Lrouet, another de puty.known to have been a ereat friend of Marat, it -.triplicated lb the trials of tlje Septembei izera began Jutitcraay. it waanrorretrto lntcu tnem iront' the death which awaits them. - , " At Drouet'S houle was found a proclamation, in which the confpirators announced to the people the eonftitution of 179? ' To this paper was auuexed a icl, wuh the wpids" public lately." Three waggons filled with conlpirators have pro-, -eeededto' rfctnapr"-!""---- -; -r r Jitij U- Pari 1? tiill tranquil. Three hundred tbouiand copies of an addrets, defined by the con lpirators lor the departments and the. armies, have . been feized. "J he toll owing is the only paper which -Ijas as yet been officially given lo the public 011 the. ;ubjtft of ihe conlpiracy. 1 .; ;. . citizens of Paris yesrr ""Citizens, a terrible plot was to have exploded 'his night, or to morrrow morning at day break. A horde of robbers. "and allafTins hnd formed , the. plan of. auaflinating the legillafive body, all . the members of the government; theflafFof't.ie arrry"or" the inierior, and all the cunltituted bodies in Faris. 'he proclamation of 'be'cpnlpirators was to be the fig,nal of a general pillage in Pgris, as Wf ll of the houfes, as of the magazines and fhops.nd the raaf facre of a great pifmber of citizens was to take place at the fame time. ,- " But be com 'orted, good citizens , the govern ment watches ; it knowslhe ringleaders of the con- of tfie pevajro'r ailied powers now in, aU thofe conviitFAnf i".r.;v.,.;An ; aihK ""fl? n " defln'"e,y erafed"fidm the lids. Thofe who ; ?"gues, alter the time pointed outf fhsll be lentenc-:4- t0 tran05ort'o1! -the dirffthry bp'ngsft fn fame fine authorifed to retain thofe yvh'ofe pretence it may think neceflary for the public fetvice moittnnouBTiroiinravneers. un tne ailt ot way, lie played a very dUlinguimed part--hc: was more ef pecially defirdus, heTaid, 10revenge the death of Romme,Soubrany,Bouchotte,& other mountaineers executed lad year, for .having been implicated in the revon or yie 111 rrairiai. - , . Thebidory, and the papers which prove the con fpracy; wilt "without doubt be publiflied y the di rectory .Thirty-fivcof the principal confpirators tire apprehended. BaboeuT's inrerrogatory is particu larly itVtereOirtg.-We ate afliired-that' hiconief Jfions are very-import ant,--and well "calculated - to throw a light on tliis horrible p'.otv He was taken ill at the fniniller's huule, but waa recovered bv a glaTs of watcfr- Among tho collected ttie toJ lowing names tl iTribttne vf tht ftdpit ; Laignelet, ex-convention-.ilifl, who was apprehended laltyear as an accum plice of the infurreftion of ill Prairial ; Ricors, ex- cqnventipnalilico youBger in his million at Toulon, alfq apprehended oh the ... jft Prairial v ChaVlesek-eonventionalift, r .lotmeiiy impriloned in the Chateau of Ham ; , l)ar; thes, Bouchotte'sTeCretary rthe fecrp tary of Jofeph Lebpn i Germain, comuiiffioocr of the directory at Vrrfailles ; R oflignol, ex-general irTI-ei Vendee ; and Antonnelle, a Writer in ihe. Journals det-ihmma Li ires.- ..' -: ;-:';.. .' "Z- : V:mf hundrid thoufapd livres fpecie had been expended in maturing the confpiracy.:' We are af-. furtfd that the agents of tho rrefent minjlTeri ofpo- Ipiratots and their means. "Thff .(imnl nuMlritv nrhirh rK enfiv fii .... ..... I ....... - - ' , reftory give's to their plansjjljviihoyt doubt luf-l tice to prevent any. movement on their part, But, ; in every cafe, be tranquil, and purfue your ordinary avocations. Abandon the Btigand" to tbemfelyes j the government has taken certain tnealurs to defeat t he ir pi ot s . jg ntLto deluef u p them and the i t-pacl-tizatis Tonffiff WrlleWceof tlielFws, ' . (Signed ) - ; -; CARNOT, Prefident. a L ON DON, May 14. The French having ttipulated with the king of. Sardinia for the paflhge of , the Po at Valenza, en ables them to penetrate Info the Milanefe by-Pavia. 1 ortona, one ot the iortrtflcs in. Jtaly.jot wnicii the French troops are now in pellelTion, is the key, to the Milanete, which it is feaied, the'enemy have.,., t L. ' .L! . 1 1. .. . u , Tuy mis ume completely over run. ; fe appf ehcndecL, we have -mes Baddeuf, editpr-of An American houfe in the city has flopped pay- ment for a very large fum, in eoiifequence-of-Jpeu-lations in corn and rici from America, which have turned out unfavourable. i heir deficiency .is flated at I 50.0CO i.r-Tir.r7T'' ;?-;' - ftiey j 7. French papers Rate, that hdflilities had not, according to their laiefi advice, recommenced Qn, the Rhine, though the preparations for fucli an event -yr-tare?eidvm; wit.vgrntrftis'?ty.,' Off the. fou''" trary, a report prevails it Paris that the negncla-' ;tions for peace had been relumed between the m peror and the French Such an eyent is extremely probalile, for there hardly ft ems any other means , ; left to'him to f.ivehidnDiinions in Italy, which to him are ol much greater impcr,tancefia the Netherlands;- -TrTTT." Sailed the Dolly armed cttttrry of 8 gnnTrA.War-; ; fonj mafler, with the captain of I ai Virg'mle, Who is to be exchangedTor Sir Sydre.y Smith. The mailer of the American fhip Sallys arrived in'-" 1 A, St Vi? l. A- 'i t i I ?V-.i m it 1