" ' 7 :." iSSSKWiBBbaoiviM SATURDAY r HODGE and BOYLAN. voi. i. i z,:z S A T U R D A;JV August 20 1796; '; Numb. 22. i 1 : .... , i 1 . 1 l . M I . . , : 7 -. i . ? 1 'i - Further ..extratts fttyh French paerst ttei Fait ' American y Capt. Cladj frimjfe -"r f- -.T" .j 1 - .1 P S SENBAC H, MaV 1 We iwalt an opening clofe to the xountry ; it 5s ' faid that the Count tie Colloredo, on his return from Vienna on the 10th inlt. has brought difpatcbe of an important nature, which -may occafion a great - alteration in the political Jjiiem ot a lairs. After rhiaarrivaL at Mayence the .Arch.-P.uke Charles re Kt)aired,.tf Manheim, to hold a conference with the, Marfbal de Wurmfer. BeGdes which, orders were immediately given to form abatis's from Donnerf burg, by ihcpeaJrLisuXhe. ahcerjTat war, the commiuary department, the magazines and troops, which were found in the cirV de of ;Fjancbuiahav$ all received orders to join, On tne rear ffoqtraap? fromhei&ontters1 jalTci to AlchaflSfflboarg.,, Thefe troops having been made- ffrHblprt-af .war 'bjr:theTrcnchelii'incd.1ii the diltrid of Franconia, expecting they might ferve gain i the time fixed upon in the capitulation, be ing expired, they jsre now going to rejoin the army. -, Vaioua ideas' are conjeftured-tlt js thought tbe Im penal troops will abandon tht (icgo, ana retire. to tbe mountains near Neuwied, ',:: --' if PA R S. Sitting the loth of June. Meffiget from the directory were radi the firft announced that the king of Sardinia had notified the treaty concluded with the French republic! the Jesond gave details of a frfcfli Victory by the left wing of the hrmy of the Sanibre and the Meufe, oo tne rignt oanKsot tne Khine. l lie enemy atter the .SwofQrmerJeleatsrreirtrCTche - km. Kleber attacked them, od eained a brilliant vktory';' icoo Auftrians are ,ni.ade pxilftaa,an dards, and "very confiderable- magazines of . provi " "fions and forage. have been 'taken from tlie enemy The fame meti'age reports that Buonaparte at the head of the army or Italy,, continued the career of mitnumpha. - a - . j-"--On the 8th of May,, the French army was fepa ratea irora the' enemy by tUt river Mincio. The -grenadiers eroflTeJ that river, op to; theirs nkVin '- m ta the link iol titie'e'and Ne eocia non.T tliaii1- bis fervants, the Prefident Vice Prefident, Mehrffs -r Jay, Hamilton, Knos, " Wolcott and Pickering thanks to the majority In both houles of Congrels - cn7 let all the people fay : : . , - ; .-iy-rrr--p-.-' AM KM. ' .JC'ome now and let us reafontogether faith the tord.. -Ifaiah. ' (Cz.U.S.) N O T; I C E. Qr'riCiAl.,PAgEa. the tana due thereon, for the year I70(. fu -foM to belong to John rVtintain.-T8 poHpone on til tbe iii Sept. next. :r -r.: a--. : .; , - - : JOHN COL Sheriff.' f 4 greattnmiOut ft prfiuuers. .S lM;oute7ThU-uewf: isrdfficTaT. COUNCIL-? i ; ANCIENTS.": 't7''- StUmg.of the 2fi Piair:t. n ? M un- aPnrves the refojution of the Coun, il of Fjve Hundred : That the army' of the Sam bre and .Meufe has hot ceafed to dercrv e well of its . country. ? .--v-p-h-.u i, ,,;;. 1 ;0'CX Aures the councir'thaV therireoi$i ' J n a- ?xfeJ 6n thla day to awe'rhpt again their dellruthye plan, have been difcovrred, nnj prevent- ed trnm hutVI it. .: . v CI 1 " "illlclC , nrerpau iew.es into execw "Groffiterflhrfitimc&tiitle vfBirehetto Capture Z '?' fortrefi vf Pechiera apd ' of the fgazmih ej Head Quarters, Pefchieraj tjth Praifial, (June t.) 7tlztir.Bireftors;-;:"r7ii luZZ-S After the battle of Lody, Beaulieu eroded the pg lih and the Mihclo :Jie,iicline4-' -;bi-rIght-ttr:thV Lake of Garda ; his left on Mantua, and creeled batr teries on all the-anglet ot "thiline, in order -to"de--fend the patTage of tne Mincio..- . .. . Head-quarters .were eftablimed on the oth at Brefc1r.I"of dered the tnrt-orJdivirion, Kil- matne, t march with r,$o) cavalry and o batta lions of grenadiers to Defiiwauno, and General Ruj teauli a blf Mge fifht infantry- to Lalo. -My intention was to induce Beaulieu to believe that 1 wanted to torn -hit flank y the oppcr part of the lake to cut off fb roadof the Tyrol on the fide of Riva.,. I kept all the dmfioas of the arifiv in the rear, infomuch that my righf, with which I really' meancio attacx mm,, was owy one aay and a Halt a march frpm the enemV; I thtn placed. the army be hind the river Chenila, when it appeared to be on the def'enfive, whillt general kilmaine advanced to the polls of Pctlhera, and day had fdmc fltirmiflics with the advinced potts of the enemy, in one of which the Autlriah general, Lieptay, Was killed. 1 On .the toth the divifioti of general Angereau re lieved that of geheral Kilmiine, which retrogaded to Lonado, ana arrived that evening at CaliigTiona. General Maflena was then at mount Cbearor and ge neral Sr-rturirr at Montz. At a o'clock, 4. m. all tbe divifiens were in motion, direftine iheir march towards Horgherto, here I M detertnined io"c"rdfs j from this citv, the jMincio. 1 he. enemy -a ranguaro, conlutinjr ot 3 oi 4,coo infantry, and ot i,Soo horfe defended 4he approach ?of : -Borghett7.0UF'caalry,"h: a" flow trot, flenked and folWweA bv our carabineers and grenadiers,' charged thenwMlh much bravery," put the enemy's cavalry in diforder, and took from them a piece o: artilleryTbe enemy then crofled the bridge, demolifliing one of its arches, ' The light artilleiy immediately engaged - We were ea dea'vouring with much -difficulty to. mchd it under Tthe firiflwreoemyVbaUerieawhen aboutryo grenadiers', with general Gar;epne a grenadier -in heioht. as well aft cotirsee, .at their head, threw: ihettifelves t"islhe rief (the water being up to their ; chins) holdinglheir tnulkets over their liead'. -The-nemy believitig they faw the dreadful column that 7lw-ar-the:Aufeians"i Our fidvstnrril nnfVo or- tti. .1 -. - . . - --' r - "'v uiyuuiaiiis yi .AjCiaSIW.-, - nyr-i win not uieution tlie men who have diflin-' guifhed themfelves by theif bravery- to do tins is would be neccllary to.name every grenadier and ca rabineer .pf die van goartl-heyfV-'laiii at deathJliey are tJOWtll iifcid tolnieet whitlrhey defpifer nothing ;" equals their courage' unlcfs k is the gaiety with which they undergo te peated forced marches -Tbey fihg alternate! j' their country and the God of Jove. You would natural-Jyfujreatajrm bridge was-mended with erfe; our ei tnadiers iny (lantly pafTedthe Mincio. and poflefled theiafelvea of Valeggio, tbe head-quarters or JUeaulieu, who had juft. leit it. - however, the- enmy-41apgeredr and; partly roamed were drawn t Bp, in order of battle, between Valeeffio and Villa H ranca, but we took Jball be rcfpeWd, Let the people not be unealy ; the mod fevere difciplitie (hall be maintained ; and all that, Jball be furniflied. to the army,' -lhall be (Iriftlv paid in (pecie. The general in chief requefls the officers of the republic, the tnagiflrates and the priefis, . to make known his Sentiment, to the peo- i rajlyi and their batteries were encrealed and moved pl hat 'mutual confidence may cement the friend f towards JUT.'-- t his was exactly wnat i.wiined. LiXijnw-w-Btc.-Baio-ien-nTiiTcq iiic iwo uauous pHE lands advertitntialehy poWicnctlolirt'ood care not to follow them.' They appeared to had much add to contain tlie impatience, or rather . ,-r pf thj.MBILSi'njkhe MEDSE..'."F P 'r J; Zey battle Uthe RHINE. ."r:v txtraa of a letter . frompGeneral Idurdan to the , jf.xecutve Uirecory. - Heai-i mairteffT- Rl ti e sih -Pm-ial L- Tune T.4 Zj"J hav thehohouro'f 'iidTe'ft&a'OT'oi'- Ge Jieral Kl-K.r rtrt .:ti..t3:?!ii i.j--s , - w m r . u v l ttj villi-- uii ...mi i a -ir iti ir w the forV Of the erenadiersf I : In the mean time EeniAneertau crofled the Min lowing the banks of this river, and cot off- the pan fes of the Tyrol from the enrtnyi 'Beaulieo and the wrecks of hifarmyi' would then! have been com' ptetely furrounded without a poflibility of retreat- ing. . Th'order to prevent the enemy frpm feeing the movement of General Angerean, 1 can fed tbem to be vigordufly cannonaded from Valeggio j but heV ine liiftrncted by their patrole,',of eeneral Anee- reau's, march,' the enemy filed towards" the road'of Caltelnuova. A reinforcement or cavalry . joined tbem at the fame time, and enabled them to protect their retreat." Our cavalry,jtommndcd by.geBeraJ-1 jwiirarf oiOTiWonaera. ' i ni generat' niniieir oiien Caged feerat of our fiffht infantry, whom the ene- my weife dbou t making prifbners-i-The hjef of bri- 1-7. j t ..f ? ',t. i!i -f-. i: gaae or tne-iom regimen- or igniimaniryj jjai equally diflihguifaedrhlmfeif. : General Aqgereku arrived at Pefchiera found the place evacuated, by the enemy. 'leafufi that this: rfeiaWontinuTd -'h1?loch lona the rieht bank of the RMAe. and that the e. iinemx4j:ken completeJdeafed. at Alt erkjrlceny j the j6th inft. (June 4. JT ?0o6 prifoners, 4 Aan. oardsi 13 pieces orcannnn?' (v'l-rnr Wa(rnn-ai1an. ; t"i'f .warlika Bores and enli.sihtfciitofc On the 1 ath at break 6f day,' we marched to.Ri- yolf j' bot the enemy : haAlready-croffi-d theAdi deo, and broken down almoft all the bridges The loft of the enemy, on this day is computed attoo ttJuenyooorfesjThHled atidTaken prifoners ch fAmone the latter is Prince de Cootlo lieut. general .of the armies of the king bfiNaples,' andjcomraan; 'ijerlfl'thcrdflhf Neapolitan-cavalry.' . Wt have alfo taken five pieces of cannon, two twelve and three fix ponndprsi and frven Of; eight covered wg. gonsr 4oadd'with-nlitary. ftorea. We -found tnai' gazintfi at Cafteluuova, of which a part was already "..fire-Ceaer had a norfe wounded under him. -7 . . their reft, they would at leaf! feek to enjoy fome re- poie out no, they amufe yiemfelves by furm'fing and planning the operations of the Hext dav, and fome of them often think very juflly. The' other day, whiltt feeing a half brigade filing offf a light -infantry -man-approached . me'and "faid,. " General we muft do fo and fo."-' Sir, cried I, wilt yon be filentf" and he inftautly difappeared. I have fmce endeavoured to find him (for what he hinted was ex actly .what I had ordered ) but I fought in vain. . , ( Signed) .-; BUONAPARTE. BuinaparTe, Central in Chief of the Army of Italy, to. . -; - - - the; Executive Direfiory. Head -Quarters Pefchiera, 14th Prairial, (June ill) C- Citizen Direclors, . ' , I fend you inclofed a copy of the manifelo I pubr lifhed on entering the Venetian territories. " The republic of : Venice had fuffered Pefchiera, which is a llrong pjace to be occupied by the Im'pe rialifta 1 but thanks to the victory of Borghetto we nave poueuionorj, ana 1 now write-rn ymi Gftieral Maflerra:iBcctipies wuHlirrdTvifioril Vero-" na 1 handfome and r?iyf.wheete bridges on the AdTges. " ; . ;. . LbignedJ . ' Z VZ BUONAPARTE. Buonaparte, General hi ChtrftffaarMytfhty, i the . RepubTu f Ve'nks. I .--Brelcia 16th Prairialf4tb-year. It is in order to deliver the fiheft part of Europe fronr-Uier-Troiriwayr.6f ft'riaf that: the Trench army has overcome the: htbHT .difficult obftacles viclery loined in hand with iur- lkej!M crowned itffons, -The -remains of the enemy S army has. retreated beyond the Mincio. F.he French arihypafliioniheierritories of Venice. ro'spiirlue them-bQt it will be remembered that friendfhip has long united the two Republics 1 ITgion, ; government,.: cultoms, and property,' alt i'VfailhfuLto the path of hpnoTiff as that of victory, -the French foldier is only terrible' to the enemici of his liberty, an4!of.Wkja8tiBttyi ''''' ,1"i";-tT':'-.""-r resigned) - .. . " BUONAPARTE The general of the dirifionT chief of the flaff. . (Signed) , . AlCT.-CBff TIMER"-;' The Contmffary of the Executive DtreClorf, near 'the -army of the Sambre and the Meufe, to , (he D'trjiffoey. ' ; Head-quarters, Raitifytn, toth Prairial, Jurie',, ' 't To announci andther battle is only delating a-'.-? Jiother victory ! -The brave Kleber has totally de,- ' feated near Altenkirken, the body of Auflrian troops which, meant tq flop his march : t pieces1 of n bdn, 4 pair of colours, and more than scoo prifon ers, are the tedimony of the triumph oi the left wifig of the army of the Sambre and Meufe. v Mairazines of 'provifioDs, forage and ammunition, , which ' was thought to be in fafety by the enemy', bate bITo been taken by him'.' He purfues tM'cobtte of hit faceefs, , and Js actually on the Labni Gett, Grenief hapaf- fed the Hhine, at Netfwied, and has ctFefted a jtttfc- tion' Wlth'Kleber. This reinfoteement enables hW, h to acl powerfully, and to cut in pieces the tardy fuc- cours, wuicn r nncc ymnn im iciil iu rr inciu- , TpZizit'?: j6'brdairT(nil ibiropefation hy two reinventsftavalryvhicb are -about crolfiag the V Rhine to join ' the corps o ti e Labn. Never was (' therea diyerfion more fcfeotifkally eoneeiyed and more vigorooQy, more ably executed,1 - Soon will the feat of war be ?otire,lylpn the right bank of the Rhine. ; .- .,17-.- Tb CommandttJhief ittior ward-ir -- minute account of the aftair of Altenkirken, and will fend yo h colour taken hem the, enemy. . v: . : 1 s. . - - 7- Tit-: ."i :fim , zmi t J1 zm mi jZ?Z--' ZZ Z;''jZ;;r ZZZZ' ;:; ;" : Z-Z t z ' v: ;; , " 1 'ZZZZZtZZ -.,v, . '''''-t..:..: y:-:iZzZZ- '''Z:ZZ. .7 vZ :Z:Z,Z ZZ VZ -. -; : 'Zy'Z ' Z ' "1 ' ' -v : ' : ;

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