PSX. Itftli fird reporrsf th arTuM-of J-etjia, -w 6nW tdODO&d boui 1000 rr.i; prifoners; w now find upwards of 3ooo; th.ho(Iamcnto Uarco alone, lolt mure man. poo "' Admiral LHincin's fyuadron uasiaUu tlie Argo. guns,. and Ut.i?e. of J 4 gun.- a v . -f n tn 4bie bxrcipr- the Alexander r rencb privateer of 10 SUB 6 BK??5 recflurcd r.-h Brazil man.. . .'-"T- .; " " """ " 7 Th M.m'inatinH of Drouet U carmagon oefore. the coiumiifion of feven. - Pari is not yet tranquil, 1 T -1. - f?t1 MtMrtnnliliT 1 me partizaua w hb uMifj i """T a foms,bape of carry mg tbeir.plan into effect. . Tbednke of Parma, aiarroea at tne rapiu pro KoUrnS. V on conditions'the moft ho-&7M Cant. M'Call V f Ere ceflat,i miliat A nurabrr of French troops, it appears, bare 'been detached from the army of the Rhine- Italy while the emigrant corps under t h Prince of Conde ha been augmented to -ffloo men, by the acceC iionif a co.niderable body of French deferters. - Abetter from Elfineur; of the t4ibinft. announces a declaration ot war by the Dey of Algiers, againft Denmark.. - rf rem Amfterdanydate a the totn mum, have been received iu rewni'tney Itatejr the molt acVive exertions tote making in the dock-yards of Amflwdam, Rotterdam, Helvoet, andthe Brill, to complete feveral hips of war building at thofe ports - AC aThe treaty with the king of Naples U already advanced. tOne of his agents U arrived Paris, to treat with the directory. Wbjtn the treaty concluded wttn the king of Sar dinia was fabinitted to the council of Five TIandred, fome of the members remarkedbat the terms'were too nYrrarlinsr for a conauered prince, who fubmit- ted rVthe terms impofed on hi .1, and who was cer tainly intitlcd to that refpeft winch ;is e rer due to misfortune. i'-.-f"' ' .: . : -V " ' . "- ' '" ' i Mr. f ox concludes an addrefi to the electors of WeftmlnBer , at follows: -" That t have oppofed a war . uniult In its principle and ruinous in Its-con- wquence, mat uae tnurafwinu ... - ... novations-, npoo the xonfth'oton, which tend to an nihilate tb fights, of the people t lhs have la. Kinrri in nrelcrve entire, the fecirkf which-we jromerly.iein5oyedjiiiler the law of treafon, as0a blifted by the SatwW r'oT iwnrd Ae third j that I rMeA the reoeal flie bill rf rights, in its maft ffiotial clautesJwill be natter :ef cootulatian t1ne7T tbe la;V moment Wrmy 4H . 4 . . a 4 i trirartean, tba; fiild in company wiih capt, M't :iHr took proteaion under the jgims of Leghorn, and ly crctltfdreybrrTW .... .! ,m men. nn Tftemetiinetfceweimea awecWWrlriWiU. ton to Leghorn, caiicq Ujc uuiiavui , v. . .v.v barh veflcis miiMhe gulp jiC apeMaUert.ipi. 'M0!t dettlmd jioty W fentf 5 expreftfo the. American eonfcH at Ugborn.; He wa cleared on the 18th, as alfo t be SwediOi brig. The tame eve.' ingeept MCall faUed, and on the ;otb bordr ed byjinotber French privateer's boat, with 20 men they broke dowiiihe bng bulk bertjs to et into tlte hold, broke openieveral packages of theargo, on pretence to look for papers, and did conGderaole j . M..r4 niaht thrv left the "brtk and Mid rv a mifivir miifi ucu uh tuui salliot -iber ty, from Algiers, bound toCarthagena s day before, (be tOOK tWO JMlgllin vcucis, "in- w other of v tns, loaded with wheat, ,bod to Londnn t the officer that came on beard, to)dapt. MCall, he American, prifoners were In roireraMe filtration, and expededte be treated worfe, If their ranfora and treaty-monejr, was not paid fey Navem- fail ot juaniiamer- lotiut hx'i4iing except carryinj; away the fere top m'llUWirp, tmable in myfituationof taking in tails, xs will more fully appear perprbteft. . T Mjjter J Jch'r l'tllj,f At-Iori. P, S, After being, dUniftcd by the iMIigsL'iJL bfi(red the Knfign, Union downwardTas a UgisaTct dOUela v-theJrigie.Mmediata,iired Crveral fcot si o to make us reverfe -tl-.p cpTours, but the wind breezing op fras tbe. fethward, they found their (hot of nocanfcqucncej iliey bsul'dlheir wind, and flood to.h wdlward after a fmall floop tiearjthe land and about 6 o'clock fame day, beard feveral cannon, fuppofed be flnop to be making from tbem, but at 7 faw tbe floop beave teo for them.' ... , JOHN MILLER. PHILAD LP HIA, Aotrafto.--- Lali evening the-Ihip General WaBjigton, capt, -Price, from Caciz, which place be left tbe 33d of June. On the a6th was brought to by Ihlp of 18 ' guns, which proved to be a Moorilh cruizer. They exanrlnrd the (hip. end after ..two hours detesrioo,.:. taking a few (mall articles, and compelling cape Price to fign declaration of bavipgreceivedno fn-; jury, fq ered him to proceed. . His mate was on board IheWoofy where he faw rapt. Prentice, and the crew of tbe brig Emmeline, of Bofton, taken 14 1.. i Uukm it fail of Damumer- Idavs before. He was informed tfcat two 01 their cTiammenfarorajn Libertv failed.' " r Y " T -T taken 4 Americn end BritiCh veffels; It appeared r.J.:- n-l.f. ."inaiarW from Philadelphia, was J..nLJ k.a Krenckixjat. and carried into Leo- recieved from the Frenchmen.. A reward ot 50 joes was offered for ererjr American veffel brought intoLeogaoe. The Iacbel was boarded both by Enelifli and FreiKb privateers, who examined and permuted her M That my efforts in this g orious caufe have, in . common with thofe of abler men, been incmrctnai. I moft 6ncere1y lament) but I troft mv chsrafter (whatever it may be) wllFnQt fuffcr neither in your jodgment, or in that of poftcrity, on account of my name being fe'dotn, Xf ever, found among tbe w a io ritiet nf Parliament remarkable for having added more to tbe burthens', attd taken away more from the tiehts of the fnbiec'than env Farliaent re- Eatrad tJim letter from Bourdeaaz, May 9th. A r,ntn nf a Brivatccr Jiamed the" Adventure, Urrived from Cayenne, ielaes tlie following circiim- Itance: The negroes or, tnecuy ana country ki up by fome wrerches, bad agreed to murder, nearly all the whites on Friday s the day was not however deHnitely fised, but miht be pottpooed e delayed according to eircumflanoea. Thofe of the ky were to make tbemfelves mafter of the fort, n4 M(orm the others f that event, by firing thirteen cawne. r The privateer Adventure, arrived jst Cayenne the Wedocfday Wor, -and faluted the ftrt with eannonltheiort anfwerfd ii ;by Jifndjteplied with tt the wliole making the numbe r 1 3 , Tbe ne groes of the country deceived .by the 1 J cannon, which hey took for tte fignal agreed upon, ran in crowds to the city anned with alfforts of iron nieb CIs tbey could procore.4 They were however vigor roufly repulfed by the garjifbir, theinliabitamand; the crew of the privareer. The negro chiefsliave acknowiedeed the ploi p bat the white chiefs treat it 111 chimera, waitin a bencr opportunity. 1'hia happened in Ntr os latt. ' Ail F A X. TN. Sj 'fulyn., " ArrivcJ his nwju-ity's tfaip Doer, anold 44gnn Lid. and the fhD Marv, having onboarTthe re- f6th reainient. and about too Mav rooo negroes. Iro'nt lamaica, witb.two genrletnen - eommifEened to fuperintead the fettleroent of thofe PT a eeotiemaT w hc yj.n, -isij (iai Vli timvu imps nor anon which was faid -'fnrmSt.omlnw we learn, that the french fbi vwfiich arnved there; are blocked up by, a jTuperic Bririft fleetwSo were : alfo cruifing in a (imatio to be expefted. NoTnaterliTopeT taken place iu that quarter. . 13. O S :X'0 .N. i- Auguft 6. : Captl Ben'et, In 20 days Tf oxf ibence 6ys, the CM? raibs. at St. Lucia, with the FreiKbr &cv that had . ' -retreated to the mountain, on the capture of that if- land bj.tfie.fco&lHh, bad growp fq powerful by col Jeaine together, that they had driven the Englifh " into the nriticloal fort, and oblieed them to fend to bich iritk X Martinique, .for a, reinforcement of troops, ' j 3uaHy f-iledtfrQm.iUruniqae, the fame day s ,capt. Bennet;:V,y,., vt'."-' r "'.u.i..-. ; f -f -f- Yefterday two French Irigates font in faere five : Englilb tranfports taken off Port fcico, bound to . Ahe Mole: a(o four other 'tranfports arc taken and ifcntMnto Eort-de-Paix.. It appears that the Eng-'-. l,i(h nfft vrejwijrjng. tb attack fome part of this r.idapd j ifc is however,, impqflible fortbem togain , :-.nny: advantage inj ; ; 1' -v-vpi"'', ' : V' i " " ' ! .'''.'TV. '.' r rZit N E TO R KAuguft - - : :u Cat. ACCall. of the briffftwon oV.Caroodeler, "aifed from Leirhorju 0 he ath" Maf tail, and was 1. ' KntrAr-A -m Inftnn ta t he welrward at the Koad. bv v . 1 ..L- v!. :. -11. J i.,l.n-l. M.-.4.ib- r UIakIkx Mnrlimini: ithn were sillen :-.Vt-. -. - -l -v. f. Dl 1 . k .M Un Rni smtlmuii of 1" l fll UU.IV. M JWH1. 1 MORE BRITISH AMfTY to xapt. Price, that they took none nt lucn as were loaded with grain. ' """""" ::" J,A letter from New-Ybirlf djted yefterdayj r con- tains the fbllowing information, vie? " I have juft heard that the the French flilp Con corde .has been taken and fent to Halifax by the Thetis, captain Cochran who was Aot through the body arid is dangerotiOy Wounded." WST DtDIX JNTELUGENCE. By an arrival yefterday from Cape-Nichoja-Mole, wejrarn, thai t lie Quebec, and another frigate afr,. rived there the icth July. They (ailed from Bar badoes with five large tranfport (bips, with troops and military (lores, onder their convoy, bound t" tbe Mole i bet off Cape Francois they were chafed by three French 74 gun mips, and were obliged to , leave their convey to the French, who took them, all, end carried them into tbe Cape. The ficknefs at the Mole, exceeds verv ereatlv its ufual mortali ty i-lrom jo to $0 dying daily All expeftation of -tbe reduclion of the iflands is defpaired of. and even an attack from the brigand n apprehended both at tbe Mole and at Port-ao-Prince. The Brkifh rrtopt had evacuated Bompard, and returned into the Mole. Both tbe taking and holding this place, even for the flwrt thne they held it, was attended with greaC lols . to the Englilh. There wa no p'refling of Americans wbife our informant was at the Mole; but1 faw'frveral inftances of their treating tbeaa with much refpeft and civility. There is no fale - :4r American prodocc." .' - - . . Tbw Jrm tbejch'f ttlift hg tk, Jfy At 8 A. M. few two UiipT flaiiding to S. was boarded 1v one ot t hem, which proved to be the Britilh frigate TheiisCochran,xonimaflder, in com pany with the Prevoyante-theformer after exam ininir mv oaners. demanded tnv fluppina papers. when calling my people aft, they ordered them into tne ooit-Aeeping mem on ooara, wy rem. m uu for my mate; and alter keeping tbem half an hour, ther Cent him "oh board the fchoonef again, with orders for roe to go on board ; the frigate Hill keep hg y people, I made demand of hemt but was anfwered. that tberwere Br'itifli feamen t the capti peratidnTnadat"p6roer 40 pay ien weir wagespr gv( , I an order op. my merchant wjiichj refuting, be de . -. v.. iv.; ' I a. ' -j 1 .1... 1.. taincn mo one nwir.-.tncu.iniui.uivii m. mlui would take the veflcl into port to pay their wages I then rvquefted hinl to do fb, rather tfian leave me detlitute he then ordered two Soantarda into the boat, after my (eeing tbem I found One could Hot. Ipeak one word ot bnglub, ana tne otner couia foeak but verv little, end both very ill with ibme very affeaine diloreer, and not able toftandtbe decks ;. 1 then intormed. toe capt. ot tneir luoanon. and told him they would be ot 00 fervice to me 1 d info a coalition from which; it could not (nave promifed itfelf any particular advantage. $ucb i4be gratitude of tb'c great. ."trT" r1";-'-My 8. The fittings of tfie ffaVavUftKatTonaT Af- celismafterf s :- the other Taroet aire, Pteo. mafter 1 Jthe flrft plundered the veuel,"but mort pimicularly 2apaflengor on board 1 Wiey took all his trunks, bed and rwtl-cloaths, ami cam to. a coniweranie amount. be told me 1 fliould take them' or none ; be then ordered, me on board, with orders to the officer to take mv mate. & forme to do what I chofe with tbe veffel, leaving me wit hoot a Teaman on board tq work the veflel 1 rn)nejlrd him toake tbe veflcl paving five paftengera who were unacquainted with the fca,butbe refuted. calling Da id Patter tott, i Tcfidenc of Norfolk, and a Peter Benton, of faid piece, who Were then on board a cruifing, t o pay attention to what was, pafCng; and if I did not Uke- thetwo meij that were offered and pay the. people's wages, that be wquld fend tbe veuel into pon, and that I wa a damuM impertinent rafcaV ordered me on bpartfctafciqi my. mate and leaving me without one feman on board 1 After my going on board my veflel again! mde Uil with the aliut Gibb 'Mi-.-AVHiami!ertteir;ahd Mr. Clode Bene fo.Tind by tbeir afli(laice the veKel w as brooglit faft fefthim on the fhirt and wIiirt cl0Ev-la4 Mntothe-p9rVtre ma fembly, have been tor thrfe fome davs pall very ini portant. Several motions were made tendinis to ' augment the powers of the aOembly, and t'd regulate ? the mode of convoking it The bufinefs been been referred to a committee for examination. 1 Dircuf. . fions relative to the anning of the citizens, occafi oned a fittinff of feven hbiirs on the 6th inft. Tn prmiifs has-been decreed, 'there. ii in confrquence. aa liddrefs lo the Batavian nation, and letters to the omtituted autooritles upon the lame lubfect, t . : ; : mat t'. T he.Batavian National AUembly, ha een a long umonganpootwo importgnyief- Ions..-.: w-..: t .. - . ... 'in. iirt ... - - - Gon of I73f, arc in circulationthey are tolerabljr well executed, and are pot eaGly detefted, onleft nicely eximined;3Tdpi committed to the. jail of this town, baving been obferved paffingjeveral of tbe above detcHpnon. v Estrjll f sjftferfrem gentleman in Coriut, (Ire ' o Uad)ti lij irtiltr iti iBit towii,JtJed May $tf. 1796. This country is at prefent in an nnfertled ft ate, owing to the war with France s but there is a pro-, fpect that this fummer will' put an end to its Internal commotions. -In this neighbourhood we have had ) fome contentions (though it was niore particularly . confined to the county of Armaugh) between the-, Roman Catholics and Proteftants, whof afliime the ' title of Orange men and Defenders, who rob, plun der and deftroy eachothers p-operty hi the night time They have bad feveral fit Id and pitched bat- -ties, and. many livet have been loft, particularly a-mongtheCatholice-Tbis difagreeable bufinefs is not altogether at an end, though if is not carried on with fuch fury as it was fome months ago; --the Orange men only tntde their appearance one night . lit nr ttriiThhruirhiifuf- hut Old little uaiuaKC country lain fort of pol"5"1 "r ?rffC!'f aiut renuKtican Drinc'ples, 1 which are now forced broedAThe people !" il . , - v.t' j v . Kit- cav i p . . . z a . s j a ; Norfolk Xtr. lob RevesT of this blace. Mf. f ono- the twden of toe taxes wnicn nave . carb on the war. aodcomclain of feere and re- ttriaWmeafurea, aad God pnly.knows what hiay be the confeqoeace t eyefj cor-iniodity is st an ea- al

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