1 ' ft-." fits.; ute I - ii n Ax circling to official intelligence, which his x tcellenc Baron Stael, ambalfador From Sweden, has jalt received froxt Stockholm, the apprchenfions of rupture between Sweden andJUflirare-wlioUy. uwupaicu. i uoyv, cmzcn,you win iniert Tm roar paper, for the information of the merchants r. - f . s - - - i oi mis iown in particular, ana an tnat may be in rt8. The Indefatigable. -cantain Sir Edward Peilew, has captured and brought into Falmouth the F reach coTveue Let TroitCoufcurs, mounting ten guns and 70 men ; and tie La Blonde, -of -16 guns and 9 j -men, r...: s: - The Santa Margarita, capt. Martin, Las csptur- ed tne t rencn trigate 1 Dames, mounting ;r guns and 306 men.' , The Thames had 33 men Killed and -19 wounded t :the Ma rgaritta,-onljr two killed -and three twouo3ed . : : ...... 7:,,-'.-: - :' The Unicorn, capt. Williams, lias-captofed the -- . - ' - -: 1 . ;ore authority by iutWeuinou with the moc'erate pariy.4ov bytb-tuuiiel. ThO; iclblut ion byw hkh tne denunciation agaiiill Drou-t has been admitted, forms another triumph for that party, but the pro f eedjxagaia!l the eontpiratof fTeWtt arried on with treat flownefs. 1 1 v The gafctte contains the agreeable information, . Atbai his raatedy frigate Dyrad.of 36 tuns,l.ord I ... r 1 1 ' V. 1 . . ii :i 1.- ; n,zEzrQlJ . commaniicr, n iuu oruugiu inio mouatwberwyjiii Terpine, which (he captured on Monday lad, alter a ig 44 guiis, andbaB on board 337 men, 37 o( whom were killed and 1 3 wounded. The Unkorn lod not a,4nan, Capt. Mouiiton is oy birtb an American, and At wounded.' ." .;' - :':r-'. ! ' The.j0tya3,i:$aprV; French frigate La rVoferpinei mounting 43 guns and 58 men.--ilie r re ncti had go men killed and 45 woanded. 1e, Dryad bad only twq killed and k veowpunaeA - t ' ' I tom ltaly tbe accounts Rate, tbit deputies from the Pope hare opened a negotiation for fa arniiftice. General Buonaparte has required as the conditions 01 iiic aroiiuicc, lum iiienpouo oeiveocre, un has carried into Cork i'tveille teer, of fix runs, and 100 men i. aitd wkb her an Englifb brigfcer prize, retaken by rbe Trompeufc. Sir John Warren's fouadron, which was (poke with on Tucfday talt by the Hope logger, bas taken a French ctfmtte and two briff. " LlJiieriir vnartes naa ordered ttie fnnce tit Wirtcmberg, whofe corps was not ftrong enough to make any et fettaal reuftaaee againft the namerotn tfoop dcftin cd to attack hini, to abandoA the banks f die eig, and -fall back to Altenkircheni but tbcie orders Hot taviog beeo' executed with (ufficieet prompti J- r J -i ' - -r-Ln - . ' ototju and other raluawe uwe, ilfirpieare. rh- ri.r; Wh XrA-A .Uir . to J? :'! j : 1 -t - o i i iurnrnd no ' tne nrrnrh hut ih iais hi th jiit 1 ' -- - o mttlioos of livres. mail bcdcl . " republic. : The latter eanditions however will it is - fuppofed, be taoderatednt tb interceflloa of the court f Madrid. . , . " 7j jo. The king of Naples bas obtained an ar , millice. He engages to paramilitary tontribocion ' of 30 millions, and is to fend to Paris the duke de I Pignateir to conclude a peace with the directory V The Poy feoda two plenipotentiaries for the fame - -porpofe.."'.'-.'!";' Iit:i-'"i:,rffycr:''';-.v,".-' ' "I It is at Paris faid,, that npon the report of flie Vic tory gaiaed by; the left wjng of the French army at Altenkercben the Imperial army on the Freaeh flde : (i ,of the Rhine had. begun to repaGrtttat river. . New . fucceQTes of the army of the MeuG: are rumoured, but there are yet po official communications on the - fubjeit, -.-; .. .; : . :H ."J':-'--v ',.;'- ?; Jkm 3 1,4 There is every realon to believe the re - pott is true, of the French fquadr on, fo long detain ' ed in Cadiz, havingoined the Dutch fleet, delliued - for the EaCl-Indies. - I'. .,. , .. gjjj we, is from jo, to 7JS. per quarter of : g bulUe3, x Fine wheat, 78 10-844. per quarter. ; M F XV V ni? If Aiioiift t f. - u -1 iTranoailitv has been re'lored in the city of Am . (lerdam unce the arrival of a French garrif n there t although it confifts of only between t4 and 150 j faeai and the public authority has relumed Jit af cendancy. - Amllerdam in honour o t he vidoriet of the French in Ualy nt which the minifter Noel; the- reprelen tative JleveaOn, and .tbe bammaudant of the xity - stiSlled. fvEacb of them made a fpeechon the occa fioa before; the tree f jlibtrty, , A like fete wasali " given at Rotterdam . . 'i;.,;;' -'.(. i-k:. Fye;are aflj red that the Grand Jury at their fit tings lad week, ordered four bills againd perfons of fending atrainft the adl entitled " dn priotntth; bringing in ,and:J ' reaJutg tf infUfmut difeufst Mirth ftate ."aqi jt is hoped that the profecut ions will be ilrictly followed up and examples made of thofe w bo tlifrejird.fo repeatedly the dirertionS of the health ojficer, wbofo-vigilance forthe falety ot the ciy cannot avail if thole ottenqmg pars 'with unpu' nity. . ' :'.;;- Ji -i.ic.-'irtM-:-, I.J- i '-.jji-yJiON D O N, 'June 20.- - : We jefterday received , Paru. papers to the 14th inlL inclufive, which contain the particulars of the faction near ATtenkirchen, wherein general Kleber, : following up bis firtt fuccefs, baf made 3000 prifoo- rs, and taken four (land of colours, 13 pieces of can - ec,- fc-versl aramsnitisn esrfs,' a part vfthe Seid equipage of the Audrians, and a conGderable quarts tity erf provuion and forage. ;i. As in tbote papers na TBCBrioy Ii'mjade of ihrsirinica. in the Hundfruck, we sttuflt fuppofe-lhat no important event has taketi place jn that quarter, and that the vague report of a vjciorj obtained by the Auflrians, which was fpr?ad laft Saturday, is without foundation,; . .. ; -- "pt the fide of , Italy j the only remarkable vent is .twj aryUceffirantefj. o, he. king Of Naples 00 condition thite t .hall pay a military contribution ofjo millions, an, event whivb will much weaken ficanlieiiV army ,-;oai account of "the Neapolitan troops being obliged td withdraw! ;:This srmiftice is however, not yet ofiicftlly anpoonced.' - . . . i& the interior the Ctiouans continue to lay down their arms, and the Terrorid are kept in awe ly the executive government, which is daily gaining (harp action of ivtffibutes; La Proferplne tV a f iate well known td feveral of our olficera,. This frigate, from her fuperiority of failing, has tcized our thips. At the commence meiir'bf the war, (he kept five days lull without gun (hot of the Hannibal and Heaor.'of 74 guns each, under the orders of captain now Admiral 1 Colpovs. Slie had a brufc'with the Venus fitgate lbme time jthen)ott Impregnable" fortreHes in Europe aiter ana got on. 11 ine nas tne lame commatioer he is an officer of great abilities. XhCTr'poJloo-Cofjaurtlptain WtfDiilXhe..iiige.will certainly be long and murderous. rrencli 1ng prrva. . 3d MeUidor (June 23, ) r 1 fiafm of victory is ftiHofigft our troops! this ir.ultU pl'esiiii limnlred 4otd -thtlr-ftrengthshd y r aifry promiled prodigies of fut cefs, --- - - ? -s Thelampus de l.et'ag, denounced as the chief of Tbecounter-f evolutionary niovtments whicTjluVraT"" gitatcd ui&ny parts of the South has been judged at nyignon, mo uioi ouinc aiit-r rairiai. The general quartets ol" the army of the Samlre and Meul'c is at priefent at Neuw jcdi it Lai beca mpyeOgltjlsj Rhine with his armv in four hi 00 u- columns : The fortrefs ot threnbrieiliciu is lurtouudcd, but at a diftance, and out of the reach ol cannon. - Tfce ' Aufirians have fome troops encamped uiiderthe can non of the place. : The ganifion is about 3,too mem (trong : it is cotnpofed ot the regiment of Kianlretlni, and of fome detachments of cbafleuraj with iom troops of f beEmpire. lirenbret tneMiiommpregnabie tortreues in iurope: it is 1 - hewn out of rock t its fortifications are cannon and bomb proof, rifing to a peak of prodigious height. ftrians on this occafion, is by ho means fo conlidera blc a was dated id the Paru papers. .. . . We have feea letters from Italy, addrcflcd to a gentleman, ttt town, ! the ftrft diftinciion, which at tribute alt the difalters that have befallen tht coon try to the mifcondgft of the SardiniaDS. c.Tbe inva Eon otthe French was a difperate attempt rendered neceflary bythe utmod vant ot provilionaandali other articles which prevailed in their army.f If the Picdmontefe ha"d done their duty in the battle of Cheralco, Buonaparte would have been obliged to retreat having no more than two days provitions. This general was; himtelf greatly adooilhed at the prompt docility of the king of Sardinia in fubmiiting to all the conditions dictated bf the French, who wMrbve-wteh1owrerec5eirreteiiiton .uiik..ww(ii wan ..luiiucu un . it using uub., 4 i nus, w mat untoriiln?te country, ibe weaknc-U ot a fovereien. comtnunicated to his trooDS. has oro ducrd the mod unfortunate and extraordinaryevenr in tuts ddallrous war - ,. ;x: " 'The' lofe of the enemy is very conGderable in killed and 'wounded ; 1 reckon the number-ho tetr':' oyMonessJo extraordinary care taken by cant. Tones to urocure , ' . . ... .. ..... . J. . i ' . r ., . .. ij j prcvcnita ui ironi waKinz a Rirai pumuii. u. P IIILADELPHI A? Augua 18. Vefterdav1 irrrived here the brie Ruby, captain the lated papers from Pari, we are provided with tne Monitcur and L tclair to the 33d ot June the following are tranl1ations ' 1 ' . BRUSSELS Juneiov - . r ' " i- n 1 - - On the t9thAef-rMay-theie was a gland (etcarl The wholetBl the army commanded' by gen. Jour aan, nas quittecLjhe rlundlruck to pals the Rhinr, and tarry the theatre of . war to the right bank pi the river. , It is on this account that the archkukt Charles has 'removed his army to cover Frankfort,' There are no Auttrian troops to'cover Mayence pn this fide jthe French have "Only left fome fniall pods on the point, that they might carry all their forces to the right ban. The. army of Jourdan is en. camped on this flde 0? the Labn, and that of the u (trians is on" the other. J In, this (late of things, it cannot be long before we hear of a general battle. All appearances arc in favour of the French army. Every day- is- marked by petty combats, the advan tage of which Is fonietimes on the one fide' and fome Tinieson the other. General Bournonville. accompanied by mod of the 15ceTs ;of his etat major, hasten for Ibmeys; pad at DufleldorfF, one part of. the army which fee; commanded in the Uqited Provinces, is on its march from the frontiers of Holland to take a poStion in the neighbourhood of Cleves, ZurcbReinbers and ;Meurs., This army, will join the left wing ot the army of the Sambre and Meufe, and will concert its operations, with it. Thia movement proves that there is no longer doubt with refpeel; to the ihteh tioos of the king of Pruflia. . " R I S. tune 21. . " The report of Peace fo oeneraUy fpread, and even' mentioned in tne council itlelt, nave all ot a ludden ceaied. Were they . without foundation ? We think they were notj we perpd in believing that tfere ban been quedion of armidlce tor teveral days pad in agitation that a courier came toalkit in the oame Jut the-Emoeror i that the direflorv has deliberated upon it t but tht they will not Men to any pre liminary coouttions.except Mayence and Manheun, ibe keys of.Gerroaoy are eiven into. their hawL left the definitive negocjations jhould not be agreea ble to their withes. Whatever were the conditions v- emanded of the Emperor,: wc were perfuaded he Avill not fail to repeat of having refuted them. , The reafon of it is fimple his army is difpirited j every I day announces bioi a frc(h misfortunev The cntbu The la(L military events otuthe Rhine have cot been fo fucceUful and happy as thofe which preced- - J ed them, at lead the fuccels has been divided, as the -following pieces, which arc official, ill lhew. - ARMY oe the RHINE and MOSELLE. " .it Head-Quarters, etdadt, 37th PrakiaL,- , . " By my letter on the ajth of thiitnoitb, I made , Vnowa to you my intension of attacking gen. Wurmler, between Erankenhal and the Rehut 1 bia front was covered -by afwampy canal, and his left by.tbe Rebach. The enemy had augmented the . force of this excellent pofitiou bv brriades all along .7" 300 fathoms. "The bravery of the army and the good conduct of the chiefs and the general otlicers vanquifbed. in a fliort, time, all ttiele nearly infurmountable obit?' -cles, The troops tip ro ihfcarnvpits in water, and under the (harped Ore oferiillery jpdjnujquetryv-i charged the eneuiy with the greatefl courage, and -. carried all thevrk8 which defended thefc inunda tions. All who re not Tilled in the entrench ments, were taken inthegreated difotder. :- -' , 4,TIe numerous cavalry of the enemy did not prevent Our infantry from pur filing them though the luimenPe plaiit which feparated us from Man- . heim, abd We were obligtd io conitrud a bomber of bridges-for the paflsne ot our cavalry, and to effeft therivihg--thentntyHnur- thrtrLtntreirchtd' camp. - : ' '''' '..'..' 14 The affair was a capital matrceuvre of cavalry and liffht artillery, and we dialed them troni noli-. lioB-lO-. polition, until ,;weVtme urider the fire ofzz (Vaunein. We have occupied in toe evening the polition whicu the enemy nad tott. prevent toners. ' Tlie centreof the army ..vnd.-V. the orders bf- general Drilaix; has attacked f hf Rehut atid ISeu- , liolenritol't -if)'-"'"" V"1 ' wiiftdimf kbit, feritadt and Muttedadt. 1 brie ottacks werr di reftedb E'neTllrlmaSandBeaiitiy. Thej-left ; wing under the orders of general S. Cyr. has attack , ed Holizhot, and would attack r rankent hat it was ; directed by ibe general of disifion Duhem. j, . I caunoc pal's too great eutaaies on the bravery of the whole army ; and on the talents bf the thirfs who Jiave direc'ted.alftbrfeittack the grtft order and the..mod exsft"p"rectii(o allured their fuc- -cefsj which has met'vrtih no intlance ot the lead cheeky. The chief etat-majnr will give yru an ac- f iount of the number snd-date of the prllopers,.whf 8.:: it (hall be received at the head quarters. I edimate tliem at ito or 300 men". ' . . -i;'i(ff -(TTfr' 'l-' AW MY nf theAMlfraitd-therMEeSr;?" ' Head Quitters al Mo - What ! had the honour fo predict to you if ji come to pafi. ' The enemy ', after having drawn al ; mod the whole of their forces from the left bank of the Rhine to the right, the Archduke having aug , mented his army with fome- corps from - that ofi Wurmfer, was on the Lahn with much more confi--d-rable force than I could draw topetber, and pro fitting by this advantage, having it in his power t makeJiisjnoVement be has made bia way-to the Upper Lahtr, fo thae wheitl winitd have palled the van guard on the-7'h j f J2.nJLhe. Jide of IVcizIarwieneralr lf bvre, who ccti-mandtd it, was attacked by a great liody ol the army. This brave general did'not think it his' doty 10 retire without fighting engaged the enemy, and -a lerious combat entiled, of which 1 cannot as yet give yeu the .details The inpment I art inpof leffion of them tliey (hall be forwarded to you. The , enemy,' though four times the firength of that of reneral lefeVvre, has loll much more men than he. Our- louKlnay amount toV4rO ,enT ''e'" woUitded pr prifonerv-t The nuirfer otthe latter Imall and we InVe made a crrfi ferahle nnibe;; Fr pnrces of.-cannon bavefallen-intA the hands." f tne enemy, wbjeh they charged with incredible im lttuofity, bnuahich they could not have ftixrd but for their dilcharges of carlhotvj ' -, ;., . ,

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