O . ". . .. . r ..r . ijfc: White Hall Evening FoPk ... CAROLINE, thy form recalls - (As 9 thy'honoor'd fstncr'a walls, ..' Thv matron mother's look fcrene, And all this lov'd enchanting fcefie.T Thole happy days, too tweet to lalt, From me alas 1 toreyerpaft, . ... . When'my "young heart, then gay and free, Its early homage paid to thee. On the it firft fetrarda bJUf'd - ... And fin', with pure affection glow 'd. Ah I happy days of earlier youth, It II i 'V .. nil peace, an innocence ana irutni Swift fliw the blithlome hours away, -Unvex'd by care;, ferenc a4gay- Ul mil mail- m llg lirtl yili, Sine thnfi deatdavs. thl anrWi- hre-fk- Full mm. a ft-on v.riJ lif. Dittrels, misfortune; pain and ftrife,' : Has Caus'd this throbbing bread to pine, . Which once 1 little thought were mine! . When after all this time and pain, I ' WaU lAUalii WKM I Br latu cm.m. -By fond remembrance lure dutrell, r-?:c ii. . - j ii , Wild IUI3 HI EJC, BUU WCll U1J OTC4U, And bids me think, when tbefe 1 view. What t have loft, by lofing yoa ! . - JAY? W ItlH IKll.Kv fflllUI -.! MVMM - ' : A place in your affection claim, v Call me your friend, be what you will, But be my place exalted Silt, -: -'' -Remember I warnmietheyjutnT iiri. ; n l . - r - - ,t w no, in pan nays oi joy ana train, Firft oiFerM incenfe at your (hrine, - And fondly hop'd to call oa mine. ; a . - '' t ' . :i. 1 . r .' - - power, whole .eotiieni tie uaa to ouiaiii, oeiore ne dares publilh a book;' or expofe; a print for tale.. His houfe is not threatened with deltrufhon, becaufe his window exhibits what is indicative of, the prow- efa of bis. nation,; and i -of the difgrace of their ener mies t at anv rate, be is not threatened wrtlTTnur- dBr;or-ba-vj ftepp laws of. Me government M tne country. ANECDOTES. . There were in the late ; war, ad Jrjlbraan and WeUhmatu-who, in beGeaing a ciry. went into a tent tOftrinKt wnen, 4iLot mutter her nam was heaving up the 'picker a cannon ball flipt off bis bead, the Tack and all. " BfjafuJ,'' cried Paddy, " tbtbarU ftiltt 7 In the beginning of the late treaty-fever, an hon- tit ti-arted, blunt, carelels fellow was met by an did mad' who in a foletnn tone exclaimed. is it bofll- ble V and dill (baking bis grey locks, faid." they do lay oenerai wanrington is a EQineto fell his conn the was. " It Is'aTbontry of his own makinc -he hat "fuelled and nurfed, and tended and fattened it till rsub I am not alratd to trult him with it in any market antler beaven. dvvnvn iuii jii ilia pi ajrt I1U, L.HII u UJC11 the grand council the Parliament, aod grant they . -v. Avf iuj uviij ,uu ui iiruir U. T .M ri5i-li. su -C-ri S i iuc uciici f itiii iuic iv i mic prayer ui aij EOOil cliri(nan;M But I : don't T mean M that leTlAw, means (laid the panon) but pray they may hang to. ivciuu i as'--"1 irnnu vwiivwi u . liu iiiai.ci nd .. "-j '"L i!l3 i. l.L r l. !" : 1 - coru, rcuncu ttic vtucr, 10 it is out a uronz cora,; PETER PORCUPINE-Concluded. "The people plead the liberty of the nreft. In the ttillelt extent 01. the- word i the claim a rtrht to print and publilh iwhalevertheypleafe:they' i Rii-vnit wr x--'s-1 lii rmiinn .vntiir r r e ... and a t houiand other argomenta t hoy have alwavs ' ready it thelrfinger ends to oppofe to evef y kind f.-t J.t .' .'X'K.... IM I J .I L.I1 . a' vrhmems and the bed of men ; they revile all that Is 'good and all that is facred, and that too Tn lan- itii an the molt brntil and nhfrcni i anA if r li , ri " - ) ..jvt aiw accuiea -or inoecencv. or are caned on mr-nrnnf. ' what flu'; aJvailH-. rl- rakefhrltrr in fks!- . tuari. Jb Jiitrty :tf tk reH orKer i.i f .i . , I. ... . -iHiiMr'Hinwv urn. una munvi cuoueh to onnnlr theui, and js fo. happy asto do it with fuccefst if When 1 fi ft tSok uo the pen. 1 found a cood deal of diiliculty (as fhe public, will fee one of thefe days) to gecaccefs to the prcls at all : not becaufe the manufcripr I offerrd contained any thing libel-: ious or unmoral, out oceanic ii u Buauwu m l . . . - i r . I ! ' T what was luppot)d to be tne taue oi tne puouc m fact, the prcls.' was at the time, generally fpeaking as far as related to wha is ufuaTly termed politics ia the hands of a staring and corrupt faction, who, by deceiving forae, and iniimidating others, had blocked up every Menueioirue mtormatio publications were looked upon as fo many ads of f..L'ii! ' ii -Li. j.r.:: !..!. -J rcocuion againu .inn acipuii. cuuiuiuauuu, auu, therefore, every pofiible trick wu eflayed ,to difcre-, dit them and their author t all thefe tricks have, however, proved vain, 7 . ---My object. nd -my only object, In writing wa's to contribute my mire towards the fppport of a go yrnineni9ndersfhicttl enjoyed peace and plenty. I bis object I have purlued as eadily as myjlniall (hare of leifure would allow me, and thaftWve not laboured in rain, the prelent conduct of the demo cratia faction : mod amply -approves. Thejeut throat's letter which 1 w lay before tlie public, rtiowR tn what a (tare of rlrlrveratiort thev are driven. They at firftlma'dionie- pitiful attempts to anfweTT-e-rore me : tbole lunk out ot URht and were, forgotten tor ever. They then vomited' forth talumuics aeainft the author calumnies fo' totally void of all trutU and even probability, ihii even their own herd did hot believe a word they contained 1 Kext they pub lilhed ablafphemous book under my affirmed name; this failed alfo, and jthc city of New-York has wit nlTed tliiT jbametui defeat as Well as l'hUadelphia. At laft, fmarting all over with James Ihad given them, ad fearing a continuation, they have had re coiirfe to the poor fneaking trick of a threatening letter. A trick of rbbbers,' who have not coorage enough to venture their necks. I have often been con gratulated otimy triumph Aver this once towering,' but fallen and defpicable faction, and I now poffcls undeniable proof that the triumph is i complete. . It is iof vain that the cot-throat would perPiade us; that democrats dq not think my "miferable pro-dudiona-wohy-notkeihevery fcrawloJLUui RUN-AWAY front thefubferiberon tlietjtb Aug. ' living in Bobefon county, In lhe fork of Shoe htxlj a negro mart, about 25 ears old, named BlLLy -about 5 feet 7 inches highhard Jcj lured; ratbetof---A.yelkiw ojiplc-r!otlflS-8 fome fcarea on his back, and hjsjargejoes lorlgetjby halfaninth than any oftiisotTier toea-had on when he went away, a light Coloured caflimere veil, along brown cloth coat, with large5 covered bottoms, and pair of home-fpun trowferaJ i'uppoie he intends ior New- -hern or Norfolk. Any perfon who will fecure him id any jail ; of drfJier hhn to Daniel Ray in Fay ette- ville, will receive the above reward. - -Auguft 36. MURDOCH M'lNNEs, NOTICE ALL perfons indebted either by boifdj nrfte, or open account tdetne-iBfontf Hamil-- ton & Co,-or to Archibald- Hanvift'on ii t. at their ' (lores in Virginia or; North-Car6lina,: are requefled f to come to an immediate fettlemem, rjther by mak- ' ing payment for the fame, bonding their accounts, vr rtnewingilieir bondj, payable by reafontble in- ' Raiments Every indulgrnce will be granted - to . thole who may avail tBemfelyes ofythis nbtlce, and all kind of country produce will be received in dit ' c1iSgfcT5bTrgaiTohs7 priceac - counts; &erof tl)6fewh6liegrect "16" pay attention 1 thereto, wTill be put into the hands of ati atkorbey.1 1 i-t . i i.r-jt , --I?.- --!i; ' ..- X ' and wits commenced thereonv lndifcriniiDatelV. - The debtors to the befoanentioriecljfems at tEeif- their l)upid fecretary proves that they Jiave dreaded ttieny, ana tnat tney yet area a tn-nii- it tney ott pifemy ''Inirftrable proJluction" why not faugh at )rhem, as do at tl)eiri?Why. not. fuaer them AO rot . on the (hetf, like the'poluical pf'ogrefs of Bri-' tain.: or be kicked about thellreet,-. like X-Aurdra Threatening Mr. Oud den with the dedruclion of hM.nouie, uulets.lie-.courcr prevail on me to ceale liublilbing, is-curibiis 'enough in itfclf ; but it is much more curious when accompanied whh the ob lervation, that my publications are miferMe and un- ws'tht 'ifJiaiiceZ-- ----- - )fall the to old Inventions tKaf ever entered tHF brains of this bungling clan, the cut-throat 4ef fcio Mr. uli d en- is-the molt ridiculous. , ff.d t he fludied for years, they coiild-not have found out any thing that Would have pleafed me fo well. It will forever filence their clamours about the liberty of tne-preisrirwiir prove 10 the people mblt fully, -llI,-rt, f .rt.n I li.u.'fllu.ni.. tllilM-i-" . it,' " hiiii ,. 1.11a, ia, lhat thefe " pretended patriots,", thefe advocates for liberty and equality; would, if they had become matters"; have been a divan of cruel id lavage ty rants. That they kiiavv-B(.thirig of furfrty but the name, and that they make u(e of that name merely to have the toowejfjaoliMnglne thgjlliji prove to all the world, that they have long dread ed me, that they (till dread me, and that I difpife tbettU'.r---'-'-- --' -.ir-vf--. v ..... -- 1 fliall cnnclilde withjjua gneqn'vnf al df flarat'nn. U .- . 1 71 1 ' . . . -4 - toreTnTWateiounty, will be pleafed to apply td Mr. Doeald M'Keihen, merchant at KaTeioh ; at their (lore at. the Marihor elfewher to Mr, John M'Clellan, or , Mr. Archibald Tett. at Halifaxand' thole Indebted to the (lore in Nanlemond county in . Virginia, to IMefTi s. Thomas Hamilton & Co. at Nor folk, who are refnecVively empowered to grant pro per receipts and difcliarges for any .and all turns paifl them on account of the firms before-taid, to whom all perfons hiving demands againft thole firms 1 Will nreicnt tnem properly authenticated lor pay ment. JOHN HAMfLTON, J-MJ Id. 1 700. No 19 n o-T i-ce;- rP"HE partnerthip of the fubferibert uhder the .A -I firms ol H ATXOmWSl T. tt Ct. at Suffolk. EBENFTiAK STjTT, CO. at Frferlburg, Vir ginia, and ROBERT MNALDWNiJt LO': ayetteyilre North-Carolina, terminated on the 5illlflt.TlwTndebt onelled to adiuK their" accountt,and difcliarge (hi lame as fpeedily as poflible. -Tvleffrs. I. FatterflerJ IanjdV'ilJlsni.tjmer.artauilipri Watlon Stott, to collect the debt iid lettie the bu- ' finefs of the (lore at Suffolk. Tlsofe indebted to the -. (lore at Peterlburg, sill be pleakd. to mak pay ment toEbenezer itott, and thole at Kajetteville to ! Kobert-Jpnaldfon, Country produce will.bere ceived in pavment as ulual: claims apsinll the fill I concern wi e,inated. I belcHIedattW pljices where thi 3V3TSCJBrSTO the.'niildell of their ,erreffions are retorted -thev laiunir. inrcaicii incii . wiinvnciiiv -wnn im n i'n and vcb murder. Ther doctrine k, that the 'prttt t' is free for them, and them alone. This democratic '' liberty? of the prefs i juft fuch as is tnjoyed In that tree and happy countf y whole revolutionary career the; rieppfc; of this country are called upon to imi tate.'' ' ,.7?,u!;r-: '7 . . :' -' -; rAIdchi ia "been faid and fung about tbeTedi-. Walla' nf Mil, PlfT .J lli rltrn! :- 1! .vii win. v , , . . m.M i iui vii ,uc li- i -f - r - - y Jberty, ofhe prefs EnglandjbjuiJiaieiLt there arc fuch and (uch reftraints, and, therefore he birsttppGp9i defenes ptihimment, .JhB Lwsof tnij cootyji lay, that,tle preis isjfee, and we will .ki0ff. watjinyjdiiwa comparifons are continually S' ad'betwefl thjs country and England, in that ro eft ..but. if men are to fee murdered, or have their npiic.S(nprn rr ejer quug iiuf niucn tamea ot li hertv. AtL Is: time, to ceafe, civina it a place humid the advantages that tn United States enjoy over lhe " mother country,' as it is fome times called in dc- rtRcMVVIieif a iateibn-r if arrives InGfe-t-Britninl Beilobl rtne'wfitteri Uw there he Res t ow far he UpWnWtted to carry the ufe ofthe preft; a.d, fo long as Ii; keeps within the, bounds pVtfcribed,Lis Perlon and property is faf. There is uo (ubaVtern ifiarraa to the pall, 1 would not retract a (entence. nor a (ingle exprclHon of what I have wriiten:, if the tnolt bloody democrats had his foofupon niy bread and hia Ions knife at my throat t and that, for the future, I wijliusulnue topybli(h78nil epofe Jbr fale whatever I pieafe, and that I will pextr ceaie tp og pole, in fome way or other, the enemies otthe coun try in which 1 Jive, fo long as one 6f them (hall have the impudence to (hew his head. Hitherto I have given acids only, I wllowdrench them with vine gar mixed with gall. ; .:. . . . ' From the fn e Pre of , . , . . W 1L.UIA !VI WUitr3t,J . VJxiii!rxfv7K , To the OFFICERS and SOLDIERS WHO ferved in the army of the United States of America during tlie war with Great-Britain, the Subscriber offers his fervices--Such as may think' proper to commupkatow'uh; or call upon him, may be aflurecj bis beft exertions, (liall beniadc to be ccme ufchil t them, and on pioderate terms. He has already received many .applications from this ' use tu t elafs of citizens, and therefore has refolved . to dtvote a'pur't of his time to their benefit. . - His orrlc. is opened at Warrrhtnn for the pur pofe, wlere diligenitattention will be -given to all 'perfuns applying WILIa FALKENER. - Ui CotB IK TIMK, AHP 10 V Mat flf SEKTEP LEliNEZcR STOrT." "ugtrjl I I, 1796.' 20 . 8 .:. 1-HE fuhferiber takes this opportunity of inform- . f in the public thai he has recommenced bufnefs v at tayettevule, and will continue to fiipply liicb cuf tomers, either in the wholetale or retail fne.'as havje, in any tolerable degree, been punctual in their - -dealings 'with Robert Donaldfon &i Co. He bas i ' yet y confiderable (lock, Iwth of European and Weft India goods on hand; among other articles flok lela than twelve thoufand buftiels of fait; and s furtherT lupply of evefy ai title Is exptfled in the f allri-Mrr-1 lohn M'Auflan will continue to do bufineis at Wfl- . mingtoft, on his account. , ;-. . Augnft tjt, lvUBh-K.1 UPNtLDouNj "7'aS2-0'iC. Fayeticvirie, Auiiult i-70u. . f i'-f 1. Northern Mail will arrive at this Oicc, . ' X : every Monday and Friday by half after "one, p. M. aud depart every Sunday and - WedneWay. . inorningsrby eightThe Southern Mail wi'l ar rive" every Sunday arTdWednelday morning r half, after even anil depart every Monday and Friday' at .two, P' ji. The Wijnilngton Mail will arrive , every Saturday evening'at fix o'clock, and depart Monday at two, :rVMi rTThe' SalKbury MaTTwill ar rive every Saturday evening at li? o'clock, and de part every Sunday morning at eight. -Letters to be -lowarismuft ietdel an hour at lead before the departure of the mail by . which they are to be Tent. ,' . ' Hours. of attendance from one till two every Monday and Friday from feven tilt eight every Sunday and Wednefday-mornings andfruni fia to feven every Saturday evening; ' THE lands advertifed for fale by public' auttiofl, bn the at (I of Auguft,' in Richmoml county, for the-takes '" due tbereoo. fdr the year t7o;, ' totM" pofed to belfing tq' John Fountain J.is polponed iiti-l til tlui Jjd ept.next. - rV V ' - H v.-f' y'tjj;.' y - -pus cOLE.-'shci'iff;'' FajcUevilh AjguJI 30;,