m Vol, I. SAT U R D A Y, September i7,..i796. Numb. 26. 'TmmWlLLE .Published every SATURDAY by HODGE and BOYLAN, : PHILADELPHIA, Auguft 29. .. Teferday arrived- the Hoittburgh Packet , capt.Clay, by whom vie trffavoured with. LotJen papers to ing Intelligence. - . V',-: .-. V- PARIS, June.35. " Th E reports of peace, which wei e believed for . feveral-dy s,- and .which (faya & Eclair) we only .'repeated aftey ihe public voice, are attributed to the -HH-ri vai in ,Parii f air An(lrhinecreTary6rieg"ation " to Switzerland. We are alluredjiejame to prppgfe - $ri armillice FhUt the conditions, could not be agre (J on. This fecretary is returned. It is believed that there is not now any open negpciation hei 'France and Auftria, r V L- Adet, minifter plenipotentiary of the TRepublicto jibe United States of-AmerJbWdenTanded' a Cue c "celTor.. The Directory long fought for one. That ' cmbafty had been offered to fevera? citizens, who had retbfed It, and particularly to Marey. Circumftan es have .changed in America, and the anti-Englifh , part v having recovered their influence, Adet has ex . preyed a debre to retain hit fuuation, which the Di rectory has complied with. ' ; . - .r.. . L6KD-ON, June 20. ' In the attack made by the French upon the prince of Wirtemberg's corps, the Auftrian regiment of lordis was cut to pieces, and u Uonnel tree corps . fuffered. immenfcly, as did alfo Barco's huflars. '. A letter from Copenhagen, of the irth inftant, inform n, that the wcdifh fleet, compofed of 8 fhins of the line and frigates, and commanded by vice-admiral Nordenfkiofd, arrived 'there on the oth inftant, and Joined the Daaifh fanadron. The . combined fleet is, for the prefent month, to be under the orders ot the Damlh admiral de Kaas. We have lull received The additional Paris jour : ThefOrtreis loft only two meir during the block ade.. Large reinforcements are now on their march to the Rheinirao. to prevent the French crofting th I tttiine near-BactieracBr-ToPO Amman are auo polled at the Peterfberg, ppotite FJieiniels, ' . Marflial Count Wurmier has jull received the command of the army in Jtaly. The archduke Charles will be commander in chief of the two -armies of the Upper and Lower Rhine. JUNE JO pals of the 35th, to thole wbiebcania to hand in -- J W ninngr We Hop-tbe preur id" ton vey "fa the ' public the tol lowing letter from Buonaparte.7-7 Bumcptirte, getter at in -- - - V to at ttit Jirmf tn lttth. the . xecutive utreitort. ijcaJqnni ters jt TctkTcTnaT 1 ne intrant 1 neara tnai me campaign was o pened on the Rhine, I marched' a column to the Lske of Como, which ha taken and deftroyed the ftrt of Fiieiites. r" ; : n , ,-,!!Tbe Duke of Modeuajias given tooo fufees,wltb tajpnets, and eigfit piece of cannon 44 pounders, finpenpifccs 16 pounders, twelve 8 pounders, and tonriern 4 pounders. - " n " : J.lX'bllniwetial FiefstavrnE revolted-tneycom mitted every excefs.The 1 chieff3j-igacIeLalhef inarched.thither with t soc men; be burned the re bel's houfes, and made the chiefs of them prifoners Ho have been fhot. . . ' The fame-thing has taken place in the environs of unona. 1 cauieo ntteen enters to oe arrelted. jimgeu uy a muiiary commiiuon, ana mot. -. Siunedl ; ' ,f. BUONAPARTE, The Redacleur 0f the JJtlr has the follow inie ar- " NB. The French Journals of Paris, wbo am j!.. . . . . .. . . . wsngured every day by publilning: the ridiculous re latloni of the French .urnas.ojQ!ra!oth!s! 're at the devotion of the emierants. have announc ed an inconceivable defeat of the army of Italy, irt I r I A J " tin ... ( itvuiui. iv vuia uc noaive. vvnac is mnt ru Oiarkable in this news, is its abfblute fallehood. On the ad Of Tune; pen. Buonanarte artiiounccH from Verona, , that he was poflcfledof all the bridges tif yc oyuigcj 01s advanced tpiards were ten-leagues irom thence. No battle, hail taUen nUro' nn h The republican armv had advanced a I mod WiblawarimtbeilieTfidJlo Jrmj of the, bAMBRf. and MEUSE. jourdaR,-;oramandeHn2chieffi-earm 5smore and .Meuie, to the Executive Directory. -Head-quarters at Coblsntz, Tune 20. Gitiitni DirttUri. ? - .. " I have the honour to inform you. that that tart of the-armyhiclh was-to; retreat by: Nieuwied, paUcd the river the day before yetterday in the greateft order, and without lofing a fingle man. tlio' in the prefence of fix reeiments of ihe enemy's ca. valry, and of feveral battalions of infantry, fub- ported by twelve pieces of cannon. ; Tlie enemy en deavoured to deltroy the bridge by two rafts winch tney lodged againll it; ,tbe Jii ft,, without breaking it entirely, fo far deranged it, that it requited le vera! hours to rc-eSallifb it j, buj this was loon done by the zeal, activity, and talents, of fcjti?ert Tirlet, captain of artillery who commanded -the workmen on the bridge; the fecond raft was Hupped before it reached 4ne bridge, ? ' ' . ; While the.bria;e wasrepairiftg, the army re moved and took a piifition on the Suynliach j whence it refunded its inarch in the gieateft order; the re treat was covered by the caviilrv and two battalions of the 50th half brigade, wider the command of brijadier Arnaud. Tbefe two .battalions and the third regiment of light horle, led by colonel Grof jan jaiiiingurineo tnemteiyettiyrTneicooinasana precilion which they difplayed in their manauvfes, .yEf-tedjindetihe fire of the enemy's artllleryT At-leniTth, at eleven at mailt, that part "of the bndce ol Nieuwied. which extends over the right branch of the hhine, wasTeflored withoutac cident. - , : - : -,- nobody iinew their real deflinttion. At Nenftadt as, luppoted, yelterday morning he quarters wereojngroJLaEfceimsawn they Weix"dintctThg" their marcn to atrattwrg. trom lucu unanimity every thing is to be expected. . I have jult left the commander in chief, as he Was pafllng the Rhine. He will fend off an extraordi nary courier to night with farther-particulars Io this glorious expedition, "tr-iti Health and greeting. HASSMAN. Wr have at this time 53,000 mei) in Suabiai the army of tonde is expoltd to ihe greate(t danger, ana its retreat appears to re cut otr. . ", Oen KIrber, who was retreating on the Sieg, was ytfterday attacked in the poltr i'lkeradt, at, two in the ihor'nmg. The enemy's attack was la Iu4dni"tL'ay'eJ to rifk a: battle, than to continue bis retreatr -Tie therefore made the necefliry difpofitions," and marked agatnfl the atfailanrs; he even beat back the heads voi the enemy's firll columns, bur perceiving aconGdera y'0J'ceparticulfrly in cavalry advancing On his fwo flanks', he returned to his firltpofi t ion. and there : J . . f : ' niaHica Himietr, . v " The aftion ceafed at three In the afternoon.- The general was to r efunie his march in the night, to"" gain the lines of Duffeldorf, Durinn our retreat. feveral partial aclions took place, the particulars of wnicn 1 cannot lend you, as I nave not yet received them but our troops invariably difplayed both 'courage and fkill, and not a finglfi poll was forced, acth.7 P RAN K"P n t , t,,Wa V j 7 J ine trench armv nnW n r.r-i.vr wh'wfi Y,A 0 rapidly advanr,i r ri, I. Hlil more nrecinirntl. Mwiciaorr. 1 be who. comttrf m the neiah- boiirhood pf theLahn is now evacuated.. They eaVBtIieir patroles and advanced pofls in their places to conceal their retreat, and the greater part ot them are confidently made prifoners. -. ln, !'le aion of the 15 th near Wetzlar, "which nas had the molt important confequences, gen. Bon ,rd Wled. On the part of the Amlrians, "nt Scbafgotfch is dead of his wounds at Wetzlar, . brot her of gen. Letevre was (hot, and his body 0fF by the inhabitants of Wherdorf, ' amid mtrwer of balls, to be buried at Wherdorf, - On "ei9th the French evacuated Keuwied r a fallr was Mtif " tbcm from e fortrefsof fchrebbreitftein "uqy treateti fcD3efQreititlUottlH " Tcannot. "citizens direclors fufficicntlv nralfc the couragc,coolnefs,and perfeveradce of the tropps; who fGugbfof three da stid purfued their march in tne nigtitj neither Itragglers nor fugitives were to be feen ; never did the army appear to greater .i-aiub iiiau minus; rcircBi. f aim II11S is llie i'Te. J'!? i1 sonducl of both offievs and private. - v,,;, The general Officers nrit the bighefl commen dations; by their talents, their courage, and-the precifiort with which they executed my orders j they crmiLrmejLinc-coura Yelterday thefeaft of 'AgricdtturTwaTcelebrated atPari,A.. J-- . r,rr-"Ms " . Wela re a (Tared, that a t the inflieation of t he Che valier Azzara, envoy from the king of Spain, the duke ot Parma has been comer ifrd in the treaty of peace between Spam and France; Cohfcqoently 1 , jllnot inlilton the payment ol the contributions which remain unpaid.- " - It. is believed -that the, chevalier Azsara has aU." ready figned'the preliminaries of peace in tlie Pope's name. One of the molt curiousclaufes in this ta , , ty is that by which the-Holy Father undertakes to put a Hop to the Iciilm which exilts between .the churches of -France and'Kome. On the other hand the Ami des Loix affirms that our troops arerrtarch- '" ' ingto Home. " '. v ,. . The ilan of the campaign formed byfbe Auftri an) is Known. They were ta force a paflaae near Anfwiller and Tripftadt, take polleiTion.of the lines of Landau, and immediately attck.ihe army on v tne uniDc. 111m prajeci. was uucovcrca ana rrui trated. Landau has provifions for fix months. It is reperted thatoopo Atifttians. have been defeated ipLtia y jjojheirJKayja join uMl4u4n wave-r: fiu7i the fluices of MapigajLthat a revolt has - broken out at Turin, and that the king has been o bilged to take refuge with ihe French at Coni. Ve. . repeat thefereporis without vouching for their au tnenticity. -i-'; - ; "touNcnr or FIVE HUNDRED. June 28. The executive directory lent an anfwer to the mefFige, in which the council had afked fof.. an explanation ef a, decree, relative to th com pletion of the -ofljgcra of the navy. .'; . The (ljieclpry confuted the Charge of inaclivftyp by comparing the ftate of the navy at prefent wiib its llate fix months. ago, when it appeared that up warf s of So vedsls have been equipped, anil that 49 fbips or frigates and 1 50 corvettes are actually at Jea, or llationedtQ Ueland our coalts. A nieflaEe vras received from the f xecutive direc tory, conceived in nearly the following terms s . - " Citizens If gifl At or,. we have lift recerved a letter from gen. Joiirdan, informing us that the ar my of the Rhine and Mofelle paffed the Rhine on tbe 24th June. . .. .-. -, -, - - " The falfe attacks made, by grnWoreau contri buted not a little to facilitate this event, by draw. "Jtreatjw orcier. ... ; . . " ; . . . - 1 - . - - ' ter. iiim witb that confTilfiice which aver tfcdi rafter. " rlealthand refpeft, , - - JQURDAN. "ARMY or thp RHINE n.p-M0SELLE. Haujfman, covtttffary (j the government, to the Exeat- .S.Jic,reih.rji- . '' VvA",. 'StRASBURGH, Tilly jC " Your orders aje executed. The army paffed the Rhine this morning at two o'clockLT" Kehl is our own, with all its formidable batteries, Gene rals Defaix, Eeaupon, and Fernio are pnrfuing the enemy .with vigour.- The aftion flill continues. A great extent of territory arid a number of villages, are already ocebpted by our troops. - The cnemyjs quite (lupified by an attack as warm as it was uae"x- pefted- Trom five to fix hundred prifoners already I accounts farther (lat, that the column 'of . French takent with feveral cpITboTOtTfh.d pieces of cannon. "- j retiring fronv Nieuwied is cutoff, and muft either We. are mailers pf Fort Kehl, and theJrygeL -are rpfiibiribedr" . - " We. (hall publifh farther particulars in the of ficial journals." . . . . . . ' :.:.Z-',Z.. J The council decreed. on the motion Of Bp'tfiifr, that the Rhine and fofelle had not sealed to d?fervlr "g'ell of their country. .-..'- .' . r LONDON. Tulr a. r We yefterday received by exprefs Paris journals; S, SOth ulr.. inciuiive. tsy theie we learn, tnac Tht FrenctTvery unexpectedly crolied tbe Rhine at btrafjburgh pn the 5d ult. with a very cnniirieranie force,' and taking the .Auflrians by furprife'nvaile ' theOifflvea mafters of the ftrongfort of Kcbl, and after, making from! 6 -to 70 prifoners. extended -their deftruciive incurfious into the neighbpuring . luntry. J . - ' ' . - . .: .e Hambnrgh7tnau due yelterday arrived in town this morning, and brought an account of fop'e ' : farther" advantagri gained by. the victorious Auftri an Ver ibe? flying French. ' k- ' - Different accounts from Frankfort of the 2 it mention a fecond action to have been fought at Oke rotb on the apth, ihid)i the Frencji e re defear--'. ed vith the lofs of 100 nirn left dead on the fieldr"; 7cx prilpners and leveral pieces ot cannon, . ineie 1 It is not ndfTible to beftow fufficlent commenda tion oh the bravery of the army, .on the precifion, and particularly on the dlfrrtion with which the bwf9t:-been't?ni 30,000 men were in the environs of Strafburg, and furreniirr or be drowned in the Rhine. But it ap pears from gen. JourvUn'a jairerta the Rireftpryy tbat tjheyayefteeihej Tbe Frehcbrre retreatinewith 1 precipitation to - Duffeldorf, and the Aultrians are purfuiog thent tbi mm LP r -: " . 1 ' . - . . k