- ihtr.WiuTeqdiii rapidity. The former are aid to have loft no lots thin 43 pieces of artillery in their retreat. ...:.. j . , - . T 1" MrJPkt wentto the Bank onThurfday, where n "was clofieteS for two hour, with the director. His '. buGnefs, it is faid, was to ftate to them the urgent . or.ru r nn ml l,nir immediately . advanced " to dlfcharge a part of the arrears of the civil tilt, which have ot late become 10 enormouuy ti w, "'"it is aflehed tHate'CctfW3hm.exieM of his application. - : ot the feven millions and a half of the lalt loan, in army, who are about to bVpVt, w pofleSioO of jhe Among the pictures, buds and flatues whiclj 1 we Tire TO haVf from Rome; we have demanded the butts or'Wrreu'n employed Id collecTwg the ricl (polls of fcientiric ,taV'. -v . !tli r..'u. . P,. A plenipotentiary trom pomewui iuuu v - 41 . . : t" : -1 . rl . Vr tu rrVatv fit rtCaCC; r.s 10 lrFVZWk'RAU. which three payments had-Been made before the, bank took it W pawn, no lew a turn mmi fw,vv., lias been depofvted there till the month of Oaober, . v. tram thnr a8 ftiiDS of the line 13 or tnrm 10 P... . r-."lT""-V V '""u"'"" ,.IW facilitated.- -' -,. . .. 12 Of them pur to ira lmiiiriiiareiw-'-'-"""'!-- t .. .. ... . , rHacA tn turn over the crews of 4 1 thole (hips to batten tne tailing 01 iiK Kpnmwm The account, by the Hamburgh mail eft.mate the .. 'or j utr, ;n the moft r.xr h. Krfinrh: in the affair ot theicthult. at Uur towns, as oejorc auurcu ju, .... lr, r .u. hVxnrh iii the affair of the icth ult 'IHIO Ml 111' . - - m lillea anrl-nrarlv 1QOQ pnlonem -Utf W NHtS VI - i a I -but whetr this (latement Is compared with the letier of cbl.Craufurd, and the account of gen. Jouran, it will molt proWahly.be deemed an exaggeration of TeoefaA,-akho! it i obvious that their lots M very reinfor- Thi. Vrhih armv it is faid. will now i kir r tlie' North, under Bo'urnonviIleT hich was to rendezvous at DaQildorX and by this junction will coinpo'e a- body fo lorniidable as may probably hck the career of the Auttrians,ad coni- l pel them gino retreat in theirurn. ? The Sally of Boltonrfor orders loll her anchors and cables in the Downs, and is gone for . Ramfgate pier. " , A . '" . , , V;. ; Oo Mand.y an AmencanVelTcUook (ire at Ayles s Dock, New Crne,. Wappng, and burnt nearly to the water's edge ; but bythe timely aTiftance of the . firemen and engines, the flmes extended no farther. - fiy letters received from Jerfey,we learn, that gen.. Gordon, ' the commander in chief there having received intimation' that , a confiderable : Krencu force had beeTrolleded in the neighbour tood oLiit, ; JVlaWes and Granville, and which was , , : diny .increafmgl' and that art-tiie boats on the coaft , 'hadbeetp rffqiiifUton, was preparing againlt wbuhTTo1 fpeedily be made. From the London Gazette, ZDm (ii ITB5S rtBBTr fP . . ....1 J rL' h 7 .. wa..rtt this t!iv "been received from col. . Graham, dated at the head-qiarter of gen. Beau ilieoV CaglVano,Bar Rooredorunehe- itband , 14th, bv which it appears, fiat nothing material lad occurred in that quarter UnCe the 31U otMay. 7 " P A R I S, July 2. , Tranquility U reitoted toliaiscity-Plagfr has eeafed. It mull be allovved thatn is almolt a mirat Indians, is i 'proverbial r and it they are not fo n . -i ' . .- .1.- r iigntened'1Tiie-.ri!peanvif--;'irw"wp-(ion thru flittered Under the Dutch, and not Iroin any Viaiural defect of intellefli. The women, are .fiemelyJcleanlyndThDU fair complexion, yet tue aenctency i wen mupucu by filch elegance ' of perfont and infin(iating addrefs, 1 " ' IT1 Li frM r dam . i '. t tnai 11 is mipoMiBic out tv v-yj ,,i ...... ........ ... r-.,, - - - i. f,-,(., ernment were on the point of feeineftveniniis aeo, having Ucnhceo a ntue ioo ireeiy o ; uuiy it is 111 iuu uicjuiiT vuu, m - - (J,'il I I i . 1 .1. u:. I ..."Vn luim( e tUnCf vrrv men. whofe fe Aition. tain the infuments. Will people be convinced at length that there can be no adequate fecurity for property a great town like tms, ; the centre of aR the factious, and pf every fpeSes of feduiont ontilitt defence, at leaft in part, ihall be entrusted to Thofe who are mpft entrelled in fecur ing it againil all attack. " J ' -i-Jntj 4. The Ottoman ambaffador is arrived in France. He paflid thrdogh Chamberry on th? j tb of tone, and may be enpicted atJariljnafew days. Th rrainals of Bolopna and Ferrara.were made Drifonersj but Buonaparte, after he had Ihewn them . f . .1' . I ' - -' 1 T I .! I Lcttttfi am gen. Buonaparte ti the Executive Direfiv-j. KeaduartefrstrPinojaTahenfoT ' Prince Pignatelli, citizen Directors, is juft arriv ed at this place, with inftruitions from his court, - who has accepted the armillice. Atl order will be fent 'of' this day to the commander, in chief of the Neapolitan cavalry, to leave the Auftrian army -This plenipotentiary is to fct out for Paris to-mor-row, . BUONAPARTE. Central Buonaparte to the Executive; Diretlory. liVjinelofed- citizens Directors, a copy of the "armillice concluded with the Pope .. ""'.; i ' ' ' ' ; The legation of Bologna is one of the ncheft parts of the Papal territoriesyou cannot have ail idea of the hatred which prevails here againlt the domina . tion-of the Pope! . ...4 -v The citadel of Ancona gives us a command over the Adriatic gulph ; we have taken in the forts of Urbino, Ferrara and Bologna, nearly 300 pieces of braTs caiftton,,from 7 to 8oo furees, and a certain quantity of ammanitiOiand Ppj. Utter from the commifliries of the government -T7-wlthihe aftfly- it luly to The Direaory.- ,1- ; iJ t J W""' ' . " J J An armiftice- has jutl beenbn'cluded with the pZJi we have iwt nejAected to profit 'by.tbe alarms culprit,-" 'Ti. true me ; and one Thomas d.l Fope j we navcooi nrgicmu w y Jjl ...J I r,. fti . -. . . ; did vou lwel come, as Jrmj of the RHINE and MOSELLE, pie a6. Cititea Direftprs, ' t - " e "I gave you an account of the paflage of tne Rhme; Our army receives cpnfiderable reinforce ments both of infantry and cava rv pn tue rigm bank. " The biidge of boats, which leads to Kent, -ri. -Ainn vrhrrAav evening in which I Ur I c w a u vv. j"- ri . ahundredptifonerswere made, who arrived here jcipeclableJlaM of defence. jJ4iSMArt." TAf executive diretlorj to the commander in chief of the ' army tf the Xhine and Mof lle. ""The executive direftbry gives vou notice, citi- zeiteneral, that they have acceded to the demand of the SDanilu Beneral, aoiano, ana ins umww - 6- jt-- sTtS to the armrwbich yorcommnd,4WthlgeTTnf loundT . wanbu.dbTy 7 . ' I tireda trim to windward and made fall to the wed- . tt.ir tnilitarv knowledire. tvuinu . . - j - 0 , r , . As toon as they arrive, you will inform the ar-, my oTthe circumllance, who will doubtlefs be flat tered by this preference! and, lenfihle of, the horn age rendered to the French nation in the perfjns of iis defender will conhder it as a fubject for emula tion, which will Itimulate thent to frcfli efforU for fubduingthe eneiuiee of the Republic. " ;...T 1 ' ISLAND OF, CEYLON. C The fertility and beairy ot this land Is never fpoken of by the Indian-, but in terms of rapture they call it the Paradil'e o! the orld: and the tfnc lent s called it " Taimarrifin," that is, the gar den of pleafure. Its air, pure ai d falubrious, caufes perpetual cheerfulneft in the n'inds ot the people, wna are called Cmlati is, a Ipriglwly, aftive and in-, genious race of menj their pei Ions are well iliaped, and of engaging features, with complexions inctin ing to the olive and copper colours. IV graceful -rteViindorbaniry bhthetr-matmn-sriike alfother -SALFORI), Mayio. A perfon. lately a fefden't of Salidrd,a fewe- . ... 1 i -1 . . r i iv ri lip.vilv linon him. that he loon for . 1.:. .1 j, J t.'.mlViU in a found Offn. Not "oHg bad,;he lainjl'.ere be.1ore the Mack gentlemen plthe pit arrived, to relume tiifiroaiiyiaiK, tunc ...:i,.J ...7iV.iir nr fii In mimbei'V loon aereed to faften i lie peeping vifitant tn'tu- their baftet, andtoi ifoners 1 but buonaparte, arter nc nau mewn mem in ure u.i.6 "z-Z. zw-z.- Z:LL (hJUrnWlloiiie. on tl.ell' ua- Introduce him iutornfrW?roarregions t this Wai j0le.-favin2.JLea aod ttHeywr mafterwhat yflii' dhmi wtthyapnffilieirfy iBdJi4andejjiL the fubterraneous rekions. A figure of a black ugly boy 'was placed ty nis 11a ,e..lo watch himclottly when bertiourd which, when, he did, and opened his eves upon te object, produced an effect upon his mind; body and face.tha! emphatically de clared (for hev was fpeech)er with horror) he thought himfelf really among the damn'd, and that this lad was no more or . lets than one of the D 't Imps." As foon as he was fairly awake, thefweat running from hiSjbrow with horror; the lad ex claimedOh 1 what you're came at lad are you 1 Aye, aye, Dl fetch my Mealier, the eawed one, to jrob.".ji Acxordmgly the lad ran, and foon brought, not one, but four or fivrbld ones, T who i burll forth with horrid difloriant voices--' Oh 1 what he's here, i hef -Aye, ;, we've bcerf -efting him this long time paft ; Come,coiiiei confefs your fins direaiy, or elfe yoo go into a bed: cf Wriraftone in a moment' Here they produced a black bo ik, in whicn they pretended to regifler what he Ihould confefs. iAi foon as he cbiild tpeakv he' begg'd, for God's fake that they would have mercy on himf and he would ..11 n u:. (Fnrm ha thh' folemnlv declared, thev lri Hip UI.MIV.- m- -.i - - , J 1 were Very few. He then faid, that he had got drunk J with fome friertds In SaJtord, and ten aneep on 111s way honle: when he fuppofed that a cart had gone overWm'd kill'd himlAye,:aeaha.Lw? know verv well.1' rbar'd the daemons, " But your tins ! yonr" fins' "---Why " cries the trembling did r b old Mary ' garden of fome of her coj. lings.:. .iV-AViLut.. uya,i3CiMuuuane. tniti,'' What female connections have you had Hate' you o ruiiwd , anv weilthe i" "Ko l God ki'i reTlSEve'i-U': rue, I on Ko ; God km wa ; f : "') 'H wiili a vouiia woman, uu- wira iui iicu oui noua'.r. or 1 could have married her.rtu Who was flic i" cried the leading fiend : ', Her name was Peg- v'rHere hre -of 4helsk gemlriuen bm fl out into a roar of laughter bur the leading one, who put the queftion, w as chop fallen, ks bum It pegoy turned out to be no other than his own dear ly bctoved wife I I ir-lt is unneceffary to add, that the culprit was again bafketed, , and retlored to the light of Heaven, to the mutual latuladiou of btb -the Devil and the Damned. ; xtratof a letter from,capt. James Neill, of thq brig Mary Ann, dated Cadiz, July.! 3, 1796, to ; his owners in New-York, received by cajt, Kemp. " Thank God, i am herel Xor I had a very tortu nate efcape from two Algerines I fell in with, olF Cape Palos, coming down from Barcelona.", They endeavoured to board me, knowing well what I was by (hewing my colours, as alfo by (peaking a Spanifh fliip wbicb was at Salon along with me j-but luckily I was near the land, and got under one of the tow- ' mi ' 1 L O.-J ers and let eo my ancnor, woicn proiccicu me. Ward. 1 confidtred it would be imprudent and dan . . r 11 . r : : gerous immediately to touow mem, 10 1 uuiiuo the p.r t of Cart hagena, which detained me fix days. . " 1 (hall not be turprited to hear in a few days, of many of our veflelsbeing'c'apiored and carried info -Algiers there are feveral of them in ihe Mediter ranean, an'd our truce expiredTmthe 6th inll. and no hopes of its renewal, or any other favourable cir- tumftance takingplace. Tbre 1." great talk of war common; ing between Great-Britain and Spain (hoi t ly, which ! believe will ba the ca(e. All the Engiifli yefTels that are. In this port at prefent, are orderfd to Gibraltar, and they are to fail from hence to morrow, at all event. ' . Whm nnt: Kmn left CadTzt fcven French fliios .--.-.j-, , '.7-- ; of the line and three frigate la,y in that port. A- of the line, wtre lying there, making preparatinit ' fnr war.- wliirh lhr failv ey Defied. The Ennlifil ' " . f - j " J i - o v oitrthant fliips had been vdered bvTlie gwertiomf Oibraltar fo qnit Ladiz tney accoramgiy unca tor the port of. Gibraltar, under convoy $ an;EnglHh frigate rcaptainKemp them Adm. Richery was flill blockaded in the pore of t adit. Dull market for tiroduce ; flour to to 12 dollart, beet 18,-porK jo io:3t. his bid ne 1 eh -Anir hu .ionnrrure 'for home- t a very late (or rather early) hour in the evening having about three miles to walk; and very often Joung the ba- kn.atoer4rjhe.bad.i!Md fix days, has la ft hs teU nir the moum 01 a wt uu. fWMki . . , .L - , j - L ,c - ':t' r a - (ir tKa lrarlrn hand nf I nau a nine iruiu ms nuuin hvi v ' Dw . rm U11'lr n.rV f A ll tTIl ft ITtK. Wf It ftl that . Tefler-andfamilyrwaa -eaft-way-Hb4ftaw4-rf . r a a - 1 ,- . . Anticolti. The tate of nis lorainip is nonicniiqn. ed. " ": "" NORFOLK, Sept. 6. . ? York. Inlarma that the fliin Kliia. American proper ty from thelfle of May with a cargo of fait, lately captured within three " miles of the Opes, by the Britifli tricate the metis, ana imumngiv mpi uu . n . .. i 1 c . fr j.., . u. .n"mmri hv the r.ntain. und is now fate in J : 1 ' , , iNew,-1 orn. 1 nc imp 11 imm fore and main topmafts.and put into the Kook to et orhoft. rnt .UnfTfv of tl.e Eliza bad addrefs e. nough to perfuade the prize madet to let him go up to New-York in company to buy the foars, and re turned with 8'or'io of his brother Yankee captains -andcunveyed rria-owvr ttntfyyta .-theckyhiow-ifr--the fcliza, an- American vcBet, wa lawful pnze. iio -.-rfcTr-si r-7;it;wssi;TITTnllTtiite a claim, which UUUUL IMUl.- v.w-lli m.i " ... -B oor government it is (aid mull grant, by giving.up the vefiel again.- Was there ever; good God, a powerful nation as oiirs 1 Come hither, drangers. be allured ot liberty, .equality, ana ov .-...6- . .... ...rv! ; - : : ' 01 rrorection. . 'XT 17 tirTl V P XT AutTiift 91, Ex rati from tie Jog-took of tapt. Aim. Dugwd vh arrives n;re on i nurjqaj j . On the 3d of Augull, being in 1st. to,- long. 6f, at 8 o'clock in the morning Taw a fliip to the wind ward; bearing down my American colours id the fhroudsi at to (he came up and fired a (hot over nie, and without any apparent endeavour to prevent it on her part, and notwithdanding my urmoft exer tions to prevent immediately mover my lloop, floved in the broad fide, and left her on Ux beam ends. I foved mylelf with my crew by-elmging to, aiid climbing up the head and bows oUhe (hip, which proved to be the Britiflr frigate; I' AiiiWbJS, -Some fhort time after, the frigate's topM was thrown to the mail,- by which the way of the. "P being Uopped the floop righted. The commander of the fftgate then ordered me with my people on board the tloop to pump her out, Oie being near one third full, by being npietl and- after 1 had been ia thort fface'bf time aboard, be ordered me back with I,e flobp's papers 1 went according y, and having Examined my papers, he threw them dn in a paffion, faying io me t TouddiafiaU f 4 " ' 1 .''; : i 1 i. :.'.(-v ' i . -